
Announcement Letter Number 187-082 dated April 2, 1987
US - Last Revised on April 2, 1987

Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability

     The IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A is a feature card
specifically designed for connecting the new IBM Personal System/2
(TM) Model 50, Model 60, and Model 80 (8580-041/071) computers to the
baseband IBM PC Network. It is compatible with the form factor and
bus design of these new Personal System/2s to take advantage of
greater Intel 80286 and 80386 processing speeds.
       The IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A (#1223) supports the
NETBIOS interface and the 802.2/Logical Link Control (LLC) protocols
via the IBM Local Area Network Support Program (83X7873) which was
also announced today.  This allows the adapter to provide access to
IBM PC Network and IBM Token-Ring Network applications written to the
NETBIOS or APPC/PC interfaces.
       Purchase Price: $470
       Planned General Availability: April 1987
(TM)  Trademark of International Business Machines Corp.

Customer Letter Section

o   A feature card for IBM Personal System/2 Models 50, 60, and 80
o   Modular baseband transceiver for connection to the baseband IBM
    PC Network.
o   Supports 802.2/LLC protocols
o   Supports Remote Initial Program Load (RIPL) on the new systems
    shipped without hardfiles.
o   Uses IBM 5173 PC Network Baseband Extender for additional
    distance and for connecting greater than eight workstations
       IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A card features a 2
megabit-per-second transmission speed with a CSMA/CD access protocol
and supports 802.2/LLC protocols via IBM Local Area Network Support
Program (83X7873).  The selected protocol and NETBIOS interface
support are loaded into PC RAM to execute on the PC system processor.
       The IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A ROM includes Power On
Self Test (POST) diagnostics, which help the customer to identify
adapter failure without diagnostic diskettes or printed problem
determination procedures.
       The adapter also supports the Remote Initial Program Load
(RIPL) feature.
       The adapter supports daisy chain as well as star topologies
via the IBM 5173 PC Network Baseband Extender announced today in IBM
Product Announcement 187-083. Up to eight workstations can be linked
together in a chain topology with an overall length of up to 200 feet
of 4-wire twisted pair IBM Cabling System Type 3 specification
telephone wire. A chain of workstations linked to the 5173 can have
an overall length of up to 400 feet.  Up to ten daisy chains with
eight workstations each can connect to the Baseband Extender for a
maximum of 80 workstations in the baseband IBM PC Network.  The cable
required for the baseband adapter must be ordered separately.
       Note: This adapter is not designed to operate on the IBM
Personal System/2 Model 30.
       Installation instructions are shipped with the product.
       The following publications will be available immediately after
general availability.  To order, contact your IBM marketing
o   IBM PC Network Baseband Planning Guide (S68X2269)
o   IBM NETBIOS Application Development Guide (S68X2270)
o   IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A Technical Reference (S68X2264)
o   IBM PC Network Baseband Extender Technical Reference (S68X2266)
o   IBM PC Network Hardware Maintenance & Service (S68X2240)
o   IBM PC Network Hardware Maintenance & Service Supplement/A
       The Local Area Network Curriculum will be updated to include
information on this announcement. Course descriptions are contained
in the Catalog of IBM Education (G320-1244).
       General availability of the IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A
is planned for April 1987.
MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: A full size adapter slot in one of the
following system units:
o   IBM Personal System/2 Model 50 (8550)
o   IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 (8560)
o   IBM Personal System/2 Model 80 (8580-041/071)
o   IBM LAN Support Program (83X7873).
o   IBM Personal Computer DOS 3.3 (6280060) (See IBM Programming
    Announcement 287-098
COMPATIBILITY: IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A operates together
with other similarly equipped processors in either a daisy chained or
star configuration. When used with the IBM 5173 PC Network Baseband
Extender in a star configuration up to 80 devices can be attached.
Consult the IBM PC Network Baseband Planning Guide (S68X2269) for
further information.
       FCC certification of the IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter /A is
Class A.
PREREQUISITE: An existing or new baseband IBM PC Network.
LIMITATIONS: The Remote Initial Program Load (RIPL) feature is only
supported on the new systems shipped without hardfiles.
CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES: The customer is responsible for set-up.
CABLE ORDERS: Cable is not supplied with the adapter.  Consult the
IBM PC Baseband Network Planning Guide (S68X2269) and the IBM PC
Network Baseband Adapter /A Technical Reference (S68X2264) for
options on cable.
                           Part        Machine    Feature
Cables                     Number      Type       Number
IBM PC Network Baseband
 Adapter Cable             1501229     5173       1229
IBM PC Network Baseband
 General Purpose Cable     1501228     5173       1228
IBM Cabling System PC
 Network Baseband Cable    1501227     5173       1227
PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Adapter ROM includes Power On Self Test (POST)
PACKAGING: The adapter is shipped with installation instructions, a
wrap plug, and a terminator plug.  Cables must be ordered separately.
       The IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A utilizes the security
and auditability features of the PC system hardware and software.
       User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and
implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and
appropriate controls in application systems and communications
       All other terms and conditions are the same as those
applicable to the IBM machine on which the feature is installed.
       If the warranty period of the feature extends beyond that of
the host system, the customer may be required to provide proof of
purchase to obtain warranty service.
                                           Feature      Purchase
                                           Number       Price
For 8550, 8560, 8580-041/071
IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter            #1223          $470
Publication Prices
                                           Order        Purchase
                                           Number       Price
IBM PC Network Baseband
  Planning Guide                           S68X2269     $17.50
IBM NETBIOS Application
  Development Guide                        S68X2270      49.25
IBM PC Network Baseband
  Adapter/A Technical Reference            S68X2264      21.25
IBM PC Network Baseband Extender
  Technical Reference                      S68X2266       8.50
IBM PC Network Hardware
 Maintenance and Service                   S68X2240      86.25
IBM PC Network Hardware
 Maintenance and Service
  Supplement/A                             S68X2271       8.50