
                The Complete Communicator for DOS
                 Faxing from Microsoft Works 2.0
This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

                        Using the HotKey

To use the HotKey with Microsoft Works you must have Works in a
text (not graphics) mode.   The HotKey will interfere with the
display in graphics mode.  To set Works in a text mode, do the

Go to the OPTIONS menu and select Works Settings
Select TEXT from the SCREEN mode portion of the settings screen.
Select OK to exit from the OPTIONS screen.

You may set Works back to a graphics mode after using the HotKey.

To use the HotKey:

Press ALT F to bring up the HotKey window

Enter information in the HotKey window.  The information in this
windows will be included on a cover page if you have
Automatically Include Cover Sheet set to "Y" in the fax
configuration screen.  If this is not the case you need only
enter the telephone number, no cover page will be sent.  Press
F10 to enable print capture and hit any key to clear the
subsequent reminder screen.

To set Works to print the correct printer codes:

  Go to the print menu and select Printer Setup
  Select the Epson FX printer model FX 80 & 80+
  Make sure PAGE FEED is set for continuous and PRINT TO is set
  for LPT1
  Select OK to exit from the setup screen

Print the document as you normally would.

If you use another printer for normal printing jobs, reset Works
to the setting for that printer.

*Note:  You must have Works copy the printer driver from floppy
disks if you did not install the Epson drivers in the initial
Works installation.  See the Works manual for details on adding
another printer.

                        Printing to Disk
To print to disk with Works, do the following:

Set up Works to print to an Epson FX-80 printer (See above
instructions for more information).

Select Print from the Print menu.

Select the option, PRINT TO FILE and enter a filename.  For ease
of use you should have Works place the print file into the
Communicator subdirectory (C:\CC) and the file should also have a
.PRN extension (example:  C:\CC\FAXFILE.PRN).

Select PRINT to print the file to disk.

After printing to disk you can go directly to the Communicator's
Send Faxes screen, enter the filename (example:
C:\CC\FAXFILE.PRN) and CCOM will automatically convert and send
the file.