Product: Corepoint Telephony Lucent G3 - Ethernet
       Version: 6.2.0
         Level: V1998
      Platform: OS/2
          Date: 24 April 2001
  Service File: g3eos2.exe
          Size: 735805  (0.7Mb)
  Installation Instructions:
    Download the self-extracting file, g3eos2.exe, into a temporary directory.
    Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts.
    If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to
    undo the service update, issue the following commands:
      cd \
      <backupexe> -Qdr
    where <installdrive> is the drive letter on which product is installed
      and <backupexe> is the full path name of the backup self-extracting file.
  Fixes contained in this Service Package:
       Name: APAR IC29936
    Library: 8580
    Symptom: Feature Invoked events will not flow when using incorrect
             values in the pool field of the STLINVK request to change an
             agent's state after an agent is logged in, however, the switch
             accepts and performs the change for the agent anyway. This
             occurs because the G3 ignores the pool field in the request
             and instead uses the ACDs within its own configuration. Since
             call reporting applications rely heavily on this event, the
             system was changed to no longer accept invalid ACD values that
             appear in the pool field or valid ACDs that are not consistent
             with the ones reported by prior logon events. This new error
             will help identify all the inaccurate agent/ACD configurations
             and therefore correct the reporting data. This code update
             also corrects inconsistent reporting of agent ID's via the
             party address fields in all events.
       Name: APAR IC29613
    Library: 9210
    Symptom: When using two or more CallPath Servers connected to the same
             G3 and both servers monitor the same set of phones, calls can
             be lost in some scenarios such as a blind transfer. These lost
             calls are correctly reported to applications with disconnect
             events, however, they still exist within the switch. The
             reason they are cleared is because the two links must use a
             call controlling association for tracking purposes of which
             one and only one link may obtain. Therefore, one link will win
             the call and all others will lose it. This resource limitation
             cannot be completely avoided in all scenarios, however,
             changes were done to reduce the need to take control of a call
             to track it and therefore not lose it.
       Name: APAR IC29443
    Library: 9148
    Symptom: Using trunk access codes to manually dial extensions on
             another G3 with a common set of extensions as the originating
             switch can sometimes create dead calls. The reason for this
             behavior is that the dialed numbers reported during these
             scenarios are the ones at the remote switch without the trunk
             access code which would make the remote party number unique.
             The G3 switch dependent code has been updated to mark any
             connection ID's associated with off-switch numbers to avoid
             some of this ambiguity and send disconnects for the remote
             party after all local numbers drop out of the call. It is
             highly recommended to avoid the direct use of trunk access
             codes to make calls to another G3 and create a dialing plan to
             perform this function so that applications work properly.
       Name: APAR IC27991
    Library: 9023
    Symptom: A STLMAKE call request will fail to return a response and log
             an ERR_ASN1_ENCODE_ERROR (5065) and eventually exhaust all of
             the CallPath Server Request tags. For this error to occur, a
             manual call must already be in progress from an extension to
             an unanswered destination that generates a NETWORK_REACHED
             event and the STLMAKE request issued is from the same
             extension to a different destination. The switch dependent
             code was changed to correctly return the response and prevent
             CallPath Server request tag leak.
       Name: APAR IC27966
    Library: 8920
    Symptom: The Alerting/Connected events for an ACD agent are are
             discarded after a TAKE CONTROL ACK response is received from
             the G3. This condition will happen when the call routes
             between two monitored VDN's where the first VDN queues the
             call to a hunt group/ACD skill and contains a route-to step to
             a second VDN that sends the call to an agent of another hunt
             group/ACD skill. The switch dependent code was changed to
             correctly send the alerting and connected events for the
       Name: APAR IC28242
    Library: 8919
    Symptom: A parked event will be reported when a trunk to trunk event
             should have been sent. This occurs when the calling and called
             numbers of the transfer event are reported by the switch as
             both being (unknown external). The switch dependent code was
             changed to correctly send a transferred event in this case.
       Name: APAR IC28243
    Library: 8668
    Symptom: The SWITCH.EXE fails to start due to error ERR_CREATE_CSM on a
             Windows NT/2000 system. The cause of this condition is usually
             due to a catastrophic error in the TCP/IP subsystem
             communicating with the G3 or the G3 failing itself. The
             failure can leave the CSM.EXE process running without its
             parent SWITCH.EXE. Code was added to attempt to shut down the
             orphaned CSM.EXE and restart. If the failure continues, the
             only recovery will be to reboot the Windows system.
       Name: APAR IC27215
    Library: Defect 8644
    Symptom: The SWITCH.EXE traps or invalid transferred event occurs where
             the common party in the two calls is an external number. The
             cause of this is due to a new calling party reported in the
             switch CONNECTED event. In some circumstances, this calling
             party is a hunt group. The switch dependent code has been
             changed to ignore all monitored hunt groups in this situation
             and never generate an inferred transfer event with an external
             number as the common party.
       Name: APAR IC27214
    Library: Defect 8477,8551
    Symptom: External ISDN calling parties using an ISDN numbering plan
             were previously reported with an unknown numbering plan. The
             switch dependent code has been updated to now fill in this
             field when applicable instead of defaulting to the unknown
             numbering plan.
       Name: APAR IC27210
    Library: Defect 8510
    Symptom: In some circumstances, an alerting event will not report the
             number of the external party, but will appear in the
             subsequent connected event. The switch dependent code was
             updated to now fill in the connected number when reported by
             the switch in this situation.
       Name: APAR IC26715
    Library: Defect 8363
    Symptom: Calls into the Lucent G3 switch through ISDN trunks will only
             recognize ISDN International Number Types as the ANI
             (Automatic Numbering Identification) party type. The Lucent
             switch dependent code was updated to recognize National,
             Network Specific, Subscriber, and additional reserved ISDN
             number types as the ANI party type instead of using the
             unknown party type.
       Name: APAR IC26716
    Library: Defect 7199
    Symptom: Lucent G3 Switches operating with Definity Release G3V8 or
             higher now support a new ASAI Value Query request to determine
             the exact version of the Definity Release installed and
             administered. Two new informational messages were added
             (5127) which log the active ASAI protocol in use and the
             definity software details. Switches running at pre-G3V8 levels
             will receive a negative response to this query at startup due
             to the unrecognized request.
       Name: APAR IC26693
    Library: Defect 8381
    Symptom: An ERR_GENERIC_CGEN (5116) error would sometimes be logged
             with a DelMon2 tag. The condition is caused when a temporary
             domain control request is denied when an unmonitorable device
             alerts or connects and when the switch is under stress due to
             very high call volume. Over time, the system may run out of
             request tags and crash due to lack of resources. A logic error
             was found in the switch dependent code creating a request tag
             leak and has been corrected.
       Name: APAR IC26710
    Library: Defect 6697
    Symptom: An ERR_GENERIC_CGEN (5116) error would sometimes be logged
             with a RecoverUCID tag. A logic error was found in the switch
             dependent code and has been corrected.
       Name: APAR IC26705
    Library: Defect 8344
    Symptom: When the VDN Service Observing Feature is activated on the G3
             to monitor calls, the Call_Connected event would show the
             observed VDN connecting instead of the supervisor's extension.
             This problem was corrected in the Lucent switch dependent
             code. To aid applications with handling the event stream
             created by using this feature, the Call_Connected event will
             be reported AFTER the Call_Routed (direct route) processing.
             It is expected that the observed VDN be monitored, otherwise,
             no Call_Connected event for the supervisor will be reported.
             However, if the call finally connects to a device, the
             observer will appear within the existing_party_list.
       Name: APAR IC26714
    Library: Defect 8313
    Symptom: When an STLXTND (Extend) request is made, the
             holding_party_ID_2 field will contain the connection id of the
             calling party of the new call. This change was made to aid
             applications in handling extensions with three or more active
             line appearances.
       Name: APAR IC26694
    Library: Defects 6841,8240
    Symptom: The G3 SWITCH.EXE may trap or log numerous call state errors
             when operating with a G3 switch with more than one active ASAI
             link monitoring calls. The errors are due to calls flowing
             between monitored resources such as VDN's and unmonitored
             resources that are monitored by other CTI applications. The G3
             limits call controlling (TAKE CONTROL request) to only one
             ASAI link. A negative response to a TAKE CONTROL with a cause
             code of 3_63 'service or option not available' is usually
             indicative a competing ASAI link configuration. Several code
             changes were required to handle call state transitions as a
             call left the monitored resources and returned at later point.
       Name: APAR IC25801
    Library: Defect 8177
    Symptom: The G3 SWITCH.EXE will trap/coredump on a redirect event when
             using the station service observing feature from an
             unmonitored station. The problem occurs because the disconnect
             event from the observer does not flow until last and is never
             sent because it is not domain controlled and therefore leaves
             dead calls in the call state model. The system has been fixed
             to implicitly monitor all internal connecting parties in order
             to receive a full event stream and ensure such calls are
             properly cleaned up.
       Name: Defect 8000
    Symptom: When the calling party generates a RECONNECT event, the
             calling party appears in the existing party list as well as
             the connecting party structure in a two party call. A minor
             logic error was found in the connect event processing module
             and has been corrected.
       Name: APAR IC24604
    Library: Defect 7982
    Symptom: Issuing an STLQACD request for types QUERY_PILOT_QUEUED_CALLS
             or QUERY_PILOT_AGENTS_SUMMARY will always return zero counts.
             The problem was introduced by recent changes in the G3 raw
             message decoder and has been fixed.
       Name: APAR IC24433
    Library: Defect 7923
    Symptom: Starting the G3 Ethernet SWITCH.EXE generates a switch up,
             switch down, switch up status. The first switch up status was
             incorrect and the system has been changed to remove it.
       Name: Defect 7913
    Symptom: When a call was redirected from the principle station of a
             bridge group, the redirect events for the bridged parties were
             discarded. The problem was found in the duplicate event filter
             used when reading data from the switch link and has been
       Name: Defect 7910
    Symptom: When a VDN is configured to queue a call to only one skill and
             later redirects the call after a timeout, an incorrect queue
             cleanup routed event was reported. The route reason has been
             changed to use a forward route in this sequence to more
             accurately reflect the architecture.
       Name: APAR IC24432
    Library: Defect 7903
    Symptom: The G3 SWITCH.EXE would go down after receiving a 6003
             ERR_REQUEST_COMMBFR error when a 16 party bridge group is
             called. The cause was found to be a protocol violation in the
             connected party id field from the 16th alerting event and had
             a value of 0. Additional defensive code was added to catch
             this switch fault and handle it using a value of 0x80 instead.
       Name: Defect 7881
    Symptom: An invalid directory number negative response is now generated
             for STLXTND cid_a DN_A and STLRED cid_a DN_A requests where
             cid_a represents the same party as DN_A. This change was made
             to be consistent with what happens when an STLMAKE DN_A DN_A
             request is issued. The STLRED request will only be NAK'ed when
             redirecting an alerting party. When the STLRED is used to
             reply to a REQUEST_INSTRUCTION, redirecting back to the
             originating VDN is allowed, however, a new ROUTED event is
             generated on the positive response. The new ROUTED event
             contains the same party information in both the route-from and
             routed-to fields, but the connection id's are different to
             show replacement of the existing one with the one created by
             the STLRED request.
       Name: APAR IC24180
    Library: Defect 7868
    Symptom: The G3 SWITCH.EXE will trap/core dump when a call alerts the
             principle station of a bridged group and redirects to an
             unmonitored VDN and then to a monitored VDN which forward
             routes to a second monitored VDN. The Lucent G3 event sequence
             that must occur is ALERT (principle), ALERTs (bridges),
             REDIRECT (principle), CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN (1st VDN),
             REDIRECT (from 1st VDN), CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN (2nd VDN). The
             trap has been fixed during the processing of the 2nd CALL
             OFFERED TO DOMAIN and the bridged parties left in the call
             after the call redirects from the principle station are now
  Files contained in this Service Package: