Install The DMF Adapter
1. Connect DMF to parallel port of receiving system. Use thumbscrews as the adapter and cable are heavy and will pull away. The receiving computer must have a "PS/2" bidirectional parallel port. 
2. Connect printer cable to DMF. Use the bails on the DMF to secure it. 
3. Connect printer cable to parallel port or printer port of sending system. 
   The sending computer can have just a regular parallel port. 

Transferring Files
   There are two files here, COPY35.COM (sending system) and RECV35.COM (receiving system). Start RECV35 on the receiving system, then run COPY35 to send files. 
NOTE: You cannot transfer files from a 1.44MB floppy to a 1.2MB floppy. (what a suprise!) 

Limits of COPY35.COM
1. Files not created with DOS cannot be transferred. 
2. Files cannot be renamed during transfer.
3. Some copy-protected files cannot be transferred. 
4. If files have the same name on both systems, the file on the receiving system will be overwritten. 
5. Do not transfer system files, since the receiving system may have a different version of DOS. 
6. Files cannot be transferred to logical or virtual drives. 

COPY35 Syntax
    The format and function of COPY35 is similar to the DOS command COPY. 
Drives A, B, C, and D are supported. 

COPY35 [d:][path]filename.ext [d:][path] 
 COPY35 supports the DOS global file-name characters * and ?. 

   During the file transfer, the sending system displays "Sending files", the receiving system displays "Receiving files". At the successful completion of file transfer the sending system displays "XX File(s) copied" and the receiving system displays "Received successfully".