                  The Complete FAX and FAX 9624
                    Outgoing Log File Format

This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

The outgoing faxsimiles are first entered in the WAITQUE.CFX
file.  That file contains information about what file to send,
when to send it, and who to send it to.  After the file is sent,
or if it fails to send, an entry is made in the outgoing log,
OUTLOG.CFX.  The outgoing log is a continuous listing that can be
cleared as desired by the user.

The fields for each entry are:

0                 Transmit date (Day)
1                 Transmit date (Month)
2                 Transmit time (Minute)
3                 Transmit time (Hour)
4-16              Transmit file name (up to 12 charaters)
17                Hex 00
18-36             Destination phone number  (up to 19
37                Hex 00
38-39             Number of pages
40-41             Connect time (Hours)
42                Connect time (Minutes)
43                Connect time (Seconds)  (Connect time is
                  total for the cover sheet and all associated files.  
                  0 time is entered for the other files sent with the 
                  cover sheet)
44                Status
                  0E  FAiled communicator error
                  10  Busy Signal
                  11  No Line (Never detected dial tone)
                  28  Sent
                  29  Failed

Note:  2 byte values are shown as stored, lowest byte first.
Example -9 is FFF7 in hexadecimal, and is stored as F7FF.