Formatting JVC Drives In A 1520

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Posted by Shawn on March 31, 19100 at 07:29:31:

I have a GRiD 1520 and two hard drives.
When I bought it, it had a 20 Meg JVC drive with
a 26 pin interface. The drive is probably bad so
I bought a 10 Meg JVC with the same interface. I found other
problems and fixed them. Now, both drives spin up
to speed, but I get "Hard Disk Diagnostic Failure" when
I boot up the 1520. I get the same error with either

I have heard on an email list (
that the drives were formatted at the factory. Does anyone
have a "special" format utility for the 1520 or know
how to format those type of drives. I tried to get technical
help from JVC but the technical specs page is under
construction. It's been 3 weeks and they haven't responded
to my email. Any info/help would be appreciated.

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