We at START are always looking at ways to give you the most for your money. Whether it's exclusive interviews, like those in this issue with Donny Osmond and Perihelion's Dr. Tim King, or great programs like RezRender, we're always after the best for you.
For more than a year, we've been exploring ways to double the value to you of our START disks. Finally, through the genius of David Small and Dan Moore, we've done it. Beginning with this issue your START disk will have two sides full of programs, source code and demos. That's double the value for no increase in price!
And the best part of START's new disk format (named the Heidi format after Heidi Brumbaugh, START's Programs Editor) is that if you only have a single-sided drive, you will still be able to access one full side of our great programs, just as before. And if you have a double-sided drive (or have a friend who does), you can also access the second side of your START disk. With this format, everybody wins!
Plus, we asked Cyber Texture author David Ramsden to write a new START Menu program to make using START disks fun and easy. It features David's custom un-ARCing routines that are 40 percent faster than ARCX.TTP and smooth, invisible handling of Heidi-formatted disks. And all you have to do is boot your START disk.
So what's on your START disk this month? Well, on Side One, you'll find RezRender, a pioneering rendering program for 3D objects. There's nothing else like it any where on the ST.
Then there's Final Approach Controller by Kevin Mason, a great and realistic simulation of an Air Traffic Controller's duties. It'll have you reaching for your Tums after just a few minutes.
And on Side 2, we have a special bonus: After years of being handled by Aegis Development, Jim Kent has placed his pioneering animation program, Aegis Animator, into the public domain. It's now called Ani ST, and it's on Side 2, complete with documentation and sample files.
Also on Side 2 is the source code for our remarkable Schedule Maker from last issue. A look at the source code to this professional-level program can be one of the best learning tools available. Our readers have always told us that the source code we publish is one of the most valuable parts of START. Now, with the Heidi format, we have the room for the source code from all of our programs, including the source code that wouldn't fit on past START disks.
Let us know what you think of our new START disk format and system. We hope you like it!