New Products
New Products notices are compiled by the Antic staff from information provided by the products manufacturers Antic welcomes such submissions, but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of these notices or the performance of the products listed.
( entertainment software)
TDC Distributors Inc.
3331 Bartlett Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32811
(305) 423-1987
$6.99-15.99, 48K disk
State-of-the-art graphics in vivid colors is the hallmark of Star Softs new, inexpensive line of 8-bit games, including Pirates of the Barbary Coast and Aliants ($17.99 each), as well as , Sprong and Space Lobster ($9.99 each) and Disk 50, a 50-game anthology for $6.99

( entertainment software)
Broderbund Software, Inc.
17 Paul Drive
San Rafael, CA 949032021
(415) 492-3200
914.95 each, 48K disk
The games aren't new, but the $14.95 price is. Lode Runner and Karateka are two of the many classic titles that Broderbund is discounting to between $14.95 and $29.95. These are the first titles available for the 8-bit Atari.
Smart Speaker

(speech synthesizer)
Swisscomp Inc.
531256th Commerce Park Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33610
(813) 628-0906
The Smart Speaker, a text-to-speech converter, connects to any computer having a standard parallel or serial port. It works with any software that puts out ASCII text to drive a printer. The Smart Speaker converts ASCII text to speech and speaks it out accurately through its built-in speaker. No special software is needed, and the program accepts data in formats that printers accept. The package includes a parallel cable ready to connect to your existing printer, and you can use the Smart Speaker to drive an external amplifier, VCR, audio tape recorder, phone answering machine, etc.
( graphic game)
P.O. Box 49
Ramsey, NJ 07446
(201) 920-7527
$39.95, 48K disk
You're back in the mythical kingdom of Kerovnia in The Guild of Thieves, the long-awaited sequel to the ST hit The Pawn. This new 8-bit title combines witty dialogue, challenging puzzles and outstanding graphics. The package also contains a humorous 40-page novella, a Bank of Kerovnia credit card, an Indenture and Contract of Service certificate, dice, play guide and other goodies.
( strategy wargame)
KRENtek Software
5401 N. 10th, Suite 214
McAllen, TX 78504
(512) 682-9598
$59.95, 48K
The 70,000-casualty battle that in-spired the 1812 Overture and triggered Napoleons downfall gets a worthy treatment in Borodino: 1812. Subtitled Napoleon in Russia, this new title from the makers of a popular Waterloo wargame features eight scenarios, one or two player options, joystick control and variable speed action including real-time. The full three-day battle, with over 150 units, normally takes over four hours. Or you can just play the 15-minute Assault on Shevardino episode.
(graphic game)
20813 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 446-5757
$29.95, 64K disk
Experience the thrill and challenge of flying a British Royal Air Force mission over World War II Europe. Ace of Aces, Accolades new interactive aerial combat simulator, offers lifelike graphics and animation inspired by missions flown in the remarkable RAF Mosquito. Ace of Aces features four different air battles, each requiring special weapons, flying and navigational skills.
Return the favor. When you call a manufacturer or supplier about a product you've seen advertised or otherwise mentioned in ANTIC, please tell them so. This will help us to continue to bring you the latest information about products that will make your Atari computer an even more valuable investment in the future. -ANTIC ED