CID README for ThinkPad Drivers / Utilities (Updated 3/14/97) *** 1.0 Introduction This readme file describes how to perform CID (Configuration, Installation, Distribution) install of the ThinkPad drivers and utilities for OS/2 Warp. Information in this readme file is intended for system administrators who manage a large number of ThinkPad systems. The instructions pertain to all ThinkPads for which the subject driver is applicable. *** 2.0 OS/2 Warp Installation Considerations For general CID installation instruction on OS/2 Warp, refer to file README.CID on OS/2 Warp installation diskette. Some ThinkPads require OS/2 video driver patches included in OS/2 Warp Video Fix diskette that comes with these systems. Refer to your ThinkPad User's Guide to determine if your ThinkPad requires the Video Fix diskette. If that is the case, apply the patches after the first part of OS/2 installation is completed (before the boot from the harddisk) by running VGAFIX.CMD on the Video Fix diskette. Depending on the version of the Video Fix diskette, you may need to modify VGAFIX.CMD to comment out line 6 (change 'a:' to 'rem a:'), if you run VGAFIX from a copy of the Video Fix diskette on the code server. The ThinkPad System Management Driver on the ThinkPad Utility Diskette for OS/2 must be installed by using the OS/2 DDINSTAL program as part of OS/2 Warp CID install process. The installation profile (.DDP) is found on the Utility Diskette for OS/2. When you use a PCMCIA LAN adapter card such as the IBM Token Ring PCMCIA adapter to CID install the operating system, the appropriate PCMCIA Socket Services / Card Services drivers must be added to the CID boot diskette. The Socket Services driver was traditionally named ibm2ss01.sys, however this is no longer always true. Recent ThinkPad models with a CardBus compatible PCMCIA controller (such as the 760E series) require use of a different set of Socket Services drivers (ibm2ss14.sys and ibm2ss04.sys; the file names of the PCMCIA drivers and CONFIG.SYS statements are documented in the appendix of the User's Guide.) It is recommended to do an attended install first, using the PCMCIA drivers diskettes supplied with the ThinkPad, verify that the PCMCIA LAN adapter works, then copy to the CID install diskette the PCMCIA driver files and CONFIG.SYS statements that the install added. *** 3.0 ThinkPad Features The ThinkPad Features installation program on the ThinkPad Utility Diskette for OS/2, INSTALL2.EXE, supports use of a response file and command line parameters as follows: INSTALL2 /S:<sourcedir> /R:<filename> /L1:<errorlog> /L2:<history> where: <sourcedir> is the fully qualified drive and path specification of the directory where the contents of ThinkPad Utilities Diskette for OS/2 have been copied by using XCOPY /S. <filename> specifies the response file filename, which must have an extension of .RSP (not specified on the command line) and must be in the <sourcedir> directory. The format of the response file is: TARGET = <destdir> THINKPADUTIL = <Yes | No> PERSONAL = <Yes | No> where; <destdir> is the fully quallified drive and path specification of the directory to which the ThinkPad Features are installed. The PERSONAL keyword allows you to specify whether to install the Personalization Editor (PERSONAL=Yes) or not (PERSONAL=No). Likewise the THINKPADUTIL keyword specifies whether to install the rest of the ThinkPad utilities (ThinkPad Features/Setup, Fuel Gauge). At least one of the keyword values must be set to Yes. <errorlog> is the drive, path and filename of the error log file. The log file will be created in the <sourcedir> directory if necessary. Default filename is UTILINST.ERR. <history> is the drive, path and filename of the history log file. The log file will be created in the <sourcedir> directory. Default filename is UTILINST.HST. Example: -------- To install the ThinkPad Features except for Personalization Editor from a directory X:\CID\UTILDISK on the code server (where X: is the code server as seen from the client) to C:\THINKPAD on the client, create directory X:\CID\UTILDISK on the code server and copy contents of the ThinkPad Features diskettes to the directory by using XCOPY /S, then edit the sample file X:\CID\UTILDISK\INSTALL2.RSP so that it has the following lines: TARGET = C:\THINKPAD THINKPADUTIL = Yes PERSONAL = No Then run the following on the client system locally from an OS/2 command line or remotely from a distribution manager: X:\CID\UTILDISK\INSTALL2 /S:X:\CID\UTILDISK /R:INSTALL2 Return code: ------------ INSTALL2.EXE always returns zero if installation is successful. If there is an error, it returns 1604 hex (CID Unexpected Error). The error conditions include: - Unable to read from the response file, create the target directory, or folder, not enough disk space. - No features to install (both THINKPADUTIL and PERSONAL are set to No in the response file). The error will be logged in the error log file with a text record indicating the error code 1604 and a timestamp. Notes: ------ The installation program will run in attended mode if no command line parameters are specified. *** 3.1 Installing ThinkPad Features for Windows from Win-OS2 The Windows version of ThinkPad Features can be installed from a Win-OS2 session by using the installation program INSTALLW.EXE on the ThinkPad Utility diskette for Windows. The installation program must be invoked through Windows/Win-OS2 program manager, PROGMAN.EXE, in order to create the ThinkPad folders and icons. The command line syntax is as follows: <progman_dir>PROGMAN <sourcedir>INSTALLW.EXE /S:<sourcedir> /R:<filename> /L1:<errorlog> /L2:<history> where: <progman_dir> is the drive and path of the directory where PROGMAN.EXE is. For Warp with Win-OS2, it is normally x:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 where x: is the OS/2 boot drive. For Warp for Windows (without Win-OS2) it is typically C:\WINDOWS. <sourcedir> is the fully qualified drive and path specification of the directory where the ThinkPad Utility diskette for Windows has been copied by using XCOPY /S. <filename> specifies the response file, which must have an extension of .RSP (not specified on the command line) and must be in the <sourcedir> directory. The format of the response file is: TARGET = <destdir> THINKPADUTIL = <Yes | No> PERSONAL = <Yes | No> WINDOWEXIT = <Yes | No> The keywords TARGET, THINKPADUTIL, and PERSONAL are the same as the OS/2 version. The keyword WINDOWEXIT causes Windows or Win-OS2 to close, and must be set to Yes for installation from a Win-OS2 session. <errorlog> and <history> are the same as in the OS/2 version. *** 4.0 PCMCIA Drivers The installation program for the ThinkPad PCMCIA drivers for OS/2, PCMINST2.EXE, supports use of a response file and command line parameters as follows: PCMINST2 /S:<sourcedir> /R:<filename> /L1:<errorlog> /L2:<history> where: <sourcedir> is the fully qualified drive and path specification of the directory where the ThinkPad PCMCIA Drivers disks have been copied. <filename> specifies the response file filename. By default PCMINST2 looks in the <sourcedir> directory for the response file. Specify a fully qualified filename beginning with a drive letter, if the response file is located elsewhere. The response file must have an .RSP (not specified on the command line). If you specify the parameter /R: without a filename, the default response file PCMINST2.RSP in the <sourcedir> directory will be used. The following keyword statements are supported in the response file: Target=<destdir> #<comment> *<comment> ReBoot=<Yes | No> UpdateConfig=<Yes | No> ForceReplace=<Yes | No> Only the Target statememt is mandatory. - <destdir> in the Target statement specifies the target directory where the files are installed on the client system. - Any line that has '#' or '*' as the first character is treated as comment and is ignored. - The ReBoot keyword is for use with OS/2 2.1 only. With OS/2 2.1 if a previous version of the PCMCIA drivers is on the system the installation program must remove the existing drivers first and reboot. The keyword ReBoot=Yes ensures this. This is not required for OS/2 Warp and later. The default value is No. - The UpdateConfig keyword specifies if the configuration files such as CONFIG.SYS are to be modified (Yes) or not (No). The default value is Yes. - The ForceReplace keyword specifies whether any existing PCMCIA drivers should be replaced even if the existing ones are newer (Yes) or abort installation if a newer copy is found (No). The default value is Yes. <errorlog> is the drive, path and filename of the error log file. The log file defaults to PCMINST2.ERR in the <sourcedir> directory. <history> is the drive, path and filename of the history log file. The history log defaults to PCMINST2.HST in the <sourcedir> directory. Return code: ------------ 0 : Installation successful. 0800 hex : Data resource not found. Cannot find list file PCMINST2.DAT or one of the files listed in PCMINST2.DAT. 0812 hex : Data path not found. Invalid source or target directory. 1208 hex : Not enough disk space. 1600 hex : Incorrect program version. This version of the PCMCIA driver does not support this ThinkPad model. 1604 hex : Unexpected conditions such as unable to deregister a previously installed PCMCIA object class. FF00 hex : Request reboot. Requests the software distribution manager (if present) after destroying and deregistering the previously installed PCMCIA object class. Returned only when ReBoot=Yes is specified in the response file. Notes: ------ The installation program will run in attended mode if no command line parameters are specified. *** 5.0 MWave The installation program for the ThinkPad MWave drivers for OS/2, SETUP.EXE (found on disk 1 of the Mwave Drivers for OS/2), supports use of a response file and command line parameters as follows: <sourcedir>SETUP <respfiledir> CID.LST where: <sourcedir> is the fully qualified path of the directory where the contents of Mwave OS/2 diskettes have been copied to. <respfiledir> is the fully qualified path to the CID.LST file. Refer to the readme file on disk 1 of the OS/2 Mwave Drivers installation diskettes for details. Note: If no command line parameters are specified, the installation program will run in attended mode. *** 6.0 Audio drivers ESS AudioDrive and Mwave audio drivers for OS/2 are installed by using the standard OS/2 multimedia installation program, MINSTALL, which has been CID enabled since OS/2 Warp 3.0. Refer to OS/2 CID instructions in file README.CID on OS/2 Warp installation diskette for details. *** 7.0 Infrared The REXX procedure attached at the end of this file supports command line parameters for unattended installation as follows: IRINST <sourcedir> <targetdir> <bootdrive> where: <sourcedir> is the fully qualified path to the directory where the contents of the IR drivers disk has been copied. <targetdir> is the fully qualified path to the Win-OS2 directory on the client system. <bootdrive> is the drive letter of the client system's OS/2 boot drive. *** 8.0 Enhanced Video and MPEG These OS/2 drivers are installed by using the standard OS/2 multimedia installation program, MINSTALL, which has been CID enabled since OS/2 Warp 3.0. Refer to OS/2 CID instructions in file README.CID on OS/2 Warp installation diskette for details. *** 9.0 IDE CDROM The OS/2 driver for the internal CDROM comes standard with OS/2 since OS/2 Warp 3.0. Refer to OS/2 CID instructions in file README.CID on OS/2 Warp installation diskette for details. *** 10.0 Video The OS/2 video driver installation program INSTALL.EXE supports use of a response file and command line parameters as follows: INSTALL /S:<sourcedir> /T:<targetdrive> /R:<respfile> /L:<logfile> /U where: <sourcedir> is the fully qualified path to the directory where the contents of the OS/2 video drivers disk has been copied. <targetdrive> is the drive letter of the client system's OS/2 boot drive. <respfile> specifies the response file. <logfile> specifies the log file. The response file supports four keywords: 'MachineID', 'Resolution', 'ColorDepth', and 'RefreshRate'. 'MachineID' specifies the name of the client system for logging purpose. 'Resolution' specifies the screen resolution: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768. 'ColorDepth' specifies the number of bits in a pixel; 4, 8, 16, or 24. 'RefreshRate' specifies the refresh rate for an external display; 56, 60, 75, 213 (85i = 85 + 128). A sample response file might look like the following: (Do not add spaces between parameters) MachineID=This machine Resolution=640X480 ColorDepth=8 RefreshRate=60 This will set up the video driver for 640x480 at 256 colors, 60Hz refresh rate. The last command line parameter '/U' must be present to enable the unattended mode of operation. *** Appendix: REXX Utility for IR drivers installation (IRINST.CMD) /* */ trace off call RxFuncAdd 'SysFileTree','Rexxutil','SysFileTree' call RxFuncAdd 'SysFileDelete','Rexxutil','SysFileDelete' parse upper arg source target os2 . if source='' | source='?' then exit 255 if target='' then exit 255 if right(source, 1) <> '\' then source =source||'\' if right(target, 1) <> '\' then target =target||'\' if os2<>'' then configsys=left(os2,1)||':\CONFIG.SYS' systemini=target||'SYSTEM.INI' null=' > NUL' file = 'IBMIR.DLL '; work = source||file target||file||null; 'COPY' work file = 'IBMIR2.DLL '; work = source||file target||file||null; 'COPY' work file = 'IBMIR.386 '; work = source||file target||file||null; 'COPY' work file = 'IBMIR.INI '; work = source||file target||file||null; 'COPY' work file = 'IBMIRVDD.SYS '; work = source||file target||file||null; 'COPY' work /* SYSTEM.INI */ if stream(systemini,'c','QUERY EXISTS') = '' then exit 1 backup=target||'SYSTEM.IR' 'COPY' systemini backup '>NUL' call UpdateFile systemini,'DEVICE','IBMIR.386','device=ibmir.386','[386ENH]' if rc <> 0 then exit rc if os2 = '' then exit if stream(configsys,'c','QUERY EXISTS') = '' then exit 1 backup=target||'CONFIG.IR' 'COPY' configsys backup '>NUL' vddspec='DEVICE='||target||'IBMIRVDD.SYS' call UpdateFile configsys,'DEVICE=','IBMIRVDD.SYS',vddspec,'' if rc <> 0 then exit rc exit /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UpdateFile: parse arg filename,header,trailer,statement,section call stream filename,'c','open' i=0 do forever if \(lines(filename)) then leave i=i+1 record.i=linein(filename) end linecount=i call stream filename,'c','close' if SysFileDelete(filename)<> 0 then return 1 done=0 call stream filename,'c','open' do i=1 to linecount parse upper value record.i with cmd parms if left(cmd,LENGTH(header))<>header | right(cmd,LENGTH(trailer))<>trailer then call lineout filename,record.i if (section <> '') then do parse upper value record.i with work . if work = section then do call lineout filename, statement done=1 end end end if \done then call lineout filename,statement call stream filename,'c','close' return rc