IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2, Version 1, Release 2 Corrective Service CSD #2 (FixPak 2) Installation Instructions and Summary of Changes This FixPak will available on CD-ROM by April 4, 1997. To order, in the domestic USA, call the IBM Support Center (ISC) at 1-800-992-4777 and request PTF XR21917, (part number GK2T-9052-02). All other geographies your local IBM Support structures or an authorized IBM Personal Computer Dealer, whichever is applicable. This file contains information that will be useful to you when installing this CSD. It is divided into the following categories: A. OVERVIEW OF FIXPAK2 B. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS C. FIXPAK #2 SUMMARY OF CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS OVERVIEW OF VA COBOL V1R2 FIXPAK2 --------------------------------- The purpose of this APAR is to document the content of FixPak #2 for IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS2 Version 1 Release 2, Standard and Professional Editions of the product. This FixPak contains a combination of corrective service and functional enhancements. The corrective service fixes are cumulative fixes from product GA "refresh", on 9/03/1996, through corrective service cutoff date of 2/29/97. The enhancements to the Professional Edition are directed at deliver of support of IBM's Year 2000 initiatives and Host Data Types. Professional Edition is composed of the Standard Edition of product plus the Redeveloper component. FixPak2 includes both the Standard and Professional edition FixPaks. After installing the Standard edition, the install program begins the install for Professional. The install program will detect if you do not have Professional installed and end with a message. Just exit out of the Professional install, reboot, and your VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2, Standard is at the FixPak2 level. FixPak #2 contains fixes and updates to the following functional areas of the Standard Edition product: Compiler/Run-time Library, Debugger, Editor, WorkFrame, GUI Designer, GUI Designer Parts, GUI Code Assistant Data Assistant, Transaction Assistant, Linker Performance Analyzer, Application Packaging Utility SMARTdata Utilities, Product Incongruences Remote Edit/Compile/Debug, CICS support, DB2 support ODBC support, Documentation and Manuals and Sample programs. An overview of the fixes and functional enhancements to VA COBOL for OS/2 Standard and Professional Editions is contained in this APAR/PTF. Details of specific fixes and enhanced function is contained as part of FixPak2 in two readme files, the README.CSD for the Standard Edition and README.PRO for the Professional Edition. The ID # for the CD media containing FixPak2 is GK2T-9052-02. This CD media can be obtained through your local support structure. The content of FixPak #2 is also available on the Internet and through CompuServe. It be accessed from the IBM COBOL Family page at URL address: -- These fixes are also accessible by anonymous FTP site at: -- ------------------------------------------------- SYSLEVEL CHECK BEFORE INSTALLATION OF FIXPAK2 ------------------------------------------------- Prior to installation of this FixPak, customers should check the SYSLEVEL of the VisualAge COBOL installed on their system. to insure the install is being applied to the Version 1, Release 2 product, Standard Edition or Professional Edition. This can be done by issuing the following command at any OS/2 prompt: ...SYSLEVEL > SYSLEVEL.FIL This will cause the SYSLEVEL command to execute and save the results to a file named...."SYSLEVEL.FIL". This file can then be edited/browsed with the workstation editor of your choice. The SYSLEVEL.FIL file will contain information on the level of all products installed on your workstation. So search in the file for COBOL. If you have IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 Standard Edition only installed the COBOL SYSLEVEL information should look like this example before installation of of FixPak2: D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ0 IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 V1.2 Refresh Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ???? D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ1 IBM COBOL Compiler Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279301 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ12?? D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ2 IBM COBOL Runtime Library Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279302 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ12?? If you have IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 Professional Edition installed you will have the following also: D:\TOOLS\SYSLEVEL.WZR Redeveloper for IBM COBOL V1.2 Refresh Version 1.20.0 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1200 Prior CSD level: IWZ12?? After installation of FixPak2 the same SYSLEVEL command should result output the resembles the following: D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ0 IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 V1.2 Refresh FixPak 2 Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 D:\TOOLS\SYSLEVEL.WZR Redeveloper for IBM COBOL V1.2 Refresh FixPak 2 Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279300 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ1 IBM COBOL Compiler Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279301 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 D:\IBMCOBOL\SYSLEVEL\SYSLEVEL.WZ2 IBM COBOL Runtime Library Version 1.20.1 Component ID 562279302 Current CSD level: IWZ1201 Prior CSD level: IWZ1200 ------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of fixes and enhancements to VA COBOL R1R2 Standard: ------------------------------------------------------------ Std.0 The Year 2000 Problem Support --------------------------------- A new environment variable, TZ, is supported. It is used to provide information about the local time zone for the date and time callable services. Std.1 New Run-Time Messages --------------------------- Std.2 S390 Host Data Type Support -------------------------------- To enable compatibility with S390 host data type representations, the following new compiler options are supported: CHAR This compiler option is used to select the representation of character data. FLOAT This compiler option is used to select the representation of floating point data. A new suboption, S390, has been added to the BINARY compiler option. A new environment variable, EBCDIC_CODEPAGE, is supported. It is used in conjunction with the CHAR(EBCDIC) compiler option to select an EBCDIC code set. The TYPECHK compiler option is sensitive to the S390 host data type specification. Std.2.1.1 Mixture of Native and Non-native Data ------------------------------------------------ To allow the mixture of binary, character, and floating point data in both the native and S390 host formats, an extension has been added to the USAGE clause. The extension is in the form of the optional keyword NATIVE, which can be used with any of the existing data types. Std.2.1.2 Considerations with S390 Host Data Support ----------------------------------------------------- o REMOTE DB2 ACCESS o REMOTE FILE ACCESS o CICS ACCESS Std.3 New and Changed Compiler Options --------------------------------------- Std.3.1 BINARY Compiler Option ------------------------------- A new suboption, S390, is supported. Specifying S390 is identical to specifying S370 and means that binary data is represented in the binary representation of S390 (Big-Endian format). COMP-5 data items and data items defined with the NATIVE option are not impacted by the BINARY(S390) option. Std.3.2 CHAR Compiler Option ----------------------------- This is a new compiler option to support S390 host character data type. Std.3.3 FLOAT Compiler Option ------------------------------ This is a new compiler option to support S390 host floating point data type. Std.4 Changes to Environment Variables ---------------------------------------- The following describes changes to environment variables. Std.4.1 EBCDIC_CODEPAGE ------------------------ The new EBCDIC_CODEPAGE environment variable allows you to specify an EBCDIC code set applicable to the EBCDIC data being processed by programs compiled with the CHAR(EBCDIC) or CHAR(S390) compiler option. Std.4.2 LANG -------------- The default has changed from enus437 to EN_US. Std.4.3 LC_COLLATE ------------------- Determines the locale to be used to define the behavior of ranges, equivalence classes, and multicharacter collating elements. If not set, the default is to use the locale specified by the LANG environment variable. Std.4.4 LC_MESSAGES -------------------- Determines the locale which defines the language in which messages are written. If not set, the default is to use the locale specified by the LANG environment variable. Std.4.5 LC_TIME ---------------- Determines the locale for date and time formatting information. If not set, the default is to use the locale specified by the LANG environment variable. Std.4.6 LOCPATH ---------------- Specifies the search path where the locale information database exists. It is a colon-separated list of directory names. Std.4.7 TZ ----------- This variable is used to describe the time zone information to be used by the locale. Std.6 File Name Extensions --------------------------- An additional file extension, .COB, is supported for COBOL COPY files. Files with this extension are searched for by the compiler after processing is complete for .CPY and .CBL files. --------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of fixes and enhancements to VA COBOL R1R2 Professional --------------------------------------------------------------- New Application Understanding Function -------------------------------------------- This FixPak adds the following function/features to Application Understanding - Pattern matching on member name for JCL scan. - New inventory category - Datasets There is a migration utility to upgrade your existing database for datasets. See write-up below and online help for Application Understanding Setup Utility for more information. - Numerous usability improvements such as: - Status line on Inventory windows showing count of objects in window. - Ability to scan "unlimited" number of members of a Joblib in a single run without increase in region size. - Elimination of trace message in log file. - Addition of member being scanned message in log file. - New icons. Program Understanding Tool: --------------------------- It is now possible to generate Year 2000 impact reports using the Program Understanding analysis engine and an input seed file. The comments G1 thru G10 apply to both the window related functions and the Year 2000 reports. Note 1. For detailed information on Y2K analysis and reports, please refer to the on-line help provided with the product. Note 2. If you are running DCZMKPU, it can only be run from the command line. Note 3. When you are doing Y2K analysis, you cannot use ADATA generated by MVS. Pro.1. COBOL programs vary in the complexity of their logic. This will have a direct impact on the performance and ability o f Program Understanding analysis. Workstation size and speed also influence Program Understanding performance. As a general guideline, programs should be smaller than 6000 lines of code for this release. For the Y2K reporting portion of the tool, there is no limit to the size of the program to be analyzed. Of course, larger programs will require longer analysis time. Pro.2. If you encounter OS/2 swapper file problems while analyzing large or highly complex programs, order OS/2 APAR # PJ23322. Pro.3. Program Understanding uses the SYSADATA files (.ADT files) to analyze and display your programs. These files are currently generated by the VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2 compiler, when the ADATA compiler option is used. To create .ADT file s, download the COBOL files that you want to analyze, and compile them on the workstation. If you are compiling only to create SYSADATA, use "Compile programs but do not link" option under Workframe. If you are not using Workframe, just double click on the .CBL file from any icon view of files. Pro.4. Program Understanding does not support SPECIAL NAMES paragraphs in this release. This means that you will not be able to invoke Data Flow functions for anything defined in a SPECIAL NAMES paragraph. Pro.5. When selecting more than one file, the Program Understanding 'Create and show flow graph' function works differently between host SYSADATA files and workstation .ADT files. For each host SYSADATA file, a separate Control flow window displays for each SYSADATA file, one at at time. For the workstation .ADT files, one Control flow window will appear with all of the ADATA displayed. Pro.6. If a COBOL source file contains separate programs (sequence of programs), Program Understanding processes only the first one. Pro.7. To use the 'Analyze flow' or 'Create and show flow graph' functions of Program Understanding, you must complete the instructions listed in the 'Program Understanding Project Setup Verification' section of "Introducing Redeveloper". Pro.8. While in the Windows portion of Program Understanding (not Y2K function, if you get the following message: DCZU9990I Out of memory while trying to load user program information. How processing will continue: Unable to continue. What the user can do: This memory is shared, and a fixed amount is obtained. You can try setting the environment variable DCZ_HEAP_SIZE to the number of bytes you want obtained. add the following to your CONFIG.SYS: SET DCZ_HEAP_SIZE=xxxxxxxx where 'xxxxxxxx' is equal to the size of the .XPI file multiplied by six. For example, if the .XPI file is 6 mg, you would add SET DCZ_HEAP_SIZE=36000000 to your CONFIG.SYS. (The .XPI file is created during the Analysis phase.) Pro.9 Year 2000 Report Information ----------------------------------- SQL: --- It is now possible to analyze COBOL programs that contain embedded SQL. See README.PRO for details. CICS: ----- The PUT can be used to analyze host COBOL programs that contain embedded CICS statements. See README.PRO for details.