Welcome to the Mobility Client for Linux(TM) Version, a component of IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Everyplace(R) Connection Manager This README file contains information you need for installing and running the Mobility Client. It also contains information that was not available for our publications. ___________________________________________________________________________ Table of contents 1.0 Software requirements 2.0 Hardware requirements 3.0 Getting help 4.0 Installing 5.0 New features 6.0 Product information 7.0 Fixed Authorized Problem Analysis Reports (APARs) 8.0 Other license terms and conditions, notices, and information 9.0 Trademarks and Copyright ___________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Software requirements One of the following Linux distributions is required: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 workstation, kernel level 2.4.20 or greater (in the 2.4.x series), glibc level 2.3.2 - SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 8, kernel level 2.4.19-4GB or greater (in the 2.4.x series), glibc level 2.2.5 - SuSE 8.1, kernel level 2.4.19 or greater (in the 2.4.x series), glibc level 2.2.5 - SuSE 8.2, kernel level 2.4.20 or greater (in the 2.4.x series), glibc level 2.3.2 - SuSE 9.0, kernel level 2.4.20 or greater (in the 2.4.x series), glibc level 2.3.2 ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 Hardware requirements Disk space on a desktop system: 12 MB ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Getting help Online help is available in the Mobility Client product. See the IBM Mobility Client User's Guide for more information about the types of help that are available and instructions on how to access help. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Installing Follow the instructions in "Installing the Mobility Client on Linux" in the IBM Mobility Client for Linux User's Guide If you have previously installed, see the IBM WebSphere Everyplace Administrator's Guide for information about applying maintenance. Both guides are in portable document format (PDF) and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 5.0 or greater to display or print them. This guides are located on the web at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pvc/wecm/51/ __________________________________________________________________________ 5.0 New features for version 5.1 o Removed support for the SL-5600 Personal Mobile Tool. o The Mobility Client can be configured to check that certain programs are running, like antivirus or personal firewall software, before allowing the connection to start. o The Mobility Client can be configured to automatically start one or more programs after the initial connection successfully completes. o Mobility Client configuration files can be exported and imported which gives an administrator the ability to set or change Mobility Client options, and then distribute the new configuration to the client. The user imports the new configuration and accepts the changes. o An aid in problem determination, the Mobility Client trace viewer is a facility the user can use for first failure data capture, especially useful during a connection attempt. o The Mobility Client now receives most network tuning parameters from the Connection Manager at connect time which eliminating configuration tasks on the Mobility Client. The client transmits characteristics of the connection to the Connection Manager so the configuration data is appropriate for the type of connection being used. o The Mobility Client automatically adjusts network and IP stack maximum transmission unit (MTU) sizes based on the type of IP interface used to communicate to the Connection Manager. o The Mobility Client automatically adjusts the network MTU size to avoid network black holes. 5.1 New feature for version o Added support for limiting the Mobility Clients that are permitted to log on to the Connection Manager by device class. This capability is a security feature of the connection profile that is assigned to the mobile network connection (MNC) to which the client logs in. __________________________________________________________________________ 6.0 Product information None at this time. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.0 Fixed Authorized Problem Analysis Reports (APARs) None at this time. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.0 Other license terms and conditions, notices, and information The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided in the "LICENSE.TXT" file in the installation directory. Please note that any non-English version of the information in this file is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the file is the official version. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.0 Trademarks and Copyright Everyplace, IBM, and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Copyright International Business Machines and others, 1994, 2004. All rights reserved.