Product: IBM CallPath Skills-Based Routing
       Version: 6.3.0
         Level: E1971
      Platform: OS/2
          Date: 5 March 2001
  Service File: skbos2.exe
       History: skbos2.hst
          Size: 1105252   (1.1Mb)
  Installation Instructions:
    Download the self-extracting file, skbos2.exe, into a temporary directory.
    Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts.
    If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to
    undo the service update, issue the following commands:
      cd \
      <backupexe> -Qdr
    where <installdrive> is the drive letter on which product is installed
      and <backupexe> is the full path name of the backup self-extracting file.
  Fixes contained in this Service Package:
       Name: APAR IC29492
    Library: 9172
    Symptom: The SKBR hangs because agentList lock is not released after
             INI re-read.
   Solution: The implementation of masterlock needed correction to locking
             scheme when agent is no longer valid. SetStatus for logoff
             will only obtain locks if not AGENT_DELETE.
       Name: APAR IC29238
    Library: 9090
    Symptom: The estimated wait time appears to be too high after it has
             been running for a while.
   Solution: The update of the average process time will not round up when
             being recalculated. The resulting value would created a higher
             number when multiplied by the number of calls queued.
       Name: APAR IC29020
    Library: 9050
    Symptom: The boost priority thread was running when the calls were
             being dequeued. This resulted in an error condition when the
             call to be removed was not found on the expression list of
             calls. Further execution could result in a trap.
   Solution: The boost priority thread will obtain the expression lock
             sooner to prevent the call removal function from interacting
             with the boost priority thread. The call removal function will
             do more of its processing while the expression is locked and
             while the callslist is locked. Also, correct the processing of
             removing handles for agents that are logging off. Remove all
             handles for that agent versus one handle. CMVC defect 9128
       Name: APAR IC28841
    Library: 9007
    Symptom: Agent logon/logoff activity during heavy load allowed the
             agent to be left on a qualified agent queue even tho the agent
             was logged off. Under the os/2 environment this resulted in a
   Solution: Corrected the ProcessACDLogoff function to designate that the
             agent was logging off so that attempts to place the agent on
             the qualified agent queue would fail. Other changes to avoid
             timing problems in case of application dropping.
       Name: APAR IC28494
    Library: 8967
    Symptom: TadsRequestACDAction for TADS_ACD_AVAIL_IMPLICITLY or
             TADS_ACD_AVAIL_EXPLICITLY are eaten by SKBR and not passed on
             to CP Interface deamon.
   Solution: Corrected TadsRequestACDAction function to evaluate for all
             valid cases and to return TADS_NOT_SUPPORTED for cases that
             SKBR does not handle so that Server can pass request on to
             other deamons. The TADS_ACD_AVAIL_IMPLICITLY and
             TADS_ACD_AVAIL_EXPLICITLY are two cases not handled by SKBR.
       Name: APAR IC28248
    Library: 8930
    Symptom: Rc 561 returned for SetAgentPreferences. The function
             determined that the skill at the end of the allowable buffer
             size was incorrect because it was truncated.
   Solution: Function now puts a diag into the SKBRERR file that will
             denote the skill in question and alert the user to examine the
             buffer size.
       Name: APAR IY12778
    Library: 8913
    Symptom: Rc 510 returned for Skills Based functions due to deadlock.
   Solution: The logging off of agents due to DisconnectFromServer will
             utilize the same code as is used when an agent requests a
             logoff. This handles the locks better and prevents the
             deadlock with the setting of monitors.
       Name: APAR IC27657
    Library: 8869
    Symptom: Invalid estimated wait time when agents are logging off.
   Solution: The calculation of the estimated wait time will prevent 0
             value when there are calls in the queue and the number of
             agents logged on is changing. A residual high value should
             also be eliminated by this fix.
       Name: APAR IC27620
    Library: 8862
    Symptom: Unable to access working agent list as logoff of agent occurs.
   Solution: The dropApps function will now call the ProcessACDLogoff
             function that handles locks better and should prevent the lock
             problem from occurring.
       Name: APAR IC27561
    Library: 8739
    Symptom: Invalid QueueSize value returned for monitored
   Solution: Correct the Skill Expression copy constructor in tadsskbr.hpp
             to copy the iCallsInQueue value so that the
             GenerateACDAgentDetails function will obtain the correct queue
             size value.
       Name: APAR IC28839
       Date: 15 Nov 2000
    Library: 9021
    Symptom: When installing an Enterprise product the following error
             occurs; "Could not add dll path to autoexec.bat". If this
             error was ignored on the installation then there will be an
             incomplete install of the product. Now when service is applied
             to the product the following error will be displayed; "Not
             Enough disk space on target drive while attempting to copy
             files. To continue, first free disk space on the target drive
             and then click OK." Whether OK or Cancel is chosen the program
             will result in an endless loop. One must use Task Manager to
             end the Callpath Service application.
    Problem: The problem is that some Windows 2000 machines have a hidden
             AUTOEXEC.BAT file which prevents install from updating the
             path. This results in a corrupted registry entry. This also
             causes the service executables to fail which gives the "out of
             disk space" error above.
   Solution: The solution is to turn off the hidden attribute from the
             AUTOEXEC.BAT file, uninstall, and then reinstall. The
             following steps will assist in the process.
              1)  Stop all components
              2)  Turn off the hidden attribute on the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
                    This can be done by opening a command prompt and
                    from the root directory, usually c:\, type
                    "attrib -H AUTOEXEC.BAT".
              3)  Copy all of the .INI and/or .DEF files from the conf directory
                    to a temporaray directory.
              4)  Uninstall the product.
              5)  Reinstall the product.
                    This time there should be no error messages displayed
                    from the install program.
              6)  Copy the .INI and/or .DEF file from the temporary directory
                    back to conf.
  Files contained in this Service Package: