Starting Scheme48

Editor Interface
We recommend running Scheme 48 under Gnu Emacs using the cmuscheme48
command package. This is in the Scheme 48 distribution's emacs/
subdirectory. It is a variant of the "cmuscheme" library, which
comes to us courtesy of Olin Shivers, formerly of CMU. You might want
to put the following in your emacs init file (.emacs):
(setq scheme-program-name "scheme48")
(autoload 'run-scheme "cmuscheme48" "Run an inferior Scheme process." t)
To make the autoload and (require ...) forms work, you will also need
to put the directory containing cmuscheme and related files in your
emacs load-path:
(setq load-path (append load-path '("/emacs")))
For further documentation see emacs/cmuscheme48.el and emacs/comint.el.
Command line arguments
A few command line arguments are processed by the virtual machine as
it starts up.
scheme48 [-i image] [-h heapsize] [-o filename] [-s stacksize]
[-a argument ...]
-i image
specifies a heap image file to resume. This defaults to a heap
image that runs a Scheme command processor. Heap images are
created by the ,dump and ,build commands, for which see below.
-h heapsize
specifies how much space should be reserved for allocation.
Heapsize is in words (where one word = 4 bytes), and covers both
semispaces, only one of which is in use at any given time (except
during garbage collection). Cons cells are currently 3 words, so
if you want to make sure you can allocate a million cons cells,
you should specify -h 6000000 (actually somewhat more than this,
to account for the initial heap image and breathing room).
-s stacksize
specifies how much space should be reserved for the continuation
and environment stack. If this space is exhausted, continuations
and environments are copied to the heap. stacksize is in words
and defaults to 2500.
-o filename
This specifies an executable file in which foreign identifiers can be
looked up for the foreign function interface. Filename should be the
file that contains the scheme48vm executable image. See
-a argument ...
is only useful with images built using ,build. The arguments are
passed as a list to the procedure specified in the ,build command.
> ,build (lambda (a) (for-each display a) (newline) 0) foo.image
> ,exit
% scheme48vm -i foo.image -a mumble "foo x"
mumblefoo x
The usual definition of the "s48" or "scheme48" command is actually a
shell script that starts up the virtual machine with a -i argument
specifying the development environment heap image, and a -o argument
specifying the location of the virtual machine.

Ownership, Maintenance and Disclaimers
Scheme48 Manual Top Page
Envision Manual Top Page
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