Product: IBM CallPath Phone for Java
       Version: 6.3.0
         Level: J2032
      Platform: Windows
          Date: 20 June 2001
  Service File: phnwnt.exe
       History: phnwnt.hst
          Size: 1841891   (1.8Mb)
  Installation Instructions:
    Download the self-extracting file, phnwnt.exe, into a temporary directory.
    Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts.  This will start
    an InstallShield Wizard to guide you through the installation process.
  Fixes contained in this Service Package:
       Name: APAR IC29817
       Date: 07 Mar 2001
    Library: 8771
    Problem: The CPPhone example application does not take advantage of the
             Dynamic JTAPI user functionality. CPPhone only works with
             users with configured telephony resources. This limitation
             requires the CallPath server administrator to constantly
             reconfigure the JTAPI daemon in a call center where agents do
             not use the same phone sets on a daily basis.
 Workaround: None.
   Solution: Enhance the CPPhone application to prompt for the dynamic
             JTAPI user addresses, ACD addresses, and agent data. This was
             accomplished by adding a new class called
             CPPhoneResourceDialog which will display a dialog box of all
             the available JTAPI resources when a dynamic JTAPI user
             attempts to log on. Additionally, the LogonData class was
             updated to store the selected resources for dynamic users and
             is used to restore the last selections made if they are still
             available in the system. The dialog box was written using the
             IBM VisualAge for Java tool which generated the code to handle
             the GUI components.
  Files contained in this Service Package: