(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1996.  All Rights
Reserved.  US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
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with IBM Corp.
                     ATM Adapter Developer Diskette
  In some situations, you will not be able to copy all the diagnostic files
  (.dgs and .dgx files) from the Adapter Developer Diskette to the Diagnostic
  Diskette.  When this occurs, a diskette full error appears and the Install
  Options program exits, with no further instructions.  This file provides
  four potential solutions that do no require any code updates. No matter
  which solution you use, the ATM diagnostics files must be available
  while running diagnostics; files are loaded both to begin the test and
  during the test.
 Solution 1 - Create an Additional Diagnostic Diskette

   1. If a diskette full error appears while copying the .dgs files
      to the Diagnostic Diskette, exit the Install Options program.

   2. Create an additional Diagnostic Diskette.  To do this:
       a. Format a diskette.
       b. Copy the REFDISK.TAG file from the original Diagnostic Diskette
          to the formatted diskette.
       c. Label this new diskette Diagnostic Diskette 2.

   3. Run the Adapter Developer Diskette again.  When the message
      asking you to insert the Diagnostic Diskette appears, insert the
      Diagnostic Diskette 2 that you created in Step 2.

   4. Run the diagnostic tests.  When the screen asks if you want
      to load more diagnostics:
       a. Remove the backup copy of the Diagnostic Diskette.
       b. Insert the Diagnostic Diskette 2 that you created in Steps 2 and 3.
       c. Type Y to answer yes, and the diagnostic files that would not fit
          on the backup copy of the Diagnostic Diskette will load from
          Diagnostic Diskette 2.

   5. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to continue
      running the diagnostic programs.
 Solution 2 - Create an Additional Diagnostic Diskette

   NOTE:  This solution is similar to solution number 1.

   1. If a diskette full error appears while copying the .dgs files
      to the Diagnostic Diskette, exit the Install Options program.

   2. Create an additional Diagnostic Diskette.  To do this:
       a. Make a copy of the existing backup Diagnostic Diskette.
       b. Delete all .dgs files from the copy of the backup Diagnostic Diskette.
       c. Label this new diskette Diagnostic Diskette 2.

   3. Run the Adapter Developer Diskette again.  When the message
      asking you to insert the Diagnostic Diskette appears, insert the
      Diagnostic Diskette 2 that you created in Step 2.

   4. Run the diagnostic tests.  When the screen asks if you want
      to load more diagnostics:
       a. Remove the backup copy of the Diagnostic Diskette.
       b. Insert the Diagnostic Diskette 2 you created in Steps 2 and 3.
       c. Type Y to answer yes, and the diagnostic files that would not fit
          on the backup copy of the Diagnostic Diskette will load from
          Diagnostic Diskette 2.

   5. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to continue
      running the diagnostic programs.

 Solution 3 - Copy the Diagnostic Files to a Formatted Diskette

   1. If a diskette full error appears while copying the .dgs files
      to the Diagnostic Diskette, exit the Install Options program.

   2. Copy the .dgs and .dgx files from the Adapter Developer Diskette to any
      formatted diskette.  Label the formatted diskette Diagnostic Diskette 2.

   3. Run the diagnostic tests.  When the screen asks if you want
      to load more diagnostics:
       a. Remove the backup copy of the Diagnostic Diskette.
       b. Insert the Diagnostic Diskette 2 that you created in Step 2.
       c. Type Y to answer yes, and the diagnostic files that would not fit
          on the backup copy of the Diagnostic Diskette will load from
          Diagnostic Diskette 2.

   4. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to continue
      running the diagnostic programs.

 Solution 4 - Modify the Adapter Developer Diskette

   1. Copy the .dgs and .dgx files to the root directory of the Adapter
      Developer Diskette from the option directory on the Adapter Developer

   2. If a diskette full error appears while copying the .dgs files to the
      Diagnostic Diskette, exit the Install Options program and keep the
      Adapter Developer Diskette for use when running the diagnostic programs.

   3. If a screen asking if you want to load more diagnostics appears while
      running the diagnostic programs:
       a. Remove the backup copy of the Diagnostic Diskette.
       b. Insert the Adapter Developer Diskette.
       c. Type Y to answer yes, and the system will load additional
          diagnostic files from the Adapter Developer Diskette.

   4. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to continue
      running the diagnostic programs.