GEARBOX MODEL 800 (7568-C40)

IBM Announcement Letter Number 191-152 dated September 4, 1991
IBM US - Last Revised on September 4, 1991

Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability

       The new C40 model of the GEARBOX (R) Model 800 system further
expands the family of GEARBOX industrial computer products.  This
latest member of the GEARBOX product line provides a new processor
card containing an Intel 80486 microprocessor operating at 25MHz,
thereby offering improved processor throughput speed.  In addition, a
processor card feature is available so that previously installed
Model 800 systems can be upgraded to the new processor card
configuration.  The previously announced capabilities of the GEARBOX
Model 800 continue to apply to the new C40 model, including the 4MB
memory module and 320MB Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) disk
drive support that was announced in late 1990.  The C40 model is
available with a range of IBM installed disk drive capabilities.
Also, the GEARBOX Model 800 supports attachment of the PS/2 (R)
3.5-inch Rewritable Optical Drive in the PS/2 SCSI Storage Enclosure
through an available RPQ.  The C40 model and field upgrade offerings
are recommended when enhanced system performance or capability is
needed, or when future growth is anticipated.
       Planned Availability Date:  October 25, 1991.
 (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines

Customer Letter Section

o   Expanded capability for CIM Advantage (TM) business solutions
o   Increased processor throughput speed results in higher user
o   Increased processor speed provides the opportunity for
    application growth on a given system
o   Investment protection through compatibility with previous GEARBOX
    Model 800 hardware and software products
 (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
The new C40 model of the GEARBOX Model 800 provides increased system
function and improved price/performance.  Along with the ability to
protect critical data through attachment of the optical drive, this
improvement will allow use of the GEARBOX technology in additional
applications and areas that may not have been considered in the past,
due to concerns over system performance limitations, cost, or
inability to protect critical data.  The overall attributes of the
GEARBOX system and the related Language Extension products can now be
used more extensively as an integral part of the business solutions
available through CIM Advantage software products.  The improved
GEARBOX capabilities will permit an expanded use of these products in
the demanding environments of the plant floor and other difficult
The increased 80486 processor speed will significantly improve the
response time of the GEARBOX system, providing increased user
productivity compared to the same system with an 80386 processor
installed.  The ability of the Model 800 system to accept the new
processor card, both for new and installed systems, demonstrates the
continuing adaptability of the GEARBOX technology.
Introduction of the 80486 processor card will increase the
performance of the GEARBOX system.  This additional capacity will
enable customer growth on a given system, and allows the Model 800
system to be adapted to new customer and market applications where
the higher performance is required.
The new processor card capability is available as a customer
installed feature, and is compatible with previously installed
Model 800 systems and software.  In this way the existing customer
investment in GEARBOX hardware, software, and personnel training is
fully protected.  In addition, the Model 800 can now serve in an
expanded role due to its performance improvement and continues to be
compatible with key Micro Channel (R) features.  This means the
investment of the customer in PS/2 and OS/2 (R) compatible
application products is also protected, as those products can be
migrated to the Model 800 platform for use in areas that are unsuited
for the standard PS/2 product line.
The disk drive backup capability, provided by the support of
attachment of the optical drive, offers an obvious means of
investment protection in that it can be used on a day-to-day basis to
protect critical information from loss, without resorting to network
backup solutions.  This provides a means of avoiding lost information
and expensive recovery activity.
 (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines
       Lastly, since the new system has improved growth potential for
expanded or new applications, the customer investment is made more
secure into the future.  The risk of possibly having to leave the
GEARBOX platform to move to a higher performance system is
significantly reduced.
       The announced model, upgrade kit, and attachment support
capability, significantly increase the performance and growth
potential for the GEARBOX Model  800 system.  Improved system
performance provides an enhanced business solution capability and
increased user productivity.  Increased system growth potential
protects user investment through compatibility with earlier Model 800
systems, and by providing a system that can continue to meet user
requirements well into the future.  These improvements strengthen the
original GEARBOX Model 800 and provide a product with enhanced
       The Installation and Operation Guide (S15F-8610) publication
is shipped with the 7568-C40, and may also be ordered separately.
Additional copies are available immediately.
       The following publications may be ordered separately and are
available immediately.  For current prices and to order, contact your
IBM representative.
TITLE                                                  NUMBER
Maintenance Information                                S15F-8611
Technical Reference                                    S33F-7324
       Installation instructions will be shipped with each feature or
RPQ.  This instruction information is intended to be put into the
same binder with the Installation and Operation Guide that is
included with each GEARBOX Model 800 system.
       For customers that have previously ordered the Maintenance
Information or Technical Reference publications, supplemental
information for the new items is available in Technical Newsletters
(TNL) which may be ordered separately:
TITLE                                                  NUMBER
Maintenance Information TNL                            SN28-9568
Technical Reference TNL                                SN28-9569
       The Maintenance Information TNL will also be included with
each new feature and RPQ.
       Education is planned for this product.  Course and schedule
information is available from the CIM National Support Center and the
MSP Support Center, in Boca Raton, FL.
       The planned availability date is October 25, 1991.
Width:         482mm (19 in.)
Depth:         256mm (10 in.)
Height:        533mm (21 in.)
Weight:        With No DASD Content -- 15.4 kg (34 lb)
               With Installed DASD Content -- 19.1 kg (42 lb)
NOTE: Attachment support for the PS/2 3.5-inch Rewritable Optical
Drive (#0162) in the PS/2 SCSI Storage Enclosure (3510-0V0) requires
that the operating environment be within the limits defined for that
product.  Refer to Product Announcements 191-082, dated
June 11, 1991, and 191-053, dated April 23, 1991, and Sales Manual
information for those products.
    -   Non-Operating:  0 (degs) to 60 (degs)C (32 (degs) to 140
    -   Shipment:  -40 (degs) to 60 (degs)C (-40 (degs) to 140
    -   Operating:  0 (degs) to 60 (degs)C (32 (degs) to 140 (degs)F)
               Because of the limitations of diskette media, when the
        GEARBOX Model 800 is configured with a diskette drive and has
        the media in the drive and operating, the air temperature
        limitation is 0 (degs) to 50 (degs)C (32 (degs) to 122
        (degs)F).  Also, the temperature maximum is reduced to 55
        (degs)C (131 (degs)F) with the filter option installed.  The
        power supply fans must also be reversed when the filters are
               Installation of one or more of the 320MB disk drives
        limits the operating environment air temperature as follows:
        --  Without filter option installed:  0 (degs) to 50 (degs)C
            (32 (degs) to 122 (degs)F)
        --  With filter option installed:  0 (degs) to 46.1 (degs)C
            (32 (degs) to 115 (degs)F)
                   When the filter option (#6096) is installed, the
            power supply fans must also be reversed.
    -   5% to 95% Non-condensing
    -   29.4 (degs)C (85 (degs)F)
    -   Limits with optional filters Installed:
        --  Suspended particulates:  500 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Benzene soluble organics:  30 micrograms per cubic meter

        --  Settleable particulates:  1500 micrograms per square
            centimeter per 30 day period.
    -   Limits without optional filters:
        --  Suspended particulates:  200 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Benzene soluble organics:  30 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Settleable particulates:  1500 micrograms per square
            centimeter per 30 day period.
    -   Without diskette media in the diskette drive:
        --  Total reactive sulfur: 20 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Sulfur dioxide:  520 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Nitrogen dioxide:  141 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Ozone:  98 micrograms per cubic meter (minimum)
        --  Acidic gaseous chlorine:  15 micrograms per cubic meter.
    -   With diskette media in the diskette drive:
        --  Total reactive sulfur:  3.2 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Sulfur dioxide:  262 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Nitrogen dioxide:  141 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Ozone:  98 micrograms per cubic meter
        --  Acidic gaseous chlorine:  3 micrograms per cubic meter.
    -   5 Hz to 10 Hz at 0.03 in. double amplitude displacement
    -   10 Hz to 150 Hz at 0.15 G peak acceleration
    -   150 Hz to 200 Hz decreasing from 0.15 G at 150 Hz to 0.077 G
        at 200 Hz peak acceleration
    -   200 to 500 Hz at 0.077 G peak acceleration.
    -   5 G  1/2 sine wave for 10 milliseconds duration.
MACHINE REQUIREMENTS:  The GEARBOX Model 800 requires an analog
display (IBM Industrial Displays 7544, 7554 or equivalent) for
initial system setup.
       Initial setup and loading of diagnostic software on the
Model C40 with no DASD requires the use of the Setup and Service
Device (#6230).
PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS:  Operating system software must be provided
for the GEARBOX Model 800 (7568-C40) system.  The following levels of
IBM operating system products are compatible with the 7568-C40:
o   IBM DOS, Versions 3.3, 4.01 and 5.0
o   OS/2 Standard Edition, Versions 1.2 and 1.3 (1)
o   OS/2 Standard Edition, Version 1.30.1
o   OS/2 Extended Edition, Versions 1.2 and 1.3 (1)
o   OS/2 Extended Edition, Version 1.30.1
o   OS/2 LAN Server, Versions 1.2, 1.3, and 1.30.1
o   AIX (R) PS/2, Version 1.2.1 (2).
       GEARBOX Language Extensions are available for various
operating systems.  Language Extensions provide the ability to take
full advantage of the unique error notification and orderly
shutdown/startup capabilities of the GEARBOX Model 800 system.
Available products are:
o   GEARBOX Language Extensions for PC DOS
o   GEARBOX Language Extensions for OS/2
o   GEARBOX Language Extensions for AIX PS/2.
 (1) Refer to the Limitations section.
 (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines
 (2) Requires PTF Level 210800.
COMPATIBILITY:  The 7568-C40 product is compatible with earlier
models of the GEARBOX Model 800.  The available 80486 Processor Card
Upgrade Kit is compatible with and may be installed in earlier
versions of the Model 800.  Attachment support for the PS/2 3.5-inch
Rewritable Optical Drive in the PS/2 SCSI Storage Enclosure requires
that GEARBOX Model 800 systems shipped from IBM before December 1990,
have the PF1193 BIOS and Reference Diskette Upgrade installed.
OS/2 LIMITATIONS ON THE 7568-C40:  The following levels of OS/2
require special consideration on the 7568-C40, with respect to the
Control-Alt-Delete keyboard entry:
o   OS/2 Standard Edition, Versions 1.2 and 1.3
o   OS/2 Extended Edition, Versions 1.2 and 1.3.
       Use of Versions 1.2 and 1.3 of these products will result in a
"system hang" problem if Control-Alt-Delete (C-A-D) is entered
through the keyboard.  C-A-D should not normally be used with the
GEARBOX Model 800.  The key switch "Reset" position is provided for
this purpose.  If C-A-D is entered, the system will have to be
powered down and restarted, or the key switch can be used to reset
the system.
Attachment support for the PS/2 3.5-inch Rewritable Optical Drive in
the PS/2 SCSI Storage Enclosure requires that all operating
environment conditions be within the limits defined for that product
(refer to Product Announcements 191-082, dated June 6, 1991, and
191-053, dated April 23, 1991, and Sales Manual information for these
designated as a customer setup system.  Customer setup instructions
are shipped with the system.
CABLE ORDERS:  A Three Port Cable Assembly is provided with each
system.  This cable provides a means for connection from the system
resource card to various other standard connectors.  The cable is
included in each shipment group.
       No other cables are required for system installation.
NOTE: No power cord is provided.  The GEARBOX Model 800 is a
direct-wire system, using customer provided power cable.
INSTALLABILITY:  Installation and setup of the GEARBOX Model 800 is
described in the Installation and Operation Guide which is supplied
with each system.  Maximum installation time should be two hours.
Additional time may be required for installing additional features
that are desired.  This assumes that the installation method has been
previously defined, and that any additional hardware needed for that
method (for example, a NEMA cabinet) is in place.
PROBLEM DETERMINATION:  After installation, the customer should run
the system-level diagnostic routine as described and provided in the
Installation and Operation Guide or in the instructions that
accompany each feature or RPQ, and proceed as directed.
       Additional diagnostic and defective part isolation assistance
is available in the Maintenance Information (S15F-8611) publication
that may be purchased separately.  If this publication has been
purchased previously, a Technical Newsletter (SN28-9568) may be
purchased separately.  This newsletter will also be provided with the
80486 Processor Card Upgrade Kit.
PRODUCT                            SHIPMENT GROUP
Machine Type 7568 --               Installation and Operation
  Model C40                          Guide, Three Port Cable
  (with ordered                      Assembly, RFI Filter Kit,
  DASD content)                      Keyboard and
                                     Keyboard Cable
  (In one carton)                    (In two cartons)
       Each feature or RPQ will be shipped in a separate package that
will include installation, setup and diagnostic information.
Model 800 Diskette Drive (2MB, 3.5-inch, 6404078) can be purchased
from IBM Authorized Supplies Dealers, IBM Authorized Distributors or
from IBM Direct Response Operations (DRO).  Call IBM DRO at
1-800-IBM-2468.  Mail orders should be sent to:
    IBM Corporation
    IBM Direct Response Operations
    One Culver Road
    Dayton, NJ  08810
       The security and auditability features of the 7568-C40 consist
of a keylock switch that will inhibit keyboard input, and the
security and auditability features of the operating system software
and application software.
       The small computer system interface (SCSI), as defined in the
American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standard X3.131-1986,
provides a port for the attachment of external devices.  The 7568-C40
is in conformance with this standard and has an external port.  A
data security exposure exists since external SCSI controllers can
attach through the external SCSI port and gain undetected read or
write access to data stored on internal and external SCSI devices.
Physical access to the system and external SCSI devices must be
controlled to limit this exposure.
       If additional physical security is required for the system, it

must be customer supplied (for example, lockable NEMA enclosure or
other technique to prevent media removal or SCSI port access).
       User management is responsible for evaluation, selection and
implementation of security features, administrative procedures and
appropriate controls in application systems and communications
VOLUME DISCOUNT:  Volume purchasing is available under the Volume
Discounts section of the IBM Customer Agreement (ICA).
       The announced product is included in Category H of the Volume
Discount Exhibit -- Workstation and Related I/O (WKSN).  Customers
with an existing VPA with a commitment in Category H of the exhibit
may order the announced product as additional quantities to, or as
direct substitutes for, any other machines in the same category
subject to availability.
       For further information regarding volume orders, contact your
IBM marketing representative.
IBM CREDIT CORPORATION FINANCING:  Term leases and installment
payment plans are available for commercial and state and local
government customers.
       IBM Warranty Service, Maintenance Service or IBM Hourly
Service may be obtained by calling 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378).  IBM
Hourly Service is available at the applicable rate and terms,
including element exchange price if applicable.
MID-RANGE SYSTEM OPTION:  The GEARBOX Model 800 (7568-C40) is an
eligible machine for the Mid-Range System Option to the IBM Customer
Agreement.  A revised exhibit will be available at a later date.
ELIGIBLE                          DISCOUNT
TYPE                     THREE YEAR      FIVE YEAR
7568                        17%             22%
CORPORATE SERVICE OPTION:  The GEARBOX Model 800 (7568-C40) is an
eligible machine for the Corporate Service Option to the IBM Customer
Agreement.  A revised exhibit will be available at a later date.
OPTION                   THREE YEAR      FIVE YEAR
Network                     25%             30%
System                      17%             22%
       The 7568-C40 will be added to the list of eligible machines
for which expanded support of non-IBM products is available.
EXTENDED MAINTENANCE OPTION:  The announced product is an eligible
machine for the Extended Maintenance Option of the IBM Customer
Agreement.  A revised exhibit will be available at a later date.
PRODUCT AVAILABILITY STATUS:  New product available.
EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE:  A 20% educational allowance is available to
qualifying institutions in accordance with the Educational Allowance
Amendment.  The educational allowance may not be added to any other
discount or allowance.
                              MACHINE     OR RPQ         PURCHASE
DESCRIPTION                   TYPE        NUMBER         PRICE
GEARBOX Model 800             7568         C40           $ 14,500
Includes the following IBM installed DASD content that must be
specifically ordered with the system order:
No DASD Content                            6551             N/C
       One of the following IBM installed DASD content alternatives
may be ordered with the system order, at the listed additional
120MB SCSI Fixed Disk Drive (3)            6546           $ 3,500
320MB SCSI Fixed Disk Drive (3)            6547             5,500
       The following new feature and RPQ are available for customer
installation on the GEARBOX Model 800:
80486 Processor Card
  Upgrade Kit                              6543           $ 3,500
7568 Attachment Support for
  PS/2 Rewritable Optical Drive           PF1199              N/C
 (3) If IBM installed DASD content is ordered, it will include a
   1.44MB diskette drive and the required hardware for the specified
   disk drive.
MACHINE                               CHARGE
TYPE                     MODEL        (IOR)
7568                      C40        $ 1,200

                    LIST OF SUPPORTED PRODUCTS
       The 7568-C40 is designed to maintain compatibility with the
following products.  Refer to the 7568 Sales Manual for updates.
Not all of the listed items may be available for new orders from IBM.
Such items may be available from authorized IBM Dealers or
       The user should ensure that the total electrical power
required to support the desired system configuration is within the
power provided by the GEARBOX (R) Model 800.
DESCRIPTION                                               FEATURE
PS/2 (R) 4MB Memory Module Kit -- 80ns                      3933
PS/2 3.5-inch Rewritable Optical Drive (1)
  (for external attachment only)                            0162
PS/2 Micro Channel (R) SCSI Adapter External Terminator     1039
PS/2 Card to Option Cable                                   1140
Disk Module (with Adapter Card)                             6222
120MB Disk Drive                                            6223
1.44MB Diskette Drive (Slim-line)                           6229
Setup and Service Device                                    6230
320MB SCSI Disk Drive for 7568                              6542
 (1) Requires installation in PS/2 SCSI Storage Enclosure
   (3510-0V0) for attachment to the GEARBOX Model 800.
   When attached, environmental limits are restricted to
   those for the optical drive.
Personal System/2 (R) Dual Asynchronous Adapter/A           1014
Personal System/2 Adapter/A
  for Ethernet Networks                                     1091
IBM Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapter/A                       1133
IBM PC Network Adapter II/A                                 1222
IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A                           1223
The IBM 3270 Connection                                     2000
Personal System/2 Multi-Protocol Adapter/A                  3043
IBM Token-Ring Network 16/4 Busmaster Adapter/A             4041
IBM Token-Ring Network Adapter/A                            4790
IBM PC Network Adapter II/A -- Frequency 2                  5647
IBM PC Network Adapter II/A -- Frequency 3                  5648
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Multiport/2 (1MB)                                         6247
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Multiport/2 (512KB)                                       6263
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Multiport/2 8 Port RS-232 Interface Board                 6265
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Multiport/2 RS-232/RS-422 Interface Board                 6266
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Multiport/2 4 Port RS-232 Interface Board                 6267
IBM System/36/38 Workstation Emulation Adapter              6279
IBM System/36/38 Workstation Emulation
  Installation Convenience Kit/A                            6287
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Multiport/2 8 Port RS-422A Interface Board                6326
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Multiport/2 6 Port RS-232-C Synchronous
  Interface Board                                           6327
DESCRIPTION                                               FEATURE
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster (TM)
  Adapter/A (512KB)                                         6360
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Surge Protection Adapter                                  6361
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  8-Port RS-232 Interface Board/A                           6362
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  8-Port RS-422 Interface Board/A                           6363
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster
  Adapter/A (1MB)                                           6364
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Selectable Interface Board/A                              6365
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster
  Adapter/A (2MB)                                           6368
IBM X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2                           6401
IBM Token-Ring Network Adapter/A --
  Remote Program Load                                       8881
IBM Cabling System PC Network Broadband Network
  PC Network Base Expander Kit                              0230
  PC Network Short Distance Kit                             0231
  PC Network Medium Distance Kit                            0232
  PC Network Long Distance Kit                              0233
  PC Network Broadband Cable Products ( 25 foot)            0234
  PC Network Broadband Cable Products ( 50 foot)            0235
  PC Network Broadband Cable Products (100 foot)            0236
  PC Network Broadband Cable Products (200 foot)            0237
  Baseband Cable                                            1227
  Baseband General Purpose Cable                            1228
  Baseband Adapter Cable                                    1229
PS/2 Micro Channel SCSI Adapter External Terminator         1039
PS/2 Card to Option Cable                                   1140
IBM Communications Adapter Cable                            2067
IBM Token-Ring PC Adapter Cable                             3390
IBM Printer Adapter Cable                                   5612
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport
  Interface Cable                                           6246
IBM System/36/38 Workstation Emulation Cable                6293
IBM X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 Cable
  Option X.21                                               6321
IBM X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 Cable
  Option V.24                                               6322
IBM X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 Cable
  Option V.35                                               6323
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport/2
  Synchronous Interface Cable                               6328
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster
  8 Port Cable                                              6366
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor
  Selectable Cable                                          6367
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor X.21 Cable              6717
IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor V.35 Cable              6718
Display Adapter 8514/A                                      4054
8514 Memory Expansion Kit                                   4081
Prototype Card                                              6094
Filters                                                     6096
Keyboard Rack Mount Hardware without Keyboard               6193
Battery, NICAD (Internal)                                   6221
16 Bit Micro Channel Adapter                                6224
16 Bit Micro Channel Video Adapter                          6225
External Voltage Module (24V Input)                         6231
External Voltage Module (48/60V Input)                      6528
Card Shroud (Machine Type 7568)                             6530
7544 Industrial Display
7554 Industrial Display
7525 Data Collection Terminal
7527 Data Collection Terminal
3510-0V0 PS/2 SCSI Storage Enclosure (for #0162 only)
Basic Compiler/2 (TM)
C/2 (TM)
Macro Assembler/2 (TM)
PASCAL Compiler/2 (TM)
GEARBOX Language Extensions for PC-DOS
GEARBOX Language Extensions for OS/2 (R)
GEARBOX Language Extensions for AIX (R) PS/2 (PRPQ)
PC 3270 Emulation Program, Entry Level
PC LAN Program
Personal Communications/3270
Token-Ring Network Bridge Program
Token-Ring Trace and Performance Program
LAN Manager Program
PC Network Bridge Program
LAN Support Program
System/36/38 Workstation Emulation  Program
OS/2 LAN Server
Remote PrintManager (TM)
Remote 5250 Emulation Program
SAA (TM) Networking Services/2
OSI/Manufacturing Messaging Services for OS/2
TCP/IP for OS/2

Communications System/2
Material Logistics System/2
Host Link/2
Communication Protocol Programs/A
Entry Communications System/2
Data Collection Device Support/2
Extended Device Support/2
Communications System/DOS
Device Data Management Support
Communication Subsystem
Data Collector
5250 and MAPICS Data Services
3270 and COPICS Data Services
Data Collection Controller/2
Data Collector for Distributed Automation Edition
7527 Extended Terminal Services
DOS Support
OS/2 Support
Extended Services
C Language Support
 (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
 (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporat