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Steven Allan in uk at 19:50:36 Saturday February 12 2000 I have Been trying for Ages to create a program in basic for solid,textured,ray traced and wire frame 3D but I cant get it to work because of errors.a program to start with could help me. Amstrad answers: I'd suggest that BASIC is not the right medium for such programs (unless you own a Cray XMP?!?! :-) Why not try one of the shareware/PD ray tracing programs such as PovRay? Joaquim at 14:31:10 Saturday February 12 2000 How can I modify the DIP switches to make my monitor work? My monitor is printing lines that i can't understand. Can you help me ? Amstrad answers: Which monitor? And what do you mean by "printing lines" - isn't that what monitors are supposed to do??? John Hayward at 18:27:28 Thursday February 10 2000 Does anyone have an Naksha or Squick mnaufactured Atari/Amiga mice for sale?? I need a couple of them, will consider non working ones. John H Amstrad answers: And the relevance of this to Amstrad computers is....? JOHN at 19:33:33 Wednesday February 9 2000 I HAVE A AMSTRAD MEGA PC 386 SX.IT IS LOADED WITH WINDOWS 3.1,DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA HOW TO LOAD THE DRIVER FOR THE SOUND THROUGH WIN 3.1. I HAVE NO CLUE TO WHICH MAKE THE SOUND CARD IS.. THANKS Amstrad answers: I think you'll find that the sound card is just an "Adlib" compatible which means it wil only be useable for playing MIDI file but you won't be able to play WAV files through it (which is the main use for sound cards these days). As you can get a "proper" sound card for as little as £5 these days I'd suggest an upgrade. David in huh? at 14:3:51 Wednesday February 9 2000 Ah, also is it actually possible to format a HD 1.44Mb disk as 720k? I'm having hellish bother. Amstrad answers: FORMAT A: /F:720 should do it, David at 13:34:37 Wednesday February 9 2000 I've just found an old Amstrad 2086, has anyone tried running something like minix on one of these? Is it possible or should I stop downloading these image files now? Amstrad answers: On an 8MHz 8086 with just 640K RAM ?- I doubt it but that is a "cut down" OS so I suppose it might work. Brad in Leeds, England at 8:50:19 Wednesday February 9 2000 Hello, I've got a rare (as far as I know) machine called a Mega PC, which has a built in Sega Mega Drive card, and wondered if there were any drivers available for this card (I got the machine second hand from a friend). Amstrad answers: Do you mean graphics drivers for the VGA card inside the PC to install things like Windows/Linux? I'm not entirely sure which graphics adaptor is fitted to that PC but if you use a utility like MSInfo it will tell you and then you can visit the web site of the company concerned (cirrus, paradise/western digital, whoever..) Garry Smith at 10:32:24 Tuesday February 8 2000 Looking for a definition of the structure of the index files used to support keyed files in Locomotive Basic. Have just encountered "inconsistent data and index files" problems with a database I first set up years ago - I'm still running the Amstrad GEM on my current PC. Have also discovered that the records in the file are 2 bytes longer than I thought. Is an integer 4 bytes - as in the documentation - or 6? I don't see how my programs ever worked :-) Amstrad answers: Suggest you contact www.locomotive.com and see if you can get in touch with Richard Clayton who wrote that Basic. Anon at 1:13:53 Monday February 7 2000 What is the purpose of a zip drive Amstrad answers: It's just like a big floppy disk (about 100 times the capacity of a normal floppy). You can use them for all the things you use floppies for - backing up data, transferring files between PCs etc. Jack Gaughan in Tampa, Fl at 21:33:27 Sunday February 6 2000 What is the best way to backup my laptop. I was thinking on installing a read/write cd drive to use as a backup. I have a Toshiba 335cds laptop. Another way is an external device. Do you have any information on 1/2 inch R/W cd drives? Amstrad answers: Sorry but I'm not entirely sure what this has to do with Amstrad computers?!? Anyway for backing up any sort of PC either a tape device or a CD-R or CD-RW would be a good idea. Obviously, with a laptop, it is likely that such a device will have to be external. Another way is to fit an Ethernet adpator and link the machine to a network server and then copy the contents across to that or, if you have loads of time to spend you could even connect the laptop to another PC with a parallel/ serial cable and use something like Laplink to take a copy of the drive contents. alan in Luton (riviera of england) at 18:4:31 Saturday February 5 2000 After loading a system disk into a pc2386/65 and typing dir/w the monitor changes to white and only the bottom line is showing the cursor (sounds like a mode problem? Amstrad answers: Sounds more fundamental than that. Simply running the DOS DIR command should never actually "crash" a computer unless something is really fundamentally wrong like there's a fault with the hard drive or maybe the RAM has errors? Kerrigan in http://kerrigan.jm.nu at 12:26:24 Saturday February 5 2000 Heya. A friend asked me to look at her Amstrad 1512SD she recently got. It's got a HD, on an expansion slot, just that it wouldn't recognize it as being present! I have to get its BIOS to see it, just that I have no clue how! :).. ibmbio.com will just crash it. HELP! Please! Amstrad answers: You have fallen for the classic mistake of thinking that the 1512 is an AT type of computer (with settable drive types in the BIOS). It isn't it's an even older design based on the XT and, as such, the main BIOS is not involved in hard disk support as all XT type hard drives come with their own matched controller that has itsown on-board BIOS. Like you have found, it was common for the drive and controller to all be mounted on the same card known as a "hard card". Becuase of all this the hard drive should just always work as soon as it is plugged in with no need to set drive types or anything like that. The fact that your one doesn't just means it is plain faulty. Start by checking that the motor is spinning, if not it may be a power supply problem, if it is boot DOS and try running FDISK to see if the drive is recognised at the lowest level. If necessary re-FDISK and re-FORMAT it. BOB WHITE at 18:25:16 Thursday February 3 2000 WHAT IS POWMEN MEMORY AND IS GOOD OR POOR MEMORY Amstrad answers: Sorry but I've never heard of it, in what context have you found "powmen"? Is it the name of a company or a type of device? Shirley M. in Los Angeles, CA at 6:15:46 Tuesday February 1 2000 How do I get a new ribbon for my PCW-8256? Or, how do I re-ink the old ribbon? I'm desparate! Amstrad answers: See the PCW and printers pages on this site, I have some links to possibl suppliers. leslie welch in cornwall at 21:53:21 Monday January 31 2000 I wish to purchase an pentium amstrad integra computer working. or an integra not working damaged case or screen not a problem. Would travel up to 100 miles of truro. Amstrad answers: Hope you have some success John Hayward at 22:29:19 Sunday January 30 2000 cliff, if you are reading this, I now have some system disks for the Sinclair PC-200/Amstrad PC-20 if you have some software to generate images from my disks I will gladly forward them to you to put on your site, so they can be available to anyone. John H Amstrad answers: That'd be great. Can you email me with your email address and I'll send you a copy of FDCOPY that allows one to take an image of a floppy. Eric at 4:2:38 Saturday January 29 2000 Someone ask me to fix a cpc 464 the "audio" data tape will rewind and fastward, but will play and there is no text displayed on the monitor, which makes me think that one of the power rails is missing but the LED works on the keyboard & there is 5 volts on the IC's under the keypad at the moment I am at johnopm1@yahoo.com Amstrad answers: Sorry but you haven't really given enough description of exactly what is failing for me to offer too much help. In all likelihood, assuming you are following the correct operation procedure to start loading a tape it is probably a head alignment problem (so try adjusting the azimuth setting) or the motor/drive belt are faulty and the tape is not running at the correct speed. CE-SDA at 2:19:9 Saturday January 29 2000 I am writing a report for my electrical course. The title of the project is "Solenoid in the operation of cd drives" I got no idea how to start...What kind of solenoid are they asking about? Is it the solenoid for laser? The teacher said that we have to figure it out ourselves.... Amstrad answers: Well, I'm not entirely sure what this has to do with Amstrad computers but I guess the "solenoid" they are talking about is the head placement mechanism which is almost certainly positioned using a solenoid type of mechanism (a bit like the heads in a hard drive). However I think you'd be better off asking a company such as Philips as they are the ones who invented CDs (or possibly Sony too). dippshat in Southport, England. at 18:48:26 Tuesday January 25 2000 Thursday October 14 99 is the last time you answered a Question.????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Amstrad answers: Very true. It's cos I'm very busy at the moment. When I'm not buys any more then I'll start answering questions again. Timmy in Brooklyn at 23:19:16 Monday January 24 2000 Hi! I need some help from computer experts. This is rather a difficult problem i have with my computer. Whenever i move my mouse, the colors on the screen will distort. But it does not happen all the time, it happens once in a while. Sometimes when i move my mouse there will be a few dots with different colors such as yellow, blue, etc... I don't know what the problem is so far. But if anyone knows, can you please mail me and tell me what to do. Amstrad answers: Well it sounds like a problem in the video memory of your video card or maybe it's just a problem in the driver. I suggest you visit the web site of the company who make your card and make sure you have their latest set of drivers installed. Philip King in Midlands, UK at 9:25:51 Monday January 24 2000 Does anyone sell the card which goes into slot marked "Digital Interface" on the back of the Amstrad DRX100 Sky Digibox ? What connections does this offer, how much is it and where from ? Amstrad answers: All Sky receivers have such a port. Sky asked the manufacturers to put it there for future expansion. Only Sky really know what they might expect it to be used for but I'd guess it might be used later for things like digital video recorders when those things start to become popular. chris at 0:31:54 Monday January 24 2000 Every time I download a ZIP file my PC is unable to locate the file Amstrad answers: Not sure what you mean. Is this FTP you are talking about or the "Save this file to disk" feature in Explorer? In either ase you get to specify where the file is saved and that's where you should find it once downloaded. If you had the view options in Windows set to hide files with .ZIP extensions this might explain why you can't "see" it but I can't think of another reason why the files would disappear (unless you've run out of space on the disk maybe?). John Hayward in Portsmouth UK at 15:5:4 Sunday January 23 2000 Amstrad 2386 manual £5 Hewlett Packard Laserjet 4L manual £5 Original Amstrad mouse £4 Will ship anywhere in the world at normal costs. I love trading stuff with people abroad. :o) Amstrad answers: Hope you find a buyer! Jeroen at 10:46:8 Sunday January 23 2000 I still own an Amstrad Pen Pad PDA 600. Does anyone know what I need to connect it to my computer? Amstrad answers: You need a cable wired as shown in the manual which would connect to the "serial" port on your PC and then you'd need a copy of Eden's "Organiser" software which I 'll send you a copy of if you email me about this. Marina Montague at 8:12:15 Sunday January 23 2000 Is their a way to restore data that has already been emptied from recycle bin? Win98? Marina Amstrad answers: Not in Windows itself but if you run Norton Utilities it has extra programs that will seek out "totally deleted" stuff. The only problem would be that the action of installing Norton would probably over-write the space occupied by those "deleted" things before you got a chance to recover them. Brent Maru in New Zealand at 5:15:21 Sunday January 23 2000 I have been given a Amstrad CPC6128 to repair that will not load, upon inspection I have discovered that the guides upon which the disk heads slides up and down have obviously worn out and therefore there is too much pressure on the head thus preventing a smoothe action and thus causing the disk read error. With a little trial and luck I was able to get the drive to load using a matchstick to act as a temporary lift. Can anyone provide the exact dimensions of the rails that are visible by removing the top of the drive casing....If so I would appreciate your email and I can then repair and return to a keen Amstrad user in NZ. Rgds Brent. Amstrad answers: Best bet would be to post a request to comp.sys.amstrad.8bit where you may well find someone who can sell you a replacement 3" drive. It's strange because the thing that normally goes wrong with CPC drives is that the drive belt stretches with old age and that's pretty easy to repair. ANDY BELL at 19:18:46 Saturday January 22 2000 WHY DO AMSTRAD DRX100 DIGIBOXES LOCK AND FREEZEFRAME Amstrad answers: Suggest you contact support@amstrad.com and ask them. fahim nazar in England at 14:21:0 Saturday January 22 2000 i need about 10 addresses of clock companies in England. so please sent them to the email address above. Amstrad answers: Sorry, I can't help. The only one I can think of is Timex and I guess you'd get their details by doing a web search (I'll bet its probably www.timex.co.uk!) Steven Pirie-Shepherd in Boston, Massachussetts at 0:9:4 Saturday January 22 2000 I have a PDA600, and an NC200. I also have just bought a TMD-500 SRAM card reader for my PC. Question is as follows. What format does the NC200 use to format the SRAM card? Is is DOS compatible, as the floppy is? What format does the PDA600 impose on the SRAM card. Can I transfer data from the PDA600 internal RAM to a SRAM, then access that data on the NC200? Can I open a file on the NC200 from lower/upper memory, insert a SRAM card, close the file assume that file is now on the SRAM, and read that file from the card via a PC card reader attached to a PC? (okay that is at least 3 questions, sorry). I am trying to simplify my life as regards transferring files and data between old hardware platforms. If the NC200 formats the card in a DOS fashion, then the bonus is that I can just swap cards/files between my various DOS compatible PC's with card readers/slots. Amstrad answers: Answered via email - basically there is no commonality in formats and NC and PDA most definitely don't use the MS-DOS format used on PCs. san in France at 19:8:54 Friday January 21 2000 I don't find the description for make 1 cable connexion from amstrad 6128 to PC by paralele port. where coukld i find 1 very good description ? thks (I'm french sorry for my bad english :))) Amstrad answers: It's documented in the user manual but as you probably don't have one you'll be pleased to here that there are some web sites that have the information on-line, just read the FAQ for the comp.sys.amstrad.8bit newsgroup and if it doesn't contain the answer directly it'll probably give you URLs for web sites that do (also try my CPC page and then follow the "web ring" there). Dippshit in Southport, England. at 20:52:51 Thursday January 20 2000 Is their some one anwsering the questions on this site and if so y havent you answered anything since october 14th 1999. I wunder if the millennium bug has struck this site,if not hope to hear from U soon yours Dippy the little sh*t. Amstrad answers: I'm here, I'm just very busy but your later email prompted me to add a few answers. anne marie in new zealand at 7:22:31 Wednesday January 19 2000 i would like to know where I can buy a digital satalite modem for my laptop so I can travel world wide with full coverage without a cellphone Amstrad answers: Sorry but I can't help (Amstrad don't make such things) but like you can get interface cards to connect cell phones to PCs I'd guess you can also get similar things for satellite phones but I guess the people who sell sat phones can tell you more about this. Just one warning though, sat phones cost ASTRONOMICAL amounts of money to operate and as GSM covers the majority of the populated world anyway I'd have thought you'd be better off going for a GSM cell phone (perhaps dualband if you intend to use it in the States which is the only major country on Earth that hasn't adopted GSM). Voytek Lapinski in Melbourne, Australia at 5:53:34 Wednesday January 19 2000 I am looking for a description of the pinouts of the video input of the CGA monitor that came with my amstrad PC1512. It's an 8 pin DIN connector. I have been looking all over the web and can't seem to find this info anywhere. Amstrad answers: OK, 1 = -comp H&V sync, 2 = -intensity, 3=Gnd, 4=Black, 5=-Green, 6=-Blue, 7=Gnd, 8=-Red but be warned that the 1512 video is not compatible with ANYTHING but a 1512 monitor. jim in Greece at 3:53:40 Tuesday January 18 2000 I forgot my password.i have a award bios what i can do? Amstrad answers: Try www.award.com jawaski harper at 3:51:16 Tuesday January 18 2000 can you tell me how to burn cd on a standard dvd drive Amstrad answers: Nope, Amstrad have never made DVDs or CD burners. Rob Norman at 9:53:1 Monday January 17 2000 Hello ,I have a LCD screen from a PPC-640 does any one know what the pin-out connections are on the 15 strand ribbon cable. Any help appreciated Amstrad answers: It might have been documented in the service manual but I'm afraid I don't have a copy. Your only hope is that www.cpc.co.uk may still have copies in stock for that 13-14 year old computer Paul Robinson at 16:6:5 Sunday January 16 2000 Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. Not sure if this is the right forum, and apologies if it isn't. A friend of mine, picked up an Amstrad 128k games console up 2nd hand and it came with various games, but no 'passwords' that you type in on the screen. One of them has run"disc which seems to work, but not with the others. Does anyone know where I can get these 'passwords' from? Many thanks Roland in Worksop Notts England at 13:18:13 Sunday January 16 2000 I have downloaded the ppcdisks and run fdcopy to get them onto floppies. when I try to run organiser it gets as far as organiser is loading then goes to prompt. Can you tell me what I do next. Thanks. C. Leonard in Mississippi at 6:49:6 Sunday January 16 2000 I have alot of old music cassetts that I would like to convert to CD's via the computer. I know a cable is made that would allow you to hook a stero up to a PC but I am unable to locate one. Could you please point me in the right direction? m.wendland in PDA 600 at 16:45:44 Saturday January 15 2000 I´m searching for EDEN Organiser for Amstrad PDA 600. I also want to buy the special cable. Can evrybody help me ?? TONY BROWN in bridlington, yorkshire at 9:57:27 Friday January 14 2000 could you tell me if it is poosible to tget a boot up disk for an amstrad cpc ???? (four numbers) 128k computer. thankyou tony brown Rufus R. Robinson III in Waianae Hawaii at 1:38:51 Thursday January 13 2000 Have an AMSTRAD PWC 8256 Printer Is there a place to get a printer ribbon or compatible ribbon in Honolulu Hawaii USA Dave in Sunny Bournemouth at 21:23:13 Wednesday January 12 2000 I have an Amstrad PC1640 HD20 running MS-DOS 3.30 (bog standard). I want to run Spectrum emulators on it (the Pentium's too fast) (any tips?). Anyhow, *this* millenium, I set the date (fine - use 2000 for the year, not 00) and time (fine). When I reboot, however the _date_ is fine, but the _time_ resets to midnight. The "last used" info from the Amstrad is fine, so I'm thinking it's M$-DOS that's the problem, not the Amstrad. Am I right? Can I upgrade to M$-DOS 5.0 (I've got an unused copy)? I've put brand-new batteries in to no avail. TIA. Anon in Albany Oregon at 9:48:27 Wednesday January 12 2000 Can I make a bootup disc for my grandsons old 3.1 on my win98 OS? He gets "system disc error" insert system disc. He doesn't have any manuals or discs. Anon in Maryland at 20:42:8 Tuesday January 11 2000 How do you locate your Id if you forgot it? The one you need to check your mail or to chat with? Bob at 15:55:48 Tuesday January 11 2000 Where can I get information on the architecture /hardware for the expansion ports a+b of the ppc640/512? bill calan in australia at 5:17:26 Monday January 10 2000 My Amstrad cpc6128 has bee playing up. when you write 'cat' it says: drive a: read fail ignore, retry or cancel? if you keep trying retry it keeps coming up. the head moves up and down the disk and the disk spins like normal but it doesn't work (read fail). i've been fiddling with VR1 and it seems to becoming close by turning it. instead of writing the above (when write 'cat' in), it says: drive a: user 0 drive a: read fail ignore, retry or cancel? so i don't know what to do. and it doesn't run the programs eg RUN"(program's name) it comes up with the read fail message. how do i fix this? jim adams in cleve, ohio at 18:42:25 Sunday January 9 2000 how can i add a port to allow my scanner to operate Anon in nhaLE49824 at 18:3:15 Sunday January 9 2000 i have a epson stylus 440 printe i cant add the printer because it is not added on the list and i do no know what it is compatible with the disk it came with broke can u help me Betty Edens in Charleston, WV at 4:19:19 Sunday January 9 2000 My daughter's second-hand computer is all screwed up, so she asked me to reformat hard drive and reload programs. Problem is, MSDOS 3.1 and Win 3.1 discs are missing. Can't seem to find anywhere. Can anyone help? Thanks James in ca at 1:19:34 Sunday January 9 2000 my computer is not letting me download any thing!i know its not due to parental controls.it will start downloading and it wont let me pick the directorie i want the file in then a message comes up about the internet explore!i went to my friends and did it there and it worked perfectly!so if u could please help me i would appreciatte it.thanks Paul in The Netherlands at 23:21:12 Saturday January 8 2000 Hello. Could you tell me where I can find specifications on the Schneider/Amstrad 1512 DD as well ass the S/A 1640 SD. Thanks for your time. Paul John Hayward in Portsmouth UK at 11:32:35 Saturday January 8 2000 Anyone got a spare Sinclair PC-200 manual they want to sell??? John H Daniel Green in COVENTRY, ENGLAND at 20:16:54 Friday January 7 2000 System disk required for a Amstrad 1640 HD 20, where can they be aquired from and how much would they set me back the disk type required is 5.25" 360k (i assume) as i have not been able to start the thing up yet (blank screen) Darla in Vermont at 1:37:52 Friday January 7 2000 I seem to have miss placed my iexplore.exe , does anyone know where I can get one ? LOL Bill Bunn in Felixstowe, Suffolk at 19:11:41 Thursday January 6 2000 Can anyone advise me where I can obtain a user manual for an Amstrad FX6000AT telephone/fax/answering machine. I have tried CPC but with no success. Regards Bill Bunn tomasz in poland at 11:50:35 Thursday January 6 2000 Please information about amstrad srx 330 Sergei Zhukovich in Belarus at 22:26:19 Wednesday January 5 2000 I have Y2K on my PDA600. Now there is 1900 on it. And previous year is 2155! Can I do anything with this problem? Mickey in washington at 15:31:47 Wednesday January 5 2000 I cant find my feltzer valve. Anon in ST 100 at 12:21:9 Wednesday January 5 2000 Anon at 10:9:45 Wednesday January 5 2000 I have a Gateway computer with a HP Deskjet610CL printer and a Visioneer6100 USB scanner. Im very new to the computer field and there is a microphone that came with the computer without any paperwork on how to, what to, ect. Could you tell me how to work it? Is it something like your AOL Point&S PEAK? I ordered one of those and even though it came with instructions I still cant figer it out. Guess Im computer ileterate. Stephen Denton at 21:45:10 Monday January 3 100 Where can I find vesa video card driver cl-gd5446bv-hc-b Anon in tracy Ca at 2:18:11 Monday January 3 100 how to restart eternal battery rhodes at 23:46:0 Sunday January 2 100 Anon in wa at 23:42:49 Sunday January 2 100 my cds wont load up what do i do? Ian Bisset in Mike Bisset @lineone.net at 14:55:2 Sunday January 2 100 What is the cause and cures for eliminating a mouse trail on a PC1512 Micheal at 9:19:45 Sunday January 2 100 Ingabill Humperwinkle in upstairs in my house at 2:42:40 Sunday January 2 100 Does anyone know why I'm not having Y2K problems with my Tandy 1000??? I was told by lots of differn't folks that my computer would crash New Years Eve 2000. I have had this same system since 1983 and have never had ant trouble. is this computer still safe to browse the web with??? been told I would cause an error for someone if I kept using this system. KP Michael Craig in Bloomington IL at 2:33:15 Sunday January 2 100 Hi & Hello there!!! I would like to know why on my Zip drive I get a message that say's "Directory G is full" when I try to save something on Zip. I buy these zip disc's but hardly get to use them.....I mean they get only about 10% full and thats it! I have tried the long & short format and more than one brand of disc only with the same resaults. Seems the Zip Drive folks aint around to help any with this one. I'm running windows 98 and all else is well with my pc. Thanks :)) ~Michael Craig~ Bob Rayner in Sydney Australia at 14:47:35 Saturday January 1 100 Has anyone ever successfully connected a Hard Disk to an Amstrad CPC6128, and if so, how?.What software is needed etc?. Any help would be greatly appreciated as my 3" disk collection is now over 400. David in Wisconsin at 13:57:10 Saturday January 1 100 I would like to know who offers satalite internet connections in Western Wisconsin, and what the access speed is. I need at least the equivalent of ISDN if not DSL. just wondering in south carolina at 22:10:19 Friday December 31 99 a music station called Cat Country 107.5 has been announcing that there will be a problem with compact disc made before 1993, but they say there is a way to stop the problem by rubbing salted butter unsweetened or you could use sour cream, or cottage cheese on disc and not on the written side and let them stand for 24 hours, i know radio stations are bad about playing hoaxs..... is this true or hoax i do not believe it myself cliff in southern maryland at 18:29:50 Friday December 31 99 I would be very happy if someone could tell me now or if it's possible to use two computers on one phone line at the same time? If someone has an answer,Please make it easy to understand because i'm a newcomer and it wont take much to confuse me. thanks Dimiter Stoychev in Povdiv, Bulgaria at 17:42:7 Friday December 31 99 Hello, A friend of mine has a ALT - 286. It still works, except the FDD controller. He needs some info how to disable the FDD controller. Thank You in advance. D. Stoychev Linda in San Bernardino, California, USA at 1:49:23 Friday December 31 99 I have a 386 Amstrad, black and white,that shows a 1988 date when I bring up my system. The dealer I originally used has been out of business for a couple of years, but refused any info on upgrades. What do I need to do to make system Y2K compliant? What equipment is available to upgrade my system to current material available? By the way, I am IBM compatible, still using 5 1/4 dics. CHINA at 17:54:56 Thursday December 30 99 I HAVE WIN ZIP AND IM TRYING TO OPEN A DOWNLOAD AND IT WONT LET CAUSE IT SAYS I NEED IEXPLORE.EXE. CAN U TELL ME WHAT IS THIS. IT'S NOT ON MY HARD DRIVE ANYWHERE. scott mccracken in scotland at 22:13:37 Tuesday December 28 99 i am looking for a download of the very old footbal game striker for the amstrad cpc 464 thi game was great could you plz help!scott@shotts9797.freeserve.co.uk josh at 21:53:9 Tuesday December 28 99 I need a bootup disk for a american megatrends amibios 80486DX2-S 66Mhz AMI told me to contact Biostar microtech for motherboard support I get no responce the long string of # at bottom left at startup is 40 P101 001223 00101111 072594 UMC 498 H if anyone can help me please contact me @ joshbouy@aol.com hgainerl at 18:58:2 Tuesday December 28 99 how do you install a ibm proprinter2 to a ibm p75 pc that does not response when you add printer Danny Honrado in Charlotte, NC at 4:7:13 Tuesday December 28 99 I own a Compaq Prescario notebook and I wanted to ask if there is a 3d graphics accelerator card I can buy to play the games which require this hardware which is compatible with my notebook. Andrew Carpenter in Cirencester, England at 22:12:59 Monday December 27 99 I have an Amstrad ALT-386SX that was found in a skip.. its sort of working. I think the memory is dodgy but thats another matter.. anyway my question is this. The hard drive is definately working, i have installed DOS and Windows on it, and I know it is possible to boot from it too because it has done it - once. It only wants to boot from a floppy disk.. when it doesn't have a floppy in the drive it complains with "Diskette read failure - strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility." I have been all through the setup, and everything is A-OK. The drive reads fine if I boot from a floppy.. I just cannoy get the darn thing to boot from the hard drive!! Can anyone offer some light on the situation? Thanks Jack Boatwright in Oregon, USA at 20:51:42 Sunday December 26 99 Hi, I have a "Sinclair Professional Series PC500SD" computer and can find no information anywhere about this computer. This was made by Amstrad (motherboard, ROM chips and other chips bear the Amstrad name). Might this be a re-badged Amstrad 1512? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time, Jack Boatwright Anon at 18:33:15 Saturday December 25 99 I bought a computer desk Model # 57553 and it didnt have assembly instructions, can i get instructions today on how to assemble it? Jan Van Pul in Belgium at 13:15:58 Saturday December 25 99 Is my PC9486i Y2K compliant? Catalin V. in Romania at 4:41:21 Saturday December 25 99 I have a very old computer: AMSTRAD PC 1512 SD, and I get in trouble: When I tryed to start it, I received a message: "Fehler im SYSTEM RAM". Can you, please, help me fix this problem? Can you, please, tell me what is going wrong? The system memory ? And what can I do? Can I change the memory chips from the motherboard? Thanck you very much! Catalin V. cd rom pinout at 8:0:37 Friday December 24 99 Chris Feeney in USA, INDIANA at 21:37:54 Thursday December 23 99 Cliff, you favorite topic about your favorite AMSTRAD. There must be a way to add a hard drive to the inside of the PPC640 becuase after I bought mine a third-party company offered to install a SPRINT hard drive in one of the floppy slots. What I don't know is if it was an ATA or IDE drive and if the built-n controller ran the drive or you had to somehow add one. Don in Altoona Pa. at 13:39:12 Wednesday December 22 99 I'm looking for wheel of fortune on floppy disc to install on my computer. Would like some help please. jas in I.M. at 7:58:32 Wednesday December 22 99 Can Instant Messages be retrieved after closing I.M.? DAVID HIBBERT in Shrewsbury Shropshire UK at 23:48:36 Tuesday December 21 99 Sorry if this is sent..I'm having trouble sending a QUESTION!!! DAVID HIBBERT in Shrewsbury Shropshire England UK at 23:43:59 Tuesday December 21 99 Can anyone out there please, please help me to make my 70+ year old neighbour a very happy person. He has a PCW8256/8512, and thirty 3ins disks containing letters over a period of 14 years. He is suffering from ill health, and is unable to leave his home. He would like to spend his twilight years reading these letters. Does anyone have the required hardware/software (ie: cables,3.5ins floppy disk drive,program to convert LocoScript ver 3 to MSDOS,Windows98, DOS 6.22) gathering dust in their loft or garage. He is prepared to make a reasonable offer. Thank you!! David Hibbert in Shrewsbury Shropshire England UK at 23:8:20 Tuesday December 21 99 Could anyone out there please, please help me to make my 70+ neighbour a very happy person. He has a PCW8256/8512, using LocoScript Ver 3 software. He has thirty, 3ins disks containing letters covering the past 14 years. As a result of ill health he is unable to leave his house and would like to spend his time viewing the letters in his twilight years. Has anyone got any secondhand; cables, a 3.5" floppy drive,software programe to convert LocoScript Ver 3 to MSDOS Windows/DOS 6.22. I'm hoping someone may have these items in their loft or garage gathering dust!! Unfortuneately he cannot afford to have his disks coppied. I am prepaired to do this task free of charge. Once again please help us if you can...thank you!!!! veronica lyles in home at 21:6:25 Tuesday December 21 99 have a 486 ast computer that needs a battery for the motherboard. would like to know where to find it, are all battery for computer silver in color. David Hibbert in SHREWSBURY, SHROPSHIRE, UK at 23:3:33 Monday December 20 99 My neighbour (who is 70+) has a PCW8256 upgraded to PCW8512. He has over thirty 3ins floppy disks, which contains 10 years of information (the history of his livetime). He was hoping to view them in his twilight years, but alas at the moment this is not to be. I have just serviced his PCW8256/8512 and it now reads and prints his files, in LocoScript Ver 3, but he wants me to transfer all the files onto 3.5ins disks so he can see them on his new 486 computer in DOS 6.22 etc. He cannot afford new software/hardware equipment. Are there any kind souls out there who have any secondhand equipment that he could purchase. It would make (two senior citizens...I'm a 61yrs old retired Fire Chief) him extremely happy if I could complete this mission. John Hanson in West Sussex at 0:27:11 Monday December 20 99 I have an amstrad FX9600AT fax machine, which includes fax machine, answerphone, tape and scanner and printer. I don't know how to program it, to set it up. Does anyone know this. What software do I need for a PC. How do I program the fast dial buttons/record a message on the answerphone tape, get it to answer in voice and fax mode. I have a lot of questions can anyone help me please. Christopher Smith in Chicago Ill at 15:11:23 Sunday December 19 99 Do a girl name Tiffany Falls like me. She is from Chicago Ill and she go to St.Sabina School on 78 in troop. Beun de Haas in Netherlands at 20:14:46 Saturday December 18 99 I have an old PC3386SX(v2.4)with a password message when pc boots up (enter boot password = 'good morning'). Could anyone please help me on clearing this password. I have tried to short circuit the clock chip with the lithium cel, but without any result. Is there perhaps a setup program seperate from the menu with an integrated password setup option? Mark Blake in UK at 11:57:14 Saturday December 18 99 PCW16 Complete lock-up, my dad has a PCW16 that he has been using now for four years without incident. Today it has locked up whilst typing a letter, the mouse and keyboard has stopped responding and the power switch is flashing. The unit will not power of from the switch, so only a mains switch remains. Can any one tell me what might have caused the crash, is it likely to happen again? Any information would be useful. Regards, Mark Blake Shirley Johnson in Gause,Texas at 3:23:56 Saturday December 18 99 I have two computers, one has 586 motherboard, 32Ram, 6 gig harddrive, and the other one has a Pentium 233, 16Ram, about a 1 gig hd. My question is which motherboard is the best and how I can get them to be their fastest. I know to go up on the harddrive and the ram but what else can I do. Also what is the best cards for grafics and sound so I can play games better. Ian Brittain in Dorset, England at 20:45:53 Friday December 17 99 From: I.Brittain Subject: AMSTRAD PC9486 upgrade My machine has an SX2/50 processor. I have aquired an Intel Pentium 100 processor. Is my machine capable of using the Pentium? If so, what jumper settings should I use? Thank you in anticipation. Ian Brittain. E-mail: i.brittain@virgin.net Dépite in Somewhere over the rainbow at 7:30:3 Friday December 17 99 Is there anybody here to answer questions ? John Hayward at 18:23:21 Thursday December 16 99 Want to convert your 1512/1640 to 3.5" drive? I have a 3.5" 720k drive in mounting frame suitable to fit !512s and 1640s, £8.50 including postage. Also original mouse for older Amstrads for sale. Mail me for more details. John H Roland Schmidt in Frankfurt at 15:17:9 Thursday December 16 99 I have a problem with my FX6000AT. After PowerOn the system does not reload the greeting message stored on the tape and so switches to fax-only mode. After recording of the two messages the system works well until the next PowerOff. Previously all worked well. Is there a service code which I can use to reprogramm the behavior? Daniel at 9:3:5 Thursday December 16 99 My name is Daniel Trandafir.I`am writing you from Romania so don`t look too critical to my text. I have an old computer Amstrad PC 1512 SD.There is a way to help me to get the user manual for this model , including monitor? I need to know how the external pins (for monitor), can be set up for a EGA Or VGA video adapter. Thank you very much. katie sera in Everett, WA at 1:20:17 Thursday December 16 99 ok, I got some sites that are unwanted on my computer from the internet, how do I delete them from the http: part ? John Hayward at 18:26:39 Wednesday December 15 99 I have just picked up a Sinclair PC-200 (amstrad built) from the rubbish tip. Where can I download some of the software originally bundled with this thing?? Where can you attach a hard disk?? Any ISA cards you fit in this thing have to protrude through the case flap which seems daft. John H Anon at 2:19:55 Wednesday December 15 99 I need to know if you can get my mitchell on deman system working i will install the original time disc see if you can read i it and start it Anon at 12:50:48 Tuesday December 14 99 i need cdrom drivers for 486 that has cdrom plugged into soundcard not motherboard. JOHNTOP in GREECE at 12:47:18 Tuesday December 14 99 HI!I LIKED THE OLD AMSTRAD WHERE U COULD PLAY ONLY GAMES AND I NEED TO FIND OR DOWNLOAD SOME REALLY COOL GAMES THAT I CANNOT FIND NOW (LIKE BARBARIAN,OR RENEGADE...)HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE PLEASE HELP ME IF U HAVE A WAY.THANK U. M Rhudy in Chattanooga, Tn. at 4:7:44 Monday December 13 99 Just bought a Pentium 500 with WIN98. What is the easiest way to convert my 3.1 Cardfiles (.crd) to my new system? Please help, I had already removed 3.1 from my old P100 and gave it to my daughter and now I can't get 98 to convert my phone lists. Geoff in Australia at 21:39:5 Sunday December 12 99 I have an old Amstrad PC6486SX25 that I would like to upgrade with a 486DX2 66 cpu and 16 meg of RAM, could you please advise me what I have to change the switch settings on the motherboard to? Is there anything else that needs to be done? Thanks, Geoff. Rambai Kerai in Friern Barnet, London at 21:34:40 Sunday December 12 99 HI, being a typical student, i've left my coursework right untill the end. I've got about two days left. Please, please I need your help. First Question is, What is Amstrad's Mission Statement (I've tried Annual Report- No luck). What Training and Development policies does the company have for staff? What is the culture of the organisation (What ever that means, I think it has something to do with how well every body gets on, socail clubs ect. I know i'm pushing my luck with all these weird qestions, but one last favour. Could you fax me an organisational chart at this number 0181 - 368 - 2689. Any kind of help will be much appreciated. Thank You Sylvain DUGAL at 16:25:9 Sunday December 12 99 My computer's a 7486 slc 33, it's possible to flashing bios in this machine? version bios is V 1.10. Thank you for your response. D.G. Selwyn in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire at 16:43:13 Friday December 10 99 I I have an Amstrad NC200 notebook. The transformer (NC200/PSU/UK) has ceased to function. Is it possible to purchase a replacement or can you suggest an equivalent and supplier? Thanks! Mike HurriX at 6:25:31 Friday December 10 99 Hi I'm searching for info on a Pc 1680 or is it 1608 well any way all I know so far is that it has a CD rom and seems to work like a 286 id\s this infact what it is any info will help. MIKe Ajit at 14:5:19 Wednesday December 8 99 I need to know some information on Hurman Resource Management within Amstrad! Any information will help. Desperate PLEASE Anon in Indiana at 5:45:6 Wednesday December 8 99 I want to install the original software (win 3.1) in my 486dx/2 50mhz machine. The problem is the machine somehow can't detect the cd rom. I downloaded the cd rom drivers, but I don't know how to install so that the machine can detect it now. Someone please help. Carlton Walzer in New Jersey at 23:19:58 Tuesday December 7 99 .why does my computer hangs up at times for a few seconds and then starts to work again. At times it will not release, and I will have to turn off the computer tower so that the computer will reboot so I can start over again. Thank you very much. Carl Mrs B Carmichael in Aberdeen at 17:35:55 Monday December 6 99 I have a PCW9512 and I read somewhere that an Epson Stylus 300 printer will work with it. If this is the case - HOW? is there a software change to be made?? Unfortunately I can't remember which website I was on with the instructions - I have tried all the links on your page! Robert Todd in My home email address... at 16:8:48 Monday December 6 99 My mother has an older 8088 machine which has the monitor wired into the PC so they share the power supply-on/off switch. The monitor has quit working and I need to down- load needed files from the machine onto diskette from the hard-drive. Can I place a video card into one of the slots and run it with another monitor hooked to it to do this? Anon in diagram of sega wiring at 1:8:7 Monday December 6 99 Joseph Henderson in Hudson , ME at 4:5:29 Sunday December 5 99 I need some information on installing a microphone on my computer. I have the microphone plugged in but I can't seem to make it work. Can you please help me. Carla E.Campos in House at 0:11:45 Sunday December 5 99 My computer Portable Satellite Pro 445 Series Serial 87145743.I am having problems with it STOP and Freezz and I not able to turn it off.I know that some of your Computer are with defects.Where I can go for fixed, Carla Campos at 0:5:40 Sunday December 5 99 Marty Taylor in Oxford, England at 21:20:57 Saturday December 4 99 Hi Cliff, great site. Could you please help me with the data format for PDA 600 diary graphic entries? I have dumped the PDA 600 memory to a file and can walk through the data structures. However, the diary graphics have me stumped. Each diary graphic entry has a long pointer to the previous entry, long pointer to the next entry, 4 bytes for day, date, month and year, long pointer to graphic data and finaly an integer indicating the size of the data. Upon accessing the graphic data the memory block is found to contain an additional two bytes at the end of the data block (integer?). I am unable to decypher these two bytes. I have tried using a crc and a sumcheck of the data but cannot get a match. I have checked Thomas Hommes pages and other external links as well as your entire Q&A section but without success. Any suggestions? Anthony Smith in Arkansas.USA at 18:56:48 Friday December 3 99 I have a modem made by amstrad where can I get specs on it and download a driver for it? Goat Boy in Cleburne TX at 0:56:10 Friday December 3 99 Is US Robotics Modem setup to ignore call waiting Popeye2 in NE Ohio at 22:56:14 Thursday December 2 99 I have old Amstrad equipment. XT's to be exact. Is there a way of getting parts for them? Also, I am looking for parts for all XT's and AT's and 386 SX's. Please help Anon in pa at 21:15:1 Thursday December 2 99 i have a sega cartage called ecco tides of time ,and my quesyion is is there any code for that game. If so please tell. thank you the rock at 21:45:51 Wednesday December 1 99 what is the name of the machine that copies pc game Ralph in Bury St Edmunds at 20:2:46 Wednesday December 1 99 I have an Integra that will not boot up. It does not seem to access either the floppy or hard drives; there are numerous beeps as it tries to start but the screen remains blank. Does this sound like a terminal fault?? Deas Mallen Souter - Solicitors in Newcastle upon Tyne at 16:41:46 Wednesday December 1 99 We have an old Amstrad PC1640 machine. It has not been used for 10 years. We are trying to restore some old files from disk. We have tried new batteries but it will still not read the disk. If we press A: or B: it tell us bad command or file name. Could you help please Kerry J Lunt in Washington, Tyne & Wear at 22:46:41 Tuesday November 30 99 My Father inlaw has a Amstrad PCW9256 and I am building him a Computer for Xmas, now how can I transfer is files from 3.5" floppies to the PC for use in Microsoft word 97 Dorel Marin in Romania at 10:49:38 Tuesday November 30 99 I have an "Amstrad LQ 5000di" printer. There is a way to help me to get the user manual for this model? I need to know how the external DIP switches can be set. Thank you. Anon in Romania at 10:48:57 Tuesday November 30 99 I have an "Amstrad LQ 5000di" printer. There is a way to help me to get the user manual for this model? I need to know how the external DIP switches can be set. Thank you. ROBERT at 1:2:14 Monday November 29 99 I HAVE JUST BOUGHT A PCW SECONDHAND FOR MY 7 YEAR OLD SON BUT THE BOOT UP (START UP)DISK IS MISSING SO IT IS NO USE TO MY SON. WE WOULD BE VERY GREATFUL IF SOMEBODY OUT THERE COULD EITHER TELL ME WHERE I CAN DOWNLOAD IT OR EMAIL IT TO ME AT ROBERT.HEDLEY@TALK21.COM THANK YOU ALL? mark in sussex uk at 14:5:58 Saturday November 27 99 i have a pcw9512 and on boot i get an error mesage cant read file key??? does this mean i have a dodge disk drive or is it the start-up disk of which i have two and get the same message from both greg macdonald in australia at 7:38:29 Thursday November 25 99 i have an nc100- can i printout the screen contents, say from my address book. H.Kibble in UK at 23:9:9 Tuesday November 23 99 does anybody know the address of the amstrad cpc464 joystick port? thanks for your help.(could you please try to mail me directly.) Anon in Brussel at 18:11:57 Sunday November 21 99 I have a PC Amstrad with serial number 9520 1202 I search information for Y2000 compatibility of my computer (programs, information) Thanks gregoire@brutele.be James in UK at 22:25:22 Saturday November 20 99 I know it's out of date, but I found a MC2400 modem and have put it in my 486DX2 66. I can't get it to initialise - it's probably a ****ed up modem anyway, but I was just wondering: on the top, there are 4 little switches. Along the top there are the words/letters ON EDG and then under these there are the 4 switches. What positions do the switches have to be in for normal operation? Thanks yuri siburko in Moskau at 0:32:36 Friday November 19 99 Ich mochtete fur meine Frage Deutsch benutzen. Mein LQ 3500di druckt nur von links nach rechts, dabei alle DIP-Schalter sind OFF,driver - Epson LQ200. Was habe ich zu tun, um das Gerat in beide Seite schreibend ging. Leider habe ich passenden Antwort nicht gefunden. Danke im Voraus. yuri sibur in Moskau at 0:11:37 Friday November 19 99 Ich mochtete Deutsch benutzen fur meine Frage. Mein LQ3500di druckt nur von links nach rechts, dabai alle DIP-Schalter sind OFF. Was habe ich zu tun,um das Gerat nach beide Seite schriebe? Leider habe ich fertigen Antwort nicht gefunden. Danke in Voraus. sharon at 11:48:53 Thursday November 18 99 Q1 what is your company's mission statement? Q2 Who are your company's stakeholders? Q3 Describe the management structure within your company or provide an organisational chart. Q4 Outline the operating system of your organisation. Q5 How does the social context imopact on your organisation? Martin in Liverpool, UK at 23:47:11 Wednesday November 17 99 I have a PPC640 which won't boot and keeps coming up with the message: Error:faulty SYSTEM SERIAL port I know it would not be economical to put it in for repair but would very much like to get t going myself if I can. Any suggestions where to start looking? I have some electronics experience. Thanks... Martin Geoff Homer in Birmingham, England at 16:41:27 Wednesday November 17 99 Can someone please give the jumper settings on a 9486i mother board reference :- 001a 94v-0 e135762 to upgrade to an Evergreen 486 - 586 cpu (5 volt)from a cyrix chipset?? Paul Humphreys in Australia at 4:32:23 Wednesday November 17 99 I have a Amstrad Decoder for our cable TV and I would like to Know how I can get the four digit code for the remote control so I can use only one remote. Model number Amstrad stu 200 Regareds Paul C.Graham in London at 0:2:57 Wednesday November 17 99 Where can I purchase an Amstrad cpc6128 and colour monitor both in working order ? Private in southport,England at 18:2:37 Monday November 15 99 Can i download, boot disk softwere to use on a 2086? Peter Southwood in West Yorkshire - England at 22:19:57 Sunday October 24 99 Can anyone tell me where I can get Locolink for Windows and the right cable to connect up to my Amsstrad PCW so I can transfer my hundreds of Locoscript files over to the PC in ASCII or Word format S M baxter in uk at 9:49:27 Friday October 22 99 How do you change the jumper settings on an Integra 75 to accomadate an Intel Pentiun 100? Anon in NESBIT92@aol.com at 2:12:6 Thursday October 21 99 I have a Toshiba 2065CDS and a program i bought won't run. The program says it requires direct 3D compatible or 4MB 3D Accelerator card. If this is the problem can I upgrade card.THANKS! Emmanuel Duru at 16:13:27 Monday October 18 99 I've installed a DMP4000 printer on windows 3.1 with an epson FX-100 driver as stated on this site. It seems to work fine, excepted that the printer seems to work in 11 inches whereas the DS1-6 switch is set to on which means 12 inches... Is there anything else to set on the printer or in the driver ? Thanks. thor at 1:4:42 Thursday October 14 99 comment arreter la séquence de boot pour entrer dans le bios sur un 7386sx? thank you Amstrad answers: Appuyez sur le button [Del] dans la sequence de boot. Nick in Maryland at 0:55:49 Thursday October 14 99 I get this error: PKUNZIP: (E09) can't find: a:docs.ZIP when I try to install programs like Word97 and Excel97 onto an old compaq contura410c laptop from a disk. The copyright for PKUNZIP says 1993, is it just to old? And if so, how do I install a new one? Thanx for any input.... Amstrad answers: The error simply means that there isn't a file on drive A: called "docs.zip", suggest you start with a DIR A: command and then PKUNZIP A:<whatever_zip_file_name_you_saw_listed>.ZIP Charlie in Sunny Dundee at 15:17:17 Tuesday October 12 99 I recently inherited a pc7486, but it appears that the battery is flat - bios settings are forgotten on reboot. I've had a look inside and can't see anything that looks like a battery. How should I go about changing the battery? Cheers, Charlie Amstrad answers: The combined RTC chip and battery is to be found to the left of the power connector on the main board just above the IDE and FDD connectors (it may be labelled "Dallas" or "TH6887A") Gordon Scally in Northampton at 13:19:41 Tuesday October 12 99 Where can I get a 1Mb memory card for an NC100 ? none of the online suppliers list type I cards that are non-flash type ? Amstrad answers: If people are selling PCMICA Flash cards then, even if they don't actually stock the SRAM cards, you should be able to ask them to order one for you from the same source that they get the Flash cards. Trevor Lafrank in Albury, NSW, Australia at 11:32:11 Monday October 11 99 Do you have the Amstrad PPC 640 Startup discs? If you do could you please send the files to me at lafrank@mpx.com.au Thank You Trevor Lafrank PS The file PPCDISCS.ZIP doesn't fit on a 720k disk when unziped. Amstrad answers: You are using PPCDISKS.ZIP incorrectly. You should unzip the contents into a directory on your hard drive and then give the command FDCOPY PPCDISK1.CFI A: to generate an image of the 720K disk 1 onto a floppy in drive A: (this is explained better in the README.TXT file that I put in PPCDISKS.ZIP) Anon in Motherwell at 23:19:16 Sunday October 10 99 I have an NC100 Notepad which I use away from home. What do I need to link the NC100 with my Power Macintosh 4400/160 so that I can work on the material at home? Amstrad answers: I don't know a whole lot about Macintosh computers but I presume they have "standard" serial ports, if that's the case and assuming they come with some sort of communication software that will do X-modem transfers it should just be a case of wiring the two computers together with a 9 pin null modem cable and following the general thrust of the instructions in my user guide about transfers to PCs. juan in ny at 13:31:19 Sunday October 10 99 win98 will no longer see my serial mouse. keeps telling that i can add a ps mouse by rebooting the system. was working fine then one day when i rebooted the mouse was no longer there. you can see the pointer but it just says that no mouse has been detected can add a ps2 mouse by rebooting. Amstrad answers: I've never used Win98 but it's often the case that if you delete the MOUSE.INI file from \Windows and start again that this kind of mouse problem is fixed. Elaine at 23:31:59 Saturday October 9 99 My pc doesn't pick up the hard drive. I crashed and I was able to do an fdisk then a format. Then lost it. Amstrad answers: Interesting, wonder which model of PC it is! ibrown at 14:39:57 Friday October 8 99 I lost my cd rom file in win98. Does not show up anyware in my computer. Could you help with an install didk? thanks. Amstrad answers: I presume you're talking about an Amstrad PC. If so I think we used Sony CD drives in almost all our PCs and I know from experience that you can get a copy of the latest Sony CD drivers from their web site (but you have to follow a load of links to get there!!) Colby Halterman in LUBBOCK TEXAS at 23:28:14 Thursday October 7 99 HOW WOULD I GET THE DRIVER DISK OR DOWNLOAD FOR THIS CD ROM GOLD STAR #CRD-8160B Amstrad answers: I'd have thought Goldstar.com would be as good a place as any to start looking! Rafael in harrisonburg at 18:23:50 Wednesday October 6 99 Rafael. my mouse cursor desapear when i am on the internet, basicaly when it is over a link. it also happens when i am using a imging software. does anyone has any idea ? please help me. rafaelbusa@yahoo.com Amstrad answers: Suggests that your copy of iexplore.exe is corrupt. Maybe try re-installing your browser software? Wesley Baylis at 10:24:27 Wednesday October 6 99 I'm having trouble installing a second floppy disk drive to the 1988 Amstrad pc1512. the indicator light will come on and it will also spin but wont read the disks. the connections are on right and the drives are in the right place but it wont seem to read the disks it come up on the screen"general reading error in drive B" DRive B is the second floppy disk drive I am trying to put on. THe disk drive that was already with it is working properly and if i swap them around theb original works but the other one dosent Why? Could you please tell me what i'm am doing wrong and why it might not be reading . Thank you. Amstrad answers: Check the unit 0/1 selector on the new drive, probably a link, jumper or switch that needs chaging. Also, a common fault, that I used to suffer from, is if you plug the cable on a drive upside down you get EXACTLY the symptoms you just described! Alan Brown in Dorset at 23:40:26 Monday October 4 99 In case anyone is interested I recently acquired a set of ANB386SX20/40 laptop system disks (also for ACL). I have uploaded them to: http://www.wavefront.u-net.com/anb386.htm along with instructions. Amstrad answers: Thanks, I like your page! I'll add a link to you shortly. david in new york at 23:33:22 Sunday October 3 99 where can i find change bios exe for toshiba t2100ct Amstrad answers: Almost certainly at www.toshiba.com I'd have thought (thinks: why are people starting to send loads of Toshiba questions to an Amstrad web site?!?) Anon at 21:51:13 Sunday October 3 99 where can i find a download for Epson FX 100 Emulator Amstrad answers: Sorry, I don't follow what it is you require. I've never heard of a "printer emulator". Heinz peuten in Bundaberg queensland australia at 12:41:14 Sunday October 3 99 how do I make my alt-286 run a vga monitor do I need drivers installed and where can I get them Amstrad answers: Use the DISPLAY or SWITCHER utilities to direct monitor output between LCD and CRT. Keith Templeton at 22:58:53 Saturday October 2 99 I want to boost speed on old p75 ibm, its on network and seems so slow. what can i do? Amstrad answers: RAM - nothing quite like it for speeding up computer operation. Windows 95 loves somewhere between 64M and 128M, Windows NT likes at least that and even more. You can also add a new hard drive with a faster access time and that can have a dramatic impact too. A third option would be to replace the CPU but that seldom has as much impact as RAM and disks. G.KRISHNAMURTHY in LQ550 PRINTER at 16:12:14 Saturday October 2 99 WANTS TO KNOW WHERE THE FOLLOWING ICIS AVAILABLE.LQ550 PRINTER IT IS USED IN LQ550 PRINTER IC IS SLA7020/M8001 Amstrad answers: Amstrad spares are available from www.cpc.co.uk jackie in norfolk in nr norwich norfolk at 18:31:18 Friday October 1 99 i have just brought a pwc 9512 at an auction but when it is turned on nothing happens except the screen lights up is there a start up disk that i need i only know about apple macs (not that much though) I would like to use the amstrad for work setting up a mailing list etc I work for an estate agent and it would save lots of time and paper, gratefull for any help thank you. Amstrad answers: Yup, you need a boot disc to get it going - you'll get one from www.locomotive.com Paolo VICCHIO ROMA - ITALY in ROMA - ITALY at 15:26:43 Wednesday September 29 99 I'm searching a manual of my FAX/Ansewering machine FX6000AT. I can't find it. Do you have a copy to send me?? Tanks for attention. Amstrad answers: You should be able to order a copy from www.cpc.co.uk Anon at 15:12:46 Wednesday September 29 99 where can I find some games that i can download for my amstrad pc 80286 ? please help Amstrad answers: Try the Simtel archives at http://oak.oakland.edu/simtel.net/ Stephen Cox in Norwich, UK at 12:56:40 Wednesday September 29 99 The 9/9/99 bug and Amstrad...A colleague of mine turned on his 8256 recently after a long gap and got nothing. His son also has an 8256 and his recently behaved in the same way. He has heard about the 9/9/99 bug and believes that the coincidence of two 8256's going down after this date is too much and the 9/9/99 bug is the problem. My own feeling is simply that it's time to put both these machines in the bin. Can you set his mind at rest that it is NOT the 9/9/99 bug? Amstrad answers: Nope, it's not the 9/9/99 bug - it's the pixies! They normally live at the bottom of one's garden but on days of the month with a 9 in them they come in through your cat flap and sabotage any computer equipment you might have, the problems even worse on the 9th of the 9th so you can imagine just how bad it was on the 9th of the 9th 1999!!! (Actually the PCW doesn't have a clock so it doesn't "know" whether it is the 9th, 19th or 99th of the month!!) nelson smith at 18:25:19 Tuesday September 28 99 need to know where to find and obtain setup software for a toshiba satellite t1910 laptop 486sx computer. this software is used to configure the system. the laptop is approx 4 years old. original disks lost by previous owner. thanks Amstrad answers: I'd suggest that www.toshiba.com would be a pretty good place to start looking (at least that's where I'd start!) Gerry Dorrian in Glasgow, Scotland at 16:3:39 Wednesday September 22 99 I think I may have the answer to this from your pages, but it's a little disappointing. I have a Pcw16. Is there any software I can install on my PC to translate discs made on the Pcw? Amstrad answers: No translation is necessary, the PcW16 discs (not the other PCWs though!) are directly readable in any PC, what's more, the PcW16 word processor has functions to export the contents of documents in Rich Text Format (RTF) which is directly readable into Microsoft Word. Simon at 19:42:49 Tuesday September 21 99 I have a PDA 600 pen pad (I know its quite old! but I like it) Just recently it has stopped accepting input, on closer expection I noticed that the memory stat. which should only go up to 100% is showing 9765%. Is it time to bin it or is there a solution? Help please. Amstrad answers: Sounds like the software crashed, suggest you reset it by removing ALL batteries for >10 minutes and then restore the data from your most recent backup. Matthew Clubley in Swanley, United Kingdom at 22:38:19 Monday September 20 99 I have an Amstrad PC9555i with a 75Mhz Pentium CPU, and 256Kb Cache, 1Mb Video Ram, and (originally) 8Mb Ram (It now has 32Mb) I need to find out how large a hard drive I can connect to the IDE slot. I have my eyes on at least 8Gb.. Will my Motherboard accept this? I currently have it's original 428Mb drive, and a second HD of the same size connected, I know I have a final spare IDE to use (I have a CD ROM using the third) PLEASE HELP !! Thanks Amstrad answers: The motheboard electronics may well accept the drive but the chances are that your operating system (Win95 I presume) may well limit you to partitions defining just 2GB per "drive". You may want to get Win98 to overcome this limitation. josh at 23:49:44 Sunday September 19 99 7 and 2/3 + 4 and 11/15 Amstrad answers: Well this would have won you "nutter of the Month" but I'm afraid you were pipped to it by the message below from Elizabeth... (but do try again next month) joe g at 6:3:45 Sunday September 19 99 I have a ppc640D, and want to know the original date of introduction, and original price. Also, does it use an 8086 or 8088? Thanks, Jor Amstrad answers: It was launched in about 1986 (yup, 13 years ago) and the 640 with the modem cost £399 which, at the time, was remarkable as that was the cost of just a V22Bis modem back then - how things have changed eh? Elizabeth in MISSISSIPPI at 5:6:57 Friday September 17 99 Who am I ? ( the answer is one word , and it appears only four times in the Bible ) Adam , God made out of dust , but thought it best to make me first , so I was made before man , to answer God's most holy plan . A living soul I became , and Adam gave to me a name. I from his presence then withdrew , and more of Adam never knew. I did my maker's law obey , nor ever went from it astray , thousands of miles I go each year , But seldom on eaarth do appear. For purpose wise which God did see , He put a living soul in me a soul from me God did claim and took from me the soul again. So when from me the soul had fled , I was the same as when first made , and without hands , or feet , or soul , I travel on from pole to pole. I labor hard by day , by night , to fallen men I give great light . Thousands of people , young and old , will by my death greatlight behold. No right or wrong can I conceive , the scripture I cannot believe, alhough my name therin is found , they are to me an empty sound. No fear of death doth trouble me , real hapiness I'll never see, to Heaven I shall never go , neither to Hell below. Now when these lines you slowly read , go search the Bible with all speed , for that my name is written there , I do honestly declare... WHO AM I ? Amstrad answers: WHO ARE YOU? LET ME SEE... You are the lucky winner of this month's "Nutter of the month" award - congratulations. J Shirley in Derby at 12:39:45 Tuesday September 14 99 My 86 year old dad wants know how to delete templates on the PCW16 word processor. Anyone help please Amstrad answers: Yup, look at the Q&A document on the OS Rescue Disc that came with the PcW16 - it contains full details of how to remove the existing templates. (Basically they're just in the "system" folder sky3641 in jersey ci at 21:48:57 Monday September 13 99 please please can you help me i cant find a manual any where on the fx6000at machine i.ve tried going to the other sites but cant find one, please help as they are good fax machines please help me find one to download Amstrad answers: You should be able to order one as a spare part from www.cpc.co.uk Nick Gregorian at 10:7:31 Sunday September 12 99 Please help I have an Amstrad CTV 3128N TV but ive lost the instruction book and it needs tuning in can anyone help by telling me how to do this? Amstrad answers: You should be able to get a newcopy as a spare part from www.cpc.co.uk donald shaft at 10:15:39 Wednesday September 8 99 i've just got hold of a pc1512 and know nothing about computers. Could anyone give me some info as to how to run desktop and any other simple info to get me started. much appreciated, Donald. Amstrad answers: Try typing GEM at the DOS prompt. patrik uveges at 10:43:11 Tuesday September 7 99 I HAVE A LqAMSTRAD PRINTER,BUT I HAVEN'T A DRIVER DISK. SO I CAN'T USE MY PRINTER fOR EXAMPLE: IN THE WINDOWS I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW,THAT WHERE CAN I DOWNLOAD THE DRIVER FROM THE INTERNET. THANK YOU Amstrad answers: Didn't you read the note above about printer drivers? The answer is - use Epson. Jonathan in England at 14:52:44 Sunday September 5 99 I have an Amstrad Mega-PC with inbuilt Sega Megadrive, but I don't know how to start the mega-drive. Do you need any special software? If so what, and where can I get it? Amstrad answers: You slide the front cover acorss so that the Sega slot is visible and then insert a Megadrive game cartridge. Anon at 8:11:25 Monday September 6 99 Terry Holmes in ALT386 at 23:31:50 Thursday September 2 99 I have tried installing a new 3.5 floppy with power connector into an old ALT386 by taking the 5V power off pins 5,7,9 & 11 and ground from pins 13& 15.The floppy goes through its powerup check then "seek track 0 error" comes up. I would appreciate any help to save this otherwise perfect machine fromthe skip. Thanks. Amstrad answers: Sorry but I don't have a service manual for that model any more but I think you should be able to get one from www.cpc.co.uk steven kerr in jamaica at 19:16:22 Tuesday August 31 99 did you make a game by the name of willy bemish if so please notify me on how i can download it if you have not made it please find out from me where i can download i beg you thanks much Amstrad answers: No, never heard of it. Andrew Joynson at 13:33:25 Tuesday August 31 99 Do Amstrad do a digital projector? Amstrad answers: No. Amstrad don't make any type of computer equipment any more. John at 13:23:15 Monday August 30 99 Does anyone know where I can download an Amstrad PC7386sx system disc from, I would be much obliged. John Amstrad answers: There's nothing special about the 7386 PC so just use a bog standard MS-DOS disk from any PC. Chris Barker in Worksop Notts England (The Home of Robin Hood) at 21:39:2 Sunday August 29 99 Please help! How do I access the Bios on a PC7386SX? Having tried my usual routes I am failing miserably with my friend's antique (but still believed usable)machine. I need it to boot to A:/ but at present it boots to C:/. Many Thanks. CPB. Amstrad answers: When you switch it on it says on the bottom line of the screen which key to press to access the BIOS, from memory I think it's [Del] but it might have been [F1] Clifford Nicholson at 8:11:15 Thursday August 26 99 I have some files which were produced using Wordstar Express and that whilst they can be imported directly into Excell the formatting is lost. Is there any software available that would achieve this objective? Amstrad answers: WSExpress wasn't written by Amstrad, we just badged it so you really need to ask the WordStar people if they have modern software that can understand the files from that old program. michael collis in England at 19:31:45 Sunday August 22 99 we downloaded some files for the amstrad so i could play on the pc i have unziped them but i don't know how to find out the file name and one of them it is couldn't find disk so can you help me please? Amstrad answers: I'm not entirely clear what it is you are asking. If you have a ZIP file then you can look at the contents with either WinZip or PKUNZIP -V and you canm ask those programs to unzip the files to a location of your choice. If all else fails and you can't find a file on a hard disk then switch to the root directory and use DIR [fname] /S to make the DIR command search the entire hard drive. ALAN GIBSON at 20:26:21 Saturday August 21 99 WHERE CAN I GET A 1512 STARTUP FLOPPY DISC FOR MY FATHER IN LAW,ON LARGE DISC. Amstrad answers: Available for download from this very web site - get the 4600n.ZIP files Henk Verdru in Heule, Belgium at 20:56:59 Thursday August 19 99 Is it possible for the ALT-386sx to work with a 12V car battery? The orginal battery of my laptop is dead, so I'm looking for alternatives that will enable me to use my computer for my "fieldwork". Thanks Amstrad answers: I just checked the ALT manual I have and it doesn't mention the possibility of using a car battery so I'm afraid it probablym isn't possible. Jeremy Cheesman in London at 20:28:35 Wednesday August 18 99 I have two 6128 models, one with a dodgy keyboard and the other with a tired disk drive together with lots of disks etc. which I would like to dispose of to an enthusiast rather than just scrapping them. Can you tell me where I can find out who might be interested in buying them? Thank you!! Amstrad answers: Definitely no better place than news:comp.sys.amstrad.8bit - it's where all the CPCers hang out. Anon at 17:44:43 Wednesday August 18 99 what is the address for the user port on the amstrad cpc464? Amstrad answers: There is no such thing as a "user port" on a CPC so it doesn't have an IO address because it simply does not exist. You aren't getting confused by the 50 way edge connector at the back of a CPC are you? All that is, is the undecoded Z80 address and data bus so if you wanted to add a "user port" to that you'd need to make up a cicuit with something like an 8255 and some IORQ address decode logic. Petrescu Vlad in ROMANIA at 13:18:14 Sunday August 15 99 I have purchased a schneider dmp4000 printer, and i am wondering if you can provide me the drivers for it, or if you can tell me where can i find them. Please respond ! Thank! Amstrad answers: Epson FX100 Mark Leslie in SW Scotland at 12:22:38 Sunday August 15 99 I have an amstrad monitor, the model is PC14M28LR and I cant find a driver for it anywhere. DOES IT EXIST? Amstrad answers: NO IT DOESN'T! B Ready in Great Cornard Sudbury Suffolk at 12:20:24 Saturday August 14 99 Is there a key on the PcW16 equivalent to the copy key on an 8256 keyboard chr$(23)used in a sequential file to move to the next record when altering records? Amstrad answers: Sorry but I haven't got a clue what you mean. "next record" in which application? Adam Flegman in Queensland Australia at 5:7:41 Friday August 13 99 Amstrad Monitors - In Win95/Win98 what Manufacturer/Model setting do I use if I have an Amstrad Monitor? Are there actual Amstrad display drivers, if so where could I find them? Ad. Amstrad answers: No Amstrad drivers - use "standard monitor types" and then "SVGA 800x600" Demuri Shavadze at 9:6:38 Thursday August 12 99 Dear friends from "AMSTRAD" Please, send to me by mail the complete basic electrical circuit on the Satellite Rece- iver SAT250 (year of issue 1995), or, though tell me please a Part Number of IC1, And also which firm this IC? Beforehand many thanks My E-mail: demuri@gtu.edu.ge Yours faithfully Demuri Shavadze 1999/12/08 Georgia Tbilisi Amstrad answers: You should be able to order a copy of that service manual from www.cpc.co.uk Rob Foster in Hastings at 20:41:26 Wednesday August 11 99 I have been given a PPC640 that was said to be in working order. When I turn it on it displays the message "Please wait". A few moments later it beeps three times and displays a cursor. It does not display the Amstrad PPC640 etc message and I cannot get it to do anything. Is it dead or is there something glaringly obvious that I am not doing? The DIP switches are set as per the manual. Amstrad answers: Unfortunately it does sound kind of dead but it's just vaguely possible that it has been set to direct its screen output to a monitor rather than the LCD because in that case you do always see the "PLease wait" on the LCD but after that the output switches to the monitor. So this would suggest that it may be a DIP switch setting problem and you may want to confirm that you are doubly sure that the switches are set as documented on my portables page here. Suzanne in Tasmania at 3:0:7 Wednesday August 11 99 We have an Amstrad FX6000AT Personal Fax/Answerphone. Is this Y2K compliant?? Amstrad answers: There is a section on the www.amstrad.com web site that covers Y2K and I think it's the case that all the fax machines are compliant but you might want to check there to be sure. Martin Falkus in Cornwall at 19:30:30 Monday August 9 99 My son recently inserted a 1512 boot disk into my 1640 model.Result..machine constantly asking for a system disk even when the correct one is put in...advice please...how do we start again or is this destined for the dump? Geoff Amstrad answers: Are you saying that this is a hard disk model and that the DOS on the hard disk has been corrupted so that it now will only boot from floppy or are you saying that the floppies themselves have been over-written. If the latter then you can download "clean" copies of those disks from this web site. If the former then you may be able to resurrect it by using the DOS SYS command but, unless you are very familiar with DOS and know "what goes where" then it might be an idea to start from scratch (after backing up anything immportant). Simon Wirtz in London, England at 0:5:26 Sunday August 8 99 Dear Cliff, I read through all the previous questions regarding the PDA 600. I have been unable to trace SCA on the web. Can you let me know if indeed they went "tits up" changed name or were taken over. If they did vanish, has anyone else taken over supplying accessories for the pen pad in the UK ? Many Thanks Simon Amstrad answers: "T U" I'm afraid and I no longer know of anyone in the UK supporting the PDA with accessories. There is a company in Germany called Wiedmann.com who did support it but I'm not sure if they still sell stuff for it. HAMDAOUI in gratuit at 18:54:1 Saturday August 7 99 I search Windows standard for Amstrad pc 1512 system exploitation GM for Amstrad PC 1512 Amstrad answers: Sorry but you cannot run Windows on a PC1512, that computer only has CGA graphics and only has an 8MHz 8086 processor. This is not sufficient to run even the old (v3) version of Windows. Olivier BERTRAND in Paris France at 11:14:30 Saturday August 7 99 I am the happy owner of an Amstrad PC 4386SX. I decided, for fun, to install Linux on it. Therefore I changed HD to a bigger one, plugged on a CD ROM drive on the parallel port and went on to install Mandrake or RedHat distributions on the machine. Unfortunately it seems that 4 Mo RAM is not enough to install Linux through the image Boot disk and the sellers of the distributions recommend to have at least 16 Mo. Some gurus claim that it is possible to cope with 4 Mo however they did not unveil to me HOW to do. Hence I went on to upgrade the machine to 16 Mo RAM. I went to a local store to buy as recommended in the manual 4 (4Mox9) SIMMS. I found only SIMMS which were rated 60 to 70 ns speed. I installed them on my machine and put the jumpers to indicate the fastest speed possible i.e. 80 ns, and indeed that 16 Mo were there. I switched on the machine and got for only message : error faulty february. Yes I got this !! There was no way to obtain the usual wait message nor to get into the setup : Ctrl+alt+s were ineffective. I installed back the original SIMMS and the machine works again, but with only 4 Mo RAM. What can I do ?? Is it possible that the 60 to 70 ns SIMMS I used do not work since they are too fast ??? Many thanks for your kind advice. Regards Olivier BERTRAND Amstrad answers: Suggest you try a different manufacturer's SIMM modules as those 60/70nS ones should have worked (there is no problem if they are too fast - only if they'd been too slow). However considering that you can buy a whole 80486 computer in the UK for £25 which comes with a large hard drive and 8 or 16MB of RAM fitted I would guess that this would cost less than the amount you are spending on JUST the SIMMs so I'd suggest you ditch the 4386SX and get an 80486 or possibly even an early Pentium (you can get 60/66/75MHz Pentium machines for about £50) Brett Nelson in USA at 9:38:40 Saturday August 7 99 I have an AMSTAD PC-20 which I can't find listed in any amstad web pages. Can anyone tell me where I can find some technical data on it. I would like to add a hard drive to it. Thanks. Amstrad answers: Did you look at my gallery of computer pictures? Didn't it look like any of the PCs shown there? If not, can you describe it physically so I can have a go at identifying it (some of our PCs had different model numbers in other countries). hazel in dronfield at 19:53:4 Friday August 6 99 I need to try to link an Amstrad printer DMP4000 to a Windows 3.1 can I do that and how, I'm a complete novice so please keep it easy. Thanks Amstrad answers: Sure you can do that. Just tell Windows you have an Epson FX100 and everything will work fine. Jean luc LE LAN in France at 13:30:16 Friday August 6 99 How can i connect a DDI-1 disk 3" on my CPC464? (hardware and software) Amstrad answers: The DDI-1 is the interface that plugs on the expansion port on the back of the CPC and this then connects to the FD1 disk drive. Oncve plugged in place it automatically adds disk support so that LOAD"" and RUN"" will now use the floppy system. If you find this does not work then post a message to comp.sys.amstrad.8bit where there are loads of people still operating this system and they'll be able to tell you what you are doing wrong. Joolz in Great Britain at 10:20:16 Friday August 6 99 I'm retiring a PC1512DD and I want to retrieve the files off the hard drive, and put them onto a more modern PC. It's got one of those funny hard drives which plugs into an ISA shaped slot. I tried just plugging the drive into the ISA slot on a modern PC but windoze can't detect it automatically. Which driver/controller do I need, or am I wasting my time? Cheers, Joolz Amstrad answers: Forget trying to get that 8bit HD going in a modern PC. Instead just wire the two computers together and use transfer software such as Laplink or the excellent MS-DOS 5/6 command INTERLNK Dermot Winston in Birmingham England at 19:26:41 Tuesday August 3 99 I've got an Amstrad FX7000 Faxphone which is "playing up". How do I reset it to factory defaults? Please Email - I need all the help I can get!! Amstrad answers: Sorry, I only know about computers. For fax questions I suggest you contact support@amstrad.com Ray Flather in Cambridgeshire at 12:55:17 Tuesday August 3 99 Can anyone tell me how to set up LocoScript Professional to run on Windows 98 SR? I've installed it and carried out the usual alterations as required to run it is Windows '95 but I cannot integrate my printer or load soft fonts. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Many thanks in anticipation of some response. Amstrad answers: Could I respectfully suggest that there is no one better than www.locomotive.com to tell you how to use their own product. Jayant J in Oman at 17:26:9 Saturday July 31 99 I was recently gifted a secondhand Amstrad PenPad PDA 600. Is there any way I can erase the existing data on it and start afresh prompted by the automatic setting up procedure that the manual mentions? Amstrad answers: Yup, just remove ALL batteries (including the lithium) for about 15 minutes. R.B. van Deest in Groningen The Netherlands at 19:17:14 Friday July 30 99 I got an Amstrad LD6000 laserprinter for which I am looking for printerdrivers for WP 5.1 Also for win95/98 Any one who can help me sending me this drivers attached to email? Thanks very much on forehand Amstrad answers: Please read the printeres page which contains everything I know about the Laser Drucker 6000 Scott Ross in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, USA at 23:24:19 Wednesday July 28 99 I'm looking for a Windows '95 or NT 4.0 driver for an Amstrad 3500LQ printer. Any suggestions? I'm currently running the printer with the IBM Proprinter driver but I'm getting an annoying "@" symbol that starts each page. I'm uncertain where the manual is for the printer, but I currently have all DIP switches in the "off" position. Amstrad answers: In a word - NO! As stated in several locations on this web site there are no such things as Amstrad printer drivers for Windows. You should just use Epson. Andy Gould at 10:50:40 Wednesday July 28 99 Could you please supply us with a printer driver for an amstrad DMP300for windows 3.1 and windows 95 or let us know wher we can get one kind regards Andy Amstrad answers: In a word - NO! As stated in several locations on this web site there are no such things as Amstrad printer drivers for Windows. You should just use Epson. steven percival in Wigton,Cumbria,England at 19:52:3 Tuesday July 27 99 I gave my old amstrad mega pc 386sx to my brother when I upgraded to a bigger pc.Now he has returned it to me because it wont work.He tells me he deleted a game from the pc and the pc rebooted.It went into the memory test and then came up "bad or missing command interpretter".I sent off for a set of system disks and when they arrived I attempted to reboot the pc.It would not recognise the disks.I went into the set up and formatted the hard disk.Now I am able to set the time,date, country,and assign the diskspace for ms-dos but when the pc reboots,after the mouse is initialised ,a message comes up"missing operating system".Please can someone tell me what to do next.Thankyou. Amstrad answers: See the answer to the question immediately beneath this - use SYS. Claire Fletcher in suffolk at 15:19:48 Tuesday July 27 99 Old pc 2086 - when it is switched on "bad or missing command interpretor" appears. Unable to type anything as the cursor disapears. What do I do to repair it? Amstrad answers: Insert a floppy disk containing MS-DOS and when it has booted to the A:\> prompt you should give the command SYS C: to copy the MS-DOS system files back onto the hard disk. Helen Mulgray in Edinburgh at 0:43:9 Tuesday July 27 99 I have a 256k memory card for my NC100 notepad. I am worried that if the notepad terminally crashes (7 years old!) I won't be able to access the card. I have a Toshiba laptop which takes the card but I can't get it to read the card. Can you tell me how to do this or how I could get the card read if the Notepad has died and can't be fixed. Amstrad answers: There is no way in the world that you will ever be able to read that card on ANYTHING but an NC100 or NC200 as the format of the data is completely different to any other type of system using memory cards. Your best bet would be to transfer all the files from the card to the Toshiba using a serial cable and then you will have a permanent backup of them. Jacob at 20:14:49 Monday July 26 99 I´ve got the Winape 32 emulator, and have problems loading programs. I choose the ROM dir as disk drive, "floppy a" and "floppy B" are not selected, but i cant load programs. I write load "name Can you help me Amstrad answers: The actual author of Winape is an almost daily contributor to the comp.sys.amstrad.8bit newsgroup so I'd suggest you post the question there and get the answer "from the horses mouth". Michael Whittaker in Gravesend, kent, England at 16:59:10 Saturday July 24 99 Can you run Windows 3.0 or later on the Amstrad Pc 1640 as i am having problems. Amstrad answers: No you can't because the EGA screen driver for Win 3 contains some 80286 instructions and the 1640 only has an 8086 - if you replace the 8086 with an NEC V30 you can get round this but I wouldn't recommend it as you just would not believe how painfully slow Windows is on an 8MHz processor. I'd suggest considering running something like GEOS instead. Henk Verdru in Heule, Belgium at 15:0:35 Friday July 23 99 Wonderful website!! My sister-in-law (who used to work for Amstrad) gave me an old ALT-386sx, but unfortunately without manual or diskettes. I have this question: how can I access the blue signs and the third signs (like the @ or #). I have a Belgian (Azerty) keyboard-layout? Thanks Amstrad answers: I looked at the ALT manual but it wasn't too helpful. I can only guess that just as you get the 3rd symbol with [Alt Gr] maybe you get the 4th with [Shift]+[Alt Gr] Richard Wernham in Isle of Man at 12:43:37 Wednesday July 21 99 How do I change the modulator channel on a DRX100 satalite reciever, it is not in the service menu. I need to set it below CH38 due to the filtering I have in my distribution system. Amstrad answers: Sorry, I know nothing about satellite systems you need to contact support@amstrad.com Roger Fellows at 13:1:52 Thursday July 15 99 I have lots of software written in Locomotive Basic under GEM which runs on an Amstrad PC1512. I would like to run on a 486 or Pentium, but although I can transfer all the software, I have one seemingly insuperable problem. When running on the 486, the mouse cursor leaves a trail which eventually obliterates the whole screen. Is there an answer to this? I would be eternally grateful for any help you could give me. Roger Fellows Amstrad answers: This is because the GEM screen driver is for the Amstrad 1512 and that graphics mode is not supported on any other computer. Apparently GEM has now been put in the public domain and yoiu can get a version of GEM/3 to run on any PC from < A HREF="http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cfs/cpm/gemworld.html">here Antony Booth in Manchester, Great Britain at 2:51:12 Wednesday July 14 99 I have an PDA 600 together with Eden organiser 1.1. I was wondering if there is an updated version of this software available for 32 bit Windows systems. Whilst on the subject, were there any PCMCIA card applications created. If so what ? Thanks in advance! Amstrad answers: No that software was never updated from that version and Eden went out of business very shortly afterwards. There were some PCMCIA applications (form fiilling, a few games and even a spreadhseet) but I think all the companies involved have long since given up/gone out of business as the PDA didn't create a large enough market for them to continue to try developing/selling the things. Stuart Luscombe in Havant, England at 18:42:57 Saturday July 10 99 My friend has an Amstrad 1640 which won't boot. It won't see the HD and I can't get it to, I don't know if it was parked properly or not, all I need to know is how to get it back so I can fdisk it for him. Amstrad answers: I presume when you say it "won't boot" oyu just mean from the hard disk but that you can get it started from floppies? If not then there isn't much hope as its obviuously just died but as long as you can boot from floppy then if you just run FDISK it should immediately "see" the hard drive as the machine is an XT, not AT type of computer so there is not hard disk type number to be set or anything like that. On XTs you simply connect the hard drive and it ALWAYS works. If it doesn't (i.e. FDISK can't see it) then there is something physically wrong - check power and data leads and satisfy yourself that you can actually hear the drive spinning up when power is applied. The problem with old hard drives that haven't been used for a year or two is that the head can bond to the surface of the disk causing an effect known as "stiction". Johan in at work =( (normally Holmbury St Mary, Surrey) at 13:31:40 Friday July 9 99 Two years ago I bought a second-hand 9555i, with P75 processor and 16 meg RAM. I have since installed a ton of graphics softwar, and it is now running tortuously slow. Please, can anyone advise me on what type (?) of RAM I can add, what the RAM limit would be, if I should add a graphics card (?) and if so, what type. Sorry for all the bundled questions, but the slowness and that krrrrr krrrr krrrr of the hard drive being used to render/drive 3-4 applications are driving me insane. Amstrad answers: That machine takes standard FPM 72pin SIMMs which you should be able to get in capacities of at least 16MB so if you fit those into the four sockets that will give you 64MB which should be enough for most things (it's what I have in my 333MHz Celeron machine that I use today!). There is only really one reason for upgrading graphics cards and that's if you plan to use fast action games. Otherwise it is a waste of time and money. howard lewis in Westbury at 7:9:54 Friday July 9 99 I have an PDA 600 which seems to start OK but no longer reacts to the touchscreen. I have checked the manual but no guidance is given. I have no cables or cards, just the PDA. What's happening and how do I access the information? Amstrad answers: Well one of two things has presumably happened. Either the software has crashed (removing all batteries for 20 minutes should completely reset the machine and fix it if this is the case) or the touch screen is malfunctioning which may be something as simple as the four wire connector having come loose which would be fairly easy to fix. Birgit Esser in Germany at 13:3:45 Sunday July 4 99 Putting an IDE-HD controller with multi IO in a PC2386 the BIOS won't recognize and list COM3. The port is set up correctly and checks okay once test-programs are told that it is there. Is there a tool/patch/utility to load after bootup that adds COM3 support to bios or at least makes the bios list the port? Amstrad answers: No the BIOS will only ever admit to COM1 or COM2 but some comms software (Telix for example) talks directly to the UAT electronics and so you just need to tell it the I/O address (0x2F8 or whatever) and the IRQ (probably 3, 4 or 5) and it should work. Another approach would be to load a FOSSIL driver in Config.Sys clayton miller at 18:58:21 Saturday July 3 99 i need information on the amstrad pc. 640k (v2) could you send me the link page or a hyperlink for information Amstrad answers: That's a PC1640 (aka PC6400). Details are here Note: Older questions / answers have been moved to the archives - see links at top of page.