LoadDskF 1.16p 01-14-93
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1989, 1993  -  For IBM Internal Use Only
        LoadDskF [D:][path]filename.dsk d: [options]

The file must contain an image of the diskette that you wish to create
in the specified drive. The destination diskette is checked to ensure
the same format as the diskette from which the file was originally created.
The file must not be on the diskette in the destination drive.

 /F The target diskette will be formatted to match the input image.
 /Y Bypasses the user input (y/n) prior to overwriting the target diskette.
 /Y/Q Omits the warning message before overwriting the target diskette.
 /S Silent Mode - Don't Beep after writing diskette.
 /C Used to write 3.5" images to 5.25" diskettes or vice versa.
    See the documentation for usage and limitations.

This program will work on DOS and OS/2 Operating Systems.
Support is available in the LOADDSKF FORUM on IBMPC