Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel
Linked partitions are part of the Essbase Partitioning product.
They provide the ability to link Essbase databases that contain different
dimensions without losing access to all dimensions of both databases.
If your organization has purchased and implemented the partitioning product,
you can take advantage of its powerful capabilities. The
Database Administrator's Guide describes how to
design and implement a linked partition. The Essbase application
designer usually sets up partitioning.
- Note:
- The Partitioning product also enables the Essbase application designer to set
up transparent or remote partitions. For more information on
partitioning, see the Database Administrator's
You can set visual cues, or styles, for cells tagged as linked objects.
These cells are access points to the linked partition within the linked
database. You have two options for accessing a linked partition from a
data cell in Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in:
- Select the cell and select Essbase > Linked Objects.
- Enable double-clicking for linked object browsing.
If you enable double-clicking for linked object browsing, double-clicking
behavior changes for retrieving data and performing drill actions. For
more information on these changes, see the Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online
When you select Essbase > Linked Objects from a linked partition cell,
Hyperion Essbase completes the following actions:
- Essbase displays the Linked Objects Browser dialog box, which contains a
list of possible partitions to access. From this dialog box, select the
partition to connect to.
- Note:
- The Linked Objects Browser dialog box may also contain a list of linked
reporting objects, such as cell notes and external files. For more
information, see "Using Linked Reporting Objects".
- After you select a partition, Essbase creates a new worksheet that
contains corresponding members and dimensions for the cell in the linked
- Note:
- Essbase does not preserve formulas across partitions.
- Essbase retrieves data values from the linked partition.
You can now perform operations such as drill down and drill up to get more
information on the new worksheet.
- Note:
- The Sample Basic database that you are using for this tutorial does not
contain a linked partition. Tasks that you should not
perform as part of the tutorial are shown in light colored boxes.
To access a linked partition in Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in if the Essbase
application designer has a linked partition set up:
- Locate a linked object cell, as indicated by the style applied to the
- Select Essbase > Linked Objects to open the Linked
Objects Browser dialog box.
- Note:
- Alternatively, select the Enable Linked Object Browsing check box in the
Essbase Options dialog box to enable double-clicking to view linked
- Select the partition that you want to connect to and click
Linked Objects Browser Dialog Box, Linked Partition

Essbase creates a new worksheet that contains the dimensions and members
for the cell in the linked partition.
- Note:
You need to have the proper privileges to access a linked partition. If
your user account and password match the account information for the linked
partition, Essbase establishes a connection with the linked partition.
Otherwise, Essbase displays the Essbase System Login dialog box for you to
enter the user account and password information manually.
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