Phil Sherry in UK at 22:54:15 Sunday September 20 98
I'm another collector and have recently been given an Amstrad ALT-286
Laptop, but it has no battery and consequently won't boot. Is there a way
to bypass this problem (re-wire?) untill I locate a battery? I'm a
computer engineer but have no documentation for this machine.
Re my previous question concerning an ALT-286. I have it powering up
now, but on boot it gives a POST error beep (2 beeps then 3). Lights
flick on then off, leaving only the power light on, the fan runs but no
display. I've changed the memory but feel it may be the h/d. No access
to the floppy also. Any ideas?
Amstrad answers: I don't have a list of the beep codes here
(normally it's a RAM fault anyway!) but the BIOS in the ALT is by
Phoenix so if you track down their web site I'll bet you'll find a
generic list of the beep codes produced by their BIOS'