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follow this guide...
Just run mcz's mcconvert (very easy)
copy to SD or CF memory, install, reboot ... it's English

Power up your SL-C700 and then bring up a Terminal window
(for the SL-C750 / C760 you'll need to first install the Terminal application from the Zaurus CD-ROM)
 - you should now have a prompt of "bash-2.05$" 
 - type "su" to enter superuser mode 
 - type "cd /home/root/Settings" 
 - type "vi locale.conf"

You might want to zoom-up the font size a bit, I've also changed the colour
the file should look like this
(The timezone may be different)
- type "i" (insert mode)
- change the line to "Language = en" 
(press "cancel" key for command mode, "x" delete under cursor).
- press the "Cancel" key 
- save the file (type ":wq" )
- Press the "Q" icon at the lower left corner 
- select "Reboot" and select "Yes" 
(more simple commands in vi note "ESC" = "Cancel")
First thing you'll notice when it reboots:
Damn! those fonts are small
(don't worry, this can be fixed by adding bigger fonts in Part#2).
The following applications now have English menus:
	Text editor
	NetFront v3.0 (for web browsing)
	Media Player
	HancomMobileSheet (spreadsheet)
	Voice recorder
	File manager
	Clock & City time
	Network setup
The following applications now have problem text menus:
	Address book 
	(2 menu items and tabs JPN style, see picture)
	To Do list (2 menu items, see picture)
	HandcomMobile Word (all menu items, see picture)

But, don't worry, this can be fixed too... see part #2
(more links and methods

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