IBM ThinkPad                                           January 06, 1999
    APM Support Diskette for Windows NT 4.0

Version 1.00

What This Diskette Does
The APM(Advanced Power Management) Support Diskette enables or updates 
the APM Support program of the following ThinkPad computers:

   - ThinkPad 390
   - ThinkPad i series 1720/1721

To determine if you have to update the APM Support program or not, 
 please refer to the "Summary of Changes" section.
To update the APM Support program, please refer to the "Installation 
Guide" section.

Released Version
Version 1.00   Initial release

Summary of Changes
Where: <n.nn>  Diskette version (for example, 1.00 means Version 1.00)
       (New)   New function or enhancement
       (Fix)   Correction to existing function
       (Restrictions)  Remaining restrictions

 - (New) Support for ThinkPad 390, i series 1720/1721

Installation Guide

(For Windows NT 4.0)

  1. Start Windows NT 4.0.
  2. Insert the APM Support Diskette for Windows NT 4.0 into the 
     diskette drive.
  3. Click on "Start"; then click on "Run...".
  4. Type "A:\SETUP" and click on "OK".
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  * IBM and ThinkPad are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.
  * Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

  Other company, product, and service names may be registered
  trademarks, trademarks or service marks of others.