Rebound Contest Winners
New Flip Ogart adventures on disk
by Nat Friedland, Antic Editor
When our package arrived from Eugene, Oregon with J.D. Casten's 10 picks for Rebound Game Screen Design Contest winners, we discovered that First--and Third--place both went to Gwen Lenker. The Antic editors were intrigued to find that this double-winner named her grand-prize screen Zouth Park and gave her address as c/o 1 South Park, San Francisco.
As it happens, Antic's new building is on the corner of Second Street and South Park, and the windows of the editorial department look out on the 1 South Park office building.
So, feeling like a disk jockey phoning the winner of a "dialing-for-dollars" giveaway, I called Ms. Lenker at her company and arranged for her to come next door and be photographed with her software prizes from The Catalog. (She sounded just about as excited as those winners of radio giveaways.) Our First-Place winner is a quality controller at Western Microfilm and has been programming her Atari 800XL for 1 1/2 years.
This contest was based on J.D. Casten's Rebound, Antic's January 1987 Game of the Month, and the February 1987 follow-up, Rebound Construction Kit. Casten, whose 80-column Easy 80 display program appeared here last month, judged the winners himself. (Casten's latest maze-ladder game, Maximillian B., will be next month's Xtended Disk Bonus. It's perhaps his most challenging game yet, but the listing is too long and fiendishly complex to be published as a type-in.)
Second Place went to Carl Archer of Point Pleasant, New Jersey. The rest of the Top 10 screens came from:Ellis Phillips, Livermore, CA; Mark Anderson, Buffalo Grove, IL; Leonard DeJesus, another San Franciscan; H.J. McGinty, Key Largo, FL; David Todd, Florida State University; Kevin O'Neil, Westminster, CO; Tim Simpson, Tecumseh, MI.
All the screens we have room for will go on this month's Antic Disk. Each contest winner gets a copy of the monthly disk and the J.D. Casten Game Disk from The Catalog.