             Complete Communicator Gold for Windows
                       Using Close-Up v4.0
This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

This document discusses the operation of Norton-Lambert's Close-
Up v4.0 with the Complete Communicator Gold.  The following
information will describe the changes necessary to Close-Up's
configuration parameters to have it function with the Complete
Communicator Gold.

Note that the following information is presented with the
assumption that you are using a mouse.  If you are not using a
mouse, please refer to the Close-Up manual for keyboard

Setting up Close-Up
Close-Up consists of two programs:  Support and
Customer/Terminal.  To set up either side you'll need to install
the program either to your hard drive or a floppy disk.  Then run
either the Support or Customer programs as per the instructions
in the Close-Up manual.  The settings for the modem will be the
same in the Support and Customer/Terminal software.  For the
Support program, you select setup from the menu.  Highlight the
Modem section and hit return.  This will present you with a list
of modems.  Arrow or scroll down to the selection, Hayes Ultra
9600 and hit return.  Next move to the Baud Rate and hit return
until the software displays 38400 baud.  Make sure that Auto
Answer is set to yes.  The Customer program follows the same
instructions except that you must hit ALT M to get to the menu.

Alternate Method
For users who would like to run Close-Up with the Communicator
Gold's TSR's then you will have to do the following instead.
Close-Up permits an alternate method of setup.  The Close-Up
software allows the user to edit the modem configuration files to
the users liking.  By doing this we can setup a modem type
specifically for the Communicator.  To do this type "Support
Edit" or "Customer Edit".  Choose Modems and arrow or scroll down
the the selection Complete PC,  hit return.  You are now able to
edit the modem setup.  You can change the name to Complete
Communicator Gold or to whatever you wish.  Next, hit return
again and you will be presented with a Modem Initialization
Sequence, replace the existing string with the following:


Once you've entered the string hit return, and then hit the ESC
key twice.  This will bring you back to the main edit menu.
Arrow over to EXIT and hit return.  Make sure to save the new
changes.  You can now select Complete PC as opposed to Hayes
Ultra 9600.  The Customer program follows the same instructions
except that you must hit ALT M to get to the menu.

Calling a Communicator with Windows TSR's loaded
Special considerations must be exercised when operating with the
TSR's for the Complete Communicator Gold for Windows and Close-
Up.  There are four methods that the Windows version of
Communicator Gold uses to answer the phone.  These methods are:

1.  Voice
2.  Fax
3.  Modem

The fourth method, Auto Voice/Fax, is setup exactly the same as
the Voice mode.

When Communicator Gold for Windows is setup in voice mode Voice
Mail must be set up with Modem access enabled.  To enable modem
access you need to go into the Voice Mail application, click
CONFIGURE then click on FAX & MODEM Access.  You must click on
the Enable access to MODEM services and choose an access number.
(This number is essentially a mailbox that is set aside for modem
use only)  Once the access has been enabled and a access number
has been issued  the caller must have the appropriate dialing
string in Close-Up to maneuver through to the modem.  The example
below illustrates a typical dial string.  The commas are used to
generate pauses between the issuing of touch tones.  Actual time
value of each comma may differ from machine to machine.  Make
adjustments as necessary.  The best way to determine the
appropriate number and distribution of commas for a successful
dial string is to listen in on the phone call when Close-Up is
dialing out to approximate the location and duration of pauses

A typical dial string with voice answering would consist of the
number, followed by commas to pause long enough for the greeting
to play, (Approx. nine (9) commas if Communicator Gold answers on
2 rings), then the modem access number.

Example:  1-408-555-1212,,,,,,,,,3 ( 3 being the Modem access

When the Communicator Gold is set to answer as a fax then a
further adjustment will needs to be made to compensate for the
fax capability.  The above dialing string in Close-Up has to be
modified so that when the Communicator Gold answers the phone
Close-Up automatically routes the call into voice mail.  The
dialing string with fax answering would consist of the number,
followed by commas to pause long enough for the greeting to play,
(Approx. nine (9) commas if Communicator Gold answers on 2
rings), then a number to enter voice mail (This can be any number
between 0 and 9) and then two commas followed by the modem access

Example:  1-408-555-1212,,,,,,,,,?,,3 ( ? being any number
between 0 and 9 and 3 being the Modem access number)

If the Complete Communicator Gold is setup to answer as a modem
then no special action is required, however, since the
Communicator Gold software will still issue a greeting for the
modem mailbox, a few pauses following the phone number may help.
A standard setup would consist of just the phone number of the
Communicator Gold with Close-Up followed by 3 commas.

Example:  1-408-555-1212,,,  (3 Commas)

Other Considerations
When using the Windows version of the Complete Communicator Gold
you cannot remotely access Windows.  The background code for the
CCOM Gold will not allow Windows to load.  If problems develop
please check the following for possible problems.  Make sure the
Com port setting in Close-Up matches the setting on the Complete
Communicator.  If you receive a failure in connecting be sure to
check the modem with a communications package to ensure the modem
functions properly.  Be sure to check to see if the modem
initialization string matches the above configuration.  If
problems still occur contact Norton-Lambert to ensure your Close-
Up settings are correct.