                Complete Communicator for Windows
             Complete Communicator Gold for Windows
   Instructions for Installing the RapidFAX Printer Driver in
This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

These instructions explain how to re-install the RapidFAX driver
for either the Complete Communicator for Windows or the Complete
Communicator Gold for Windows (CCWIN).  These instructions are
for re-installing only!  Users who are installing CCWIN for the
first time must install the software according to the User's
Guide.  The software installation will automatically add the
RapidFAX driver to Windows.

Some software installations that modify the WIN.INI file can
cause Windows to lose track of the RapidFAX driver.  If this
occurs, the driver can be reinstalled without reinstalling the
whole CCWIN package.  To re-install the driver you must do the

First you must check and make sure that you have a CCOM: printer
defined in your WIN.INI file.  There is a section called ports,
below this there should be a line that shows the CCOM: printer.
For example:

; A line with [filename].PRN followed by an equal sign causes
; [filename] to appear in the Control Panel's Printer
Configuration dialog
; box. A printer connected to [filename] directs its output into
this file.

Note:  There is a colon after the word CCOM (No spaces).

If this printer type is not found in this section, it must be
added in order to re-install the RapidFAX printer driver.

Once the WIN.INI file is set up correctly, you will need to go
into the Control Panel in Windows to add the printer.  Double
click on the Printers icon,  this will bring to a screen that
will allow you to add new printers.  You will need to click on
the ADD button, a list of printers will appear at the bottom of
the window.  Highlight the printer listing "Unlisted or Updated
printer" and click on the INSTALL button.  Windows will ask you
to put the disk containing the printer driver in drive A:, place
disk 1 of the CCWIN software in drive A: and click on the OK
button.  The driver RapidFAX should appear in a box, click OK to
install this driver.  Once the driver is installed click on the
CONNECT button and choose CCOM: under ports.   Click OK and you
should see under Installed Printers, "RapidFAX on CCOM:".  Click
Close to close the Printers window, and close Control Panel.  The
RapidFAX driver is now installed.  Please refer to your Windows
User's Guide for more information on how to access the Control
Panel application, as well as how to change setting in Printers.