                 The Complete Answering Machine
           Information for Software Patches for v2.12

This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

The following is a list of patches available for Complete
Answering Machine version 2.12.   ONLY ONE PATCH CAN BE USED AT A
TIME.  One patch will rewrite over the other patch.  If you are
interested in obtaining any of these patches you can download
them from our BBS at 408-434-9703. After down loading the file,
you need to request the FAX document listed below for
instructions on how to install the patch.

Patch      BBS         QuickFAX   Description
Name       Filename      Doc #   
A/B Fix    ABFIX.EXE    119       Use this patch if your machine
                                  beeps and the A or B disk light
                                  comes on.
3 Digit,   3DIGIT.EXE   122       Use this patch if you want to
No #                              eliminate using the # for
                                  callers accessing mailboxes.
                                  All mailboxes must be 3  digits
Pound=1    CAM#1.EXE    124       Use this patch if you want to
                                  use a 1 instead of the  # for
                                  callers.  This deactivates the
                                  1 function throughout the
***Reset   SEVEN.EXE    117       Use this patch if you are
                                  getting short messages (6
                                  seconds) from you Bell Co.
                                  telling you to hang up, or if
                                  callers get a greeting other
                                  than the default greeting.
No MSG     NOMSG.EXE    121       Use this patch if you do not
Delete                            want people to delete messages
No Out     NODIAL.EXE   125       Use this patch if you do not
Prompts                           want to be able to remotely 
                                  change your outbound dialing
No Passwd  NOPASS.EXE   126       Use this patch if you don't
Prompts                           want people to change passwords