After the personaware-city-file and the PC110FAQ I tried to translate the
internal-modem-voice-command-help-text-file today ;-)

IBM PC110 Internal Modem Voice Commands

(This was done with the free japan<->english conversion utilities and maybe
sometimes without a big sense and with no translation of all words.. 
Better than nothing however.. ;-)  (You may play with the position of the
words ("time after detection" <-> "detection after time", well we'll see ;-) )

[this reminds me a bit of latin translation in school days ;-) ]

Serial parameters may have to be set to 19200,8n1,CTS/RTS

(AT+VXX ?! Something to do with FAX ..?!)

Command Param. Def  Function                                    Note
+VCC              automatic reception                           +FCLASS=2 and
                                                                +VCR=1 avail.?
   =off 0,1    0  off hook immediately following behaviour
                    0=hook only
                    1=hook after rs,rt,pb,time realization
    rs  0~2    0  answer establishment 0:no answer
                    1:2400hz answer   2:RBT suspected
    rt  0~FFh  0  response time (100ms units)
    pb  0,2    0  DTMF detection  0:without  2:detection after signal output
    cng 0,2    0  CNG detection  0:without  2:detection after signal output
    ced 0,2    0  CED detection  0:without  2:detection after signal output
    bt  0,2    0  busy tone detection  0:without  2:det. after signal output
   time 0~FFh  0  detection inspection time (100 ms units)      time=0: ??
+VCR    0,1    0  voice-mode establishment                      +VCR=1 connect
                    0:unavailable 1:available                   +VCO  returned
+VDT              voice playback (transfer) mode
   =snd 5~Fh   A  voice-data-format  5~F:personal format
                     5: high compression / low voice quality
                  .. F: low compression / high voice quality
    pb  0~2    0  DTMF detection 0:none  1:with  2:with    1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
    cng 0~2    0  CNG detection 0:none  1:with  2:with     1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
    ced 0~2    0  CED detection 0:none  1:with  2:with     1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
    bt  0~2    0  Busy tone detection  0:none 1,2:with     1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
   time 0~FFh  0  detection inspection time (100 ms units)      time=0: ??
+VDR              voice recording mode
   =snd 5~Fh   A  voice-data-format  5~F:personal format
                     5: high compression / low voice quality
                  .. F: low compression / high voice quality
                  * F  max. 1 minute recording time
                    E  max. 2 minutes recording time
                   otherwise no restriction of time
    rct 0~FFh  0  max. recording time (1 sec units)
    pb  0~2    0  DTMF detection 0:none  1:with  2:with    1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
    cng 0~2    0  CNG detection 0:none  1:with  2:with     1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
    ced 0~2    0  CED detection 0:none  1:with  2:with     1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
    bt  0~2    0  Busy tone detection  0:none 1,2:with     1:inside voice output
                                                           2:after voice output
 silent 0~FFh  0  soundless time inspection (100 ms units)
   time 0~FFh  0  detection inspection time (100 ms unit)
+VFX    -      -  switch from voice to fax (or from fax to voice?)
+VMS              playback fixed answer message (You won't believe it, but the
                  PC110 has 4 (japanese) sampled sentences in ROM :) If you
                  ever wanted to hear some japanese, try this command ;-) )
   =num 0~3    0  message number (Hey, what does she say? :) )
    pb  0~2    0  DTMF detection (see +VDR or +VDT ...)
    cng 0~2    0  CNG detection (see +VDR or +VDT ...)
    ced 0~2    0  CED detection (see +VDR or +VDT ...)
    bt  0~2    0  busy tone detection (see +VDR or +VDT ...)
   time 0~FFh  0  time inspection detection (100 ms units) (or whatever ;-) )
+VTN              sending of tonal signals (?)          break impossible
   =num 0~2    2  frequency  0:1300 Hz  1:1400Hz  2:1500Hz
   time 0~FFh  1  sending time (100ms units)
+VMC    1      1  reserve sound sending                 (18h) release
                    1:play Beethovens "For Elise"
+VCN    -      -  signal inspection ..... ??
+VIT    1~FFh  Fh voice command wait timer ..? (1 s units)

  * Note: voice recording/playback inside DTMF, CNG, busy-tone detection
          exactness .... quality depending on situation ...


<+VHS hung-up status code summary>

00~0F   call ... terminated
 01     hook switch replacement
 02     guard timeout
 03     busy tone detected
 0F     forced with ATH0
10~1F   answer mode
20~2F   playback/fixation message playback mode
 21     CODEC error
 22     modem under data flow
 23      sending after  timeout (10 seconds)
30~3F   recodring mode
 31     DTE data overflow
40~FF   Reserved


<+VER response parameter summery>

  1     CNG (FAX) detection
  2     soundless detection inside recording
  3     CED detection
  4     busy tone detection
 10     voice data mode termination

                           DTE                  Modem                     phone

TR29 class ??               AT+FCLASS=2 ---------->
(Fax mode)
                            <------------------- OK 

mode establishment          AT+VCR=1 ------------->

                            <------------------- OK
ring detection notificat.   <----------------- RING

                            ATA ------------------>

voice connection notific.   <----------------- +VCO

                            <------------------- OK

playback mode request       AT+VDT=A,2,2,2,2,64 -->

"roger" notification :)     <-------------- CONNECT

                            [voice data] --------->
                                                  ------[voice data]--------->
voice data transfer         
end of transfer signal      ------------>

data mode termination       <-------------- +VER:10
                            <------------------- OK

Hang up                     ATH0 ----------------->

hung up status code         <--------------- +VHS:F

                            <------------------- OK


                           DTE                  Modem                     phone

TR29 class ??               AT+FCLASS=2 ---------->
(Fax mode)
                            <------------------- OK 

mode establishment          AT+VCR=1 ------------->

                            <------------------- OK

ring detection notificat.   <----------------- RING

                            ATA ------------------>

voice connection notific.   <----------------- +VCO

                            <------------------- OK

playback mode request       AT+VDR=A,A,2,2,2,2,A,64
(playback? recording..!)
                            <-------------- CONNECT
                                                  <-----[voice data]----------
                            <----------[voice data]
voice data transfer
end of transfer signal      <----------- 

data mode termination notice<-------------- +VER:10

                                                  <----------------*BUSY TONE*
BusyTone detected           <--------------- +VER:4

hung up reason/status       <--------------- +VHS:3

                            <------------------- OK


                           DTE                  Modem                     phone

TR29 class ??               AT+FCLASS=2 ---------->
(Fax mode)
                            <------------------- OK 

mode establishment          AT+VCR=1 ------------->

                            <------------------- OK


                            <------------------- OK

ring detection notificat.   <----------------- RING

                            ATA ------------------>

voice connection notific.   <----------------- +VCO

                            <------------------- OK
                                                  pseudo ring tone------------>

data mode termination notice<-------------- +VER:10

CNG notification            <--------------- +VER:1
                                                  <--------------------- PB [#]

PB/DTMF notification        <--------------- +VPB:#

                            <------------------- OK

Hang up                     ATH0 ----------------->

hung up status code         <--------------- +VHS:F

                            <------------------- OK

[ translator's notice: I wonder why there was a CNG. I thought CNGs are only
send by a calling FAX - so does this mean that every DTMF is recognized as
a CNG first and then as the DTMF/PB ?? ]


                           DTE                  Modem                     phone

TR29 class ??               AT+FCLASS=2 ---------->
(Fax mode)
                            <------------------- OK 

mode establishment          AT+VCR=1 ------------->

                            <------------------- OK
ring detection notificat.   <----------------- RING

                            ATA ------------------>

voice connection notific.   <----------------- +VCO

                            <------------------- OK

playback mode request       AT+VDT=A,1,1,1,1,64 -->

                            <-------------- CONNECT

                            [voice data]---------->
                                                  ------------[voice data]---->
beginning of voice transfer 
                            <----------------<------------------PB [#] (*)

                            ------------> - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

data mode termination notice<-------------- +VER:10
                                                  <--------------------- PB [8]
PB/DTMF notification        <--------------- +VPB:8
CNG notification            <--------------- +VER:1

                            <------------------- OK

change to fax request       AT+FVX --------------->

                            <------------------- OK

start fax                   ATA ------------------>
                                                   --[CED] DIS CSI ----------->
                                                  <---------------------DCS TSI
fax connection notice       <---------------- +FCON

(*) ...?...?...


tonal signal sending processing
[ some text to the +VTN command, not translated ]

[ Then the +VMS command is explained. There are 4 samples of a japanese woman
  in the ROM and with +VMS you can play it. ]

reserve sound sending (+VMC)
[ I cannot translate enough to check out what this command does ]

[ The next chapter seems to describe what the modem does when the caller
  terminated the connection within a recording or playback .. ]

[ The last chapter deals with DTE and handling of special characters
  (DLE, CAN, etc.) .. Still too much japanese and too less translation
  success to get anything useful out there... ]


.. translation done 06.07.96 by Marko Schuster ( with
the help of "jreader" and the "edict"-vocabularies. Original text by IBM,
supplied with the PC110 on disk#2 (tvcc/doc/voice.txt).

Maybe someone can get voice-software to work with these informations or write
an own one. If anyone has success, please let me know.



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