Project Gutenberg's Amadís of Gaul, Vol. III. of IV., by Vasco Lobeira

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Title: Amadís of Gaul, Vol. III. of IV.

Author: Vasco Lobeira

Release Date: August 30, 2016 [EBook #52941]

Language: English

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Transcriber's Notes: Words in italics in the original are surrounded
with _underscores_. Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as
in the original. The Table of Contents is at the end of this volume. A
complete list of corrections follows the text.

                            Amadis of Gaul,


                            VASCO LOBEIRA.

                           IN FOUR VOLUMES.

                               VOL. III.


            Printed by N. Biggs, Crane-court, Fleet-street,



Book the Third.


So soon as King Lisuarte knew that Angriote and his nephew were so
far healed of their wounds that they could ride, he sent to bid them
quit his kingdom, and not enter it again at their peril. Of this those
Knights complained loudly to Don Grumedan and their other friends,
especially Don Brian of Monjaste and Gavarte of the Perilous Valley,
who said that since the King had so forgotten their past services,
they would give him cause to remember the future. They then struck
their tents and departed for the Firm Island. On the third day of their
journey they found Gandeza in a chapel, the niece of Brocadan, she who
had concealed her lover Sarquiles where he overheard all the treason,
and who had now fled for fear. Great joy had they in finding her, and
above all Sarquiles who loved her truly, and taking her with him he
continued his way.

Grumedan and his friends after they had ridden out with the Knights
of the Firm Island on their departure, returned to Lisuarte, and told
him what had passed. He who was already much grieved for the victory
of Angriote, not for any regret for the slain, whom he knew to be evil
like their parents, but because it was a triumph to Amadis, became now
more enraged. Forbearance, said he, is for the most part a profitable
thing, but at times it is the cause of great mishap, and so hath it
been with me. If I had withdrawn my favour from these Knights, they
would not have dared say that which they have said, nor have approached
my court, nor even entered my dominions. But they shall pay for their
folly! I will send and defy them, and Amadis with them, and see whether
their pride can save them. King Arban of North-Wales who truly desired
the welfare of the King replied, Sir you should look well to this
before you do as you have said, because of the great valour of these
Knights and because God hath shown the justice of their cause, else
would not Angriote, good Knight as he is, have so acquitted himself
against two such enemies, nor Sarquiles have so come off from Adamas.
The good cause which they maintained gave them the victory; therefore
I should think it well that they returned to your service, for poor
profit is it for a King to war with his subjects when he can avoid it:
the blood that is shed, and the wealth that is expended on both sides,
is the King's loss, and he gains no honour in victory. From such strife
great evils often arise: the neighbouring Kings and Chiefs who had
been before kept in awe, take courage and recover more than they had
lost; and what is more to be feared, the vassals cease to respect their
Lord, who should rule them mildly, as a good shepherd controuls his
flock; for if he oppresses them more than they can bear, it oftentimes
chances, that where the first broke out the rest follow, and when the
fault is at last discovered, it is difficult to amend it. Now Sir is
the time to amend what has been done amiss. Amadis is so gentle and so
kindly disposed to you, that you may lightly recover him and all who
follow him. You say well, quoth Lisuarte, but I will not give them that
which I have already given to my daughter Leonoreta, and great as his
power may be, it is nothing to mine! so say no more, but prepare arms
and horses to serve me, and let Cendil of Ganota go to-morrow and defy
those of the Firm Island. In God's name! they all replied; he will
appoint what seemeth good to him, and we will serve you.

You must know that Gandandel and Brocadan when they saw their sons
slain, and that they were undone in this world and in the next,
receiving that due reward which such as them escape in our days, (for
God reserves them either in his mercy that they may repent, or for his
justice, that if they continue in sin they may pay for all without
redemption,) they took their dead sons, and with their wives and
household embarked in two vessels with the curses of all who beheld
them, and went their way, and this history will not mention them
more; but we may reasonably believe that they who have grown old in
wickedness will die in it, unless it pleases God, more for his mercy
than their deserts, to turn their hearts in time.

King Lisuarte then having assembled together all the great Lords of
his court, and the Knights of lower degree, complained to them of
Amadis and his friends, and besought them to redress his wrongs, as
he did theirs. They all replied that they would serve him in what he
should command. He then called Cendil of Ganota, and bade him to horse
and carry a letter of credence to the Firm Island, and defy Amadis
for me, and all those Knights with him who will support the cause of
Don Galvanes. Tell them to beware of me, for wherever I find them I
will destroy their lives and fortune. Don Cendil took his bidding and

After some days the King went to one of his towns which because it was
so abundantly furnished with all things pleasant was called Gracedonia.
This removal greatly pleased Oriana, for her time now drew nigh, and
this was near Miraflores, so that she thought herself safer there
than in any other place. Meantime the Knights who escorted Madasima
continued their way, till when they were within two leagues of the
Firm Island they met with two thousand and three hundred Knights who
had come out to meet them. Well were they then received, and Amadis
courteously welcomed Madasima, and embraced Angriote many times,
for Florestan had sent tidings of the battle. While they were thus
rejoicing they saw Don Cendil of Ganota come riding down the mountain,
but he beholding so large a company and knowing that they had all
forsaken the King's service, the tears came into his eyes, for he was a
right loyal servant to Lisuarte. Howbeit he put on the best countenance
he could, being a fair Knight, and of great valour and discretion,
and rode up to them and asked for Amadis, by whom and by the rest he
was honourably welcomed as he deserved to be. Sir, said he, let this
letter be read. That being done, Amadis replied, it is your credential;
now speak your embassy. Sir Amadis, quoth he, my Lord the King hath
sent me to defy you and those of your lineage, and those who are
here present, and those who mean to attempt the Isle of Mongaza, and
he warns you henceforward to defend your lands and possessions and
persons, for he will destroy all if he can, and he says you may be
excused from seeking adventures in his country, for whomsoever of ye
he finds there he will slay. Quadragante answered, Don Cendil you have
said your bidding and have therein done right; but for your master who
threatens our lives and lands, let these Knights reply to him as they
think good; for me—tell him that King as he is, I regard my poor life
as much as he can value his mighty one; that in birth I yield nothing
to him, being of as royal blood on both sides as himself, and since
I must defend myself from him, bid him defend himself from me. But
Amadis wished that a milder answer should be returned, and he said,
Don Quadragante, Sir, let this Knight take one answer for you and all.
We have heard the embassy, and we will take counsel how to reply; and
you, Don Cendil, may tell the King that he will find it difficult to
perform what he threatens. Come with us to the Firm Island meantime,
and try the Arch of True Lovers, for if you atchieve it you will find
better favour from your mistress. Sir, quoth Don Cendil, I will go with
you if it please, but of my loves you shall know nothing. They then
rode thither, but when Cendil beheld the Island, and its strength, and
the abundance of all things therein, he knew that not all the force in
the world could injure it. So Amadis took him to his home, and lodged
him honourably, for Don Cendil was of high lineage.

The next day the Knights assembled and resolved to defy King Lisuarte
by a Knight called Sadamon, who came in the company of Dragonis and
Palomir. These two brethren were sons of Grasugis, King of Low Germany,
by Saduva, King Perion's sister. And they and all the other sons of
Counts and Kings who were there, had brought forces there from their
father's land, and vessels wherein to pass over to the Island of
Mongaza. To this Sadamon they gave a letter of credence signed with
all their names, and they said to him, tell King Lisuarte since he
defies and threatens us, to defend himself. With fair weather we shall
go against the island of Mongaza, and if he is the mighty Lord he
says, we shall soon prove his strength and our own. If he replies aught
to this, answer him like a good Knight, and if God pleases we will
maintain it. Then Amadis spake with his foster-father Don Gandales and
said, you must go from me to King Lisuarte, and without fear tell him I
care little for his defiance and less for his threats than he believes.
Tell him that if I had foreseen how thanklessly he would requite my
services, I would not have encountered such dangers for his sake; for
that power and dominion wherewith he now menaces me and my friends and
kinsmen hath been supported and preserved by the blood of my body.
I trust in God this will be all amended, more by my power than his
inclination. But say to him that as I won for him the island of Mongaza
he shall not lose it by me; nor will I ever offend him in any place
where the Queen shall be, for the honour which she deserves. Tell him
this, and that as he desires my enmity, he shall have it in such sort,
that all he now feels shall be forgotten. Don Gandales, said Agrayes,
strive to see the Queen, and kiss her hand for me, and tell her to send
me my sister Mabilia, for seeing on what terms we are with the King,
she should not remain in his court. At this was Amadis sorely grieved,
for rather than see Mabilia separated from Oriana he would have had
his own heart taken from his breast; yet could he not gainsay, lest the
secret of his love should be discovered.

The Knights departed with Don Cendil of Ganota, ten days they rode and
then arrived at the court where King Lisuarte, knowing their errand,
honourably bade them welcome, and having read their letter bade them
speak. Sir Sadamon, Sir, quoth Gandales, will deliver you the bidding
of the Knights. I come with words from Amadis to you, and from Agrayes
to the Queen, if it please you that I may see her. It pleases me well,
replied Lisuarte, and much pleasure will she have in seeing you, for
you served her daughter Oriana well while she abode in your country,
for which I thank you. Many thanks, quoth Gandales, and God knows if
I should delight to serve you, and if it troubles me to do otherwise.
Lisuarte answered, I believe you. But trouble not yourself for doing
that whereto you are bound, in the service of him whom you fostered;
to act otherwise would be to your shame. Then Sadamon delivered the
defiance, and when he said that the Knights expected no peace till he
restored the island to Don Galvanes and Madasima, the King replied,
that peace will come late if they wait for it! May I never be held a
King if I do not break their pride! Sir, quoth Sadamon, thus far is my
embassy, what else I may say is of myself. I tell you, Sir, that he
must be of great prowess and power who can break the pride of those
Knights; and you will find it harder than you imagine.

Don Gandales then delivered the bidding of Amadis, and when he related
how Amadis would not go against the island of Mongaza which he had won
for Lisuarte, nor yet war upon him in any place where the Queen should
be, all present spake of it as being honourably and right loyally done,
and so the King held it. Then the King bade the Embassadors disarm
themselves and come to table, for it was time to take food. And he
made them sit at a table opposite his own, with his nephew Giontes,
and Guilan the Pensive, and other good Knights who were placed there
in honour of their prowess. The King grew chearful at his meal, and
he ordered all the Knights who were there to prepare for going to
the island of Mongaza, and said that if need were, he would himself
accompany them. When the cloths were removed, Don Grumedan led Gandales
to the Queen, who wished to see him, whereat Oriana and Mabilia
rejoiced, because from him they should have tidings of Amadis. The
Queen welcomed him right lovingly, and made him sit before her by
Oriana, and asked him if he knew the damsel beside him, for he had
served her well? Lady, quoth he, happy am I to have served her, and
happy should I be to serve her again, or you Lady, and so would I the
King, were it not against Amadis my Lord and my foster-child: he bade
me kiss your hand for him as for one who is much grieved that he is
driven from your service. And I do the same for Agrayes, who beseeches
you to send him his sister Mabilia, for as he and Don Galvanes are no
longer in the King's favour, it is not meet that she should remain in
his house. When Oriana heard this she was greatly troubled, and the
tears came, for she could not bear it; for she loved her in her heart,
and now at this season knew not what to do if she should be taken away.
Mabilia exclaimed, ah how cruel will your father and mother be to me,
if they separate me from you! Do not weep, cried Gandales, you shall be
taken to your aunt, Queen Elisena of Gaul, than whom, except her before
whom we stand, there is not a more honourable Lady; and there shall you
see your cousin Melicia, who greatly desires your coming. Don Gandales,
quoth Brisena, I am troubled at what Agrayes demands, and will speak
with the King thereon; if he takes my counsel the Princess shall not
be dismissed, till she is married as beseems her rank. Let it be
determined soon then, said Gandales, for I cannot tarry. The Queen then
sent for Lisuarte, and Oriana knowing that her remedy was in his will,
went to him and fell on her knees and said, Sir, you know what honours
I received in the house of the King of Scotland, and how when you sent
for me, they gave me their daughter Mabilia, and to my shame would it
be if I did not shew my gratitude to her. Moreover she is my comfort
and help in my sickness and sufferings, and now Agrayes has sent for
her! If you take her from me, you will do me the worst cruelty that
ever was inflicted, and for no cause; for she is not yet repaid for
the honours I received from her father. Mabilia knelt before him and
held up her hands to beseech him that she might not be taken away, for
grief would kill her; and then she clung to Oriana. But Lisuarte, who
was of a kind heart and of great discretion, answered, think not you
my child Mabilia because there is discord between your house and mine,
that I should forget you, or cease to receive and honour any of your
lineage who would chuse to serve me. I shall not leave to love one for
the sake of another, much less you! you shall not depart till you have
been recompensed as you deserve. She would have kissed his hand, but
he raised her up, and made her and Oriana sit down, and sate himself
between them. He would do ill who should part ye, Ladies! quoth Don
Gandales, and so shall I tell Agrayes, and be he pleased or not, all
will think that good which the King does, and ye yourselves desire. Now
then I must depart. God be with you, replied Lisuarte. Say to Amadis
that in what he says of the island of Mongaza I well understand him,
it is for his own profit more than for my honour, and as I understand
it, so do I thank him; henceforth each must do what he can. And then
he left the Queen's apartment. Don Gandales, said Brisena, do not you
attend to the angry words of the King, nor of Amadis; but strive ever
if you can to reconcile them, as I shall do. Salute Amadis for me, and
tell him I thank him for what he said that he would not attack any
place where I might be, and beg him to grant my request when I shall
make one. So she commended him to God, and prayed that there might be
peace between her husband and Amadis; and Gandales took his leave. Then
the Princesses called him, and Oriana said, Don Gandales, Sir, my true
friend, greatly am I grieved that I cannot recompence you for the
service which you have done me; but the times will not permit me now,
nor have I wherewith to repay you, but if it please God I may one day
do what is my duty and desire. This enmity troubles me; they are of
such hearts that much evil must follow unless it please God to remedy
it. I trust he will. Salute Amadis for me, and tell him I beseech him
to remember all that past here; and bear with the present, and give way
for the future to my father, who still values and loves him. Then said
Mabilia, commend me kindly to my Lord and Cousin Amadis, and to Agrayes
my Lord and Brother, and to the right good Don Galvanes, my Uncle;
and tell them to have no concern for me, nor to trouble themselves to
separate me from my Lady Oriana, for this trouble would be lost, and I
would rather die than leave her; and give this letter to Amadis, tell
him he will find in it all I have to say, and I believe he will receive
great consolation thereby. Gandales then saluted them and departed, and
took his way with Sadamon.

As they left the town they saw a great force which the King had
prepared to go against the island of Mongaza, and had now drawn up in
their sight, that they might terrify those of the Firm Island by the
report thereof. The Chiefs were the good Knight King Arban of North
Wales, and Gasquilan the Bold, son of Madarque, the fierce Giant of the
Dolorous Isle, by a sister of Lancino King of Sweden. This Gasquilan
the Bold was so strong and valiant in arms, that when King Lancino
died without an heir, all they of his kingdom held it good to chuse
him for their King. But when he heard of the war between King Lisuarte
and Amadis, he left Sweden to be present in the battle, and to prove
himself in combat against Amadis, by command of a Lady whom he loved.
The which how it fell out shall be recorded hereafter. Gandales and
Sadamon nothing afraid at beholding so great a force, rode on till
they arrived at the Firm Island, and having disarmed went into a fair
garden, where Amadis and the Knights awaited them, and there delivered
they their bidding, and declared all that they had seen, and also of
the coming of King Gasquilan, because he desired to prove himself
against Amadis and the other Knights. Gavarte of the Perilous Valley
said then, he will find able masters here to cure his longing sickness,
Don Florestan and Don Quadragante; and if they should be otherwhere
employed, I will offer to him my body, for pity would it be if he
should travel so far in vain. Don Gavarte, said Amadis, if I were
longing sick, I would rather forsake all physic and only hope in God,
than taste your emulsions and electuaries. Nay, Sir, quoth Brian, of
Monjaste, you are not sick like he who comes to seek us, and we ought
to remedy him, that he may report in his own land what leeches are
to be found here for such ailments. At this they laughed awhile, and
then Amadis asked if there were any there who knew Gasquilan? Listoran
of the White Tower, answered, I know him well; then told he of what
race he came, and how for his valour he was made King. I once, said
he, encountered him in a Turney at Valtierra, and we both fell at the
first attaint, horse and man to earth, but the press was so hot that we
could not finish our combat. That day the part on which I was, was put
to the worst, because the Knights did not do their duty, and because
of the great strength of Gasquilan, who was our mortal enemy, so that
the praise was his, and he never fell that day, save only when we
encountered. Certes, quoth Amadis, you speak of a great man, who comes
like a valiant Knight to make his worth known. That is true, answered
Don Quadragante, but being free to chuse his side, he ought to have
taken ours, for we are the fewest. He has chosen right, said Galvanes,
for if he has joined the many, they are the weakest, and he could not
have proved his prowess unless the worthiest were against him.

While they thus communed, the Sailors came, and bade them arm and
aboard, for the wind was fair. They then joyfully left the garden,
and such was the press and clamour of people and of the instruments
of the fleet, that scarce could they hear each other. Soon were they
armed, and their horses embarked in the brigantines, and all things
needful put aboard, and they themselves joyfully embarked. Amadis and
Don Bruneo of Bonamar went in a boat among the fleet, and in one vessel
they found Don Florestan and Brian of Monjaste, and Don Quadragante
and Angriote of Estravaus, and they went aboard to them, and Amadis
embraced them, as if it would be long before he should see them again,
and the tears came into his eyes for the exceeding love he bare them,
and for the solitude he should feel when they were gone. Good Sirs,
quoth he, I rejoice to see you thus in company. Quadragante answered,
Sir, we have determined to continue thus by sea and by land, unless
Fortune should separate us; and they then shewed him their banner,
which was marvellously fair, in which twelve damsels were figured
having white flowers in their hands. Amadis then exhorted them to be
cautious; and taking leave, he went through the fleet from ship to ship
with Bruneo and his foster-father Gandales, till the fleet put to sea,
and then he and his comrades returned.

The ships sailed on, following the vessel wherein Galvanes and
Madasima led the way, with clarions and trumpets. The wind was fair,
and in seven days they came before day-light to the Castle of the
Boiling-Lake, which was near the Port. Forthwith they armed themselves,
and prepared the boats to land, and bridges and planks and mats of
reed to land the horses. All this did they as secretly as they could,
because Count Latine and Galdar de Rascuil were in the town with three
hundred Knights. The watchman saw them, and cried out that they were
there, but he knew not how many, for it was yet dark. The Count and
Galdar went up to the Castle, and they heard the noise and stir, and it
seemed as of a great company, and when it was dawn many ships appeared,
and Galdar exclaimed, surely this is Don Galvanes and his friends who
are come against us; God never save me if they land so lightly as they
think! He then armed his people, and went out to the haven by the town
with one part of the force, and Count Latine went with the others to
the Castle port, where Galvanes and Agrayes were and their company.
Gavarte of the Perilous Valley went in the front, and Orlandin, and
Osinan of Burgundy, and Madansil of the Silver Bridge. And at the other
port Galdar found Florestan and Quadragante and Brian of Monjaste and
Angriote and their companions. Then began a cruel and perilous battle,
with lances and arrows and stones; so that many were wounded and slain,
and they of the land defended the ports till the hour of tierce. But
in the bark with Don Florestan there was Enil, the good Knight of whom
you have heard heretofore, and his cousin Amorantes of Salvatierra,
and Coman and Nicoran, were with Don Brian, and with Quadragante,
Landin, and Orlan the Brave, and with Angriote his brother Gradovoy and
Sarquiles his nephew. Florestan cried out, lower the bridge, that we
may ride out among them! Angriote answered, why would you venture so
rashly? if the bridge were down, the water is so deep that the horses
could not reach land without swimming. Quadragante said the same, but
Brian was of Florestan's opinion, and the bridge was lowered, and they
both rode out, and reaching the end of the bridge, they made their
horses leap into the water; it was up to the pummel of the saddle; and
there the enemies attacked them, laying on heavy and mortal blows.
Quadragante and Angriote came out to them, and so did their comrades;
but the shore was so steep, and they who defended it so many, that they
knew not how to help themselves, and the clamour was so great, and
the shout and cries so loud as if the whole world were in an uproar.
Dragonis and Palomir were up to their necks in water, catching at the
planks of the galleys, and their horses struggling under them; but
they prest on till it was only to their middle, and altho' they of the
Island were many and well armed and fought bravely, yet could they not
prevent Florestan and his comrades from landing, and presently Dragonis
and Palomir and the other Knights also. When Galdar saw that the ground
was lost, he made his people retreat as well as they could, for he was
sore wounded by Florestan and by Don Brian, who had unhorsed him, and
so bruised was he that he scarce could sit on the horse whereon his
friends had placed him. As he retired toward the town, he saw Count
Latine and his troops come flying with all speed, for Don Galvanes
and Agrayes had won the landing, having played their part like men who
fought in their own cause.

Now you should know that the Count had imprisoned Dandasido, son of
the old Giant, and twenty other men of the town whom he suspected to
be against him, and they were in a prison in the highest part of the
Castle-tower, and men to guard them. But their keepers when the Knights
were engaged went out to see the battle. When Dandasido observed that
they were thus left, he said to his comrades, help me, and we will
escape. How can that be? said they.—Break the bolt of this chain
which fetters us all. They then took a strong rush rope, with which
their hands and feet were tied every night, and put it through the
bolt, and with the great strength of Dandasido and his companions
they plucked the bolt out, and loosed themselves, and caught up their
keepers weapons, and went upon the tower and slew them who expected
no such danger, and then they shouted out to arms—to arms—for our
Lady Madasima! When the townsmen heard them they rose, and seized the
strong towers, and slew all they could lay hand on. Count Latine
seeing this, took shelter in a house by the gate, and Galdar of Rascuil
with him, not daring to venture farther, and expecting death; and
they of the town taking courage, ran through the streets and called
to the assailants, and bade them bring their Lady Madasima, that they
might give her possession of the place. Quadragante and Angriote rode
up to the gate to learn the truth, and having spoken with Dandasido,
they took the tidings to Don Galvanes; presently they all took horse,
and brought out Madasima on a white palfrey, she having her fair face
uncovered, and wearing a chaplet of gold. As she approached the town
the gates were thrown open, and a hundred of the most honourable men
came out to meet her, and kissed her hand; and she said to them, kiss
ye the hand of my Lord and Husband, Don Galvanes, who next to God hath
delivered me from death, and hath now recovered for me my natural
subjects. If ye love me, take him for your Lord! Then they knelt before
Don Galvanes, and kissed his hand right humbly, and he courteously
received them and thanked them for their loyalty and love to their good
Lady Madasima. Dandasido met them at the town, and much was he honoured
for what he had done. This done Ymosil of Burgundy said, now then
let us rid the town of our enemies. Agrayes, whose wrath was kindled,
answered, I have sent to scour the streets; the way to rid the town of
them, is not to leave one of them alive. Sir, quoth Florestan, give
not way to anger, which would make you commit that which you would
afterwards rather die than have done. You say well, said Quadragante,
let them be put in prison; it is better to have the conquered prisoners
than dead, considering the turns of fortune. Then Angriote and Gavarte
went to take charge of them, and coming to the gate they found Count
Latine and Galdar and their people in sad plight, so that they were
glad to yield themselves to the gentle mercy of Don Galvanes. Thus was
Madasima put in possession of the Town and Castle to the great joy of
her people.

But on the following day came tidings that King Arban, of North Wales,
and King Gasquilan had landed with three thousand Knights, and sent
back their fleet to bring them supplies. Then were they somewhat
cast down, knowing the number of their enemies, and seeing how they
themselves had been handled. However they remembered the advice of
Amadis, and although some among them would have issued out to battle,
they determined to remain till their wounds were healed, and their
horses and arms made fit for service.


Till the fleet was gone from the Firm Island the turmoil had been so
great that Amadis had had no time to enquire from Galvanes the news
from King Lisuarte's court; but now he took him into the garden to
learn, and Galvanes told him all that had past, and gave him Mabilia's
letter, whereby he learnt that his lineage was about to be increased.
At this had Amadis great joy, yet for the loneliness he felt for his
Lady, he retired alone and wept like a man beside himself. When this
passion was somewhat abated, he bade Gandalin carry his arms aboard
a vessel, for he and Don Bruneo would depart the next day for Gaul.
On the morrow they put to sea, the wind was sometimes fair, at other
times foul, and after five days they found themselves abreast of a
fair island and well wooded. Let us stop here a day or two, quoth Don
Bruneo, it seemeth a good land, and we may perchance find adventures
here. They then bade the master put to shore, for they would land. God
forbid that you should! said he. Why so? quoth Amadis.—That you may
escape death or cruel imprisonment. For know that this is the Dolorous
Isle, whereof the great giant Madarque is Lord, the cruellest and
fiercest in the world. I tell you no Knight or Damsel hath entered
here for fifteen years, but hath been killed or taken. When they heard
this they wondered greatly, and with no little fear to undertake such
an adventure; yet as their hearts were such, and as their true office
was to cleanse the world of such customs, not heeding danger they bade
the Master make to land, which with difficulty and almost force they
made him do. Then took they their arms and horses, and with their two
Squires Gandalin and Lasindo, whom they told if they were set upon by
any other than Knights to bestir themselves to aid them, they rode into
the Island. So they went up the mountain, and being at the top saw near
them a Castle goodly and strong, toward which they went to hear news of
the Giant. Coming near they heard a horn sound from the Tower so loud
that it made the valleys ring. The Master of the Ship had told them
that that horn sounded to call the Giant when his people had attacked
any Knights whom they could not subdue, and that then he came forth in
such fury that he slew all whom he met, even sometimes his own people.
Let us go forward then! said Amadis. Far had they not gone when they
heard a great uproar and the clash of lances and the clang of swords
falling heavy and fast. Presently they saw a great crowd pressing
upon two Knights and two Squires, having slain their horses and now
labouring to kill them, but they four defended themselves marvellously
well. Anon Amadis saw the dwarf Ardian come running toward him, and
he knowing his master's shield, cried out, O! Sir Amadis! help your
brother Galaor, whom they are slaying and his friend King Cildadan. At
that they spurred their horses full speed to their rescue.

As they were thus gallopping they saw the Giant Madarque come up. He
was on a huge horse; his mail was thick, and he was covered with plates
of iron, and instead of a helmet he wore an armet of bright steel, and
in his hand he held a spear so heavy that any other Knight could not
without difficulty lift it, and a great shield; and he came on crying,
give room, give room, ye worthless wretches, who cannot kill two tired
and worthless Knights! leave them to me that my spear may enjoy
their blood. O how God takes vengeance upon the unjust! and how is he
dissatisfied with those who follow pride! remember Reader that Nimrod
who built the Tower of Babel, and many others, whom I will not now
mention that I may not run into prolixity, so was it with Madarque in
this battle. Amadis who heard him feared greatly seeing how monstrous
he was, and commending himself to God, he said, now Oriana Lady mine,
it is time to be succoured by you! he then besought Don Bruneo to
engage the other Knights, for he would attack the Giant, and fitted
his lance under his arm and ran at him in full career, and smote him
so rudely on the breast that he made him fall back upon the crupper.
The Giant held the reins short, and being thus driven back he plucked
them with him so strongly that the horse reared and fell back upon his
master; so that Madarque broke his leg, and the horses shoulder was put
out, and neither of them could rise. Amadis, who saw him thus, drew
his sword and cried out aloud at them, brother Galaor! for I am Amadis
who help you. And he rode among them marvelling to see the feats of
Bruneo, who at one stroke had pierced a nephew of the Giant through
the throat, and was laying about him with his sword. Then Amadis
cleaved down another Knight to the teeth, and Galaor mounted upon his
horse, yet would he not move on from King Cildadan who was on foot by
him; but Gandalin came up and gave his horse to the King, and fought
himself with the Squires; then when the four Knights were all mounted
you might have seen wonderful deeds of arms, how they smote down and
slew all before them; and the Squires also did their parts manfully.
So that all who were able to fly soon fled before them to the Castle,
and they followed them close to the Castle-gate. Now the gate was shut,
and might not be opened till the Giant himself came, for so he had
commanded; when therefore his people saw that they could not enter and
had no remedy, they who were on horseback alighted, and they threw away
their swords, and fell upon their knees before Amadis, who was foremost
in pursuit, and caught hold of the lappets of his armour to escape from
his companions. Amadis protected them from King Cildadan and Galaor,
who were so enraged at the wrong they had received that they would not
else have left a man alive; and he took assurance from them to obey
his commands. Then went they towards the Giant, who lay unable to help
himself, in such plight that he was well nigh expiring, for the horse
lay upon his broken leg. King Cildadan alighted, and bade his Squires
help him, and they together turned the horse over, so that the Giant
could breathe, for King Cildadan, though by his means both himself
and Galaor had been brought to the point of death, had no design to
slay him, not for his own sake, for he was evil and proud, but for the
love of his son, King Gasquilan, who was a right good Knight, and he
therefore besought Amadis to spare him. Madarque, then quoth Amadis,
you see in what plight you are, if you will take my counsel you shall
live, if not Death is with thee. Good Knight, replied the Giant, since
you place life or death in my choice, I will do your pleasure and live,
and this I swear. What I will then, answered Amadis, is that thou
shouldst become a Christian, with all thy people, and build churches
and monasteries in thy dominions, and release all thy prisoners, and
never more keep this evil custom. The Giant answered being in the fear
of death, all this will I do, for I well know that according to my
force and people compared with yours I could not have been vanquished
except for my sins, and that too by one blow. Now if it please you
let me be carried to my Castle, and come ye there also and regale
yourselves, and there I will obey you. Then Amadis called those whom
he had spared and they took up the Giant, and all went to the Castle.

When they had disarmed, Amadis and Galaor embraced each other many
times, weeping for pure joy, and thus happy were those four Knights
till the Giant sent to inform them that their food was ready; but
Amadis replied that he would not eat till the prisoners were all
brought before him. That shall presently be done, said the Giant's
people, for he has already sent to release them. Presently they came,
one hundred and thirty Knights and forty dames and damsels, and they
all came humbly to kiss the hand of Amadis and ask what he would
command them to do. What will most please me, replied Amadis, is that
ye go to Queen Brisena, and tell her that her Knight of the Firm
Island hath sent ye, and that he hath found here his brother Galaor,
and kiss her hand for me. Then were they served with food, and Amadis
ordered that ships should be provided for the prisoners, and so they
set sail to perform his bidding. After they had made their meal Amadis
and his companions went into the Giant's chamber to see him, and they
found that his sister Andandona was looking to his wound. This was
the fiercest and worst Giantess in the world; she was fifteen years
older then her brother, and had holpen to bring him up, and her hair
was white and so woolly that it could not be combed, and her face so
deformed beyond all course of nature, that she looked like nothing but
a Devil. Of stature was she huge, and fleet of foot, nor was there
horse so wild nor any other savage beast that she could not tame and
break in. She shot with the bow, and threw darts certainly and strong,
so that for the most part she was hunting in the mountain, and her
clothing was of the skins of bears and lions and wild boars whom she
had slain. Great enemy was she to the Christians, and always had done
them all the evil in her power, and much worse was she hereafter and
made her brother be the same, till in the battle which King Lisuarte
had with King Aravigo and the six Kings, King Perion slew him as shall
be related.

After the Knights had remained awhile with Madarque, and he had again
promised them to turn Christian, they left him, and on the following
morning embarked for Gaul. They had to pass an arm of the sea which had
thick woods on either side, and in these woods that devilish Giantess
Andandona lay in wait for them, and when she saw them on the water,
she came close to the shore upon a rock above them, and took the
sharpest of all her darts and threw it at them with all her force, it
struck Don Bruneo and went through his leg into the side of the galley,
and there brake, but with the force of her aim she overswayed herself
and fell into the water, with such a sound as if a tower had fallen.
They seeing how monstrous she was, and that she was clothed with the
black skins of bears, verily believed she was some Devil and began to
cross themselves and commend themselves to God; but presently they saw
her swim stiffly towards the shore, and then they shot arrows at her,
but she dived till she reached the land, then just as she landed Amadis
and Cildadan wounded her with their arrows in the shoulder; but she
quickly ran into the wood, and King Cildadan who saw her flying thus
with the shafts in her shoulder, could not forbear laughing. Then they
went to help Don Bruneo, and staunched the blood and laid him in his
bed. Presently the Giantess appeared again upon an eminence, and cried
out aloud, If you think I am a Devil you are wrong! but I am Andandona,
who will do you all the mischief I can, and will not forbear for what
pain or trouble it may cost me; and then she ran along the rocks so
fleetly that nothing could have overtaken her, so that they were much
amazed thereat, for they thought surely that she would have died of her
wounds. Then they learnt all concerning her from two of the prisoners
whom Gandalin had taken on board the galley because they were natives
of Gaul; and if Don Bruneo had not intreated them to carry him as
quickly as possible where he might have help for his wound, they would
have returned and hunted the whole island to catch that bedevilled
Giantess, and have her burnt.

So they went on and entered the open sea, talking of many things, and
Amadis told them all that had passed with King Lisuarte. Full sorrowful
thereat was Don Galaor, and great grief did he feel in his heart, for
he well understood what evils might ensue, and he was placed in great
trouble; for though his brother Amadis whom he so dearly loved was
on the other side, yet could not that so influence his heart as to
make him refuse to serve King Lisuarte, with whom he had lived as you
have heard heretofore. And then he remembered how Amadis had left him
at the Firm Island, and calling him aside he said, Sir Brother, what
thing so great or grievous could have happened to you that the love
and tie between us was not greater; but you concealed it from me as
from a stranger? Good brother, replied Amadis, since it was powerful
enough to break that tie, you may well ween it was worse than death
itself. I beseech you ask me no farther now. Galaor then put on a
better semblance, for he had before been somewhat angry, and seeing
that his brother would still be secret, said no more. Four days they
continued their voyage, and then took haven at a town in Gaul called
Mostrol, where King Perion and his Queen then sojourned, because it was
opposite to Britain, and they could better learn tidings of their sons.
They when they saw the galley sent to know who was come. Amadis bade
the messenger reply that it was King Cildadan and Don Bruneo, but of
himself or his brother to say nothing. Right joyful was King Perion at
these tidings, for Amadis had sent him word how King Cildadan had been
with Galaor in the house of Urganda, and now he thought he should hear
of his son. He ordered all his company to take horse, and rode out with
them to meet the new comers, for Don Bruneo had sometimes been at his
court, and he loved him much, and knew that he was much with his sons.

Amadis and Galaor clad themselves richly and rode to the Queen's
palace, and bade the Porter tell her that two Knights of her lineage
wished to speak with her. She bade them enter, and seeing Amadis, she
knew Galaor by the likeness, albeit she had never seen him before since
the Giant took him away being but a child, and she cried out in one
breath, Ah Virgin Mary Lady, what is this! I see my sons before me! And
she fell upon the estrado like one bereft of sense. They knelt down and
kissed her hand, and she rose and descended from the estrado and took
them in her arms, and kissed them many times, before any of them could
speak, till their sister Melicia entered, and the Queen drew back that
they might greet her, and much were they astonished at her exceeding
beauty. Who can tell the joy of that noble Queen to see before her her
two sons, how fair Knights they were, and considering the griefs and
fears wherewith her heart was always troubled, knowing the dangers
which Amadis encountered, and expecting life or death herself as the
issue might be, and having lost Galaor as you have heard, and now
beholding them both restored with such honour and renown; certes none
can tell what joy she felt except she herself or one who has been in
like case. Then said Amadis, we have brought Don Bruneo de Bonamar
here, who is badly wounded; let him be honourably entreated as one
of the best Knights in the world. That shall he be, my son, replied
Elisena, because you love him and because he has served us well, and
when I cannot attend him, your sister Melicia shall. Lady Sister, quoth
Galaor, you ought as a damsel to honour him greatly, as one who serves
and honours all damsels better than any other; happy may she think
herself whom he loves! for without let he passed under the enchanted
Arch of True Lovers, a certain testimony that he had never been false.
When Melicia heard this her heart leaped, for she well knew that that
adventure had been atchieved for her sake; and she answered like a
discreet damsel as she was, Sir I shall do my best because you command
me, and because they tell me he is a good Knight, and one who loves you

While they were thus in talk the Kings Perion and Cildadan came up, and
when Amadis and Galaor saw their father they knelt down and each took
him by the hand and kissed it, and he kissed them, and the tears of joy
ran down. King Cildadan bade them remember Don Bruneo, and he having
spoken to the Queen and her daughter, they all went towards Don Bruneo,
who was carried in Knights arms from the galley, and they laid him in a
rich bed, in a chamber of the Queen's apartments, the windows whereof
opened into a garden of roses and other flowers. There the Queen and
her daughter went to visit him, and she shewed great pity for his
wound, and said to him, Don Bruneo, I will see you the most I can, and
when any thing prevents me, your friend Melicia shall be with you and
she shall cure your wound. Elisena then departed, leaving her daughter
and her damsels. Melicia sate herself opposite his bed, where he could
see her fair countenance, and so happy was Don Bruneo that while he
could be so attended he did not wish to be healed. She looked at his
wound and saw that it was a great one, but being open on both sides she
hoped to heal it speedily; and she said Don Bruneo, methinks I can cure
the wound, but you must altogether obey me, else you may bring on great
danger. Lady, replied he, God forbid that I should ever otherwise than
obey you, for sure am I that in that case none could help me. These
words she understood as he had meant them, better than the damsels who
were present. She then applied an ointment to his leg which allayed
the swelling and pain, and gave him food with her own fair hands, and
said to him, compose yourself now, and when it is time I will visit
you again. As she left the chamber she met his Squire Lasindo; now he
knew the secret of his master's love. Lasindo, said she, you are well
known here, and do you ask for whatever your master may need. Lady,
he replied, God send the time when this kindness may be rewarded! and
drawing nearer he said to her in a low voice, She Lady who wishes to
cure the wounded should take heed to the worst wound; for God's sake
Lady have pity on him, who so needs it, not for the pain which his
wound gives him, but for what he endures for you. When Melicia heard
this she replied, friend I shall remedy the wound which I see, if I
can; of the other I know nothing. You know, Lady, replied Lasindo,
that the passion he endures for you enabled him to see the statues of
Apolidon and Grimanesa. Ailings like these, Lasindo, she answered, are
often cured by only Time, so it may be with your Master, and it is
needless to ask remedy for him from one who cannot bestow it. With that
she left him and went to her Mother. And though Lasindo repeated this
answer to Don Bruneo, yet did it nothing trouble him, for he believed
she felt otherwise than that, and he often blessed the Giantess
Andandona for wounding him, because thereby he enjoyed that pleasure,
without which all the world to him was only trouble and solitude.

Thus as you hear King Cildadan and Galaor and Amadis were in Gaul with
King Perion, to the great joy of all, and Don Bruneo in the care of her
whom he loved so well. One day Galaor led them aside and said, Sirs,
I believe that though I were to labour much I could not find other
three who would love me so well, and therefore I beseech ye advise me
concerning that which ought to be prized next to my soul. You Sir my
brother Amadis placed me with King Lisuarte, and commanded me to be
his with great affection; and now seeing how you are at enmity with
the King, and that I am not discharged from his service, certainly I
am greatly perplexed; for if I should help you, my honour would be
tainted, and if I should aid him, it is the pain of death to me to do
aught against you. I beseech you give me counsel upon this, which is
your cause also, and consider more my honour than your own inclination.
King Perion answered, Son you cannot do wrong in following your brother
against a King so thankless and unreasonable, for when you remained
with him, it was to do the will of Amadis; and now with just cause may
you leave him, seeing that like an enemy he labours to destroy your
kindred who have served him so well. Sir, replied Don Galaor, I trust
in God and in your favour whereto I commit my honour, that it never
shall be said I left the service of that King now when he needs my
service so much, not having taken leave of him before. Good brother,
then said Amadis, though we are bound to follow the better judgment of
the King our father, yet will I now venture by his favour to say, that
at a time like this you ought not to forsake the King, unless it were
so that no one could be injured thereby. As for this between him and
me, there can be no Knights on his side so powerful, powerful as they
may be, that the high Lord will not be stronger, who knows the services
which I have wrought for him, and the evil guerdon, which nothing
meriting such, I have from him received. It was determined then that
Galaor should go to King Lisuarte. King Cildadan then said to the two
brethren, ye know friends the issue of that great battle, which by you
was won, and wherein ye took from me that great glory which I and my
people should have gained; and ye know the terms of the battle, that
the conquered should serve the conqueror, and this must I fulfill for
my honour's sake, though it grieves me to the heart. To-day there came
a summons to me from King Lisuarte to serve him with my full number
of Knights. I must therefore go with Don Galaor. So the next day
they took leave and entered into a vessel, and having landed in Great
Britain, took their road towards the King.

Greatly incensed was Lisuarte at what had happened in the island of
Mongaza, and the slaughter of his people. And he resolved without
waiting for all the forces which he had summoned to go against it. But
three days before he was to embark he told the Queen to take Oriana and
the Ladies of the court to sport with him in the forest. So tents were
pitched there, and they enjoyed the chace, but the King's thoughts were
more upon the loss of the Firm Island than upon his sport.


King Cildadan and Don Galaor hearing that the King prepared to embark
made all speed to join him. It chanced that having slept in a forest,
they heard a bell ring for mass at day-break, and going to the
Hermitage they saw twelve rich shields ranged around the altar, bearing
castles or in a field azure, and in the midst of them was a white
shield rimmed with gold. Having made their orisons they asked certain
Squires who were there to whom those shields belonged. They answered
that they could by no means tell them, but if they went to the Court of
King Lisuarte they would soon know. Presently the Knights who owned the
shields came in, leading some Damsels, and behind them the new Knight
talking with a Dame who was not young. He was of good stature and fair,
and so strongly made that hardly might another such be seen, so that
King Cildadan and Galaor marvelled much to see him, and weened that
he came from a far land, because till then they had never beheld him.
When mass was over, the Lady asked them if they were of King Lisuarte's
household.—Why ask you?—Because if it please you we should desire
your company, for the King is in the forest hard by with the Queen
and a great company hunting and regaling in their tents.—And what is
your pleasure with us?—That for courtesy you would request the King
and the Queen and their daughter Oriana to come hither and make this
Squire a Knight, for he is such that he merits all the honour that may
be done him.—Right willingly Lady will we do this, and we trust the
King also will do as you say, according to his wonted courtesy. Then
they rode all together to a little hill by the way side to wait for
the King, and it was not long before they saw him and the Queen and
their company approaching. The King rode foremost, and beholding the
Damsels and two armed Knights, he thought they wished to joust, and he
bade Don Grumedan, who guarded him with thirty Knights, to go and tell
them not to trouble themselves to joust, but come to him. Don Grumedan
rode foremost and the King stopt. When Cildadan and Galaor saw that he
stopt, they and the Damsels came down the hill and went towards him,
and when Galaor was near enough to know the old Knight, he exclaimed to
King Cildadan, here Sir is one of the good men of the earth.—Who is
he?—Don Grumedan who bore the King's banner in the battle against you.
In truth then, quoth Cildadan, I can say he is such, for I plucked the
banner from him, and could never force it from his hands till the staff
broke, and then saw I him do such feats of arms as showed his great
displeasure that it had been taken. They then took off their helmets,
and Grumedan knowing Galaor as he approached exclaimed, Ah my friend
Don Galaor, you are as welcome as the angels from heaven! and he rode
up to him as fast as he could. Don Grumedan, quoth Galaor, this is King
Cildadan. The old Knight then kissed the King's hand, who welcomed him
very courteously, and then turned to Galaor and they embraced, like
those who loved each other at heart. Then rode he back to Lisuarte.
Good news Sir and joyful! here comes your vassal and friend Don Galaor,
who never failed you in time of need, and the other is King Cildadan. I
am right glad of his coming, replied the King. I well thought that if
he were whole and at his own free will, he would not fail to come to
me, as I would have gone to him if it were to his honour. By this the
Knights came up, and he received them full graciously. Don Galaor would
have kissed his hands, but the King would not permit that, embracing
him so as to show how in his heart he loved him. They then told him of
the Lady and the boon she begged. The King mused awhile, for he was
accustomed to knight those only of great worth; and he asked whose son
he was. That, replied the Dame, you shall not know yet, but I swear to
you that on both sides he is of good and royal parentage. What shall I
do, Don Galaor? said the King.—Methinks, Sir, you should consent; for
the Child is of rare stature and comeliness, and cannot fail to be a
good Knight. Let it be so then! Lisuarte answered. And he bade Grumedan
take Don Galaor and King Cildadan to the Queen, and then all follow him
to the Hermitage. How they were welcomed by the Queen and Oriana it is
not necessary to relate, never were others better or more lovingly. So
they all followed to the Hermitage, and when they saw those shields,
and the white one which was so rich among them, they marvelled thereat,
but still more at the goodly person of the Child, and they could not
think who he was, having never heard of him before. He humbly kissed
the hands of the King, and would have kissed the Queen's and Oriana's
also, but that they would not permit because of his high birth. The
King then knighted him, and said, take the sword from whom it shall
please you best. If it please you, he replied, I will take it from
the hands of Oriana, for so will that be accomplished which my heart
desired. Dear daughter, then said Lisuarte, give if it please you the
sword to this Knight, who will rather receive it from you than from
any other hand. Oriana with great shamefastness, as one who thought
it strange, then took the sword and gave it him, and thus was his
knighting fully performed.

The Dame then said, Sir, I and my three Damsels must be gone, though I
would willingly remain with you awhile, but so it is ordered. Norandel
whom you have armed Knight and these twelve Knights with him may if
it like you abide in your service. Well pleased was the King thereat,
greatly admiring the young man. The Dame then took her leave, and as
she departed slipped a letter into Lisuarte's hand, saying, read this
in private, and then do as you think best. She then went towards the
ship. He wondering what this might be, bade the Queen go with King
Cildadan and Galaor to the tents, and feast them if he should tarry in
the chace. Brisena obeyed, and as soon as he was alone he opened the

Lisuarte, most high King of Great Britain, I the Princess Celinda,
daughter of King Hegido, kiss your hand. You will well remember Sir
how you being only an Errant Knight found me besieged in my Castle of
the Great Rosier by Antifon the fierce, because I would not accept him
in marriage; and how you undertook my cause in single combat and slew
him; and how under the rosier I yielded you my love. Then was this
Child begotten, so fair a one, that it seemeth that sin hath produced
good fruit, and will therefore be by the most high Lord forgiven. I
send with him this ring which you gave me, as that which witnessed all.
Honour him and love him my good Lord, and make him Knight like one
who on both sides is sprung from Kings, and deriving from you daring
courage, and from me that ardent love which I have borne towards you,
reasonably may we hope that Knighthood will be well bestowed upon him.

Full well did Lisuarte remember this, and the ring confirmed that
Norandel was his son. Howbeit, though the young Knight promised so
fairly by his fair appearance, he resolved to conceal the truth till he
should have given proof of his valour. He then went to the chace, and,
returning with plenty of game, went to the tent where King Cildadan and
Galaor lodged, being attended by all the best Knights of his court,
all richly clad, and before all he praised them for their great feats
of arms as they deserved, and for the great help he hoped from them in
this war, which he now waged against the best Knights in the world.
Then chearfully he told them of his sport, and said merrily that he
would give them none of his game; and he sent it all to Oriana and
the Princesses, but he bade them divide it with Cildadan and Galaor.
So there he ate with them. After the clothes were removed, he took
Galaor aside under the trees, and leaning on his shoulder, said, My
good friend, Galaor, how I esteem and love you God knows, for your
courage and your counsel have always profited me, and I have full
confidence in your faith, so much, that I would not say to my own
heart the thing which I would conceal from you. Look now what hath
happened! and he gave him the letter. Glad thereof was Galaor, seeing
that Norandel was the King's son, and he said, if you, Sir, went thro'
this toil and peril to deliver that Princess, she well repaid you by
so fair a son. As God shall help me, I think he will be as good as he
is fair; and however desirous you now are to conceal his birth, you
will hereafter be more so to acknowledge him. If it please you, let
him be my comrade for a year: thus will somewhat of my great desire to
serve you be accomplished. Much do I thank you, replied the King, yet
shall I give you a boy for your companion, who may prove we know not
what? howbeit, as it pleases you, let it be so, for as nothing will be
secret, whatever honour is done to him, is done to me. So after they
had returned to the tents awhile, Galaor said to the King, Sir, you
well know it is the custom of your house, and of the whole kingdom
of London, that the first boon which Knight or Damsel shall require
from a new made Knight, ought to be granted. Truly so is the custom,
replied the King. I am a Knight, rejoined Galaor, and I ask a boon of
Norandel: it is that we keep company together for one whole year, being
true to each other, and that nothing but death or captivity separate
us. Norandel marvelled greatly when he heard this, and full joyful was
he, for he saw how the King honoured Galaor among so many good and
esteemed Knights, and he knew his fame, how except Amadis there was
none who surpassed him in arms. My Lord Sir Galaor, quoth he, it is
plain by your great worth and my littleness, that you have said thus
more for your goodness than my deserts; but I grant it, and thank you
for it, as the thing in the world which next to the service of the King
most rejoices me.

The King then told them how he would put to sea on the third day, for,
according to the tidings he received from the Island of Mongaza, his
going was necessary. In God's name, said King Cildadan, and we will
serve you in all things that may be to your honour. Sir, quoth Galaor,
since you have the hearts of your people so fully, fear you none but
God. Even so, replied the King; great as your prowess is, your love and
affection maketh me more secure. The following day after mass they set
out to return to the town, and the King told Galaor he might inform
Oriana of Norandel's birth, but in secrecy. So Galaor took her bridle,
whereat well pleased was she for the love her father bore him, and
because being the brother of Amadis, it was to her a comfort to see
him. In the course of their talk they spake of Norandel. Do you know
any thing of this Knight, said Oriana, for he came with you, and you
have asked him to be your companion in arms; for one of your prowess,
this should not be done unless you knew something of his worth, for all
who know you say there is no one equal to you, except only your brother
Amadis. My Lady, replied Galaor, so equal is my prowess to that of
Amadis as earth is to heaven; and fool would he be who thought to equal
his! for God has gifted him above all others in the world in hardihood,
and in all good customs that beseem a Knight. Oriana became thoughtful,
and a feeling came upon her,—if ever thou shouldst be without the
love of this Amadis! and without this fame of arms and of beauty! but
she felt joy and pride, that he who had no peer was her own. But for
Norandel, added Galaor, it surely seems that he will be a good man,
and I know that of him which will surprize all whenever it comes to
be known. So I believed, replied Oriana, that not without great cause
you took him for your companion in arms: if it may fairly be told, I
should willingly know it. That would be a dear secret, quoth he, which
you wished to know, and I should withhold, but no other must know it:
he is son to the King your father! and then he told her all. You have
made me right glad, cried Oriana, and I truly thank you, for the near
tie between us: if he be good by nature, you will make him more so; and
if otherwise, your example will amend him. Thus they went on till they
reached the town; there Oriana went with her mother, and Galaor took
his comrade Norandel to his lodging.

On the following day, the ships being manned, Lisuarte commanded that
his dinner should be prepared on board, and he, with Galaor, Norandel,
and King Cildadan, took leave of the Queen and his daughter, and went
to the fort of Jafoque, where his fleet lay, and sailed for the Island
of Mongaza. In five days they reached the port of the town from whence
the Island took its name, and there they found King Arban of North
Wales strongly encamped, and learnt from him what had past. There had
been a great battle with the Knights who held the town, and his men
had been defeated, and would all have been lost, if King Arban had not
taken advantage of some rocks and retired among them; that brave King
Gasquilan, of Sweden, had been sorely wounded by Don Florestan, and his
people had carried him away by sea to be healed. Brian of Monjaste had
advanced too far to attack King Arban, and was made prisoner. From
that time King Arban's army had never ventured to stir from the rocks
where Lisuarte found them, and though the enemy had often attempted,
they were never able to attack them. Lisuarte was incensed against the
Knights of the Island, hearing this, and he landed all his men and
stores, and pitched his camp.

In good time for Oriana had King Lisuarte departed. She felt her pains
coming, and dismissing all her other Damsels, went with only Mabilia
and the Damsel of Denmark to her chamber, and there till midnight
in great fear and agony she endured, suppressing all cries, till it
pleased God, the Reliever of all, that she was delivered of a fair
son, who was forthwith wrapt in rich garments; and Oriana bade them
bring him to her bed, and she took him in her arms and kissed him many
times. Do you see, said the Damsel to Mabilia, what the child has upon
its breast? No, quoth she, I was too busy to look. Certainly, cried
the Damsel, he has something upon his breast which other infants have
not. They then lit a candle, and uncovered him, and saw that under the
right nipple there were letters as white as snow, and, under the left,
seven letters as red as live coals; but neither one nor the other could
read them, for the white letters were Latin and very difficult, and
the red ones were Greek. Presently, as they had agreed, the Damsel
privately went out and came round under the chamber-window with Durin
on horseback. Mabilia had laid the child in a basket, and lowered it to
them by a string, and they rode toward Miraflores, where the child was
to be brought up as the Damsel's own. But soon leaving the right road,
they struck into a bye-path through the forest, to go more secretly.
They came at last to a fountain, near which was a deep valley, so thick
with underwood that none could enter it, where lions and other wild
beasts bred. Above this valley there was an old hermitage, where dwelt
the Hermit Nasciano, who was a holy man: it was the opinion of the
neighbouring peasantry, that he was sometimes regaled with heavenly
food; and when he went out to beg provision, neither lion nor any wild
beast would harm him, but, when they met him on his ass, seemed to
fawn to him. Near this hermitage there was a cave in the rock, where a
lioness had whelped, and the good man often went in and fed her cubs,
and would play with them after he had said his prayers. Now when the
Damsel came to this fountain she was athirst, and she said to her
brother, let us alight, and take the child, for I must drink. Durin
alighted, took the child and laid him at the foot of a tree; but, as
his sister was about to alight, they heard the roaring of a lion in
the thicket, which frightened both palfreys, and they started off full
speed. The Damsel had no command over hers, and expecting to be dashed
to pieces among the trees, cried out to God to help her. Durin ran
after her, and overtaking her at last caught the reins; but she was in
such plight that she could scarcely speak. He took her off, and said,
stay here, and I will go on your horse in pursuit of my own. Go for the
child first, said she, and bring him to me, lest any thing happen. Hold
the reins, then, said he, for if I take the horse I cannot bring him.
So he set off afoot, but meantime a marvellous adventure had happened,
for the lioness whom you have heard of, and who had roared so loud,
went every day to that fountain to get scent of the beasts who drank
there; and now, as she was looking about her, she heard the child cry,
and went to the foot of a tree, and took him up in her keen teeth by
the cloaths, without touching the flesh, for so it pleased God, and
carried him to her cubs for food: this was about day-break. But that
Lord of the World, who is merciful toward those who implore his mercy,
and with the innocent, who have neither age nor understanding to
implore it, helped him in this guise. That holy Nasciano having sung
mass, and going to the fountain to refresh himself, for the night had
been hot, beheld the lioness with the child in her mouth, and heard him
crying with the voice of a new-born babe. Whereat he crossed himself,
and said to her, go, evil beast, and leave this creature of God's work,
who hath not made him for thee! The lioness came crouching to him, and
laid the babe at his feet, and then departed. Nasciano made upon him
the sign of the true cross, then took him in his arms, and went towards
the hermitage. As he past the cave, he saw the lioness was giving suck
to her cubs, and he called to her, saying, I command thee on the part
of God, in whose power are all things, to come feed this child like
thy own cubs, and to guard him like them. She came and lay down at
his feet: the good man placed the infant at her teats, and the child
sucked, and thenceforth the lioness came fondly to feed him whenever he
cried. The Hermit then sent his nephew, a lad who assisted him at mass,
to call his father and mother: they dwelt at the skirts of the forest,
but the father was gone from home, and could not come till after ten
days, during which time the child was fed by the lioness, and by a
she-goat and a ewe, who gave him suck while the lioness was prowling

When Durin came to the foot of the tree, and saw that the child
was gone, he was greatly dismayed, and he looked on all sides, and
beholding only the track of the lioness, thought that surely she had
devoured him. When he told his sister this, she beat her face, and
cried out aloud, cursing her fortune and the hour wherein she was
born, and in this passionate grief she continued more than two hours.
Sister, said Durin, this is of no avail, and great evil may rise from
it to your Lady and her friend. At last she saw that he had reason,
and she said, what shall we do? We must go to Miraflores, said he,
since my palfrey is lost, and stay there three or four days as if some
business brought us there, and when we return we must tell Oriana that
the child is safe; after she is recovered, you must take counsel with
Mabilia what to do. So thus they agreed, and the Damsel put on a good
countenance on her return, and told Oriana that the child was taken
care of.

In ten days the Hermit's sister and her husband arrived, and he told
them by what great chance he had found the infant, whom God certainly
loved because he had so saved him, and he besought them to take charge
of him till he could speak, and then bring him to him for instruction;
but first, said the good man, I will baptize him. When that dame stript
him by the font, she saw the white and red letters on his breast, and
shewed them to Nasciano, who greatly marvelled thereat, and reading
them he saw that the white ones said, in Latin, Esplandian, and thought
that this was to be the child's name; and so he baptized him by that
name, Esplandian, whereby he was afterwards so known in the world. But
the red letters, though he tried earnestly, he could neither read nor
understand. So his nurse took the child home with a good will, deeming
that she and her family should one day be well repaid; and she nursed
him diligently, as one in whom she had placed her hopes; and when he
began to speak, she took him again to her brother, and he was then so
comely and well grown a child that all who saw him were delighted.


Heretofore you have heard how King Lisuarte, having landed in the Isle
of Mongaza, found King Arban among the rocks, whom he commanded to
raise his camp and join him on the plain. He was now advised that Don
Galvanes and his companions had departed from the Boiling Lake, and
crossed the mountains, with design to give him battle. Forthwith he
went to meet them, heartening his army the best he could, for they had
to deal with the best Knights in the world. So far they marched, that
they encamped that night upon the banks of a river, a league apart
from the enemy. When it was day-break, they all heard mass and armed
themselves, and the King ordained his forces into three battalions.
Don Galaor had the first of five hundred Knights, with him were his
comrade Norandel, and Don Guilan the pensive, and his cousin Ladasin,
and Grimeo the valiant, and Cendil of Ganota, and Nicoran the good
jouster of the perilous bridge. The second battalion he gave to King
Cildadan with seven hundred Knights, with him went Ganides of Ganota,
and Acedis the King's nephew, and Gradasen and Brandoyuas, and Tasian
and Filispinel, all Knights of great account, and in the midst went
Don Grumedan of Norway, and other Knights with King Arban of North
Wales, whose charge it was to guard the King. In such order they moved
on, seeming a goodly and well-armed company, and so many trumpets and
clarions sounded that scarce could voice be heard. They drew up in a
plain, and Baladan and Leonis kept behind the King with thirty Knights.

When Don Galvanes and his noble friends knew of the coming of King
Lisuarte and his force, albeit that for one of them he brought five,
yet were they not dismayed, nor though the capture of Don Brian of
Monjaste was a great loss to them, and the absence of Agrayes, who was
gone to provide supplies, of which they were in need. But with a good
heart and great courage Don Galvanes cheared his troops, and formed
them into two battalions, the one of one hundred and six Knights, the
other of one hundred and nine. In the first went Don Florestan and Don
Quadragante, and Angriote of Estravaus, and his brother Grovadan, and
his nephew Sarquiles, and his cousin Gasinan, who bore the banner of
the Damsels; and by the banner were Branfil and the good Don Gavarte
of the perilous valley, and Olivas, and Balays of Carsante, and Enil,
the good Knight whom Beltenebros knighted before the battle with King
Cildadan. In the other battalion was Don Galvanes, and there were
with him the two good brethren, Palomir and Dragonis, and Listoran of
the white tower, and Dandales of Sadoca, and Tantalis the proud, and
by their battalions there were cross-bow men and archers. With this
company, so unequal to the great numbers of the King, they entered the
open field where the enemy awaited them. Florestan and Quadragante then
called Elian the gallant, one of the comeliest Knights that could far
or near be found, and bade him go with two other Knights, his kinsmen,
and tell King Lisuarte that if he would withdraw the cross-bow men and
archers from between the wings, there would be one of the best battles
he had ever seen. The three Knights rode forward before the army. Now
you must know this Elian the gallant was Don Quadragante's nephew,
being son of his sister and of Count Liquedo, who was cousin to King
Perion. They having reached the first battalion, demanded of Don Galaor
a safe conduct, who sent Don Cendil of Ganota to secure them. So they
went before the King, and said to him, Sir, Don Florestan and Don
Quadragante, and the Knights who are here with them to defend the lands
of Madasima, send to say, that if you will consent to withdraw the
archers and cross-bow men, there will be a good battle. In God's name,
replied Lisuarte, withdraw yours, and Cendil shall send away mine. So
the three Knights returned, and Cendil informed Galaor what had been
agreed, and afterward both armies moved on. When they were within three
bow-shots of each other, Galaor knew Florestan and the two Knights
who rode foremost with him by their arms, and he said to Norandel, my
good friend, you see there the three best Knights in company whom man
can find. He with the white lions, is Don Florestan; he with the dark
lions and the flower argent in a field azure, is Angriote of Estravaus;
he with flowers or, is Don Quadragante; and the foremost of them with
green arms, is Gavarte of the perilous valley, the good Knight who
slew a serpent, and so won that name. Let us encounter them! they
threw their shields before them, and lowered their lances, and those
Knights rode on to meet them. Norandel spurred his horse and smote
Gavarte, and bore him saddle and all to the ground: this was his first
essay, and it was held by all for a right good beginning. Galaor and
Quadragante encountered, and fell man and horses to the ground. Cendil
ran against Elian; their lances brake; both were wounded, but both kept
their seats. And now the armies had joined, and such was the uproar
of voices and the din of strokes, that the drums and clarions were no
longer heard. Then were there many Knights slain and many wounded,
and many thrown from their horses, and the hearts of all on either
side were incensed with great anger; but the thickest press was to
defend Galaor and Quadragante, who were now foyning at each other, and
grappling and struggling, that it was fearful to behold them, and more
than an hundred Knights on both sides were dismounted in attempting
to help horse them, for they were so closely engaged that none could
part them. Then in that hour what feats Norandel and Don Guilan the
pensive performed by Galaor cannot be told, nor how Florestan and
Angriote bestirred themselves over Quadragante, for though the Knights
of Lisuarte pressed on them in far greater number, they so played their
parts that they lost not one jot. Such efforts were at last made, that
Galaor and Quadragante were mounted again, and rushed like two lions
into the battle. That day King Cildadan did bravely, and sent many a
Knight to earth; but Don Galvanes came up, and soon made it manifest
that the quarrel was his, and that he neither feared danger nor death
in defending his heritance against these enemies. Don Florestan too,
holding his brother Amadis to be the chief in this dispute, and feeling
that it therefore became all his friends to play the man, and himself
above the rest, he raged furiously from side to side, wherever he could
work most hurt; and seeing how King Cildadan exceeded all those of his
own party, he made at him through the press of Knights, maugre the load
of blows that were laid on him, and came up to him so fiercely, that
he could do nothing but seize him in his strong arms, and Cildadan
grappled him. Presently they were surrounded by Knights to succour
them; their horses drew back, and they fell together, and then fell
to with swords, driving fierce and mortal blows at each other. But
Enil the good Knight and Angriote got Florestan to horse again, and
he remembering what Amadis would do if he were there present, rode
into the thickest of the battle, and did marvellous feats that day.
Norandel, whose armour was all hacked and red with many wounds, and
his sword bloody to the hilt, when he saw King Cildadan on foot, called
to Don Galaor, let us help your friend King Cildadan, or he will be
slain. Now show your worth, my comrade, quoth Galaor, and let us horse
him and fight by him. So they with toil and much difficulty mounted him
again, but he was sorely wounded on the head by a stroke from Dragonis,
and the blood ran over his eyes.

In that hour could not the host of King Lisuarte for all their great
numbers keep the field; they turned their backs and fled before the
great hardihood of their enemies, save only Don Galaor and certain
other good Knights, who went from part to part rallying and heartening
them till they came to where the King was. Lisuarte seeing them thus
return discomfited, cried out, now show your worth, good friends,
and let us preserve the honour of London. And he spurred his horse,
shouting Clarence! Clarence! for that was his war-cry, and went full
against his enemies. He saw Don Galvanes fighting full valiantly, and
he smote him, so that his lance brake, and Galvanes lost his stirrups;
then he drew his sword and laid about him on all sides, and his people
took heart; but it availed nothing, for Florestan and Quadragante,
and Angriote and Gavarte, being all joined together, did such feats,
that it seemed as if their enemies were all vanquished, and all thought
that the field could not be kept against them. King Lisuarte, seeing
his people dismayed and so rudely handled, was in all fear of being
vanquished, and he called Don Guilan, who was badly wounded, and King
Arban of North Wales, and Grumedan of Norway, and said to them, I see
our people are in an evil plight, and I fear that God, whom I have
never served as I ought, will not give me this battle. Now let us do
then, for I may be called the King who was defeated and slain to my
honour, but never to my dishonour, the living and defeated King. He
then spurred his horse onward without fear of death, and turned to
Quadragante, who was coming against him, and they smote each other two
such blows upon the helmet, that each embraced the neck of his horse;
but because the King's sword was far the better, he wounded Quadragante
in the head. Presently they were succoured by Galaor and Norandel on
the one side, and by Florestan and Angriote on the other, and the King,
who saw the wonders which Don Florestan worked, made at him, and smote
his horse upon the head, so that he fell, but for this he soon paid,
for Florestan leaped from the saddle, and made at the King, maugre all
who guarded him, yet could he only reach the horse's leg, which he cut
through. The King lightly got on foot, so that Florestan was surprized
thereat, and gave him two blows with his good sword, against which his
armour nothing availed him to save the flesh; but Florestan remembered
how he had been in his court, and what honour he had once received from
him, and forbore to strike him, only he protected himself with the
little of his shield that was left. But Lisuarte, in great fury, smote
at him as fiercely as he could; still Florestan forbore to strike,
but he grasped him in his arms, and would neither suffer him to mount
again, nor to get from him. Then was there a great press on both sides
to the succour, and the King cried out, shouting his name, that he
might be holpen. At this Galaor came up, and said, Sir, mount my horse;
and Filispinel and Brandoyuas were with him, being afoot, and offering
each his horse. Take mine, Sir, quoth Galaor; but the King would not
suffer him to alight, and took Filispinel's horse and turned aside,
leaving Florestan sorely wounded with his good sword, though Florestan
would not harm him; and presently Quadragante brought Florestan a
horse. Then Lisuarte called on Galaor and Norandel, and King Cildadan
and the rest who followed him, and they pressed on, he doing such deeds
that the praise of that day was justly given him; for though Florestan
and Quadragante, and Gavarte and their friends, did what they could and
marvellously bestirred themselves, yet they were few in number, and
for the most part sorely wounded; and the King's people had now taken
courage, and came on with such numbers, that perforce they were driven
back to the foot of the mountains, where Florestan and Quadragante, and
Angriote and Gavarte, their arms being hacked to pieces, their horses
slain and themselves sorely wounded, fell senseless upon the field; and
Palomir and Elian the gallant, and Branfil and Enil, and Sarquiles and
Maratros of Lisando, who was the cousin of Florestan, were all taken
in their defence, and many were there slain on both sides. And Don
Galvanes would there have been lost if Dragonis had not often succoured
him, and at last drawn him out of the press, so badly hurt that he
could scarcely sit, being well nigh senseless, and he sent him to the
Boiling Lake, and remained himself with that small company which had
escaped, defending the mountains. So thus by the courage of Lisuarte,
and by the great folly of Florestan, who would not hurt him, having
him in his power, it may well be said that day was lost: [70:A]whereby
we may understand, that in such danger we should neither show pity nor
courtesy to friend nor kin, till the victory be secured.

When King Lisuarte saw how his enemies forsook the field and retired
among the mountains, and that the sun was going down, he forbade any of
his men to advance farther, and he placed guards, because Dragonis had
already occupied all the strong passes, and sent for his tents which
were pitched beside a stream, at the foot of the mountains. He then
called for King Cildadan and Don Galaor, but it was told him that they
were lamenting over Florestan and Quadragante, who were at the point of
death. Hearing this, Lisuarte demanded a horse and rode towards them,
rather to console Don Galaor than with any wish to give assistance to
those Knights who had been against him, albeit he was somewhat moved in
remembering how in the battle against King Cildadan, Florestan, being
bareheaded, stept before him and received upon his shield that mighty
blow from the great Giant Gandacuriel, and how that very day he had for
virtue forborne to strike him. So going where they were, he comforted
them with gentle words, and assurance that they should be healed, yet
had not this such weight, but that Galaor swooned many times upon his
brother Florestan. The King made them be carried to a good tent, and
sent masters to look to their wounds; and taking King Cildadan with
him, permitted Galaor to abide with them that night, and he took to the
same tent the seven Knights who had been taken prisoners, to be healed
also. There, by the help of God chiefly, and of the masters, who were
right skilful, before dawn they had recovered their senses, and upon
sight and search made, hopeful signs of recovery were found.

The next day as Norandel and Don Guilan were with Galaor, to console
him for the great sorrow which he endured because of his brother and
his kinsmen, they heard the trumpets and clarions sound in the King's
tent, which was a signal for the people to arm. They bound up their
wounds fast that the blood might not issue, and armed themselves and
rode thither. They found the King armed in fresh armour and on a fresh
horse, consulting with King Arban, and King Cildadan, and Don Grumedan,
whether he should attack the Knights who were in the mountain. The
opinions were different: some said, their own people had been so hardly
handled that it was not reasonable till they were recovered to attack
the enemy; others, that delay was dangerous, for now the army was hot
in anger, and if they cooled they would have little will for another
engagement, and, moreover, Agrayes was expected with stores and troops
from Britanny. The King then asked Don Galaor's advice. Sir, said
he, if your people are wounded and fatigued, so also are the enemy,
and because they are few and we are many, I advise that we forthwith
attack them. So let it be, said Lisuarte; anon they made ready and
attacked the passes, Galaor going first and Norandel following him;
and though Dragonis defended them well, yet so many were the bowyers
and cross-bow men who annoyed him, that he was compelled to retire
to the plain beyond, and from thence, after a perilous battle, to
retreat to the town and castle. Soon the King came up and pitched his
tents there, and ordered his fleet to besiege the castle by sea; and
because this history is the history of Amadis, and he was not present
in that war, it is not necessary to relate all that passed. You need
only know that Lisuarte besieged them thirteen months by land and by
sea, so that they could no ways be succoured, for Agrayes was ill, nor
had he a force that could attack so great a fleet; and food failing
within, they began to treat with the King, that he and Don Galvanes
should mutually release their prisoners, that the Town and Castle of
the Boiling Lake should be rendered, and there should be truce for two
years. Now although this was to the King's advantage, yet such was his
confidence that he would not have granted these terms if he had not
received letters from his Uncle Count Argamonte, how all the Kings of
the Islands had risen against him, seeing that he was engaged in this
war, and chosen King Aravigo of the Islands of Landas for their chief,
who was the most powerful of all; and how all this was occasioned by
Arcalaus the Enchanter, who had gone from Island to Island, telling
them they would meet with no resistance, and might divide the land
between them. Wherefore Argamonte besought the King to leave all other
business, and return without delay. This obliged the King to negociate,
though against his will, for his will was to take his enemies by force
of arms and put them all to death. So the terms being made, the King,
accompanied by many good men, went to the town and found the gates
open, and from thence to the Castle, when Don Galvanes came out, and
the Knights who were with him, and the fair Madasima, who was in tears,
gave him the keys and said, Do Sir herewith what is your pleasure.
Lisuarte took and gave them to Brandoyuas. Then Galaor came to the King
and said, Sir, gentleness and courtesy are needed now; if I have ever
done you service, remember it now. Don Galaor, quoth he, if I were to
look to all the services you have done me, the guerdon could never be
found though I were worth a thousand times more than I possess: what
I may do now shall not be reckoned in my debt to you. Then, said he,
Don Galvanes, this land which you took from me by force, and which
I by force have recovered, I now willingly, for your own worth, and
for the goodness of Madasima, and at the request of Don Galaor, give
it to you and Madasima; that reserving my Lordship ye and they who
proceed from ye may possess it as your own. Sir, replied Don Galvanes,
since my fortune hath not suffered me to keep it as my heart desires,
though I have done my duty, I accept, it as your vassal. All the
Knights then kissed the hand of Lisuarte for what he had then done,
and Don Galvanes and Madasima as his vassals. The war thus finished,
King Lisuarte remained fifteen days to heal the wounded and refresh
the army, and then set sail for his own kingdom, taking with him Don
Galvanes and the other Knights, who were willing to bear him company.
There heard he how those Knights were coming against him, which,
albeit it greatly troubled him, yet such semblance did he make, as if
he nothing regarded them, but he made ready for defence, not ceasing
meantime to enjoy himself, and make merry with the Queen and his


[70:A] A long simile of Hector and Ajax follows here.


After King Cildadan and Don Galaor had departed from Gaul, Amadis and
Don Bruneo remained there, but much as they loved each other their
lives were now far different; for Bruneo being with his Lady Melicia
all other things were put out of his remembrance, and to Amadis being
absent from Oriana, and with no hope of seeing her, all things were
cause of sadness and solitariness. One day as he rode forth with only
Gandalin, he went upon the cliffs to see if he could espy any vessels
from Great Britain, that he might hear tidings of the land wherein his
Lady dwelt. Presently there was seen a bark coming from the wished-for
quarter, and as it reached the port he said to Gandalin, go learn what
news they bring, and learn it well that you may relate all to me; this
he did that he might be free to think upon his Lady, in which Gandalin
always interrupted him. So being left alone he alighted and fastened
his horse to a tree, then sate himself upon a rock that he might look
upon Great Britain, and he gazed upon that land remembering how happy
he had been there, and the tears fell.

When Gandalin came to the bark he saw Durin, the brother of the Damsel
of Denmark, among those who came from on board; they embraced as men
who well loved each other, and went together towards the Knight. As
they drew near him they beheld a form like the Devil, and of giantly
size, with the back towards them, shaking a lance at Amadis. Gandalin
cried out, and that cry saved Amadis, for he turned and the lance past
close by his head. Amadis saw that the Devil was aiming another and he
avoided it; he drew his sword but the giant-like Devil ran too fast to
be overtaken, and took the horse of the Knight and mounted, crying, Ah
Amadis, my enemy, I am Andandona the giantess of the dolorous isle; and
if I have not fulfilled my desire now, there will come a time wherein
I shall be avenged. He was about to follow her on Gandalin's horse,
but seeing she was a woman, he said to Gandalin, mount! and if you
can cut off the head of that Devil it will be a good thing. Gandalin
went to horse directly and after her full speed; but when Amadis saw
Durin he embraced him with great pleasure, weening that he brought him
news of his Lady. Durin then gave him a letter of Oriana; it was his
credentials. Your Lady Sir, said he, is well and salutes you much, and
bids you not be distressed but take comfort as she doth till God shall
give ye other times; and she sends you word that she hath brought forth
a son whom I and my sister took to Adalasta, the Abbess of Miraflores,
that he might be brought up as my sister's son; but he told him nothing
how the child was lost: and she beseeches you, said he, by the great
love which she bears toward you, not to depart from this country till
you receive her bidding. Glad was Amadis to hear of his Lady and his
child, but that command nothing pleased him, because it might bring his
honour in attaint, howbeit let come what would he would not disobey.

Presently Gandalin returned with the horse of his Master and
Andandona's head hanging to the poitral by her long grey hair. How
slew you her? quoth Amadis. She gallopped towards the shore, replied
the Squire, where she had a bark ready, but in her haste to dismount
she made the horse rear and fell back, and before she could recover
herself I came up and cut off her head. Amadis then mounted and rode to
the town, and sent the head to Don Bruneo that he might see it. When
Durin was about to depart, he said, Go to my Lady, my friend, and tell
her that I kiss her hand for the letter and for all that you have told
me; but beseech her to have regard to my honour, and not make me remain
here in sloth, for so would the fair renown which I have attained be
soon injured, the cause not being known, and men being more inclined to
slander the good than keep their evil tongues silent. So Durin went his

Don Bruneo of Bonamar was now healed of his bodily wound, but his
love was more kindled by the frequent sight of his Lady Melicia; and
considering, that only by performing great feats of arms he could hope
to attain so high a Lady, he said one day to Amadis, as they were
hunting, for in that did Amadis now pass his time, my time of life,
Sir, and the little which I have yet atchieved, command me to change
this easy way of life for one whereby I may win more praise of prowess.
If you are disposed to seek adventures I will keep you company: if
not, give me leave to set forth to morrow. Greatly was Amadis grieved
hereat, for full gladly would he have gone forth with him, but for his
Lady's command. Don Bruneo, replied he, I would willingly go in your
company, whereby much honour might accrue to me, but the King my father
has forbidden it, saying, that my presence is needful here, because of
certain affairs; I can therefore only say God be with you. That night
Don Bruneo spake with Melicia, and learnt from her, that if it were her
parents' will she would cheerfully wed him. He then took leave of her,
and on the following morning departed after mass, going where fortune
guided him, and many and great feats did he in arms which would here be
long to relate.

Thirteen months and a half, while Lisuarte besieged the Castle of the
Boiling Lake, Amadis abode thus in Gaul, going to the chase and to the
mountain, for to this was he chiefly inclined: meantime his fair renown
was obscured, and much debased by all, who blessed the Knights Errant,
but cursed him for forsaking arms in the best of his life, when God
had so gifted him above all others. Dames and Damsels, who went to him
to seek revenge for their wrongs, now finding him not as before, all
proclaimed the shame and though he heard these things, and esteemed
himself for this cause very unhappy, yet neither for this nor for worse
things would he have disobeyed his Lady. Thus he remained losing his
honour, till Lisuarte knowing how King Aravigo, and the six Kings, and
Arcalaus the Enchanter, were preparing in the Island of Leonida to
pass over into Great Britain, made ready for his defence. But though
his great heart and prudence made semblance to think little of this
danger, not so did the Queen, but in great trouble spake to all of the
loss which the King had brought upon himself, in losing Amadis and
his lineage; if they were here, she said, she should think lightly of
the peril. Those Knights, however, who had been defeated in the Isle
of Mongaza, though they bore no good will to the King, yet seeing Don
Galaor with him, and Don Galvanes, who was now his vassal, and that Don
Brian of Monjaste, whom the King of Spain, his father, had sent with
two thousand Knights to aid Lisuarte, was to be the leader, resolved to
go also to his succour in that battle which would be a full perilous
one. So Don Quadragante, and Listoran of the White Tower, and Ymosil of
Burgandy, and Madansil of the Silver Bridge, and their comrades, made
ready, expecting when the Kings would come over from the Island.

One day Mabilia spake with Oriana, and told her it was ill judged
not to consider what Amadis might do at this time, perchance he might
go against her father, and that would be evil to both, for if either
were conquered he would be slain. Oriana acknowledging the truth of
this resolved to write to Amadis, not to go against her father, but to
take the other side if he pleased, or else remain in Gaul. This letter
Mabilia enclosed, and sent by a Damsel who had presents from Queen
Elisena. When Amadis received this so glad was he, that certes he could
not be gladder, yet was he somewhat troubled, not knowing what to do,
for to help King Lisuarte he had no will, and against him he might not
be. So with a countenance more chearful than he was wont to show, he
went to his father, and they sat together under the shade of some elms
near the beach, and talked together of sundry things, but chiefly of
the fresh news from Britain. There as they sate they saw a Knight come
up upon a weary horse, the arms which the Squire carried were so hacked
that the device could not be seen, and his harness was so broken that
it was of no defence; the Knight himself was large and well limbed.
They rose to receive him honourably as an Errant Knight, but coming
near Amadis knew his brother Don Florestan, and said, Sir, you see
here the best Knight next to Don Galaor, whom I know, know that this is
your son Don Florestan. Right glad was the King, who had never seen him
though he knew his fame; he hastened faster to meet him, and Florestan
alighted and knelt down, and would have kissed his hand, but the King
raised him and gave him his hand and kissed his mouth. Then took they
him to the palace, and made him disarm and wash, and Amadis gave him
rich garments which had never been worn; and then it appeared how fair
he was, and of how goodly a person, that few were like him; and they
led him to the Queen and to Melicia, who received him with such love as
one of her own brothers, for not less did she esteem him for his great
worth in arms. So in their talk they asked him of the news from Great
Britain. Sirs, quoth he, the power of those Kings is so great that I
ween King Lisuarte can neither help himself nor his kingdom, whereat
seeing how things have been we need not grieve. Son Don Florestan,
replied the King, I hold King Lisuarte by all they tell me of him to
be such a one, that he will come off with honour from this danger as
he has heretofore done; but if it should be otherwise we ought not
to rejoice thereat; no King should rejoice at the destruction of
another King, unless he have himself destroyed him for lawful causes,
compelling him thereunto. When Amadis and Florestan had retired to
their chambers and were alone, Florestan said, I came hither Sir to
seek you and tell you of a thing which I have heard every where, and
which grieves me to the heart; let it not displease you to be told of
it. Brother, replied Amadis, whatever you shall say it pleases me to
hear; if it be a thing to be amended, with your counsel I will amend
it. Sir, said Florestan, all people speak to your disparagement; they
say that you have unhappily forsaken arms, and that for which, above
all others, you were born. Amadis smiled and answered, they think of me
as they ought not, henceforth I shall do otherwise, and they shall say

That night Amadis could not sleep for thinking on two things: what
feats of arms he should perform that year, to clean away his reproach,
and what he should do in this great battle. To be against Lisuarte his
Lady forbade him, and reason forbade him to be for him, because of the
wrong which he and his lineage had endured; but at length he resolved
to go and assist him for two reasons, because his force was much less
in number than the enemy, and because, if he were conquered, the land
of his Lady Oriana would be lost. On the morrow Amadis went with his
brother to King Perion, and desiring all others to withdraw, said to
him, Sir, I have not slept this night thinking of the battle which is
to be between Lisuarte and the Kings of the Isles; for so famous will
it be, that all Knights who follow arms ought to be there; and because,
I having remained so long without exercising my person, have gained
so ill a fame as you my brother know, I have resolved to be present,
and on Lisuarte's side; not for any love to him, but for two reasons,
because he is the weaker, whom all good Knights therefore ought to
succour, and because my intention is to die, or to do my utmost;
and if I should be against him, there would be with him Galaor and
Quadragante, and Don Brian of Monjaste, all with a like determination,
and as they could not avoid encountering me their deaths or mine would
needs ensue, but my going shall be secret. King Perion answered, Son,
I am the friend of the good, and knowing this King to be one of the
good, it was always my will to aid him when I could, and if I have
refrained from it it has been because of your difference. Since this
is your intention I will go also, and sorry am I that it is so soon
that I cannot carry the aid I should wish. Sirs, said Florestan, when
I remember the cruelty of that King, how he would have let us die upon
the field if it had not been for Don Galaor, and of his enmity against
us without cause, there is nothing in the world should make me consent
to help him; but now, because you will go, and because I cannot serve
against him during the truce which Don Galvanes has made, I will go
with you, and serve him against my will. Full glad was Amadis at this.
Your person and ourselves Sir, said he, may well be accounted for many,
and if you took forces our going could not be secret; now then let us
provide arms whereby we may know each other and yet not be known by
others. Come into my armoury, replied Perion, and let us chuse the most
forgotten and remarkable that we can find.

They went out into a court where there were trees, and there came up
a Damsel richly clad on a goodly palfrey, and three Squires with her,
and a horse with a bundle. She came up to the King, who received her
well, and asked her if she came to the Queen. No, said she, I come to
you, and these two Knights from the Dame of the Undiscovered Island,
from whom I bring you gifts; send away all your people, and you shall
see them. The King bade them withdraw. Then she made her Squires open
the bundle, and she took out three shields, bearing gold serpents in
a field azure, so strangely fashioned that they seemed alive, and the
rims were of fine gold and precious stones. She then took out three
coat-armours of the same device, and three helmets, but they were all
different; the one white, which she gave with one suit to King Perion,
and one of purple for Florestan, and one which was gilt to Amadis.
And she said, Sir Amadis, my Mistress sends you these, and desires
you will do better in them than you have done, since you entered this
land. Amadis feared she would reveal the cause, and said, Damsel, tell
your Lady that I value this counsel more than the arms, good as they
are, and with all my strength will endeavour to obey her. Sirs, said
she, my Mistress sends you these that you may know and succour each
other in the battle. How knew she, quoth King Perion, that we should
be there when we knew it not ourselves? I cannot tell, replied the
Damsel, only she told me I should find you all here in this place, and
give you the arms. The King then bade them give the Damsel food and
entreat her honourably, and after she had eaten she departed for Great
Britain, whither also she was sent. When Amadis saw the arms ready
he was impatient to be gone, lest they should not arrive in time for
the battle; so the King ordered a ship to be ready in secret, and on
pretence that they went to hunt the mountain, they departed and crossed
over to that part of Great Britain where they knew that the seven Kings
were arrived.

They entered a thick wood where these men had pitched tents, and from
thence sent a Squire to bring tidings of the seven Kings, and when the
battle should be; and they sent another messenger to King Lisuarte's
camp with a letter to Don Galaor, as if from Gaul, beseeching him to
send them tidings of the battle as soon as it was ended: this did they
for the greater secrecy. The Squire returned on the next evening,
and said, that the army of the seven Kings was without number, and
that there were strange people among them, and divers languages, and
that they were besieging a Castle of certain Damsels, who were sorely
distressed, albeit that the place was strong. He had also seen Arcalaus
the Enchanter with two of the Kings, and heard him say, that the battle
ought to be within six days, for it would be hard to find food for so
many. So these three remained pleasantly in the wood, killing birds
with their arrows, who came to a fountain near them, and also beasts of
venery. On the fourth day the other messenger returned, and told them
how he had left Don Galaor well and in good courage, so that the rest
took confidence in him. When I told him your bidding Sir, said he, and
how you all three abode in Gaul, the tears came into his eyes, and he
sighed and said, O Lord, if it pleased thee that these were in this
battle on the King's side as they used to be, I should have no fear!
And he bade me say, that if he escaped with life he would inform you
without delay of all that had passed. God preserve him! said they; now
tell us of King Lisuarte's forces.—He has a good company Sirs, and of
good and well known Knights; but they say that it is little against his
enemies, and he will within two days come up to succour the Damsels
who are besieged. And so it was, for King Lisuarte came and encamped
upon a mountain, half a league from the plain where were the enemies,
so that the armies were in sight of each other; but the army of the
seven Kings were twice as many. That night they prepared their arms and
their horses for the battle on the morrow. Now you are to know that the
six Kings and the other Chiefs did homage to King Aravigo that night,
that they would hold him for their chief in this battle, and obey his
commands, and he swore to take no greater share of the kingdom than
each of them, only he required the honour. Presently he made the people
cross a river that ran between them and King Lisuarte, and thus placed
themselves near his army.

Early on the morrow they armed and appeared before King Aravigo, so
great a multitude, and so well armed, that they esteemed the others as
nothing, and said, that since the King ventured to give them battle,
Great Britain was their own. King Aravigo divided his army into nine
battalions, each of a thousand Knights, but in his own he had fifteen
hundred; and he gave them to the Kings and the other Chiefs, and placed
them in close array. King Lisuarte appointed Don Grumedan, and Don
Galaor, and Don Quadragante, and Angriote of Estravaus, to appoint
the order of his battle, for they were well skilled in all matters of
arms. Presently he went down the side of the mountain into the plain,
and as it was now at that hour when the sun was rising, it shone upon
their arms, and they appeared so well disposed, that their enemies, who
had before held them as nothing, now thought of them otherwise. These
Knights, whom I have named, made five battalions of their people. Don
Brian of Monjaste had the first with one thousand Knights of Spain,
whom the King his father had sent to Lisuarte. King Cildadan had the
second with his own people and other troops which were appointed for
him. Don Galvanes had the third; and Gavarte, his nephew, who had
come there more for love of him and his friends than for the sake of
the King's service. In the fourth went Giontes, the King's nephew,
with enough good Knights. King Lisuarte led the fifth, in which were
two thousand Knights, and he besought Don Galaor and Quadragante, and
Angriote of Estravaus, and Gavarte of the Perilous Valley, and Grimon
the Brave, to look to him and defend him, for the which cause he had
appointed them no command. In this array which you have heard they
moved slowly over the field one against the other.

At this season King Perion, and his sons Amadis and Florestan, entered
the plain upon their goodly steeds, and with their arms of the serpents
which shone brightly in the sun; and they rode on to place themselves
between the two armies, brandishing their spears, whose points were so
polished and clean that they glittered like stars; the father went
between his sons. Much were they admired by both parts, and each would
willingly have had them on his side, but no one knew whom they came to
aid, nor who they were. They seeing that the host of Brian of Monjaste
was about to join battle, put spur to their horses and rode up near to
his banner, then set themselves against King Targadan who came against
him. Glad was Don Brian of their help though he knew them not: but
they, when they saw that it was time, rode to attack the host of King
Targadan so fiercely that all were astonished. In that encounter King
Perion struck that other King so hardily that a part of the spear iron
entered his breast and he fell. Amadis smote Abdasian the fierce, so
that armour nothing profited him, but the lance passed thro' from side
to side, and he fell like a dead man. Don Florestan drove Carduel,
saddle and man, under the horses' feet: these three being the bravest
of that battalion had come forward to combat the Knights of the
Serpents. Then laid they hand to sword and passed through the first
squadron felling all before them, and charged the second: and when they
were thus between both there was to be seen what marvellous feats of
prowess they wrought with their swords. Such that none did like them
on either side, and they had now under their horses more than ten
Knights, whom they had smitten down. But when their enemies saw that
there were no more than three they charged them on all sides, laying on
such heavy blows that the aid of Don Brian was full needful, who came
up with his Spaniards, a brave people and well horsed, and rode among
the enemy, slaying and felling them, though his own men fell also,
so that the Knights of the Serpents were succoured, and the enemy so
handled, that they perforce gave back upon the third battalion. Then
was there a great press and great danger for all, and many Knights died
on either side: but what King Perion and his sons did there cannot be
expressed. Such was the uproar and confusion, that King Aravigo feared,
lest his own men who had given ground should make the others fly, and
he called aloud to Arcalaus to advance with all the battalions, and
attack in one body. This presently he did, and King Aravigo with him,
but without delay King Lisuarte did the same, so that the whole battle
was now joined; and such was the clang of strokes, and the cries and
the noise of horsemen, that the earth trembled and the vallies rung

At this hour King Perion, going bravely among the foremost, had
advanced so far into the enemies ranks that he was well nigh lost, but
presently was he succoured by his sons, and many of those who struck at
him were by them slain; the Damsels who were looking on from the Castle
cried out, On Knights, on! he of the white helmet does the best. But in
this succour the horse of Amadis was slain, and fell with him in the
thickest press, and the horses of his father and Florestan were badly
wounded; they seeing him a-foot and in such danger, alighted and placed
themselves by him, there came up many to slay them, and others to their
help, but in great peril were they, and had it not been that they dealt
about their blows so cruelly they had surely been slain. Now as King
Lisuarte went from one part to another with his seven companions, he
saw those of the Serpents in what peril they stood, and he cried out to
Galaor and the others, Now good friends, let your worth be seen, and
let us succour those who have aided us so well. At them! quoth Galaor;
they spurred their horses into the hottest of the throng till they came
up to the banner of King Aravigo, who was crying out and encouraging
his men. King Lisuarte went on so fiercely, with that good sword in his
hand, and gave so many and such mortal strokes therewith that all were
astonished to behold him, and his comrades scarce could follow him.
Nor for all the enemy could do could they prevent him from reaching
the banner, which he plucked from the standard-bearer, and threw under
the horses' feet, and shouted aloud, Clarence! Clarence! for I am King
Lisuarte: for this was his cry. So much he did, and continued so long
among his enemies, that at length his horse was slain and he fell,
being grievously bruised in the fall; and they, his friends, who were
at hand could not remount him, but presently Angriote came up, and
Arcamon the brave, and Ladadin of Fajarque, who alighted, and with the
help of his comrades placed him, maugre all the enemies efforts, upon
Angriote's horse. Yet though he was badly wounded and so bruised he
would not withdraw from thence till Arcamon and Ladadin had brought to
Angriote another horse, one of those which he had appointed to be held
in readiness for those who might want them.

While this was going on, Don Galaor and Quadragante bore the brunt
of the battle, and there they well displayed their great courage in
enduring and dealing mortal blows, for know that if they had not
resisted and kept back their opponents, King Lisuarte and his comrades
had been in great danger when he was on foot. The Damsels from the
Tower cried out, that the Knights who bore the flowers did the best;
but, notwithstanding all they could do they could not forfend but that
King Aravigo's people were getting the better, and bravely recovering
the field. The principal reason hereof was, that two fresh Knights had
entered the battle so valiant, and of such might in arms, that they
expected by them to win the victory, weening that there was no Knight
on the part of Lisuarte who could maintain the field against them. The
one was called Brontaxar Danfania, the other Argomades of the Deep
Island; he bore white doves upon a green field, the other bore them or
upon gules. So huge of stature were they that their head and shoulder
appeared above others in the battle; while their lances endured no
Knight who encountered them could keep his seat, when they were broken
they laid hand upon their huge and uncommon swords. What shall I say?
Such blows they smote therewith that scarcely now could they meet with
one to strike they had stricken such fear into all, and then they went
on clearing the field, and the Damsels on the Tower cried, Knights, fly
not! for these are men and not Devils! but their own party cried out
aloud, King Lisuarte is conquered. When the King heard this he began
to encourage his people, saying, I will die here or conquer, that the
sovereignty of Great Britain may not be lost; the best Knights then
gathered about him, for there was great need.

Now Amadis had taken a fresh horse and was waiting for his father to
mount. When he heard that cry, King Lisuarte is conquered! he said
to Florestan, who was on horseback, what is this, or why do these
misbegotten people shout? He answered, do you not see those two the
strongest and bravest Knights that ever were seen, who slay and destroy
all whom they find before them; and though they have not appeared in
the battle before, now by their prowess make their party recover the
field. Amadis turned his head and beheld Brontaxar Danfania coming
towards him, smiting and overthrowing Knights with his huge sword,
which sometimes he would let hang from his wrist by the chain, and
seize the Knights with hand and arm, so that none remained in the
saddle before him, and all fled as they could. Saint Mary help me,
quoth Amadis, what is here! then took he a strong lance from the Squire
who had given him the horse, and remembering Oriana in that hour, and
the loss which she would endure if her father perished, he placed
himself right in the saddle, saying to Florestan, guard you our father.
By this Brontaxar drew near, and seeing Amadis make ready against him,
and how he wore the gilded helmet, and remembering what great things
had been said of him before he himself entered the battle, he came on
with a raging fury to encounter him, and took a strong lance and cried
aloud, now shall ye see a good stroke, if he of the golden helmet will
dare abide me! and he struck spurs into his horse, the lance being
under his arm at rest, and went against him. The like did Amadis; they
encountered lance against shield, the shields failed, the lances brake,
and their horses dashed against each other so furiously that each felt
the shock as if he had struck against a rock. Brontaxar's head became
so giddy therewith that he could not keep his seat, he fell upon the
ground like one dead, and falling upon one foot, by the reason of his
great weight, he broke the leg just above it, and a piece of the lance
remained sticking in his shield. The horse of Amadis staggered back two
arms-length and was ready to fall, but Amadis was so stunned that he
could neither give him spur nor take his sword to defend himself from
those who struck at him. King Perion, who had seen that huge Brontaxar,
and the encounter which Amadis had given him was much amazed thereat,
and he cried, Lord God preserve that Knight! now son Florestan to his
succour. They pushed on so bravely that it was a wonder to behold
them, hewing and slicing till they came up to Amadis, and King Perion
said to him, how now Knight? courage! courage! for I am here. Amadis,
though he had not wholly recovered his recollection, knew the voice
of his father, and he took his sword, seeing how many were upon King
Perion and Florestan, and began to strike at one and at another,
though with little force, and here must they have endured great danger
because their enemies were in great strength, and King Lisuarte's men
had lost much ground, and many were upon them to slay them, and few
in their defence, but at this season Agrayes and Don Galvanes, and
Brian of Monjaste succoured them, who came up with design to encounter
Brontaxar Danfania, who had made the havoc you have heard. They seeing
the Knights of the Serpents in such peril came up like men whose hearts
never failed in danger; at their coming many of the enemy were smitten
down and slain, and they of the Serpents had room to strike with more
effect. Now had Amadis recovered, and looking to the right he saw King
Lisuarte with a company of Knights awaiting King Aravigo, who came
against him with a great power of men, and Argomades before them with
two nephews of King Aravigo, both valiant Knights. King Aravigo himself
was crying out to encourage his men, for he had heard it said from the
Tower how he of the golden helmet had slain the great Devil. Then said
Amadis, Knights, let us go help the King who is in need; they moved
on with one accord, and entered through the press till they came up
to King Lisuarte. He, when he saw near him the three Knights of the
Serpents was much encouraged, for he had seen how he of the Golden
Helmet had slain with one blow that so valiant Brontaxar Danfania, and
forthwith he advanced against Aravigo. Argomades came on sword in hand,
wielding it to strike at King Lisuarte, but he of the golden helmet
stept between and their battle was but of one blow. He of the golden
helmet raised his shield and met the other's sword; the sword went
through the rim a full palm deep and entered three finger's depth into
the helmet, so that a little more and he had been slain. But Amadis
smote him upon the left shoulder such a blow that it cut through the
hauberk, tho' of such thick mail, and through the flesh and bone down
to the ribs, so that the arm and half the shoulder hung dangling from
the body. This was the mightiest sword-blow that was given in all that
battle. Argomades fled like a man beside himself, who knew not what he
did, and his horse carried him whither he would, and they on the Tower
cried out, he of the golden helmet has put the doves to flight! One
of Aravigo's nephews, who was named Ancidel, then made at Amadis and
struck at his horse's head, which he cut clean across, and the beast
fell dead. Don Florestan seeing this attacked him as he was boasting,
and smote him on the helmet that he bowed down upon his horse's neck,
then caught him by the helmet and plucked it from his head with such
force that he laid him at the feet of Amadis, but Florestan himself was
hurt in the side by the point of Ancidel's sword. At this time the two
Kings and their people encountered, and there was a fierce and terrible
battle: every one had then enough to do to defend himself, and to
succour those who were smitten down.

Durin, who had come hither to carry the first tidings of the battle to
his mistress Oriana, was upon one of those horses which King Lisuarte
had ordered to be led about the field for Knights when they might stand
in need of them. When he saw him of the golden helmet afoot he said
to the other pages who were on horseback, I will go help that good
Knight to this horse, for I cannot do better service to the King;
and making way where the press was least, though to his own great
danger, he came up to him and said, I know not who you are, but for
what I have seen you do I bring you this horse. He lightly mounted and
said to him in a low voice, Ah, friend Durin, this is not the first
service that thou hast done me! Durin took him by the arm—I will not
let you go till you tell me who you are! He stooped down as low as he
could and answered lowly, Amadis! let no one know it except you know
who! then rode he forward into the hottest of the fray, doing such
feats as if his Mistress were then present to behold, because one was
there who would know well how to recount them. King Lisuarte had now
encountered Aravigo, knowing that he was the head and leader of his
enemies, and had given him three such blows with his own sword that
he withdrew behind his men, cursing Arcalaus the Enchanter, who had
brought him there with hope to win the kingdom. Don Galaor engaged
Sarmadan a valiant Knight, and because his arm was weary now, and his
sword blunted by the blows that he had dealt, he seized him in his
strong grasp, plucked him from the saddle, and threw him on his neck
to the ground, so that he died. But as for Amadis I tell you, that
remembering in that hour the time which he had lost in Gaul, and how
his renown had been diminished and reviled, and that only by great
prowess it could be recovered, he did such deeds that none durst stand
before him; and with him went his father and Don Florestan, and Agrayes
and Don Galvanes, and Brian of Monjaste, and Norandel and Guilan the
Pensive, and King Lisuarte, who shewed himself right valiant in that
hour. So that they smote down so many of the enemies, and pressed them
so closely, and struck such fear into them, that they could no longer
endure it; but seeing King Aravigo had fled away wounded, they also
took to flight, some toward their ships, some to hide themselves among
the mountains. But King Lisuarte and his companions in arms, and they
of the Serpents before all, still pressed upon them; the most who
escaped got into a ship with King Aravigo, but many perished in the
water or were taken. By this the night closed in. King Lisuarte turned
back to the tents of his enemies, and lodged there that night, being
right joyful for the victory which God had given him.

But the Knights of the Serpents when they saw that the field was won,
and that there was no longer any opposition, turned aside from the
way which the King took, and rode till they came to a fountain under
some trees, and there they alighted and drank, and let their horses
drink, who had much need after the toil of that day. As they were
about to mount they saw a Squire come up on horseback; they put on
their helmets that he might not know them, and then gently called him;
he at first hesitated thinking they were of the enemies, but seeing
the serpent-arms approached. Good Squire, said Amadis, deliver if it
please you our message to the King, say to him that the Knights of the
Serpents beseech him not to blame them, that they have not spoken with
him, because we are constrained to go far from hence to a strange land,
and put ourselves at the mercy of one who we believe will have none for
us; for our part of the spoils let them be given to the Damsels of the
Tower, for the losses which they have endured, and take back to him
this horse, which I took from one of his pages in the battle, for we
desire no other guerdon. The Squire took the horse and departed, and
they went their way to their tents in the forest, and there washed the
blood and dust from their hands and faces, and did the best they could
for their wounds, and ate their supper which was well provided for
them, and soundly did they sleep that night.

When King Lisuarte was in the tent of his conquered enemies he asked
for the three Knights of the Serpents, but all he could learn of them
was that they had been seen riding full speed toward the forest.
Perchance, said he to Galaor, he of the golden helmet might be your
brother Amadis, for what he did can be ascribed to no other but him.
Trust me Sir, replied Galaor, it was not he; for not four days ago I
received tidings that he was in Gaul with my father and our brother
Florestan. Holy Mary! quoth Lisuarte, who then can he be? Galaor
answered, I know not, but whoever he be God prosper him, for with great
toil and peril hath he won the honour and praise of prowess above all.
As they thus communed the Squire came up and delivered his message:
much was the King troubled to hear that those Knights went to encounter
such danger; but if Amadis spake this in jest, full truly did it turn
out, as shall be related. The horse which the Squire brought back dropt
down dead at the King's feet with his wounds. That night Galaor and
Agrayes and their friends lodged in the rich tent of Arcalaus, in the
which they found embroidered in silk the battle that he fought against
Amadis, and how he enchanted him, and many other things that he had
done. The next day the King divided the spoils, giving a great portion
to the Damsels of the Tower; then gave he licence to all his followers
to depart whether they would; and he himself went to a town called
Gandapa, where were the Queen and Oriana. The joy which they had at
meeting need not be told, for every one, considering what had past, may
guess what it would be.


Some days King Perion abode in the forest to rest, then seeing that the
wind was fair they put to sea, thinking soon to be in Gaul; but the
wind soon changed and made the sea rage so that after five days the
storm obliged them to return back to Great Britain, to a distant part
of the coast; there, while the weather continued, and while their men
took in fresh water, they rode into the country to learn where they
were, taking three Squires with them, but leaving Gandalin to wait for
them in the galley because he was well known. They rode up a glen and
reached a plain, and proceeded not far before they came to a fountain,
whereat a Damsel was letting her palfrey drink. Richly clad was she,
and over her garments she wore a scarlet cloak with gold buttons, and
the button-holes worked with gold. Two Squires and two Damsels were in
her company with falcons and dogs for sport. She seeing their arms
knew that they were the Knights of the Serpents, and went towards them
with a shew of much joy, and saluted them courteously, making signs
that she was dumb, whereat they were grieved seeing how fair she was,
and of what courteous demeanour. She went up to him of the golden
helmet and embraced him, and would have kissed his hand, and then
by signs she invited them to be her guests that night, but they not
understanding her signs she tokened to her Squire to explain them. They
seeing her good will, and that it was now late, rode with her in full
confidence, and came to a goodly castle, so that they held the Damsel
as very rich seeing she was Mistress thereof. When they entered they
found enough servants to welcome them, and sundry Dames and Damsels,
who all regarded the dumb Damsel as their Lady. Their horses were taken
from them, and they were led up to a rich chamber about twenty cubits
from the ground, and then they were disarmed and rich garments brought
them, and after they had talked to the dumb Damsel and with the others,
supper was brought and they were well served. The Damsels then retired,
but presently they returned with many candles and with stringed
instruments to delight them; and when it was time to sleep they again
retired. The dumb Damsel had ordered three rich and goodly beds to be
prepared in that chamber, and their arms were laid by the bed side, so
they lay down and fell asleep like men who were fatigued.

Now you must know that this chamber was made with great cunning, for
the floor did not fasten into the walls but was supported upon an iron
screw like a wine-press, and fitted into a frame of wood, so that it
could be lowered or raised from below by turning an iron lever. So when
they awoke in the morning they had been let down twenty cubits[109:A]
low; and perceiving no light, but yet hearing the stir of people above
them, they marvelled greatly and rose from bed and felt for the door
and windows, but when they found them and put their hands through they
felt the wall of the castle, and knew that they were betrayed. Being in
this great trouble a Knight appeared at a window above, who was huge of
stature and limb; and of a sullen countenance, and in his beard and
hair more white hairs than black; he wore a mourning dress; and upon
his right hand a glove of white cloth that reached to his elbow. You
are well lodged there, cried he, and according to the mischief ye have
done me shall be the mercy ye shall find, which shall be a cruel and
bitter death, and even with that shall I not be revenged for what you
did in battle with the false King Lisuarte. Know that I am Arcalaus
the Enchanter, if you have never seen me before, learn to know me now;
none ever injured me without my taking vengeance, except only one, whom
I yet hope to have where I have you, and to cut off his hands for the
hand which he lopt from me. The Damsel was by him, and she pointing to
Amadis said, good Uncle, that young one is he of the golden helmet.
But they hearing they were in the power of Arcalaus were in great fear
of death, and much were they surprised to hear that dumb Damsel speak.
This Damsel was Dinarda, the daughter of Ardan Canileo, who was expert
in all wickedness, and had come to that land to contrive the death of
Amadis, and for that cause had feigned herself dumb. Knights, said
Arcalaus, I will cut your heads off and send them to King Aravigo as
some atonement for the disservice ye have wrought him! then he drew
back from the window and closed it, and the chamber remained so dark
that they could not see one another. Good sons, then said King Perion,
these are the changes of fortune! but we, whose office it is to seek
adventures, must take the evil as well as the good, exerting ourselves
to remedy it where we can, and when our strength avails not trusting
in him who will do what is best. Therefore let us repress the grief
which you feel for me, and I yet more for you, and commit ourselves
patiently to God. The sons who endured more for him than for their own
danger then knelt before him and kissed his hand, and he gave them his

They remained there all that day without food or drink. When Arcalaus
had supped and part of the night was gone, he came again to the window
with two lighted torches, and with him Dinarda and two old men. You
Knights there, cried he, I suppose you could eat if you had wherewith!
Willingly, if you will give it us, answered Florestan. He replied, if
I have any such will God prevent it! but that you may not be quite
disconsolate, instead of food I will give you some news to make amends.
Two Squires and a Dwarf have come to the Castle gate since it was dark
to ask for the Knights of the Serpents. I have had them seized and
thrown into a prison under you; in the morning I will make them tell
me who ye are or else cut them limb from limb. Now this which he said
was true, for they in the galley seeing that the wind was fair sent
Gandalin and the Dwarf, and Orfeo the King's wardrobe-keeper, to seek
for the Knights, and Arcalaus had taken them thus. Much were Perion
and his sons troubled at these perilous tidings, but Amadis answered,
saying, sure am I that when you know who we are you will not use us
so wrongfully as now; for as you are a Knight yourself, you will
not hold that for wrong which we did fairly in battle to assist our
friends, as we should have done had we been on your side. If there be
any worth in you you ought to esteem us for this, and do us the more
honour, being now in your power; you show no courtesy in treating us
thus. Who disputes with you? quoth Arcalaus; the honour I will do you
shall be as I would do to Amadis of Gaul, who is the man in the world
that I love worst, and on whom I most desire to take vengeance. Uncle,
said Dinarda, as you mean to send their heads to King Aravigo, do not
let them die of hunger, but just support life for them that they may
endure more pain. I will niece, replied Arcalaus. Tell me Knights on
your faith are you most troubled with hunger or thirst? In truth, said
they, though meat is of consequence, we are more desirous of drink.
Take them a bacon pasty, said he to another Damsel, that they may not
say I would not relieve them, and then they all withdrew.

That Damsel seeing Amadis how comely he was, and knowing the great
feats of chivalry which he had done in the battle, was moved to pity
for him and his comrades, and she put a vessel of water and another
of wine into a basket with the bacon pasty, and lowered it by a cord
saying, take this and be secret, you shall not fare ill if I can help
ye. Amadis thanked her much, and she went away; they then supped and
went to bed, bidding their Squires who were with them keep their arms
in readiness where they could find them, for said they if we do not die
of hunger we will sell our lives dearly.

Now Gandalin and Orfeo and the Dwarf were cast into a prison underneath
the platform whereon their masters lay. They found there a Dame and her
husband, and a young Knight their son, who had been there confined a
year. Gandalin talking with them told them how coming in search of the
Knights of the Serpents he had been seized. Holy Mary, replied the
old Knight! these of whom you speak were well received in this Castle,
and while they were asleep four men entered this prison, and turning
that iron lever which you see lowered down the platform above us, so
that they have suffered a great treason. Gandalin then understanding
that his master was in danger of death said, let us try to raise it
then, else neither they nor we shall ever escape, but if they save
themselves we shall be delivered. Then the Knight and his son on one
side, and Gandalin and Orfeo on the other, began to turn the lever and
the platform began to rise. King Perion, who could not sleep for grief
because of his sons presently felt it, and waking them said, the floor
is rising, I know not for what intent. Amadis answered, let it be for
what it will it is very different to die like Knights or like thieves,
and they leaped out of bed and bade their Squires arm them. They below
turned the lever with great labour and difficulty till the floor had
risen to its place; then Perion and his sons saw light through the
crevices of the door whereby they had entered, and they burst it open
and rushed out upon the wall where the guards were, and slew and threw
down all they met, crying aloud, Gaul! Gaul! the Castle is ours.
Arcalaus hearing this was greatly dismayed, thinking that it was the
treason of some of his people who had let in the enemy, and he fled
naked into a tower, and drew up the stairs after him which were made
like a draw-bridge. He feared nothing from his prisoners thinking they
were safe enough, but looking from a window he saw the Knights of the
Serpents traversing the Castle; then not daring to descend himself, he
called to his men not to fear for there were but three against them.
Some of those who lodged below then began to arm, but the Knights who
had now cleared the walls went down, and soon so handled them that not
a man appeared before them. They in the dungeon, who heard what was
doing, cried aloud for help. Amadis knew the Dwarf's voice, for he and
the Dame were in the most fear, and went forthwith to release them, and
with great force breaking the iron staples they burst open the door
and set them at liberty, then searching the buildings round the Court
they found their horses, and gave two of Arcalaus's to the Knight and
his son, and Dinarda's palfrey to the Dame; and having mounted the
King ordered them to set fire to the dwellings. It began to blaze till
all was in one flame, and the fire caught the door of the Tower, and
the Dwarf cried out, Sir Arcalaus! take this smoke patiently, as I did
when you hung me up by the leg when you committed that great treason
against Amadis. Much was the King pleased to hear how the Dwarf scoffed
him, and they all laughed to see what plight he was now in for all his
force and cunning. Then they rode toward their ship, and looking back
from a hill beheld the Castle burning to their great joy. When they
were got aboard and were disarmed, the Dame knew the King and fell on
her knees before him, and he seeing her took her up and embraced her as
one he much loved. Sir, said she, which is Amadis? and when she knew
she would have kissed his feet, but he raised her up being greatly
abashed, and she then told him how she was Darioleta who had thrown him
into the sea, and besought his pardon. Dame, quoth he, now know I what
before I never knew, for though my foster-father told me I was found in
the sea, I knew not how it had chanced, that do I indeed pardon, for
you did no wrong, for all was for the service of her whom I am bound to
serve while I have life. The King took pleasure to talk of those times,
and thus chearfully they sailed till they arrived in Gaul.

You have heard how Arcalaus was naked in the Tower, and because the
fire caught the door he could not get out, and the smoke and the heat
were so great that he could not help himself, and though he got into a
stone vaulted chamber still the smoke was so thick that he was in great
agony. There he remained two days, for the fire continued so fierce
that none of his people who survived could enter, but on the third day
they could go in, and they went up to him and found him in such plight
that his soul was ready to depart from his body; but pouring water into
his mouth they made him recover, though in great tortures, and took him
in their arms to remove him to the town, but when he saw his Castle so
burnt and ruined, he said in the bitterness of his heart, Ah, Amadis
of Gaul, what evil hast thou brought upon me! if I catch thee I will
do such cruelty upon thee that my heart shall be revenged for all, and
for thy sake I swear never more to spare the life of any Knight whom I
take, that if thou shouldst fall again into my hands thou mayest not
escape. Four days he remained in the town, then he set out in a litter
for his Castle of Mount Aldin with Dinarda who was so fair and another
Damsel, and seven Knights to guard them. The second day of their
journey was far spent, and on that night they were to reach his Castle,
when at the skirts of a forest they saw two Knights by a fountain,
richly armed and well mounted. Good Uncle, said Dinarda, here are two
strange Knights, for they were waiting to see what came in the litter.
He raised his head and said to his Knights, take your arms and bring me
hither those Knights without saying who I am, if they resist bring me
their heads. Now you are to know that these Knights were Don Galaor and
his comrade Norandel; the Knights of Arcalaus came up to them, and bade
them leave their arms and go to him in the litter. In God's name, quoth
Galaor, who is he? or what is it to him whether we go armed or not? We
know not, replied the other, but you had better obey him or we must
take your heads. We are not come to that point yet, quoth Norandel,
that you can do it. Now shall ye see! said they. In the first encounter
two of the Knights fell wounded to death, the other five broke their
spears and could not move them from their saddles, then drew they their
swords and began a fierce battle, but three of them being overthrown
and badly wounded, the other twain durst no longer abide those mortal
blows, and rode full speed into the forest. The two companions did not
pursue them but rode up to the litter which was now deserted by all
except two men on horseback, and they raised the curtain and said, Sir
Knight, whom God curse, is it thus you treat Errant Knights? if you
were armed we would make you confess that you are a wretch and false
to God and the world, but as you are sick we will send you to Don
Grumedan, who shall sentence you as you deserve.

When Arcalaus heard this he was sore dismayed, knowing that if Grumedan
should see him his death was come, but being crafty in all things he
put on a good countenance and said, certes Sir much pleasure would you
do me in sending me to my cousin and Lord Don Grumedan, but I hold
myself unfortunate that you should complain against me, whose only
thought and wish is how to serve Errant Knights. I beseech you Sirs for
courtesy hear my misfortune, and then do with me as ye please. They
hearing that he was cousin to Don Grumedan, whom they loved so well,
repented them of the harsh words they had used towards him; speak on,
said they, we will willingly hear you. Know then Sirs that one day
being armed I was riding in the forest of the Black Lake, and there I
found a Dame who complained to me of wrong which had been done her, I
went with her and recovered for her her right before Count Guncestre.
But as I was returning to my Castle I met that Knight whom you have
slain, who God curse him, was a perverse man, and he with two other
Knights attacked me to win from me my Castle. I defended myself the
best I could but was at last taken; he kept me prisoner for a whole
year, and all the honour he shewed me was to have these wounds healed;
then showed he the scars to them, for being a brave Knight many were
the wounds which he had given and received. At length Sirs being in
despair of otherwise obtaining my liberty I agreed to give him up my
Castle, thinking to go afterwards to my cousin Don Grumedan, and to my
Lord King Lisuarte, and demand justice against the robber, which now
Sirs, without my asking it, you have taken for me more fully than I
expected; and if I found no help there I resolved to go seek Amadis of
Gaul or his brother Don Galaor, and seek from them that succour which
they grant to all who are oppressed. Now because I was so weak as not
to ride he carried me in this litter to have my Castle yielded, and
the reason why he and those other traitors attacked you was that you
might not come up to see who was in the litter, and so learn their
villainy. Hearing this they besought pardon of him for the threats they
had used, and asked his name.—Granfiles, I know not if you have heard
it heretofore. Yes, quoth Galaor, and I know, as your Cousin hath told
me, that he shews great honour towards all Errant Knights. God be
praised that you know me! he replied, now I beseech you take off your
helmets and tell me your names also.—This Knight is Norandel, son to
King Lisuarte, and I am Galaor the brother of Amadis. God be praised,
quoth Arcalaus, that I have been succoured by such Knights! and he
looked well at Galaor, when they had unhelmed, that he might know him
again and do him a mischief if ever he had him in his power. I trust
in God Sirs that you may one day be where my will towards you may be
satisfied! tell me now what I shall do?—Even whatever is your will.—I
will proceed then to my Castle—God guard you, said they, and they
parted. It was night but the moon shone, and he presently struck into a
bye path.

The two Knights resolved to rest by the fountain because their horses
were weary. As you will, said Don Galaor's Squire, but there is better
lodging ready for you than you are aware of.—How so? Two Damsels who
came with the Knight in the litter have hid themselves in that old
building among the briars. They then alighted and washed their hands
and faces at the fountain, and went towards the place, through the
thicket and over rubbish. Who is hidden here, cried Galaor aloud,
bring fire that I may make them come out. When Dinarda heard this,
she cried, mercy Knight and I will come out!—Come out then that I may
see who you are.—Help me or I cannot. Galaor drew nearer, she held
out her arms, the moon shone bright so that he saw her distinctly, and
he helped her out. She had on a scarlet petticoat, and a white sattin
cloak, and so fair was she that Galaor had never seen one whom he liked
so well. Norandel took the other Damsel out, they all went back to the
fountain, and there regaled upon what the Squires brought, and on what
they found upon a sumpter-horse of Arcalaus. Dinarda was in great fear
of Galaor, lest he should know how she had betrayed his father and his
brothers, and take vengeance, and therefore she looked at him with
amorous eyes, and made signs to her Damsel how she admired his beauty,
and this she did in hope to make him love her, thinking that she might
be safe. Galaor was not slow at comprehending these signs, for he
thought of nothing but how he might have her for his mistress; so such
was her ill fortune that she, loth as she was, yet seeming nothing coy,
yielded that to her enemy which no lover could ever yet attain.

Meantime Norandel wooed the Damsel with whom he had been beside the
fountain, but she replied, you shall never have my love unless my Lady
Dinarda bids me yield it. Dinarda? quoth Norandel, what is this the
daughter of Ardan Canileo who is come to this land to consult with
Arcalaus the Enchanter how they may revenge her father's death?—I know
not the cause of her coming, but this is that Dinarda, and happy may
he think himself who wins her love. By this Galaor and Dinarda came
up, and Norandel taking him apart, asked him if he knew who the Damsel
was?—No. Dinarda, Ardan Canileo's daughter, who your cousin Mabilia
told us was come to this country to devise the death of Amadis. Galaor
mused awhile and answered, I know nothing of her heart, but she seems
to love me dearly, and she is the woman who of all that I have seen has
pleased me best, and I will not part from her yet. But as we are going
to Gaul I will contrive that Amadis may make her some satisfaction,
and so be forgiven. Meantime Dinarda learnt from her Damsel what had
passed with Norandel, and how she was discovered. Friend, said she, our
wisdom now is not to regard our own wills but to yield to necessity, we
must feign love for these Knights, and yield to them till we can find
occasion to escape.

That night Galaor asked his Mistress what was the name of the wicked
Knight who wanted to slay them. She thought he meant him in the litter
and answered, how is it that when you went up to him in the litter you
did not know he was Arcalaus?—Arcalaus!—Yea, truly.—Holy Mary, and
have I let him escape death with his tricks! When Dinarda heard that he
was not slain she greatly rejoiced, but dissembling that she answered,
a little while ago and I would have given my life to save his, but now
that you have won my love, and I am in your favour, I wish him dead,
for I know he hates you and your lineage; may the ill which he designs
you fall upon his own head! and she clipped him in her arms as if with
exceeding love. So they passed that night there in the forest, and on
the morrow the Knights took each his Leman and proceeded towards Gaul.

Arcalaus greatly dismayed at what had befallen him reached his Castle
at midnight, and ordered the gates to be closed, and no person
admitted. There had he his sores healed, designing to be worse than
ever, and commit greater wrongs, as is the way of the wicked, who,
though God is patient with them, strive not to loose the chains in
which the wicked enemy hath bound them, till they are cast with them
into the pit of hell, as we ought to believe this Arcalaus was.

Two days Don Galaor and Norandel rode with their Mistresses towards the
port from whence they designed to cross over into Gaul; on the third
day they reached a Castle where they resolved to lodge that night, and
finding the gate open rode in. The Lord of the Castle, when he saw them
enter, chid his people for leaving the gates open; howbeit he made good
semblance to the Knights and did them much honour, though against his
will, for his name was Ambades, and he was cousin to Arcalaus, and he
knew Dinarda his niece, who told him that she was forced by Galaor. The
mother of this Ambades wept in secret with Dinarda, and said she would
have the Knights slain. Let not such folly possess you and my Uncle,
quoth Dinarda, and she then related how they had discomfited the seven
Knights. To-morrow I and the Damsel will lag behind, and let them go
through the gate, then the bridge may be drawn up, and we shall be
safe. Thus they resolved to do. Ambades feasted the Knights well, and
lodged them well, but he could not sleep all that night, so much was he
dismayed at having two such men in his Castle. In the morning he rose
and armed himself, and said he would accompany his guests some way, for
this, said he, is my office to seek adventures. We thank you Host, said
Galaor. So they armed and placed their Mistresses on their palfreys and
rode forth, but their Host and the Mistresses remained behind, and as
soon as they and their Squires were out, drew up the bridge, so that
the scheme succeeded. Ambades immediately dismounted and went upon the
wall, and saw how the Knights were looking to see any one of whom they
might demand their Damsels. Get ye gone ye ill and false guests, quoth
he. God confound ye, and give ye as bad a night as ye gave me! your
Mistresses with whom you thought to make merry shall tarry with me. How
now Host? said Galaor, have you so well entertained us, and do you now
commit this great disloyalty to detain our Damsels by force? More joy
if it were so, replied Ambades, but it was you their enemies who held
them by force, and they stay here freely.—Let them show themselves
and we shall see if it be so.—They shall, not to satisfy you but to
show how they hate you. Dinarda then appeared upon the wall. Dinarda
my Lady, said Galaor, this Knight says you remain there willingly, and
I cannot believe it because of the great love that is between us. If
I manifested love towards you, Dinarda replied, it was only in fear,
for I being the daughter of Ardan Canileo, and you brother to Amadis,
how is it possible that I could love you? and especially when you
would have carried me into Gaul, into the power of my foes? Go your
way Galaor, if I have pleased you do not thank me, nor ever think of
me except as your enemy. Stay where you are, quoth Galaor, with the
bad fortune which God grant thee! from such a root as Arcalaus, there
can only come such shoots. And you, said Norandel in great vexation
to his Mistress, what will you do?—the will of my Lady. Confound her
will, quoth he, and that of the fellow who has deceived us. Such as I
am, cried Ambades, I should think it no praise to conquer two such as
ye! If you are such a Knight, quoth Norandel, come out and fight, you
on horseback and I afoot; if you kill me you will rid Arcalaus of a
mortal enemy, if I conquer, you shall give us the Damsels. What a fool
thou art, Ambades replied, I think nothing of both, and what should I
do of thee singly on foot and I being mounted? for what you say of my
Lord Arcalaus, he would not give one straw for twenty such as thee and
thy comrade, and then he took a Turkish bow and began to let fly at
them. They drew back and went their way, saying that the wickedness of
Arcalaus extended to all his race, and laughing at what had passed. On
the fourth day they reached a sea-port called Alfiad, and taking ship
arrived in Gaul at a place where Amadis and Florestan were with King

Amadis and Florestan were walking together when they saw the vessel
put to land, and they went towards it to learn news. Presently they
saw Galaor and Norandel in the boat. Holy Mary, quoth Amadis, here is
our brother Galaor! Know you who is with him?—Norandel his companion,
King Lisuarte's son, a right good Knight, and so he proved himself in
the Island of Mongaza, but he was not acknowledged for his son till
after the battle with the seven Kings, and then Lisuarte made it known
because of his great worth. Glad was Amadis of his coming, because he
was Oriana's brother, and Durin had said how she loved him. By this the
Knights landed, and they four joyfully embraced, and went forthwith
to King Perion, who embraced Norandel and led them to the Queen. Now
Amadis had before resolved to go in quest of adventures that he might
redeem his lost name, and had fixed the fourth day for his departure.
Accordingly he spake to the King and his brethren, saying, that it
behoved him to leave them, and that he would set forth on the morrow.
Son, replied Perion, God knows the want of you which I shall feel! but
not for that will I prevent you from gaining honour and the praise of
prowess, as you have ever done. Sir brother, quoth Galaor, if it were
not for a quest which I and Norandel have undertaken, we would bear
you company, but we must needs accomplish it, or pass a year and a day
in the pursuit, according to the custom of Great Britain. Son, said
Perion, what is your quest? if it may be known. Sir, replied Galaor,
we publicly undertook it, and this it is. Know Sir that in the battle
which we had with the seven Kings of the Islands, there were on the
side of King Lisuarte three Knights, all bearing serpents for their
arms all alike, but their helmets were different, the one being white,
one purple, and one golden, and these three did such wonders in arms
that we were all astonished, especially he of the golden helmet, whose
goodness in arms I think cannot be peered. Certes it is that but for
these King Lisuarte would not have had the victory; when the battle
was over they left the field so secretly that they could not be known,
and it is to find them out that we have undertaken. We have heard here
of these Knights, answered Perion. God give you good tidings of them!
But Amadis took his father and Florestan apart and said, Sir, I shall
depart early, and I think after I am gone you should discover the truth
to Galaor that he may not go on a vain search; show him the arms which
he will know, for if he learns not the secret from us none else can
tell him. That night was there great feastings made, but all were heavy
for the loss of Amadis, who was going they knew not whither. On the
morrow after mass they rode out with Amadis, who would take in company
with him none but Gandalin and the Dwarf, to whom the Queen gave money
enough to suffice his master for a year. Don Florestan requested to go
with him, but that he would not grant for two reasons, that he might
have more leisure to think of his Lady, and that in attempting great
adventures he alone might perish or acquire the glory. They rode a
league together, then Amadis took leave of his father and brethren and
went his way.

When they returned King Perion took Galaor and Norandel aside, and said
to them, you have undertaken to find out that of which you can learn no
tidings in the world, except it be only here. I bless God that he has
guided you thus to save you the labour of a fruitless search! then led
he them to a chamber where the arms hung, there said he is the white
helmet which I wore, and Florestan's purple one, and the golden helmet
of Amadis. Well did they remember them, for they bore the dints of
that battle, and often had they looked at them on that day, sometimes
rejoicing that King Lisuarte had such aid, at other times envying the
prowess of their masters. God and you Sir, said Galaor, have shewn us
great favour in saving us from this search; it was our intent to seek
those Knights every where, and if they would not discover themselves
we should have fought with them till death, to prove, that though in
the general battle they did the best, it would be otherwise in single
fight. Norandel then begged those arms of the King which he courteously
granted, then told he them in what peril they had been at the Castle of
Arcalaus, and by what adventure they had escaped. The tears came into
Galaor's eyes for grief at that recital, and he in his turn told what
had chanced to him and Norandel with Arcalaus, and how the Enchanter
had escaped, and of their host Ambades. So Galaor and Norandel abode
fourteen days with King Perion, then taking the arms of the serpents
they embarked for Great Britain, and took those arms to the palace
to shew how they had atchieved their quest. Well were they welcomed
by the King and all the Court. Sir if it please you, said Galaor,
let me be heard in presence of the Queen, forthwith they all went to
the Queen's apartment, and Galaor and his companion kissed her hand,
and then he said, ye know Sirs that I and Norandel went in quest of
the Knights of the Serpents, blessed be God we have accomplished it
without difficulty, as Norandel shall show you. Then Norandel took in
his hand the white helmet and said, Sir, know you this helmet well?
yea, answered Lisuarte, many times did I see it when I wished it to be
seen.—King Perion, who loves you well, bore it on his head that day;
this purple one was Florestan's; here is the golden helmet: he who wore
it, and who did you such service as none other could have done, is
Amadis. If I say truth or not you are the best witness, for you were
often among them in the battle, they enjoying now the fame and you
the victory. Then they related all that had happened and concerning
Arcalaus, and how he had escaped by calling himself Grumedan's cousin;
at that they all laughed, and old Grumedan also, saying he was happy
they had found such a kinsman for him.

Lisuarte then enquired much concerning King Perion: trust me Sir, said
Norandel, there is no King in the world of equal territories who is
his peer. He will lose nothing by his sons, quoth Grumedan; thereto
the King answered nothing, because he would not praise Galaor to his
face, and was at that time little pleased with his brethren; howbeit he
ordered the arms to be hung upon the crystal arch of his palace, where
the arms of other famous men were placed.


[109:A] Here the author compares the wicked dumb Damsel to this
deceitful world, and exhorts sinners to hope by what followed.


When Esplandian was four years old Nasciano the hermit sent for him,
and when he saw how well grown he was for his age and how fair he
marvelled greatly, and blessed him, and the child embraced him as if
he had known him. Then the hermit sent his sister home, keeping with
him her son and Esplandian, who had been fed with the same milk, these
children remained playing together before the hermitage till Esplandian
grew tired, and lay down under a tree and fell asleep. Now the Lioness
coming as was her wont to the hermit for food, saw the child and went
up to him, and after smelling him all round lay down by his side. The
other boy ran crying to the good man and told him that a great dog was
going to eat Esplandian. The good man went out to see the Lioness, who
came and fawned upon him, and the child waking and seeing the Lioness
said, father is this fine dog ours? No, said the good man, he is God's,
to whom all things belong.—I wish father he were ours!—Do you wish
to feed him son? yes replied the child; the old man then fetched him
the leg of a stag, which some hunters had given him, and the child
gave it to the Lioness, and played with her ears, and put his hands
in her mouth. And you must know that from this time the Lioness came
every day, and guarded him whenever he walked out from the hermitage.
And when he was grown bigger Nasciano gave him a bow fit for him, and
another to his nephew, and they learned to shoot: the Lioness always
went out with them, and if they wounded a stag she would fetch him for
them. Now the hermit had certain friends who were hunters, and they
would sometimes go out with Esplandian, for the sake of the Lioness
that she might bring in their game, and thus Esplandian learned to
hunt, and in this manner he passed his time being taught by that holy

Amadis having left Gaul with design to do away by new atchievements the
ill report of his long sloth, entered Germany, and great feats did he
there perform, redressing wrongs, passing through great hazards, doing
battle sometimes with one Knight, sometimes with two or three—what
shall I say? he was soon famed as the best Knight that had ever entered
that country, though they knew him by no other name than the Knight of
the Green Sword, or of the Dwarf, because of Ardian who was with him?
and thus he passed four years without returning to Gaul, or to the Firm
Island, or hearing tidings of Oriana, and no other consolation had he
than the certainty that his Lady being as faithful as himself endured
the same loneliness. Now having past the whole summer in Germany, when
the winter drew nigh he feared the cold, and resolved to go to Bohemia
to pass it with the good King Tafinor, of whom he heard a fair report,
and who was then at war with El Patin, who was now Emperor of Rome,
and whom Amadis hated as you have heard, for pretending to Oriana.
Accordingly he departed for that kingdom. Now it so happened that
having reached the bank of a river he saw a great company on the other
side, who had let fly a Ger-falcon at a heron, and the quarry was slain
near where he stood. He alighted, and calling out loudly to those on
the other side, asked if he should lure the Falcon? they answered yes;
he then gave him to eat what was proper, as one who had often done
so. Now the river was so deep that it could not be crossed in that
part, and you are to know that King Tafinor of Bohemia was with that
company, and he seeing the Knight asked if any one knew him, but none
present could say who he was. Belike, said the King, it may be a Knight
who has traversed all Germany, and done such wonderful things in arms,
that all speak of him as of a miracle; they call him the Knight of the
Green Sword, or of the Dwarf, and because of the Dwarf I think this
may be he. A Knight named Sadian, who was Chief of the King's guard,
answered, certes this is he for he hath a green sword. The King then
rode more than apace towards a ford, for the Knight was now riding
thither to cross, having the ger-falcon on his fist. Good friend, said
Tafinor, you are right welcome to my land.—Are you the King?—I am,
while it pleases God. Then the Knight approached respectfully to kiss
his hand, Sir, pardon me, tho' not knowing you I have not offended.
I come to see and serve you, for they say you are at war with so
mighty a man that you need the service of all your subjects and of
strangers also; but though I am a stranger yet while I am with you you
may account me as your natural vassal.—Knight of the Green Sword and
friend, how much I am beholden to you for this coming and these words,
my heart knows which hath its courage doubled thereby. So they rode
together to the town, and much was that Knight admired by all for his
goodly person, and because he was better armed than ever they had seen
Knight. When they reached the palace the King ordered that he should
be lodged, and being disarmed in a rich chamber he clothed himself in
costly apparel, which his Dwarf had brought, and went before the King
with such a presence as testified to the truth of what had been spoken
of his prowess; there did he eat with the King, and was served as
became the table of such a man. When the cloths were removed the King
said, Knight of the Green Sword and my good friend, know that against
my will I am at war with the mightiest of all the Christians, El Patin,
Emperor of Rome, who in his great power and great pride would have this
kingdom, which God gave free into my hands, tributary to him. Hitherto
by the good faith and strength of my vassals and friends I have well
defended myself, and will continue so to do while life shall last; but
difficult and perilous it is for the few to defend themselves against
the many, and therefore my heart is ever troubled in seeking for some
remedy. But none other is there except in the worth and courage which
God has given to some above others, and as he hath so excellently in
this wise gifted you, much hope have I in your aid, if you will help
to defend this kingdom which shall be ever at your will. Sir, answered
the Knight, I will serve you; as you shall see my deeds so judge you my
worth. Thus the Knight of the Green Sword remained in the house of King
Tafinor of Bohemia, and to do him more honour the King ordered his own
son Grasandor to be in his company and Count Galtines his cousin.

It chanced one day as they were riding out with the King and talking
of the war, for the truce was to expire in five days, they saw twelve
Knights approaching, their arms lying upon the horses, and their
Squires carrying the helmets, shields and lances. The King knew among
them the shield of Don Garadan, cousin to the Emperor Patin, who was
the best Knight of all the Lordship of Rome, and he said to him of the
Green Sword, ah, what evils he hath done me whose is yonder shield, and
he pointed to the shield which bore two large eagles or, in a field
murrey. Sir, replied he, the more insults you receive from your enemies
the more confidence should you have that God will give you vengeance.
Now seeing they are come into your land, relying upon your courtesy,
honour them and accost them well, but make no terms that are not to
your own honour and profit. The King embraced him and said, would to
God you had been always with me! direct me as you please! So they met
Garadan and his company, and the King welcomed them with better words
than heart, and invited them to enter the town. Don Garadan answered,
I come for two things which you must know first, and whereon no other
counsel is needed than that of your own heart; answer us speedily for
we must not tarry, seeing the truce will soon be expired. He then
produced a letter of credence wherein the Emperor promised on his faith
to confirm whatever Don Garadan should conclude with him. Methinks,
quoth Tafinor, when he had read it, the Emperor places no little
confidence in you! now say your bidding. King, then said Don Garadan,
notwithstanding the Emperor is of higher lineage and lordship than you,
yet because he hath other things to attend to, he wishes to put an end
to this war, in either of these ways which you may chuse. Either that
you shall do battle with Salustanquidio his cousin Prince of Calabria,
hundred to hundred up to a thousand, or twelve to twelve, your Knights
against me and these my companions: on condition that if you conquer
you shall be for ever free from this demand, but if you are conquered
you shall remain his vassal, as this kingdom was in times past to his
empire, according to our Roman histories. Now chuse which you will,
for should you refuse either the Emperor bids you know, that leaving
aside all other things, he will come against you in person, and never
depart till he hath destroyed you. Don Garadan, cried he of the Green
Sword, you have spoken arrogantly enough as well for yourself as for
the Emperor, but God oftentimes with a little of his mercy hath broken
down such pride; the King will answer you as it may please him. I would
only ask if he should accept one of these battles, how shall he be
secure that what you promise will be performed? Don Garadan looked at
him, wondering that he should have answered without waiting for the
King's reply, I know not who you are Sir Knight, quoth he, but by your
speech it seems you are of a foreign land; this I shall say, I hold
you for one of little discretion to reply without the King's command,
but if he hold it good, and will accede to what I demand, I will tell
you what you ask. The King replied, Don Garadan, I confirm and warrant
whatever the Knight of the Green Sword shall say. When Garadan heard
mentioned the man of such high prowess his heart leaped for two causes,
the one sorrow, that such a Knight should be on the King's side, the
other pleasure, for he hoped to combat him, and had confidence that
he should subdue or slay him, and so acquire all that glory which he
had won throughout Germany, and other countries wherein no other Knight
was spoken of. Since the King leaves it to you, said he, chuse the one.
The Knight answered, let the King do that; all I shall say is, that in
either I will serve him, if he permit me, and so will I do in war while
I remain with him. The King put his arm round the Knight's neck saying,
good friend, such courage your words give me that I fear not to accept
either, I beseech you say which is best.—Certes Sir that may I not
do; summon you the good men of your counsel and take their judgment,
and command me wherein I may serve you, else might they with reason
complain that I took upon myself more than I had wisdom to discharge;
howbeit Sir at all events see what security Don Garadan will give.
Garadan then bade a Squire bring him a casket, and he took from it a
writing sealed with thirty seals all suspended by silken strings, and
all were of silver except the middle one which was gold, for that was
the Emperor's, and the others were of the great lords of the Empire;
this he gave the King.

Then King Tafinor withdrew with his good men, and finding that he
might depend upon the conditions, asked counsel whether he should
chuse: some said the hundred to hundred, others the combat of twelve,
because for so small a number he could chuse tried Knights, others
that it were better to continue the war and not put his kingdom upon
adventure of a battle; so that the opinions were very different. Then
said Count Galtines, Sir, let us refer it to this Knight of the Green
Sword, who peradventure has seen many things, and hath great desire to
serve you. Thereto all assented, and the King sent to call him, for
he and Grasandor were talking with Don Garadan, and the Knight of the
Green Sword seeing of what brave stature he was, and that needs there
must be great strength in him, somewhat doubted the battle, yet the
vain and arrogant words which he had spoken made him hope that God
would enable him to confound his pride. He at the King's bidding went
before him, and the King said, Knight of the Dwarf my great friend, I
beseech you now do not refuse to give us your advice, and he told him
at what difference they were. Sir, he replied, this is a weighty thing
to determine, for the issue is in the hand of God, not in the judgment
of men. Howbeit speaking as the adventure were my own, I will say Sir,
that if I had but one castle and an hundred men, and an enemy with
ten castles and a thousand Knights warring to take it from me, if it
pleased God to make him propose to me an equal battle I should think it
a great mercy. But for all which I have said do not you Knights cease
to counsel the King that which will be most for his service! with that
he would have departed but the King took him by the cloak and made him
sit by him, and said, good friend, we all agree in your opinion. I
chuse the combat of twelve, and God who sees the violence done me will
be my helper, even as he helped King Perion of Gaul when that mighty
King Abies came against him, and was slain by a stripling Knight. In
the name of God! exclaimed he of the Green Sword, and this is the best
choice, but if you can prevail with Garadan let it be decided by single
combat, let he and I do battle, for I trust in God, and in your good
cause and his pride that I could decide the war.

With that they went to Don Garadan, who was impatient of their delay,
and the King said to him, I chuse the combat of twelve Don Garadan,
and let it be to-morrow. So help me God, quoth Garadan, as you have
answered to my heart's desire, and I am right glad. He of the Green
Sword answered, oftentimes men are glad at the beginning, but when the
end comes it is otherwise. Garadan beheld him with an evil look—Don
Cavalier, you chuse to speak on every occasion! it is plain enough that
you are a stranger, since your discretion is so scanty and strange; if
I knew that you were to be one of the twelve I would give you these
gloves! He of the Green Sword took them,—I shall be there, and as I
now take your gloves, so will I then take that head which your pride
and discourtesy have offered me. When Garadan heard this he was besides
himself with rage.—Ah, wretch that I am, quoth he, if this were
to-morrow, and we were in the battle, Don Cavalier of the Dwarf, all
these should see how I would chastise your folly! If till to-morrow
seem so long a time, replied he of the Green Sword, the day is yet long
enough for one to slay the other; let us arm if you will and begin the
battle, on this covenant, that he who survives may aid his comrades
to-morrow. Certes, Don Cavalier, replied Garadan, if you dare do as
you have now said, I forgive you all you have said against me, and he
called hastily for his arms, and the Knight of the Dwarf demanded his
from Gandalin.

His companions armed Don Garadan, the King and his son did the same
to their champion; all then withdrew, and left the twain in the field
where they were to combat. Garadan mounted upon a goodly steed, whom
he made prance fiercely over the field, then turning to his friends
he said, trust ye that ye shall see this King made subject to our
Emperor, and ye without striking a blow, remain with much honour; all
the hope of our enemies is in this Knight, whom, if he dares abide
the encounter, I shall presently conquer, and when he is slain they
will not dare enter the lists with us to-morrow. What are you doing
Garadan? cried he of the Green Sword, you waste the day in boasting,
and boasting will not do now we are about to be proved. They then
spurred against each other, their shields, strong as they were, failed,
their lances, thick as they were, splintered, and they dashed helmet
and shield against each other. The horse of the Green Sword staggered
back and reeled, but did not fall; Garadan was driven from the saddle,
and so rudely that he was well nigh stunned. He of the Green Sword,
when he saw him trying to rise and stumbling, would have made at him
but his horse could not move, the encounter had so shaken him, and he
himself had been wounded in the left arm, but he alighted in great
wrath and went against Garadan with his burning Sword. Now had Garadan
recovered, and stood sword in hand covered with his shield ready, but
not so fierce as before. Many a notable blow was then given, and so
fiercely they foined that all marvelled to behold them. But Garadan
yet felt his fall, and his enemy in anger prest on him, and laid on
such heavy load so fast that he drew back and said, certes Knight of
the Green Sword I now know you better than before, and like you less!
howbeit, though much of your worth is now proved to me, mine is not in
such state that it can be known who shall conquer: if you like to rest
a while be it so, if not, again to battle! Truly Don Garadan, replied
he, it would please me far better to rest than to fight, but to one
of your high prowess and courage it must be far otherwise, as I judge
by your own words; and therefore that so good a man as you may not be
shamed, I will not leave the battle till it be ended. Right sad was Don
Garadan for that, for he felt himself weak with his fall and wounds,
and remembered the proud threats which he had uttered against that
enemy, howbeit he took courage to do his best and endure the end; then
again they engaged with equal fury, but it was not long before Garadan
fell down with a blow on the helmet, the sword had entered so deep
that the Knight could scarce pluck it out, then he hastened and took
off his enemy's helmet and saw that the brains were cleft. Whereat
greatly rejoicing because of the displeasure it would be to El Patin
the Emperor, and the service he had done the King, he wiped his sword
and put it in the scabbard, and knelt down and gave God thanks.

King Tafinor immediately dismounted from his palfrey and went up to the
conqueror, and seeing his hands red with blood, his own as well as his
enemy's, he said to him, good friend, how feel you? Right well, replied
he of the Green Sword, by God's mercy! I shall bear my part to-morrow
in the battle. So he was honourably accompanied to the town, and his
wounds were dressed. The Roman Knights meantime carried the dead
Garadan to their tents, and great dole did they make, for they loved
him much, and were sore dismayed at his loss, seeing that his conqueror
would be against them on the morrow; so they were greatly troubled,
being afraid to do battle, yet knowing that if they did not the Emperor
would be dishonoured, and they themselves therefore in peril of death.
Howbeit they resolved not to fight, and to excuse themselves before
the Emperor by saying that Garadan had undertaken the combat, wherein
he died against the will of all, for his own haughtiness. The most of
them were of this mind and the others were silent. But there was among
them a young Knight called Arquisil, of the imperial blood, and so near
a-kin to El Patin that he was his heir if he died without a son, and
for this reason was he hated by that Emperor. He being so young, for he
was yet but twenty, had not before ventured to speak; but now he said,
certes Sirs I marvel greatly that good men like you should fall into so
great an error! if any man had advised this you ought to have held him
as an enemy! for Don Garadan's death, it is better that so insolent a
one should be out of our company, that we may not partake the reward of
his insolence; and for that Knight whom you fear, I will take him to
my account, and not leave him till death, what then will be the mighty
odds? eleven to ten—that you should prefer perpetual dishonour to
the chance of death! Such weight had these words of Arquisil that his
companions gave him many thanks, and praised his council, and bravely
determined to undertake the combat.

When the Knight of the Green Sword had taken food he said to the King,
it is time Sir to appoint the Knights who are to do battle to-morrow,
that they may prepare and meet at mass in your chapel by day-break,
that we go forth together to the field. So let it be, replied Tafinor,
my son Grasandor shall be one, and the others such that with God's help
and yours we shall gain the victory. God forbid, then answered the
Knight, that while I can bear arms you or your son should wear them!
and when the others are such that he and even I might be excused. Sir
Knight of the Green Sword, exclaimed Grasandor, I will not be excused
where your person is exposed, neither in this nor in any other battle;
if I were worthy to have a boon granted by such a Knight as you I
would request you to have me always in your company. In no wise will
I forbear to be in the combat to-morrow, though it were only to learn
something of your wonders in arms. He of the Green Sword bowed humbly
to acknowledge that honour; since you will so have it Sir, in God's
name let it be so. The King then said, my good friend your arms have
been rudely handled, I will give you others which never have been worn,
and which will please you, and a horse better than which you never have
seen, and forthwith he bade the horse be brought bridled and saddled
with most rich trappings. When the Knight saw the horse how handsome he
was, and how well caparisoned, he sighed, thinking that if he was where
it could be done he should well bestow him by sending him to his true
friend Angriote of Estravaus. The arms were very rich, bearing Lions
murrey in a field or, and the coat-armour was the same, but the sword
was the best that ever he had seen, except King Lisuarte's and his own,
and after having looked at it he gave it to Grasandor for the battle.
On the morrow betimes they heard mass with the King, and armed and
kissed his hand, then took horse and rode to the field. The Romans were
coming forth, their men sounding trumpets to encourage them, Arquisil
among them in green arms, and on a white horse, and he said to his
comrades, remember what we have said, I will perform my promise. They
then encountered, and Arquisil met the Knight of the Green Sword; their
lances brake and Arquisil was driven from the saddle, but he laid hold
of the crupper, and being active and of good heart lightly recovered
his seat. The Green Sword Knight passed on, and with the truncheon of
his lance smote off the helmet of the first he met, and he would have
felled him if he had not himself been attacked by two Knights at once;
the one of which struck his shield, the other his leg, passing through
the lappet of his mail, the spear end gave him a wound which he felt
sorely, and which made him rage with more wrath. He laid hand to sword
and smote at one a thwart blow which fell upon the horse's neck, and
cut it clean through, so that the beast fell and broke the rider's leg.
By this Arquisil came up and smote him of the Green Sword on the helmet
so fiercely that sparks flew from helm and sword, and he made him bend
his head, but he soon received his guerdon, for the Green Sword struck
him on the shoulder, and wounded him so sorely that Arquisil thought
surely his arm was lost; then the Knight went on among his other
enemies, who were now hardly put to by Grasandor and the Bohemians. But
Arquisil still followed him, though with less ardour than at first,
and foined at him on all parts; he turned and struck him, with no will
to wound, esteeming him above all of his party for the courage with
which he had singled him out. Arquisil still prest on him, by this the
Romans were slain, or disabled or had yielded, and the Green Sword
Knight seeing how Arquisil still pursued him, cried out, will no one
deliver me from this Knight? Thereat Grasandor and two others turned
upon him and plucked him from the saddle, for he was weary and weak,
and threw him down and would have slain him, but then the Green Sword
Knight said, Sirs, I have received most hurt from him, leave me to take
amends, and he went up to Arquisil and said, Knight, yield yourself,
and do not perish by the hand of one who esteems you; then he who only
expected death right joyfully yielded himself prisoner, and thanked
him for his life, and pledged himself upon the Green Sword to obey his
bidding. Then went they all to the King, who joyfully received them,
and the Knight of the Green Sword was laid in the King's chamber, and
Tafinor would have lodged Arquisil with him to honour him because of
his high lineage and great worth, but he said, I beseech you Sir, let
me go help my companions who are yet living, and bear away the dead. I
am your prisoner, and will come to your command whenever you summon me.
The Green Sword Knight embraced him and dismissed him, and he went to
his comrades, whom he found in such plight as you may guess, and taking
with them the bodies of Garadan, and the others who were slain they
went their way. So you will hear nothing more of this Knight till his
time comes, and then it shall be told to what his great courage brought

The Green Sword Knight remained with King Tafinor till his wounds were
healed, and then seeing that the war was ended, and thinking that he
could better bear the misery of absence from Oriana, when he was
wandering and enduring difficulty, than in repose and enjoyment, he
spake to the King saying, Sir, since your war is ended, and the time
when my fortune will not let me rest is come, I must obey the will of
that fortune, not my own. I will depart to-morrow, and God grant that
there may come a time wherein I may make some return for the great
honours and favours which you have vouchsafed me. King Tafinor thereat
was sorely troubled,—Ah, Knight of the Green Sword, my true friend,
take what you will of my kingdom, power as well as possessions, and do
not leave me! Sir, replied he, this I always believed, that knowing my
good will to serve you, you would honour me accordingly, but I cannot
rest till my heart be in that place where its thoughts are always.
The King seeing how he spake, and knowing him to be fixed in all his
purposes, answered then with a sad countenance, my loyal friend, since
it must be so, I beg of you two things: the one, that if ever need
betide you, you will remember me and this my country; the other, that
you will hear mass with me to-morrow for I would speak with you.

He of the Green Sword then ordered Gandalin to prepare for their
departure. That night he did not sleep, even as though he had been
overwearied with bodily toil, for trouble and grief of mind so mastered
him, for his Lady's sake; many tears did he shed that night; at dawn
he rose and armed and went to horse, and Gandalin and the Dwarf
mounted their palfreys, taking the things necessary for their journey.
Forthwith he went to the King's chapel where they heard mass; King
Tafinor then bidding all others go forth, said to him, my great friend,
I beg of you one boon, which shall neither be to the hindrance of your
journey nor to your dishonour.—So Sir I well believe, do you therefore
ask according to your virtue, and I grant it.—Tell me then good friend
your name, and whose son you are, and trust me the secret shall be
kept by me till you divulge it. The Knight remained silent awhile,
repenting what he had promised,—Sir, if it please you do not ask this,
for it will not profit you.—My good friend doubt not to tell me—I
will conceal it like you yourself. He then replied, since it pleases
you Sir to know, I am that Amadis of Gaul, son to King Perion, of whom
you spake before the battle. Ah, happy Knight, quoth then King Tafinor,
blessed was the hour wherein thou wert begotten, by whom thy parents
and kin, and we also have derived such honour and advantage! You have
made me right joyful by telling me this, and I trust in God that it
will be for your own good, and the means that I may somewhat discharge
the great debts I owe you. Now, though the King spake thus from his own
good will, and not because of any thing which he could know of that
Knight's needs, yet was it fulfilled in two ways; the one, because he
made be written all the feats of arms which Amadis had done in those
countries, and the other when he was a right good ally to him with his
son and his people, when he had great need of help, as you shall hear
hereafter. Then he took leave of the King, and being accompanied out of
town by Grasandor and Count Galtines, and other good Knights for half a
league, they then commended him to God, and he set forth to go through
the Islands of Romania, and prove himself in such adventures as he
might there find.


King Lisuarte, to solace himself and his Knights, resolved to go hunt
in the forest and take with him the Queen and her daughters and all
her Damsels, and he bade the tents be pitched by the fountain of the
Seven Beech Trees, which was a pleasant place. Now you are to know
that this was the forest where the hermit Nasciano dwelt, and where he
was breeding up Esplandian. There leaving the Queen in her fair tent,
the King and his huntsmen went into the thickest part of the mountain,
where, because that ground was kept, they had plenty of sport. It so
fell out that the King started a stag and followed him down into the
valley, and there a strange thing chanced, for he saw a child coming
down the opposite hill, a boy of five years old, the prettiest that
ever he had seen, leading a lioness in a leash, and when he saw the
stag he loosed her and hallooed her to the game. Presently the Lioness
overtook him and slew him and began to suck his blood, and the child
came running up and with him another somewhat older than himself,
and they took out their knives and gave the Lioness her share. The
King stood in the thicket wondering at what he saw, and his horse was
frightened at the Lioness and would not go towards her. Presently the
boy took a horn which hung from his neck and blew it, and two spaniels
came up, the one tawny and the other black, and they had their fees of
the game; this done they leashed the Lioness again, and went up the
hill. By this the King had fastened his horse to a tree, and called
out to the boy to stop, and when he came up and saw how beautiful he
was he marvelled more than before, and he said to him, God bless thee
my fine boy, and keep thee for his service; tell me where you are
brought up and whose son you are? Sir, replied the child, the holy man
Nasciano the hermit breeds me up and he is my father. The King mused
awhile how a man so holy and so old should have so young and so fair
a child, and did not believe that it could be so; he then asked him
where the hermit's house was. The child showed him a path but little
trodden,—you may go up there, but I must follow that boy who is
taking the Lioness to the fountain where we have our game. So he went
his way and the King went to horse, and followed the path till he came
to the hermitage, which was among beech trees and brambles, and he
saw no one there; then he alighted and went in, and he found an old
man kneeling and reading prayers in a book; he was in his habit, and
his hair was quite gray. When he had finished his prayers he looked
round and saw the King, and the King knelt before him and besought his
blessing, which the good man gave and asked him then what he would
have. Good friend, replied Lisuarte, I have met a fair boy in the
mountain hunting with a Lioness, who told me that you bred him up, and
because he is so beautiful and this thing so strange, I come to ask you
who he is, promising you on the word of a King that no harm shall come
from the discovery either to him or you. When the good man heard this
he recollected the King's person and knelt down and kissed his hand,
but the King raised him up and embraced him saying, friend Nasciano,
I am very desirous to know this, do not fear to tell me. The good man
led him out of the chapel and they sat down on a bench in the porch, by
where his horse was fastened, and he said, Sir I believe you, that you
will protect the child as it has pleased God to protect him! he then
told him how he had found the child, and of the letters on his breast.
You tell me such wonders, replied Lisuarte, as I never heard till now:
it must needs be that the Lioness found him near this place. I cannot
say, said Nasciano, nor let us seek to know more of this than pleases
God. Then said the King, I beseech you come and eat with me to-morrow
at the Fountain of the Seven Beech Trees, where you will find the Queen
and our company, and bring with you Esplandian and the Lioness, and
your nephew, to whom I ought to show favour for the sake of Sargil his
father, who was a good Knight, and served the King my brother well.

The King then returned to his pavilion, he reached it two hours after
noon, and there he found Don Galaor and Norandel, and Guilan the
Pensive, who had just arrived with two deer, with whom he talked and
made merry, but of his own adventure he said nothing; then bade he the
cloths be spread, but Don Grumedan came up and said, Sir, the Queen
hath not yet eat, and she requests to speak with you first, for so it
behoveth. Immediately he rose and went to her, and she showed him
a letter sealed with an emerald, through which threads of gold were
passed, and there were letters round about it saying, this is the seal
of Urganda the Unknown. Sir, quoth she, as I came along the road a
Damsel met us, richly attired upon a palfrey, and a Dwarf with her upon
a good horse. She rode by all my company, and close by my daughter,
without vouchsafing a word to them, but when I came up she said, Queen,
take this letter, and read it with the King before you dine, and then
she and the Dwarf spurred away so fast that there was no time to ask
her any thing. The King then opened the letter and read thus:

_To the most high and honoured King Lisuarte._

I Urganda the Unknown, who love you, advise you to your benefit, that
at the time when the fair boy who has been nursed by three nurses
shall appear you love him and cherish him well, for great joy shall he
bring to you, and shall deliver you from the greatest danger wherein
ever you were placed. He is of high lineage, and know O King that from
the milk of his first nurse he shall be so strong and fierce of heart
that his great feats in arms shall obscure all the worthies of his own
time, and from his second nurse he shall be gentle and courteous, and
humble, and of all good qualities, and from his third nurse prudent
and of good understanding, and right catholic, and of fair speech;
therefore will he be beloved by all, and no Knight shall equal him. And
his great deeds in arms shall all be employed in the service of the
Most High God, despising that which other Knights of these days follow
more for the honour and vain glory of this world than for the sake of
conscience, so that he shall have God on his right hand and his Lady on
his left. And I tell thee moreover good King that this child shall make
peace between thee and Amadis and his lineage, which shall last all thy
days, and which none other could do.

When he had read this, the King blessed himself and said, the wisdom
of this woman can neither be imagined nor expressed! I have this day
found the child of whom she speaks! and with that he told the Queen
what had happened, and how Nasciano and the boy would be with them
on the morrow. Right joyful was Brisena to think she should see that
child, and talk with that holy man about her conscience. The King then
bade her say nothing of all this, and he returned to his tent to take
food, there he told his Knights not to go hunt the next day for he had
a letter to read to them from Urganda the Unknown, and he ordered the
huntsmen to drive all the beasts into a sheltered valley and keep them
there all the day: this did he that they might not be frightened by the
Lioness. So thus as you hear they passed the day regaling themselves in
that meadow which was full of flowers and of fresh green grass.

On the morrow they all assembled in the King's tent and there heard
mass. Lisuarte then took them to the Queen's Pavilion, which was
pitched beside a fountain in a fresh meadow, for it was the month of
May. The curtains of the pavilion were open, so that the Princesses
and Dames and Damsels of high parentage were all seen seated on the
estrados, and there the high-born Knights went and conversed with
them. The King then had the letter of Urganda read, whereat they were
all greatly amazed, marvelling what fortunate child it might be, but
most of all Oriana mused thereon and sighed for her son, thinking
that perhaps this might be he whom she had lost. What think ye of
this letter? said the King. Certes Sir, replied Don Galaor, I doubt
not that what she saith will come to pass, as it ever hath done, and
how much soever others may rejoice when the child shall appear, with
reason shall I above all others be glad, seeing that through him shall
be accomplished the thing I most desire, which is to see my brother
Amadis and his kinsmen in your love and service once more, as they were
heretofore wont to be. Lisuarte answered, all this is in the hand of
God, he will do his service, and we must be contented. While they were
thus communing they beheld the hermit coming and his boys with him.
Esplandian came first, leading the Lioness in a slender leash and the
two Spaniels coupled, and behind him was the holy man Nasciano; then
came Esplandian's foster brother Sargil, and two bowmen who had taught
Esplandian in the mountain, and they brought upon one beast the stags
whom Lisuarte had seen the Lioness slay, and on another two roe-bucks,
and hares, and rabbits whom the boys and they had killed with their
arrows. When they in the tents beheld such a company, and that great
and terrible Lioness, they rose hastily and went to place themselves
before the King, but he held out a wand and bade them remain in their
places, saying that he who led this Lioness would defend them. It may
be so, replied Don Galaor, but methinks we should have a weak defender
in the huntsman who leads her if she should grow angry; this is a
marvellous thing to see!

The boys and the archers now stopt to let the good man go forward.
Friends, said Lisuarte, this is the holy man Nasciano who dwells in the
mountain, let us go to him that he may give us his blessing. They then
went and knelt before him, and the King said, servant of God and happy
man give us your blessing! he raised his hand and replied, receive it
in his name as from a sinner! The King then led him to Brisena; but
when the women beheld that fierce Lioness looking at them and rolling
her eyes round, her red tongue lolling out, and her teeth showing
so sharp and strong they were greatly affrighted. The Queen and her
daughter and all well welcomed Nasciano, and they were all amazed at
the great beauty of the child, who went to the Queen saying, Lady, we
have brought you this game. My good boy, said the King, divide it as
you like, and this he said to see what he would do. The boy answered,
the game is yours, do you dispose of it. Nay, quoth the King, you shall
divide it; the boy was abashed, and there came a colour like a rose
into his cheek. Sir, said he, take you the stag for yourselves and your
companions. He then went to the Queen, who was talking with Nasciano,
and kneeling down kissed her hands and gave her the roe-bucks; then
looking on his right he thought that none whom he saw appeared more
worthy to be honoured than Oriana his own mother whom he did not know,
and he gave her the partridges and rabbits, saying, Lady we have slain
no other game than this with our arrows. Fair child, replied Oriana,
God speed you in your sport and in all else. The King then called him,
and Galaor and Norandel took him in their arms and embraced him as
if the force of kin were working in them. Lisuarte commanded silence
and said to the good man, father and friend of God, say now before
all these what you related to me concerning this child. The good man
then related how he had met the Lioness with this child in her mouth,
carrying him home to her whelps, and how by God's mercy she laid the
babe at his feet. And how richly he was clothed, and how the Lioness
had suckled him first, and then a ewe-sheep, till he had given him to a
nurse, all as the history hath related it. But when Oriana and Mabilia
and the Damsel of Denmark heard this they looked at each other, and
their flesh trembled for exceeding joy, for they knew of a truth that
this child was the son of Amadis, whom the Damsel had lost. But when
the hermit told of the letters on his breast, and uncovered his breast
that all might see, then were they certain that this was he, and the
delight of their hearts was so great that it cannot be expressed, and
above all that of Oriana to behold the child whom she had lost.

Then Lisuarte asked the boys of Nasciano that he might have them
brought up, to the which the good man assented, seeing that God had
made them more for such a life than for one he could give them, yet
was it with great grief of heart that he consented, and knowing the
loneliness he should feel in losing them, for he loved Esplandian
dearly. When the King had them thus at his disposal he gave Esplandian
to the Queen to serve her, and she soon gave him to her daughter
Oriana, greatly rejoiced thereat as she who had brought him forth.
Thus was that child placed under his mother's care, he who had been
in the Lioness's mouth. These are the wonders of the Most High God
the preserver of us all! other sons of princes are lapt in silks, and
nursed with all blandishments and delicacies, and so carefully that
they who tend them must neither sleep nor rest, and yet with little
hurt and slight ailing they are taken out of the world; for so God
wills, and fathers and mothers must receive his allotments as what is
just, and thank him for doing his own will, which cannot err like ours.

The Queen then confessed to that holy man: Oriana did the same, and
told him the secret of her love, and how that child was hers, and by
what adventure she had lost him, a thing which till then she had never
communicated, and she besought him to remember it in his prayers; much
did the good man marvel to hear of such love in one of so high degree,
who was above all others bound to give a good example, and he reproved
her sharply, bidding her give over so great an error, else he would not
absolve her, and her soul would be in great peril. But she weeping told
him how when Amadis released her from Arcalaus she had received his
pledged word as husband, as it ought to be; then was the hermit full
glad, and he was the means whereby many were delivered from cruel death
that awaited them, as shall be seen hereafter. Then he absolved her,
and appointed such penance as was convenient. He then took Esplandian
to the King, and embraced the boy and wept, saying, child of God,
whom he gave me to bring up, may he guard and protect thee, and make
thee a good man for his holy service! then he kissed him and gave him
his blessing, and delivered him to the King, and taking his leave he
returned with the archers and the Lioness to his hermitage.


You have heard how the Green Sword Knight resolved to go through the
Islands of Romania: there he went, redressing the oppressed, and
quelling the proud, and passing through great perils combating Knights
and Giants, and suffering wounds and sickness at times, gaining great
renown, yet neither danger nor toil abating the mortal grief which
he endured for Oriana's sake. Thus as he wandered, having no rest
either of body or mind, he came to a sea-port called Sadiana, opposite
Greece; the city was fairly situate at the extremity of the land,
with gardens and high towers. Now because the day was yet before him
he did not enter the city, but went about beholding it, for it was a
goodly place, and he delighted to look at the sea, which he had not
seen since he left Gaul, now more than two years agone. Presently he
saw a great company of Knights and Dames and Damsels going along
shore towards the town. Among them was a Lady most richly garmented,
over whom they carried a rich cloth upon four rods, to defend her from
the sun. The Knight of the Green Sword, who took little pleasure in
beholding company, but rather in going alone, and thinking upon his
Lady, turned aside that he might not meet them. Presently there came a
Knight towards him upon a strong horse, well armed and shaking a lance
as if he would have broken it; he was strong of body, and large limbed,
and a good horseman, and with him came a Damsel of that company in rich
attire. When he of the Green Sword saw that they made towards him he
stopt, the Damsel came up and said, Sir, the Lady my mistress commands
you to come before her at her pleasure, and this she tells you for your
profit. He, though the Damsel spake German, understood her well, for it
was always his custom to learn the language of the countries which he
passed through. Damsel, he replied, may God grant honour to your Lady
and you, but tell me what yonder Knight would have? That matters not,
she answered, do what I tell you.—That shall I not till you reply.—I
must then answer against my will. When my Lady saw you and the Dwarf
with you she thought you might be the strange Knight who has gone
through this country, doing such wonders in arms as had never till now
been witnessed, she therefore wished to honour you, and to disclose to
you a secret which hath hitherto been known to none. When yonder Knight
understood her pleasure he said he would make you come to her command
whether you would or no, which he can well do, being the mightiest
man in arms of all this land. I therefore counsel you to leave him
alone and come with me. Damsel, quoth he, I am ashamed not to obey the
command of your Lady, but I chuse that you should see whether he can
do as he hath said. She replied, I am sorry at this, for your courtesy
hath much pleased me.

Then she departed and he of the Green Sword rode on as before,
with that the other Knight cried out in a loud voice, you Sir
Good-for-nothing who will not go with the Damsel! alight directly, and
with your shield reversed get up the wrong way upon your horse, and
take the tail for a bridle, and present yourself in that manner before
yonder Lady, unless you chuse to lose your head;—take your choice!
Certes Knight, replied he, it is not my intention to chuse either of
these things: I rather chuse you should have the one. Quoth he, I shall
make thee, and with that he spurred his horse, thinking at the first
encounter to bear him from the saddle, as he had done many others,
for he was the best jouster far or near. The Knight of the Dwarf had
taken his arms, and now went towards him being well covered with his
shield. That joust was decided at the first meeting, for the lances
brake, and the threatening Knight was borne to the ground; he of the
Green Sword had his shield and mail pierced, and the lance iron wounded
his throat, so that he felt he should suffer much therefrom. He turned
upon Brandasidel, for so was that Knight called, and seeing that he
lay like one dead, bade Gandalin take off his helmet and see if he was
slain. He did accordingly, and then the Knight breathed and attempted
to recover, but he could not. But then that other placed the point of
the Green Sword at his face, You Sir Knight, who threaten and despise
those whom you do not know, shall now either lose your head or pass
through your own law! He recovered his senses better with the fear of
death, and hung down his head.—Will you not speak—I shall off with
thy head? Then he cried, Ah Knight, mercy! I will rather obey you than
die in such a state as to lose my soul.—Be it done then forthwith!
Brandasidel then called his Squires and they placed him backward upon
his horse, and reversed his shield round his neck, and put the tail in
his hand for a bridle, and in this plight they led him before that fair
Lady, and through the town that all might see him, and that he might
be an example to those who insult and despise those whom they do not
know. Greatly did that Lady and her company and all the townsmen marvel
at his overthrow, and the more therefore they praised his conqueror,
believing now the wonders which they had heard spoken of him.

This being done the Green Sword Knight went to the Damsel who had
witnessed all, and said, now Lady Damsel, if it pleases you I will obey
your mistress. It does please me, quoth she, and so it will please my
Lady Grasinda. So they went together, and when he beheld that Lady he
thought that since he had left his sister Melicia he had seen none
so fair, and she thought him the comeliest Knight that ever she had
beheld. Sir, quoth she, I have heard of your great prowess, for by your
Dwarf and your Green Sword I perceive that you are he who served King
Tafinor of Bohemia so well, and who have since atchieved such wonders
in arms; now I see you are wounded, and beseech you to be my guest here
in this very town that you may be healed; you will not in all this
province be so well lodged elsewhere. Lady, quoth he, seeing your good
will I would obey you in a thing of toil and danger, how much more in
this which is to me so necessary!

They then went toward the town; an old Knight who led her bridle gave
it to him of the Green Sword to lead, and he rode forward to prepare
the stranger's lodging, for he was that Lady's steward. When they
entered the gates the doors and windows were all filled with people
crowding to see this Lady, who was greatly beloved, and this Knight of
whom they had heard so much; they thought him the handsomest and best
made whom they had ever seen, and deemed that he had performed never
greater exploit than in discomfiting Brandasidel, so much had he been
feared. Thus they arrived at the palace, and there was he lodged in
a rich chamber, such as became the dwelling of such a Lady, and was
disarmed, and his hands and face washed from the dust, and they gave
him a rose-coloured mantle. When Grasinda saw him thus attired she
thought him more beautiful than she had believed mortal man could be,
and she sent for a master to heal his wounds, the best and skilfullest
in all those parts. He looked at the wound in his throat and said,
Knight you are hurt in a dangerous part, and you must rest, otherwise
you will be in great pain and danger. The Knight answered, Master, I
beseech you by the faith you owe to God and to this your Lady, that,
as soon as I am in a state to ride, you let me know it, for it doth
not befit me to rest or be at ease, till it shall please God to bring
me there where my heart desires to be. And when he said this he could
not restrain his tears, whereat he was ashamed, and wiped them hastily
away, and made semblance of mirth. The Master then drest his wound and
gave him food such as was fitting. Then said Grasinda, rest now Sir and
sleep, and we will go to our meal; we will see you when it is time, and
do you bid your Squire ask freely for whatever is wanted; with that
they left him, and he remained thinking of Oriana, for in that thought
was all his pleasure and delight though mingled with such pain.

But when Grasinda had eaten and retired to her chamber, and was in her
bed, she thought upon the beauty of the Green Sword Knight, and of
the great feats which he had performed in arms; and though she was of
such high degree, being niece to King Tafinor of Bohemia, and widow
of a great Knight, with whom she had lived only one year, having no
issue, and though she believed him to be only an Errant Knight, she
resolved to have him for her husband. But while she was devising how
this might be brought about, she recollected how she had seen him
weep, and thought that that could only have been because of some woman
whom he loved and could not obtain. This made her pause and resolve
to learn more concerning him. So hearing he was awake she went with
her Ladies to visit him, as well to show him honour as for the great
pleasure she took in beholding him, and talking with him, nor had he
less though for a very different cause. Thus she continued to be in
his company, devising for him every pleasure that could be, till one
day being unable to endure this longer she took Gandalin aside and
said, Good Squire, whom God bless and make happy, tell me one thing if
you know it, and I promise you it shall never be by me discovered. Do
you know any woman whom your master dearly and affectionately loves?
Lady, replied Gandalin, I and this Dwarf have lived with him but a
short time, serving him for the great renown which we had heard of his
great feats, and he told us never to enquire his name, nor any thing
concerning him, unless we chose directly to be dismissed. But since we
have been with him we have seen enough to be assured that he is the
best Knight in the world: I know nothing more. The Dame then hung down
her head and mused greatly. Gandalin beheld her, and suspecting that
she loved his master wished to relieve her from a wish which never
could be gratified, and he said to her, Lady, I often see him weep, and
that so bitterly that it can only be for extreme love, for that is an
evil which neither strength nor courage can overcome. As God shall save
me, she replied, I believe you, and thank you for what you have told
me; go to him now, and God help him in his wishes! She then went to her
woman resolving no longer to encourage those thoughts, for seeing how
stedfast he was in his words and actions she believed he was not one
who would be changed.

Thus as you hear was he of the Green Sword attended in the house of
that great Lady the fair and rich Grasinda, as though she had known
him, instead of a poor Errant Knight, as he seemed to be, son of a
great King, as in truth he was. Now when he felt himself able to
bear arms he ordered Gandalin to prepare for their departure, and he
answered that all was ready. But while they were speaking Grasinda
with four Damsels entered the apartment. He rose and led her to an
estrado, which was covered with a cloth of silk and gold, and said to
her, my Lady, I am now in a state to travel; if any service of mine
can afford you pleasure, willingly will I put it in action, for the
great honour which I have received at your hands.—Certes Sir Knight
of the Green Sword I believe what you say, and when I ask a return for
the pleasure and service you have received here, if any it have been,
then will I without hesitation or shame disclose to you that which hath
hitherto been known to none: meantime tell me I pray you whitherward
you design to go.—Toward Greece if it please God, to see the manner
of life among the Greeks and their Emperor, of whom I have heard good
things—Then I must help you in your voyage; I will give you a ship
manned with good mariners to be at your command, and victualled for a
year; and I will give you Master Helisabad who cured your wounds, for
such another in his art cannot be found far or near, on condition that
if you be at your own disposal you will be in this town with me within
a year. The Knight was right glad of this good offer; my Lady, quoth
he, if I cannot serve you for all these favours I shall hold myself the
unhappiest Knight in the world, and so in like manner if I should know
that you hesitate or shame to ask what you desire. Sir, she replied,
when God shall bring you back from this voyage I will demand that which
my heart hath long desired, and which will be to the advancement of
your honour, albeit with some peril.—Be it so: and I trust in your
wisdom that you will ask nothing which I may not rightfully perform.
Do you then rest five days, said she, while every thing is prepared.
At the end of that time the ship was ready, and the Knight embarked
with Master Helisabad, in whom next to God he trusted for his safety.
So they set sail, not straight to Constantinople, but to those Islands
of Romania which he had not visited, and to the Islands of Greece,
and there for a long time did that Knight prove himself in abating
the insolence of the haughty and against many Knights who came to try
themselves against him, but he still won the victory and the praise
from all; and Master Helisabad always healed his wounds. But at length
the mariners were weary of sailing thus from one Island to another and
complained to Master Helisabad of their great fatigue, and he repeated
it to the Knight, who bade them then steer directly for Constantinople,
for by the time he had been to that city and could sail from it, the
year would be expired.

We told you in the second book how El Patin went to prove himself
against the Knights of Great Britain, and how reckless of his former
love to Queen Sardamira of Sardinia, he asked Oriana of her father in
marriage, and how falling in with Amadis he was by him sorely wounded
in the head. That wound brought him oftentimes to the point of death,
so that he returned forthwith to Rome, where he was soon chosen Emperor
by reason of his brother's death. But then thinking that he might more
easily obtain Oriana, of whose love he nothing doubted, he determined
again to ask her of King Lisuarte, and for this purpose to dispatch his
cousin Salustanquidio Prince of Calabria, a famous Knight in arms, and
with him Brondajel of the Rock his high steward, and the Archbishop
of Talancia, and a company of three hundred men, and the fair Queen
Sardamira, with Dames and Damsels in her train to bring home Oriana.
So they prepared to fulfil the Emperor's pleasure as you shall hear


The Green Sword Knight sailed with his company toward Constantinople,
as you have heard, but suddenly the wind changed, and the sea became
so high, that neither the strength of the ship nor the skill of the
mariners could withstand it, and they were all in great peril of death.
Eight days they drove about not knowing whither they went, the rain
falling so heavy and the wind so violent, and the heaven so dark, that
they, drenched in water, and unable to rest, despaired of their lives.
At length the vessel was driven ashore, it was night, and they were
all greatly comforted as men who had escaped from death to life, but
when morning brake the mariners saw they were upon the Devil's Island,
and began to beat their faces and lament that they were fallen into a
worse danger than they had escaped, and they came to the Knight of
the Green Sword in this guise without telling him more. He enquired
wherefore they were so terrified. O Knight, said they, we have not
power to tell you the cause is so great; let Master Helisabad speak! he
knows why this is called the Devil's Island. The Knight then encouraged
the Master, who was in no less fear than they, and he at length shaking
all over and faltering in his speech, in great seriousness and fear
said, You must know Sir Knight that a Giant called Bandaguido was lord
of this Island, and he was so mighty that he made all the neighbouring
Giants tributary. Now he had to wife a Giantess who was gentle and
well disposed, who, when her husband was slaying and destroying the
christians, always, as far as she could, took pity and relieved them.
By this Dame Bandaguido had one daughter, so adorned by nature that in
all the world there could not be found one of her rank and blood to
equal her in beauty; but as great beauty is soon joined with vanity,
and vanity with sin, this Damsel seeing herself so worthy to be loved,
and that none for fear of her father durst pretend to her, at last as
a remedy took to loving her own father with a most foul and shameful
love, so that often when the wife had risen from her husband's side
the daughter would lay down by him sporting with him, and clipping
and kissing him, which he at first received as caresses of a daughter,
but at length by long continuance of this, and her great beauty, and
the want of all conscience and virtue in him, she accomplished her
wicked[184:A] will. From this great and abominable sin a worse arose,
as often happens when men seek to remedy one sin by committing another,
not knowing that the physic for sin is repentance, which obtains pardon
from that Most High Lord, who for such sins placed himself upon the
cross, whereon he died as very man and afterwards rose again as very
God. For this unhappy Giant and his daughter, being thus mutually
enamoured, he was told by the false idols whom he worshipped, that if
he married her, the fiercest and strongest thing in the world should be
by them begotten. Wherefore that unhappy daughter determined to bring
this to pass, and one day when her mother, who loved her better than
herself, was walking in the garden this daughter called to her, saying
that she saw something odd in the well and bade her look, and as she
was looking, violently pushed her in so that she was drowned. Then she
cried out that her mother had fallen into the well, whereupon the Giant
himself, who knew how it had been done, and all the men of the place
gathered round, and they seeing their Lady dead whom they loved so well
began to make great sorrow. But the Giant said, make no lamentation for
so the Gods have willed, and I will take one to wife from whom such a
one shall be born as will give us the mastery over all our enemies;
so they were all silent for fear, and he that day publicly took his
daughter Bandaguida to wife, upon whom in that unhappy night a creature
was begotten by the Devil's ordinance, whom she and her husband-father
brought up as you shall hear. This creature's face was all hairy and
its body covered with scales, one lying over the other so hard that no
weapon can pierce them; its legs and feet thick and strong, and from
its shoulders there grew two wings so large that they cover it down to
the feet, not of feathers but of a shaggy leather, black as pitch and
shining, and so hard that they resist all arms, and with these wings
the monster covers itself as with a shield, and from under them come
its arms which are as strong as Lion's paws, all covered with smaller
scales, and its hands are like eagle's claws, and their five talons
so sharp and strong that there is nothing in the world so hard that
they cannot pierce and tear it piece-meal. In each jaw it has two long
teeth that grow out a cubit long, its eyes are round and huge and red
like fire, so that at night they can be seen far away, and all fly
before it. It bounds and runs so fast that no game, how fleet soever,
can escape; it seldom eats or drinks, and sometimes goes without food
feeling no pain of hunger; all its delight is to kill men and living
animals. When it finds any Lion or Bear who resists it, then it grows
furious, and sends a smoke like flames of fire from its nostrils, and
roars so horribly that all living things fly from it as from death, and
its stench is rank poison, and when it ruffles its scales, and gnashes
its teeth, and shakes its wings, it is as if the earth shook. They call
it Endriago, said Master Helisabad, and it is such as I have described;
moreover because of the sin of the Giant and his daughter the wicked
enemy entered it and hath greatly increased its force and cruelty.

Much was the Green Sword Knight astonished at this tale. Master, quoth
he, how could a thing so monstrous be born of body of woman? I will
tell you, he replied, as I found it written in a book which the Emperor
of Constantinople hath, for this island was his till he lost it, not
being able to destroy this Devil. You are to know that Bandaguida,
finding herself pregnant told the Giant, who greatly rejoiced thereat,
believing that what his Gods had told him would assuredly come to
pass, and he said that three or four nurses would be necessary for
the child as it was to be the strongest creature in the world; but as
this unborn creature was the work of the Devil it oftentimes made the
mother fall sick, and her face and eyes became yellow like poison, but
she bore it all as good signs, believing also that the boy was to be
the mightiest in the world, and if he should prove so she would then
devise how to murder the father and marry him in his stead. When her
time came she brought forth with little travail, for evil things alway
go on pleasantly till the end. The nurses took the babe, and seeing
a thing so monstrous were fearfully dismayed; however fearing the
Giant's anger they took and swathed it in the rich cloaths which had
been prepared, and one of them having more hardiness than the other
offered it the teat, which it caught and sucked so furiously that the
woman screamed out, and when they took the child away, fell down dead
with the force of the poison. This was presently told to the Giant, who
then looking at his child marvelled to behold so monstrous a creature,
and went to the temple to ask his Gods why they had given him such
issue. These Idols were three in number, the one like a man, the other
as a lion, the third after the manner of a griffin. So when he had made
his sacrifices he asked why they had sent him such a child, and the
man-idol answered, so it behoved the child to be, that as its actions
were to be strange and marvellous so should itself be, especially for
destroying the christians who seek to destroy us, and for this I gave
it my likeness, in giving it a free will like man, which the beasts
possess not. The other Idol answered, I gifted it with a strength and
courage such as we Lions possess, and the third said, I gave it wings
and talons such as no other creature in the world hath, and fleetness
beyond all others. How shall I feed it, said the Giant, seeing that the
nurse who suckled it fell down dead? they answered, make the other
two nurses give it the teat and they will die also, but the fourth
shall suckle it with milk of your flocks for a year, and in that time
it shall wax as great and as fair as we ourselves are who have made
it be begotten, but take heed that neither thou nor thy wife, nor any
other except the nurse, see it during that year. The Giant accordingly
did as these Idols commanded, and in this wise was the monstrous beast
brought up. When the year was past the Giant, who understood from the
nurse that it was grown monstrous great, and who heard its strong and
terrible voice, resolved with his daughter, who was his wife, to go see
it; so they entered the chamber where it was bounding about, but the
monster, as soon as it beheld its mother, leaped at her and with its
claws cut her nostrils open, and tore out her eyes, so that she dropt
down dead. The Giant drew his sword to slay it but it gave him such a
wound on the leg as tore it off and he fell and died speedily, then it
leapt over him, and having poisoned all the people in the Castle with
its breath, took to wing and fled among the mountains. It was not long
before the Island was dispeopled, they who could, flying by sea, and
the rest being by it slain, and thus hath it remained for forty years.

Great things hast thou told me Master! quoth the Knight of the Green
Sword, and the Lord our God is of long suffering with those who offend
him, but if they do not amend at last the judgment waxeth heavier
like the sin. Now I beseech you say mass betimes, for I will go see
this Island, and if it please God to assist me, restore it to his
service. The remaining part of the night the mariners passed in great
fear, as well of the sea, which was still raging, as of the Endriago,
thinking that it would come upon them from a Castle hard at hand where
it sometimes lodged. At morning the Master sung mass, and the Knight
having humbly heard it besought God to help him in this great danger
which he undertook for his sake, or if it was his pleasure that he
should then meet his death, to have mercy upon his soul. Then he armed
himself and made his horse be landed, and took Gandalin with him,
saying to the sailors, friends, I will go into yonder Castle, and if
I find the Endriago there I will fight it, and if not will see if the
Castle be in such state that you can lodge in it till the weather be
abated, and I will then seek this beast among the mountains; if I
escape from it I will return to you, if I do not come back do ye as
ye shall think best. At this were they all sorely dismayed, for they,
even where they were, could not endure the fear of the Endriago, and
Master Helisabad, who was a man of learning and a priest of the mass,
dissuaded him all he could, saying that such things were against the
nature of man, and that he ought to give up the thought lest he should
fall into the guilt of self-murder; but the Knight of the Green Sword
replied, that if he entertained any thought like that he must have
given up the quest of adventures altogether, it became him to kill this
monster or die in the enterprize. Then he saw that Gandalin, while he
was thus talking, had armed himself to assist him, and was on horseback
lamenting greatly; and he said to him, who has told thee to do this
thing? disarm thyself! for if thou dost thus to serve and help me, that
is not to be done by losing thy own life, but by preserving it that
thou mayest relate the manner of my death in that place from whence
chiefly I receive it. So making him disarm he went with him to the

He found the Castle desolate, none but birds having their home therein,
but there were good dwellings there, albeit somewhat ruinous, and the
doors had chains and bars wherewith the men might secure themselves;
at this being full glad he bade Gandalin call them, and they, though
in great fear of the Endriago, went into the Castle, for the storm
still continued. Good friends, then said the Knight, I shall go seek
the Endriago, if it falls out well, Gandalin shall wind his horn, and
then be ye assured that the beast is dead and I living; if the chance
be against me there will be no need to make any sign; do ye therefore
bring food from the galley to last ye till the storm abates, and secure
yourselves here. Then the Knight of the Green Sword departed leaving
them all lamenting, but the lamentations and bitter grief of Ardian
the Dwarf cannot be expressed, he tore his hair and beat his face, and
dashed his head against the wall calling himself wretched, that his
fortune had made him serve such a master, for he had been a thousand
times brought to the point of death in beholding his feats, and now
he was about to attempt what the Emperor of Constantinople with all
his power could not effect! so he went up upon the walls like one out
of his senses and looked after his master. Master Helisabad made an
altar be erected and placed the relics there which he had brought to
enable him to say mass, and made all the men take each a wax taper in
his hand, and kneel round the altar and pray to God to preserve that
Knight, who for his service and their sakes, knowingly exposed himself
to death.

But the Green Sword Knight rode on and Gandalin followed him weeping,
for sure he thought that his Master's days would this day have their
end. The Knight turned to him—my good brother hast thou so little
faith in God and in the sight of my Lady Oriana, that thou despairest
thus? Not only is her recollection present to me now but her very
person, and I see her beholding me and telling me to defend her from
this foul monster. What then my true friend ought I to do? for her life
and death are mine, and the bare memory of her has made me go through
all that I have yet performed, how then will this actual vision enable
me? and with these thoughts his courage was so kindled that he thought
he was long in finding the Endriago. By this he came to a valley in the
mountain, a wild and craggy and deep place. Shout Gandalin, said he,
that the Endriago may hear thee, and if I should die here I pray thee
endeavour to carry to my Lady Oriana that which is entirely her own—my
heart, and tell her I sent it to her that I might not have to give
account to God for retaining that which was another's. When Gandalin
heard this he not only called out aloud but began to shriek and tear
his hair, hoping to die himself before he saw the death of his Master,
whom he loved so dearly, and it was nothing before they saw the
Endriago come bounding over the rocks, but fiercer and more terrible
than ever; and the reason was, that the Devils seeing how this Knight
put more trust in his Mistress Oriana than in God had power thereby to
enter it and make it more terrible than before, thinking that if that
Knight perished there would be none other so bold as to attack this

The Endriago came on breathing smoke and flames of fire in its fury,
and gnashing its teeth and foaming, and ruffling its scales and
clapping its wings that it was horrible to see it, and when the Knight
saw it and heard its dreadful voice he thought all that had been told
him was nothing to what the truth was, and the monster bounded towards
them more eagerly because it was long since it had seen living man.
But the horses took fright at seeing it and ran away in spite of all
the Knight and Gandalin could do, so the Knight dismounted and said,
brother, keep you aloof that we may not both perish, and see what
success God will give me against this dreadful Devil, and pray to him
to help me that I may restore this Island to his service, or if I am
to die here to have mercy upon my soul; for the rest do as I have
said before. But Gandalin could not answer for exceeding agony, for
assuredly he thought his Master's death was certain, unless it pleased
God miraculously to deliver him. The Green Sword Knight then took
his lance and covered himself with his shield, and went against the
Endriago as a man already dead but without fear. The Devil seeing him
come on snorted out fire and smoke so black and thick that they could
scarcely see one another, and he of the Green Sword went on through
the smoke and drove at the monster with his lance, and by great good
fortune pierced it in the eye; it caught the lance with its talons and
bit it into pieces, and the iron and a fragment of the stave remained
driven on through its tongue and the skin of the throat, for it had
sprung on upon it thinking to seize the Knight but he defended himself
with good heart seeing his exceeding peril, and the shock of this wound
repelled the monster, and the blood ran fast, and with the shrieks it
gave it ran down its throat and almost choaked it, so that it could
neither close its mouth nor bite with it, the Knight then drew his
Green Sword and struck at it, but the blow fell upon its scales, and
felt as though it had fallen upon a rock and it made no impression; the
Endriago thought then to grasp him, but only caught his shield which
it plucked so fiercely that he fell upon his hands, but he recovered
while with its talons the monster rent the shield to pieces. He then
seeing that his shield was gone, and that his good sword availed him
nothing, knew that he had no hope unless he could strike the other eye.
Now the Endriago was faint and weak with its wound, and our Lord having
wrath that the wicked one had so long had the dominion over those who,
sinners as they were, believed his holy catholick faith, was pleased
to give the Knight strength and especial grace to perform what else
could not by course of nature have been done. He aimed his sword at
the other eye but God guided it to one of the nostrils, for they were
large and spreading, and so hard he thrust that it reached the brain,
the Endriago itself forcing it on, for seeing him so near it grappled
with him and plucked him towards itself, and with its dreadful talon
rent away the arms from his back, and crushed the flesh and bones to
the very entrails, but then being suffocated with its own blood, and
the sword being in its brain, and above all the sentence of God being
passed upon it, its grasp relaxed and it fell like one dead, and the
Knight plucked out his sword and thrust it down its throat till he
killed the monster.

But before its soul departed the Devil flew from its mouth and went
through the air with a great thunder-clap, and they of the Castle
heard it as if close to them, and, though barred and bolted in as they
were, they feared greatly for their lives, and if the sea had not been
so stormy they would have run to their ships, howbeit they prayed
earnestly to God for the good Knight who was engaged in so terrible a
battle. Now he, when the Endriago was dead, drew back and went toward
Gandalin, but he could not bear his wound longer and reeled and fell
beside a little brook. When Gandalin came up and saw how he was wounded
he verily believed him slain, and fell from his horse and began to
tear his hair and shriek; the Knight at this somewhat recovered and
said, Good brother and my true friend you see I am slain; I beseech
you, by the fostering I received from your parents, and by the true
love which I have ever borne you, that so soon as I be dead you take
my heart to my Lady Oriana, and tell her to preserve it for his sake
whose it was, for in so doing my soul will receive comfort! this was
all he could say; Gandalin did not stay to answer but went to horse
and galloped as fast as he could, and coming on the hill-top he wound
his horn as loud as he could wind it, in token that the Endriago was
dead; that sound Ardian the Dwarf, who was on the tower, heard, and he
cried out to Master Helisabad to go help his Master for the monster
was slain. He took what was needful and mounted and galloped that
way, where presently he met Gandalin who cried, for God's sake help
my Master! the Endriago is dead. Right joyfully did he spur onward,
not knowing in what plight the Knight was, whom he found senseless
and giving pitiful groans. How now Sir Knight? quoth he, where is
your great courage gone now when you so need it? fear not, for here
am I your good friend and true servant Master Helisabad to help you!
the Knight heard him and opened his eyes and raised his arm as if
to embrace him. Then the Master took off his cloak and spread it on
the ground and he and Gandalin laid the Knight upon it, and disarmed
him; but when the Master saw the wound, though he was the best in the
world for such needs, and had seen so many cruel wounds before, he was
dismayed and feared for his life; however he resolved to do his best,
as one who loved him as the best Knight in the world, and looking more
closely he found that the flesh and bones only had suffered, but that
the entrails were unhurt. At this he had greater hope, and he set the
bones and ribs and sewed up the flesh, and placed such salves and
bandaged the whole body so well that the blood was staunched, and the
breath did not come through the wound, so that the Knight recovered
strength to speak, and opening his eyes said, O Lord God Almighty, who
for thy great mercy didst come into the world and take flesh of the
Virgin Mary; and to open the gates of paradise which were shut, didst
suffer so many injuries and death at last from that cursed and unhappy
race, I beseech thee, Lord, as one of the vilest of sinners, to have
mercy upon my soul, for my body is condemned to the earth! Sir Knight,
quoth the Master, it pleases me to hear you, for remedy must come from
him of whom you ask it in the first place, and in the second from me
who am his servant; fear not, for on my life I will answer for yours!
then he took a sponge that was steeped in a confection good against the
poison, and placed it at his nostrils whereby he greatly recovered, and
Gandalin knelt down and kissed the Master's hand beseeching him to save
his Lord. He then bade Gandalin ride in speed to the Castle and bring
men and a litter to convey the Knight there before the night-fall.
Away rode Gandalin, and they made a litter the best they could with
boughs and carried the Green Sword Knight thereon upon their shoulders
to the Castle, and made for him a bed as well as they could with the
rich linen which Grasinda had sent aboard, but he was senseless and
knew not what they did, and groaned all night with the torment of his
wounds, and had no power to speak. The Master had his own bed placed
by him to comfort him, and from time to time applied such excellent
and fitting medicines to draw out the poison of the Endriago that
by day-break he brought him to a sweet sleep, such good things did
he administer, and he ordered all the men to withdraw that no noise
might be made to awaken him. After a long sleep the Knight started and
cried out aloud, Gandalin! Gandalin! take care of thyself or that foul
Devil will slay thee! The Master went immediately to him smiling, and
with a better face than heart, for he still feared for his life; if
you took care of yourself as he does Sir, quoth he, your renown would
not have spread so over the world. But then he knew the Master and
said, where are we? for he was yet beside himself. That day the Master
displayed his skill so well, as being naturally the best leech in the
world, that by vespers the Knight was in his full senses, and knew all
around him, and the Master then saw by the appearance of the wounds,
that through his great cunning, and above all by the great mercy of
God, his life was safe. When the men heard this they gave thanks to
God with exceeding joy, but above all was the joy of Gandalin and
the Dwarf, who loved him from their inmost hearts. They then all came
round Gandalin beseeching him to tell of the battle how it had passed,
that they might be able to relate the manner of so rare a feat of
chivalry; this Gandalin said he would willingly do, on condition that
the Master would first administer an oath to him upon the holy Gospels,
that they might believe the truth of what he should say and faithfully
commit it to writing, that the remembrance of so signal an atchievement
might not be lost. Master Helisabad then administered the oath that
the thing might be certainly believed, and Gandalin recounted all the
circumstances of the battle. When he had finished they said they would
all go and see the Endriago, for when they removed the Knight they had
not thought of looking for it in the thicket where it had fallen. So
the Master gave them all certain confections good against the poison,
but when they saw the monster they were more than ever astonished and
could scarcely believe that heart of mortal man could have courage to
attack such a Devil's work. Twenty days the Knight remained in that
Castle not being able to leave his bed, at length Master Helisabad
thinking him enough recovered to be removed on board, asked him whither
he would go, for some things were necessary for his full recovery
which could not there be procured. Oh my true friend, said the Knight,
what guerdon can I make you for the great service you have done me,
being only a poor Knight with nothing but a horse and these broken
arms! Sir, replied the Master, I expect greater guerdon from you than
King or great Lord could give me, the succour that so many distressed
ones will receive from you, whereof I under God shall have been the
cause! The Knight was abashed to hear himself thus praised. Since the
weather is changed, said he, let us proceed to Constantinople; great
desire have I to see that great Emperor, that if it please God that I
should ever return there where my heart desires, I may have strange
things to relate, such as can only be seen in such places.


[184:A] De donde devemos tomar enxemplo que ningun hombre en esta vida
tenga tanta confiança de si mesmo, que dexe de esquivar y apartar
la conversacion, y contratacion, no no solamente de las parientas y
hermanas, mas de sus proprias hijas, porque esta mala passion venida
en el estremo de su natural encendimiento, pocas vezes el juyzio, la
conciencia, el temor, son bastantes de le poner tal freno con que la
retraer puedan. The moralization is more loathsome than the story.


Then said Master Helisabad, Sir, you should write to the Emperor and
tell him what hath befallen, and we must send to Constantinople for
some things needful for you on the way. Master, replied the Knight, I
have never seen him and know him not; do you now what seemeth good. So
Master Helisabad wrote to the Emperor relating all what had happened,
and requesting on the part of the Knight who had recovered the Island
for him from the power of that Devil, that he would be pleased to call
it thenceforth the Island of St. Mary. This letter he gave to a Squire
who was his kinsman, and he forthwith embarked taking with him as many
mariners as were needful, and the time being fair in three days they
took port at Constantinople. The Squire went straightways to the
palace of the Emperor, whom he found attended by many good men, as
befitted one so great, and falling on his knees before him he said,
your servant Master Helisabad sends to kiss your feet, and to deliver
to you this letter whereby you will receive great pleasure. When the
Emperor had read the letter he was greatly astonished and cried out
aloud, Knights, such strange tidings are come to me as till now I never
heard spoken of! Then drew near to him his nephew Gastiles, son to the
Dutchess of Gajaste his sister, who was a good Knight and young, and
Count Saluder brother to the fair Grasinda, and the other Knights.
Sirs, quoth the Emperor, the Knight of the Green Sword hath slain the
Endriago, and if all the world does not marvel at this what shall
surprize us? then he showed them the letter, and made the Squire relate
every thing more fully as one who had been present. Certes Sir, said
Gastiles, this is a great miracle! for I never yet heard tell of mortal
man who fought the Devil except the Saints with their spiritual arms,
who with their sanctity might well do it. Since such a man is come into
your country it would be against reason not to do him great honour.
Nephew you say well, replied the Emperor, do you and Count Saluder
prepare vessels and go bring him here, and take with you Masters who
may paint the Endriago to the life, for I will have it cast in metal,
and the Knight who fought it, both of their natural size, and I will
have these images set up upon the spot where the battle was fought, and
the whole manner of it written upon a table of Copper, and the name of
the Knight. And I will build a monastery there for religious friars,
who shall bring that Island again to the service of God, for the people
round about have been greatly hurt by the cursed sight of that wicked

Right glad were all they to hear the Emperor speak so honourably,
and above all Gastiles and the Marquis because they should see the
Endriago. So they took shipping and past over to the Island of St.
Mary, as it was now to be called. The Green Sword Knight hearing
who were come, adorned his apartment the best he could to receive
them, and, for he was now able to walk a little in his chamber, went
as far as he could to bid them welcome, and made them be seated on
the estrados which he had prepared for them, and when he learnt how
Gastiles was brother to Grasinda, he thanked him for all the favours
he had received from his sister, and above all for the help of Master
Helisabad, without whom he must needs have perished. So when they had
delivered their bidding they said they would go see the Endriago. Sirs,
said the Master, ye mast take with ye some defence against its poison.
Good friend, they replied, in that you must help us; that shall I do,
quoth he, and he gave them certain small boxes to smell to while they
looked at it. Gandalin went with them to show the place, but when they
saw the Endriago they were more than ever amazed, not thinking that
there had been such a monster either on earth or in hell, and Gastiles
said, we ought not to praise the courage that dared attack such a
monster, for it is so great that it is not to be attributed to man but
to God alone. The Masters then painted the Endriago to the life for
they were singular in their art. Three days they remained seeing that
island which was a fair land; on the fourth day they all embarked, and
in short time havened at Constantinople under the Emperor's palace.
The windows were soon filled, all being eager to see the Knight of
the Green Sword, and the Emperor sent horses to the shore for them.
At this time had the Knight greatly recovered his beauty as well as
strength; he was right richly apparelled in garments which the King of
Bohemia had given him, and round his neck was hanging that strange and
beautiful Green Sword which he had won by his true and perfect love;
which, when he beheld it made him remember the time when he gained it,
and the happiness in which he then was at Miraflores, and made him
oftentimes shed tears that were painful as well as delightful.

The Emperor and his train went out to meet them; then would the Knight
have alighted to kiss his hand but the Emperor prevented that, and went
to him and embraced him and said, by my faith Knight of the Green Sword
and my good friend, although God hath made me so great, and though I
am of the lineage of those who have held such dominion, more do you
deserve glory than me! for you have gained it by such perils as never
other went through, and I possess that which came to me sleeping and
without desert! The Knight replied, things that are bounded Sir may be
requited, but so cannot this praise which it hath pleased you in your
great goodness to bestow. Thus communing they turned to the palace,
he of the Green Sword beholding that great city as he went, and the
strange and marvellous things therein, and the crowds who came to see
him, and humbly in his heart he gave thanks to God for guiding him to
such a place where he received so great honour from the greatest of
all the Christians. All that he had seen elsewhere appeared nothing
in comparison to what he beheld here, but much more did he marvel when
he entered the great palace, for it seemed as if all the riches of the
world were collected there. There was an apartment there wherein the
Emperor was accustomed to lodge such great lords as came to visit him,
the fairest and most delightful in the world, not only for the rich
things therein but also for fountains of water, and strange trees, and
there he bade the Knight remain and Master Helisabad with him, and
Gastiles and the Marquis Saluder to bear him company.

But if he marvelled at seeing the greatness of that city and the number
of its dwellers, much more did they wonder to behold how comely he
was, knowing what he had atchieved, and never was King or Knight of
foreign lands so commended; the Emperor went to the Empress and said,
the Knight of the Green Sword is arrived of whom we have heard such
wonders, and for the service which he hath done us reason it is that we
should do him great honour, now then order that your house may be so
set in order, that wheresoever he go he may truly speak in my praise,
and let him see your Dames and Damsels all so adorned as becomes those
who serve so high a Lady. In God's name, she replied; all shall be
done as you command. On the morrow the Knight and Master Helisabad and
the Marquis and Gastiles heard mass in the Emperor's chapel, and then
all went to visit the Empress, but before they came to her they found
the Dames and Damsels all in their best attire who made way for them
to pass. That house was so rich and sumptuously filled, that except
the Forbidden Chamber in the Firm Island, the Knight had never seen
other such; his eyes were even wearied with beholding so many women and
so fair, and the marvellous things around. So going to the Empress,
who was on her estrado, he knelt before her and said, Lady, I bless
God for bringing me where I may see you and your great state, and how
far you are above all other Ladies in the world, and I thank you much
for desiring to see me; may it please God that I may one day do you
some service in requital for the favour! if I err Lady in expressing
what my will and my tongue would say, pardon me, for this language is
strange to me and I have not long learnt it from Master Helisabad. The
Empress then took him by the hand and made him rise and sit by her,
and she conversed with him upon such subjects as so great a Lady ought
to converse upon with a strange Knight whom she did not know, and he
so demeaned himself in his speech that the Empress, who was a right
prudent woman, said within herself, his courage and strength cannot be
so great but that his discretion is greater.

Meantime the Emperor was upon his seat talking and laughing with the
Dames and Damsels, as one who was greatly beloved by them for showing
them great favours and bestowing them well in marriage. Then said he
in a loud voice, Honoured Dames and Damsels, ye see here the Knight
of the Green Sword your loyal servant! honour him and love him, as he
hath you and all like you, in whose service he hath many times been
brought to the point of death. God honour and love and requite him,
Sir! quoth the Dutchess, the mother of Gastiles; the Emperor then
sent two Infantas, children of Barandel King of Hungary, to bring his
daughter Leonorina; presently they led her in, and though she was most
richly dressed yet was all that as nothing to her exceeding beauty, for
there was not a man in the world who could behold her without wonder
and delight. She being a little girl of not more than nine years old
went and kissed the hand of her mother and then sat down below her.
But when the Knight of the Green Sword saw her how beautiful she was,
he remembered his own Lady, and how she was of that age when he first
saw her, and they first began to love, and then recollecting all, he
lost all sense of what was present, and the tears came into his eyes.
Howbeit presently recovering and in great shame he wiped away the tears
and made good semblance, but all had seen him, and the Emperor became
very desirous to know why he had wept, seeing that such a thing in such
a place would have been thought wrong even in a woman, and that in such
a Knight it could not be without great cause and mystery. What can this
mean? said Gastiles. The Emperor replied, I think it must be the force
of love.—If you would know none can tell you but Master Helisabad,
in whom he puts his confidence. The Emperor then sent for Master
Helisabad, and bidding all others withdraw to a distance, asked him if
he knew wherefore the Green Sword Knight had wept, and if he stood in
any need wherein he could help him. Sir, replied the Master, he is the
man in this world who best conceals that which he wishes to be secret.
I have often seen him weep and sigh as though his heart were bursting,
and verily believe it is with great love, for if it were for other
causes sure am I that he would have revealed it to me. Certes, quoth
the Emperor, I believe it is as you say; and if it be for love of
woman, would to God she were one in my dominions, for such possessions
could I give him that there should be neither King nor Prince who would
not joyfully give me his daughter for his wife. This would I willingly
do to have him for my vassal, for whatever good I could bestow upon him
he could more than requite with his services. I beseech you persuade
him to remain with me and I will grant him whatever he may ask; then
having mused awhile he said, go to the Empress and whisper to her to
persuade the Knight to remain here, and do you advise him so to do for
my sake, while I do what hath just occurred to my thoughts. The Emperor
then called his daughter Leonorina and the two Infantas and spake to
them awhile, but no one heard what he said, and when he had ceased
speaking Leonorina kist his hand and went to her chamber.

But neither the Empress nor Master Helisabad could prevail upon the
Knight to abide in that court, for though that would be the most
honourable course he could pursue during the life of King Perion
his father, he could have no rest or peace except in the thought of
returning toward that land where his dear Lady Oriana dwelt. The
Empress made a sign that she could not succeed, the Emperor then went
toward him and said, Knight of the Green Sword, if by any means you
could be persuaded to remain with me, there is nothing in my power
which you could ask and I refuse. Sir, replied the Knight, such is your
goodness that I should not dare to ask what you would grant, but this
is not in my power, if I should consent death would not long leave me
in your service. The Emperor then verily believed that only love could
be the cause of this. At this time the fair Leonorina entered the hall,
having a rich crown upon her head and another far richer in her hands,
and she came up to the Knight and said, Sir Knight of the Green Sword,
I have never yet asked boon of other than my father, and now I ask
one of you, tell me that you grant it! He knelt before her and said,
good Lady, who is he of so little understanding that he would fail to
obey your command, having power to obey it? Now then demand what you
will, which even to death shall be performed. Thank you, replied the
Princess, I shall ask of you three boons, and with that taking the
crown from her head,—this is one; you shall give this crown to the
fairest Damsel whom you know, and tell her I sent it her, though I know
her not, for such presents as this we use to bestow in our country.
Then she took the other crown, which was right richly set with pearls
and precious stones, three of which in particular shone so that they
would give light in any chamber how dark soever, and giving it to the
Knight said, this you shall give to the fairest Dame whom you know,
and say I sent it to her that I might know her; this is the second
boon: now before I ask the third tell me how you will obey these? He
took the first crown and placed it upon Leonorina's own head—I give
this, said he, to the fairest Damsel whom I know, the which, if any
one gainsay, I will prove her so to be in arms. At this were all well
pleased, and so was Leonorina herself, although shamefaced at hearing
her own praise, and they all said that he had fairly acquitted the
first demand; but the Empress said, certes Knight of the Green Sword,
I would rather have those whom you have overcome by arms than those
whom my daughter can overcome by beauty! then was he also abashed at
his own praise from so high a Lady, and answered nothing, but turning
to Leonorina said, Lady mine, will you ask the third boon? she replied,
yes; tell me wherefore you wept, and who is she who hath so great power
over you and your heart. But then the Knight's colour changed and his
chearful countenance, so that all could see he was distressed by that
demand. Lady, said he, if it please you forego this question, and ask
something which shall be more to your service. She answered, this and
nothing else is what I require! but he hung down his head and mused
awhile, so that all knew how unwilling he was to reply. At length
he looked up chearfully at Leonorina and said, Lady, since I cannot
otherwise acquit myself of my promise I must needs say, that seeing you
when you first entered, what you were and at what age, a recollection
came upon me of other times that were full happy, but have now past
away, and this was what made me weep. But tell me, quoth she, who is
she that hath such command over your heart? It is my great ill-fortune,
replied the Knight, that your gentle courtesy, which hath never failed
towards another is against me now! I must obey greatly against my will.
Know then that she whom I love is the same person to whom you send
this crown, to my thoughts the fairest Dame of all whom I have ever
yet seen, and I verily believe of all in the world, and now for God's
sake Lady seek to know no farther from me, for I am acquitted of my
promise. You are acquitted, replied the Emperor, but in such wise that
we are nothing the wiser. I have said more than ever passed my lips
before, quoth the Knight, for the desire I have to obey so fair a Lady.
As God shall help me, cried the Emperor, you must be right secret in
your loves if you think you have disclosed any thing now, and since
my daughter was the cause she must exact pardon for her error. Nay,
quoth the Knight, I must rather hold it as a favour of her that being
so high a Lady she should so earnestly seek to know the secret of an
Errant Knight as I am; but you Sir I do not so lightly excuse! for by
the long secret talk you had with her, it is manifest that she did so
more by your will than her own. The Emperor smiled at this;—God has
made you perfect in all things, for it is as you say, and therefore I
will make amends both for my fault and hers! the Knight knelt and would
have kissed his hands had he permitted. I receive this promise Sir,
said he, to claim it when you perhaps will not think of it. Quoth the
Emperor, that cannot be, I shall never fail to remember you, or to make
this atonement when you require it. These words were sportively spoken
between the Emperor and the Green Sword Knight, but the time came when
they were of great effect.

Then said the fair Leonorina, Sir Knight of the Green Sword, though
you excuse yet am I not free from fault in having urged you so against
your will, in amends you must take this ring. Lady, quoth he, I will
kiss the hand that wears it, for no where else can it be placed where
it will not have reason to complain of me.—Nay you shall take it to
remind you of the snare I laid, from which you so subtilly escaped. She
then threw the ring upon the estrado by him. I have another such stone,
said she, in this crown which you gave me, I know not with what reason.
Good witnesses of that reason, he replied, are those eyes and those
locks, and all those other beauties with which God has gifted you! and
taking the ring he saw it was the finest stone that ever he had seen,
nor was there in the world another such, save that which was in the
crown. You must know the history of that stone, said the Emperor, half
of it as you see is the finest burning ruby that you can ever have
seen, and the other half is white ruby, which belike you never saw till
now, far more beautiful and precious than the red; the ring itself is
of emerald, such that another like it could not easily be found. The
famous Apolidon was my grandfather, I know not if you have heard this.
I well know it, replied the Knight, for I have seen his statue in the
Firm Island, and you truly appear to be of his lineage. I beseech you,
quoth the Emperor, tell me the name of the Knight who, being greater
than Apolidon in arms, hath won that Island.—Amadis of Gaul, son to
King Perion. What! cried the Emperor, is it he who was exposed in an
ark upon the sea, and being called the Child of the Sea slew King Abies
of Ireland, fighting him man to man? now am I right glad, and think it
no shame that he, exceeding all men that have ever been born, should
have exceeded Apolidon; if I could believe that he, being the son of
a King, would wander so far from his own country, of a truth I should
think that you were he, but this makes me think otherwise, and if it
were so you would not do me the discourtesy not to tell me.

At this was Amadis abashed and with good reason: if it please you Sir,
said he, tell me how the stone was divided.—Felipanos, who in that
time was King of Judea, sent twelve rich crowns to my grandfather
Apolidon; all were set with pearls and gems, but in that which you have
given my daughter came this stone which was all one. Apolidon therefore
seeing that this was the most precious crown by reason of the gem,
gave it to my grandmother Grimanesa, and she, in order that Apolidon
might have his part, made a master divide the stone, and with the
half thereof make this ring; so that for love was this stone divided,
and for love given to Apolidon, and I believe that in good love my
daughter gave it you, and you in still greater love may give it to
another; and as the Emperor had said even so it came to pass, till at
length it returned to the hand that first gave it, as is recorded in a
branch of this history called the _Sergas_, which signifieth the Feats
of Esplandian.

Thus was the Green Sword Knight entertained for six days in the house
of the Emperor, and then he said that he must needs depart, being in
honour bound to appear elsewhere, as Master Helisabad knew. I beseech
you, replied the Emperor, since it is so, that you tarry with me yet
three days longer. To this the Knight assented, but then the fair
Leonorina took him by the cloak—good friend, you have given three
days to my father, now then give yet two more to me, that you may be
my guest where I and my Damsels dwell, for we would enjoy your company
without any others to disturb us, except any two Knights whom you may
chuse to be your companions at bed and board! this boon you must freely
grant, or else I will bid my Damsels take you prisoner, and that you
will little like! with that more than twenty-five Damsels rose and
surrounded him, and Leonorina laughed and said, wait till we see what
answer he makes: but he right joyful at what that fair Lady had said,
and holding it as the greatest honour which had been shown him in that
court, replied, fair and fortunate Lady, who would be bold enough to
disobey you, especially if threatened with so terrible a captivity? I
willingly grant this as I would every service to you and your parents;
God grant that there may come a time when you may be recompensed for
these favours by me or my lineage! and what he wished fully came to
pass afterwards, even according to Urganda's prophecy, when Esplandian
succoured this Emperor in his great need. Wisely have you chosen, said
the Damsels to the Green Sword Knight, else you could not have escaped
from a worse danger than the Endriago. So I believe, quoth he, for
worse is it to offend against Angels than against a Devil like that.
Much were the Emperor and Empress and their court pleased with his
gracious answers, and thereby judged that sure he was of high degree,
for low born men often excel in strength but in gentle and debonair
manners not, for they pertain to those of pure and generous blood. I do
not affirm that all such possess them, but I say they ought to possess
them as did this Knight of the Green Sword, who, placing a border of
gentleness and courteous dealing round his brave heart, by that means
shielded off all pride and anger that they should not harm his virtues.

So he was the guest of Leonorina for the two days, and when the time
of his departure arrived she and her Damsels would have given him many
rich jewels, but he would only accept six swords which Menoresa Queen
of the Island Gadabasta gave him, the fairest woman except Leonorina
in all Greece, and these swords she told him to give to his friends,
and when he gave them to remember her and those others who loved him so
well. Sir Knight, then said the Infanta, I beseech you that in courtesy
you return hither to us so soon as you can, if that may not be that you
send here one of your lineage to serve us, and talk with us of you, for
sure I am that there must be those of your lineage well equal to such
employ. Yea Lady, he replied, that may I truly say, and there is one
among them who, if I cannot come hither, shall by his services well
requite the honours which I have received here, great as I feel them.
Thus said he, thinking of his brother Galaor, but it was accomplished
by another Knight still nearer to him in blood; then took he leave and
they crowded to the windows of the palace, and ceased not to gaze after
him till his galley was out of sight.

You have heard heretofore how El Patin sent his cousin Salustanquidio
and Queen Sardamira with a goodly company of Knights and Dames to
demand Oriana in marriage of King Lisuarte. Now you are to know that
by these messengers he sent letters to all the princes and great men,
through whose lands they should pass, requiring them to show honour
to the Empress Oriana as his wife; the which, though they promised
with fair words to do, yet secretly they prayed that so good a Lady,
daughter of such a King, might never fall to the lot of one so hated
and despised for his overbearing insolence as El Patin. So the
Embassadors came to a port called Zamando, opposite to Great Britain,
and there they waited till they could find shipping, and meanwhile sent
forward to inform King Lisuarte of the Emperor's demand, whereat he was
well pleased.


Three years had the Knight of the Green Sword passed in Germany, and
two in Romania and Greece, and in all that time had received no tidings
of his Lady Oriana, but now was he resolved to go towards the country
where she dwelt, and that thought made him full joyful as he sailed
with a fair wind from the port of Constantinople. In twenty days he
arrived at the city of the fair Grasinda, and she having heard of the
wonders he had wrought in arms went out honourably to welcome him, and
they gave the greeting each to other, as those who loved each other
well with good love. Sir Knight of the Green Sword, quoth she, God hath
made you perfect in all things, for after such perilous adventures you
are returned within the year of your promise, whereof five days only
have yet to run; this makes me think that you will as truly perform
the other boon. To this he made courteous and fitting reply. Then were
he and Master Helisabad conducted to that apartment in the court of
Grasinda wherein he had been healed of his wounds, and there were they
worshipfully served. That night before he slept the Green Sword Knight
talked much with Gandalin saying, how rejoiced at heart he was now
that he was returning toward Oriana, if indeed this boon which he had
to perform did not prevent him. Sir, answered Gandalin, take joy as
it comes, and commit the rest to God, belike this boon may be to your
help and pleasure. So he passed that night with somewhat more than his
wonted comfort.

On the morrow after mass Grasinda took him apart and said, Knight
of the Green Sword, a year before you came into these parts all the
fairest Dames were assembled at a marriage feast given by the Duke of
Basilea, and thither did I also go under the protection of my brother
Marquis Saluder, whom you know. Then all the Lords of the country
being present, my brother, whether for pride or affection I know not,
affirmed with a loud voice that my beauty exceeded that of any Dame
present, the which he would prove in combat upon any one who dared
gainsay. I know not whether it were because of his prowess, or if
indeed it appeared the same to others as to him, but so it was that
no one answered, and thus was I adjudged to be the fairest of all the
fair Dames in Romania, whereof my heart is always right joyful and
proud; but more joyful and proud should I be if you would obtain for
me what I greatly desire, and for which I would spare neither fatigue
of my person nor cost of my possessions. Lady, he replied, let it be a
thing which I can do, and without doubt it shall immediately be taken
in hand. Sir, quoth she, the boon I require is this: that because the
fairest women in the world are at the court of King Lisuarte of Great
Britain, you carry me there, and by arms if otherwise it cannot be,
obtain for me the praise of beauty above all the Damsels of his court,
as I have already won it over all the Dames of these parts. You shall
proclaim that there is no Damsel there so fair as a Dame who is in your
company, and defy all Knights to the proof, and I will take a rich
crown which you shall stake on my part, and whatever Knight will combat
with you upon this quarrel shall stake another, and the conqueror shall
have both. If in this enterprize we come off with the glory, you shall
carry me to a place which they call the Firm Island, where they say
there is an Enchanted Chamber, into which neither Dame nor Damsel can
set foot, except she exceed in beauty the fair Grimanesa, who in her
own days had no peer. When the Knight of the Green Sword heard what she
said, his countenance and his whole feelings changed, and he exclaimed,
ah Lady, you have undone me! and he stood like one bereft of his
senses. This trouble came upon him because he thought that if he went
on such an enterprize to King Lisuarte's Court, he should lose his Lady
Oriana, and moreover he knew that many good Knights would undertake the
quarrel in her behalf, and that as their cause was so just he could
not escape without loss of honour or of life. But on the other part
his honour was greatly injured if he refused to perform his promise to
the Lady to whom he was so beholden, so that he thought himself in the
worst danger he had ever endured since he left Gaul, and cursed himself
and his fortune, and the hour wherein he was born, and that ever he
came into these lands of Romania. But presently a remedy came into his
mind, for he recollected that Oriana was no Damsel, and that whoever
should undertake the combat for her as such would maintain a wrong
cause, and how when he saw Oriana he could explain this to her, and
the reason wherefore he undertook such a quarrel. Then his good cheer
returned and he said, pardon me good Lady for what I said, and I will
fulfill all you require; the doubt I felt was not from want of will
but from my heart which I cannot resist, and which would have directed
me towards another part; the cause which made me utter those words is
the same as that which overrules all my actions. So she laid her fair
arms upon his shoulders and said, you greatly surprized me! when shall
I see the day that I shall return with the crown won by you from all
the Damsels of Great Britain, with the same glory that I have here won
over all the Dames! Lady, quoth he, if the boon was not promised, and
my advice were heard, I should counsel you to be content with that
great fame which you deservedly have gained, for whoso undertakes such
a journey should not lose the thought that it is a way of great toil
and danger, through many people of diverse tongues. She answered, I am
better pleased with your courage to protect than your counsel to direct
me; these strange lands we need not traverse for this way is better by
sea, and we will go with a company befitting such a chief. In God's
name then so be it, quoth he, and thus their talk was at an end.

Now when the Knight had sojourned here two days he would go hunt,
because he could have no exercise in arms; there went certain Knights
in his company, and huntsmen and two dogs well trained to the sport,
and he took his station in a little valley between the wild part of
the mountains and the forest, where the game most frequently was to be
found; there he slew two fine Harts, and the huntsmen slew another, and
it being near night-fall they blew their bugle horns. But as the Knight
went towards them another goodly hart sprang from the thicket, and
he set the dogs on, the hart being hardly run took to the water in a
great lake thereby, but the dogs came up, and the Knight slew him; then
Gandalin came up, who was right glad to see his Master take pleasure in
the sport, for they had been talking of their journey to Great Britain,
and he alighted and fleshed the dogs. By this the night closed, they
laid their venison in the thicket and covered it with green boughs,
then having remounted they missed their way, and were soon bewildered
in the mountains. At length they came to a fountain where their horses
drank, and having no hope of better lodging, there they resolved to
fare that night. While Gandalin took the saddles and bridles from the
beasts that they might feed, the Knight walked on towards some fine
trees that were near, that he might muse upon his Mistress. When he
came up to them he saw a white horse lying dead, having many great
wounds, and he heard a groan from among the trees, but could not see
from whence it came, the night was so dark. He stopt and listened and
presently he heard these words. Ah, wretched Bruneo of Bonamar, now
shall thy mortal desires perish with thee! thou shalt never see thy
friend Amadis, whom thou hast sought with such toil through strange
lands, and who was beloved by thee above all others in the world! here,
without him or kinsman, or friend to console thee, thou must pass from
life to cruel death. O my Lady Melicia, the flower and mirror of all
women thy servant will never see the more, he who never sinned against
thee in word nor deed! Lady thou wilt lose what thou canst never
recover, for never will you find another who will love so loyally as I
have done. I would never have appeared before thee till I had found thy
dear brother, and now death has overtaken me. Then having paused awhile
he cried again, Angriote, where have you tarried this while, in an evil
hour of night were we separated! and I have no help in my last hour.
True friend, God reward thee, and receive my soul. But the Knight of
the Green Sword weeping bitterly to hear him, went up to him and said,
my true friend Don Bruneo of Bonamar take heart! for God has suffered
me to find you, and if man can be saved by mortal skill be sure that so
shall you now if it pleases God. Don Bruneo thought it was his Squire,
whom he had sent to seek some hermit or religious man. Lasindo, said
he, you have tarried long, for my death is come. When you have disposed
of me go straightways and kiss the Infanta's hand, and give her this
sleeve of my shirt, whereon I have written seven letters with my blood,
for I had no strength to write more. I trust that that pity which she
would not show me living she will feel for my death, considering that
it befell me in her service, seeking through such perils the brother
whom she loves so dearly. Dear friend Don Bruneo, quoth the Knight,
I am Amadis for whom you have undergone such peril! fear not, I will
help you with such a master as shall save you if the soul have not left
the body. Don Bruneo, weak as he was, then knew him, and raised his
arms and embraced him, weeping much; the Green Sword Knight embraced
him too, and called to Gandalin, and with his help disarmed him, and
laid him upon Gandalin's cloak, and covered him with his own, and bade
Gandalin go upon some hill and look out for the town as soon as it was
light, and then hasten for Master Helisabad, and he remained holding
Bruneo's head upon his knees and comforting him.

So soon as it was dawn Gandalin saw the town and he galloped into it
with such speed that all who saw him knew surely that something had
befallen his master; and he went to Master Helisabad, and besought him
to heal one of his Master's dearest friends, and then went and begged
of Grasinda that she would send such things as were fitting for one,
as high in lineage and as good in arms as his Master. Master Helisabad
took all things that were needful and mounted his palfrey and followed
Gandalin, and when he arrived and saw how the Green Sword Knight held
Don Bruneo's head upon his knees, and was weeping over him, he knew
that of a truth he loved him. He looked at the wounds and found them
swoln and festering with the cold of the night, but such remedies did
he apply that the pain presently abated, so that he fell asleep. When
the Knight of the Green Sword saw that the Master thought little of the
danger, he embraced him saying, Ah Master Helisabad, my good Sir and
friend, in a happy hour was I in your company. I pray God that there
may come a time wherein I may repay you, for though you see me now
but a poor Knight perhaps ere long you may judge of me otherwise. I am
more pleased Sir Knight, he answered, in serving you than you can be
in requiting me, though well I know your gratitude would never fail;
but no more of this, let us eat, for it is time. They then took food
with which Grasinda had provided them, and after their meal, as they
were saying how those beech trees were the goodliest and largest that
ever they had beheld, they saw a man come riding towards them, having
two heads hanging from the poitral of his horse, and an axe in his hand
all blood. He seeing this company under the trees drew aside, but the
Knight and Gandalin knew that it was Lasindo, and feared lest he should
innocently betray them; the Knight therefore said, stay ye here, and I
will go see who this is that seems to fear us, and wherefore he carries
those heads; and he mounted and took a lance and went with Gandalin
towards him. The Squire at that rode into the forest being afraid, and
he of the Green Sword after him, but when they were out of sight, and
hearing of the others, the Knight called out, Lasindo, stop!—do not
fear me! When he heard himself named he looked round and knew Amadis,
and came and kissed his hands.—Ah Sir, you know not the unhappy news
of my Master, who has undergone such toil in your search! and he began
to lament greatly. These two Knights told Angriote that they had left
him dead in the forest, wherefore he cut off their heads, and bade me
lay them beside him if he were dead, but if living present them to him
on his part. I have found Don Bruneo, replied the Knight, but in such
plight that he could tell me nothing; tarry you now here awhile with
Gandalin, as if he had overtaken you, and then come up and tell us
this, but remember that you call me nothing but the Knight of the Green
Sword. Then he returned to his companions and told them that Gandalin
was in pursuit of the Squire.

Presently the two Squires came up, and when Lasindo saw the Knight of
the Green Sword he alighted, and knelt to him and said, blessed be God
who has sent you here to help my Master who loves you so well! Friend
Lasindo! he replied, welcome! and he raised him up,—your Master is
doing well: but tell us wherefore you carry those heads? Sir, he said,
take me to Don Bruneo, for to him must I relate it. Then went they to
the tent which Grasinda had sent for Bruneo, and the Squire knelt and
said, Sir, you see here the heads of those Knights who did you such
great wrong; your true friend Angriote of Estravaus sends them, for
he knew their treason, and fought with them both and slew them, and
he will be with you presently, for he hath stopt at a nunnery on the
forest-edge to have a wound in his leg drest, and so soon as the blood
be staunched he will proceed here. God reward him! quoth Bruneo, but
how could he direct you[234:A] here?—He bade me go to the highest
trees in the forest, for there he thought I should find you dead, by
what one of those villains told him before he was slain, but the grief
which he made for you cannot be expressed. Ah God, preserve him from
harm! quoth the Green Sword Knight, can you guide me to the monastery?
then bidding Master Helisabad convey Don Bruneo upon a litter to the
town, he armed himself in Bruneo's arms, and went with Lasindo, who
carried his shield and helmet and lance.

When they arrived at the place where he had laid his venison, they
saw Angriote coming hanging his head like a man who was in grief;
presently four Knights, all well armed, came riding after him, and they
cried out, stop Don False One! you must lose your head for cutting off
theirs, who were worth more than thee! Angriote turned and took his
shield and prepared to defend himself, for he had not seen the Green
Sword Knight; but he who had taken Bruneo's arms rode on as fast as
horse could carry him, and came up to Angriote before the encounter and
said, good friend, fear not, for God will be with you! Angriote weened
by the arms that it was Don Bruneo and his joy was exceeding great.
The Green Sword Knight met the foremost of the four, who was that
Brandasidel whom he had made ride with his horse's tail for a bridle.
He struck him above the shield on the helmet-mail that hung on the
breast, and he drove him to the earth so rudely that he could neither
move hand nor foot; the others attacked Angriote, and he them, like a
full hardy Knight; but that other laid hand on his Green Sword, and
thrust himself among them, and with one blow sliced off the arm of one
at the shoulder. Much was Angriote amazed at that so mighty a stroke,
for he did not think there had been such strength in Don Bruneo. By
this he had made an end of one enemy, and the remaining one fled before
him of the Green Sword, in his fear attempting to pass a river he
missed the ford and fell into deep water, the horse escaped, but he, by
reason of the weight of his armour, was drowned.

The Green Sword Knight then gave his shield and helmet to Lasindo and
turned to Angriote, who stood astonished at his valour, thinking he
was Don Bruneo, but coming near him he knew Amadis, and ran to him
with open arms, thanking God that he was found. They then with tears
embraced as men who loved each other well. Now indeed, said the Knight,
doth your true love towards me appear in this long and dangerous
search! Angriote replied, you have bound me to more services than I
can ever perform, for you have given me her without whom life could
not have been endured; but tell me, have you heard the unhappy tidings
of your good friend Don Bruneo of Bonamar? Then the Green Sword Knight
told him all that had chanced. So as they went on they perceived that
one of the conquered Knights was still living, he of the Green Sword
stopt and said to him, foul Knight, whom God confound, tell me why
without reason you attempted to destroy Errant Knights? or I will
off with thy head; and if you were at the hurt of that Knight whose
arms I wear? That can he not deny, quoth Angriote, for I left him
and two others in the company of Don Bruneo, and afterward found the
other twain boasting how they had killed Bruneo, whom they led away to
help them as they said in the rescue of their sister, who would else
be burnt. He went upon this adventure, and I went with an old Knight
who had lodged us to deliver his son, who was held prisoner in some
tents near, the which I accomplished; thus we separated. Now let this
one tell wherefore they committed so great a treason. Descend and
cut off his head for he is a traitor, said he of the Green Sword to
Lasindo. Mercy for God's sake, quoth the Knight, and I will tell you
all! We knew that these two Knights were seeking the Knight of the
Green Sword, whom we mortally hate, and because they were his friends
we wished to kill them; and because we could not think to succeed if
they were together, we devised this falsehood. So that Knight went
with us to release the Damsel, having his head and hands unarmed. We
came to the Fountain of the Beech Trees, and while he was giving his
horse drink we took our lances, and I, who was nearest him, snatched
his sword from the scabbard, and before he could help himself we threw
him down and gave him so many wounds that we left him for dead, as
in truth I suppose he be. What reason had ye to hate me so much that
ye would commit such villainy?—Are you then the Knight of the Green
Sword?—Here is that Sword, see now if I be not he.—I will tell you:
it is now a year since you did battle with one of these Knights who
here lies dead, and he pointed to Brandasidel. The combat was before
the fair Grasinda, and he who was the strongest Knight in all these
parts, appointed a shameful law for the vanquished, the which you made
him undergo, and for this cause he and all his kinsmen mortally hated
you, and we fell into this treason; now then kill me or spare me, for I
have told you all. I shall not kill thee, quoth the Green Sword Knight,
for the wicked die many times while they live, and pay what their
wicked works deserve. Then he bade Lasindo lay the venison upon one of
those Knight's horses, and unbridle the rest and turn them loose into
the forest: so they proceeded toward the town.

The Knight then earnestly asked news of Great Britain, and Angriote
told him all he knew, for it was a year and a half since he and Don
Bruneo had left it in quest of him. Among other things he told him
that there was the fairest child in the world at the court of King
Lisuarte, of whom Urganda had prophesied strange things, and he related
how the hermit had found him, and what letters there were upon his
breast. God preserve him, quoth he of the Green Sword, you tell me of
a wonder. What age hath he?—About twelve years; he and my son Ambor
of Gandel serve Oriana, who favours them greatly; but they are very
different, for Ambor seems slow and slothful. Ah Angriote, quoth the
Knight, judge not of your son yet, for he can yet know neither good nor
evil. If he were older, and Oriana would give him to me, I would take
him with me, and make Gandalin, who has so long served me, a Knight.
Angriote replied, he well deserves it, and Knighthood would be full
well bestowed upon him as one of the best Squires in the world; if
this were done, and my son were in your service, then should I lose
all fear, and be sure that he would do honour to his lineage. In such
talk they proceeded to the city, and there was Angriote laid in bed by
Don Bruneo's bedside, and his leg which was greatly swoln was healed,
and the Knight of the Green Sword had his bed also placed in the same
chamber, that they might talk of all that had chanced. And when these
Knights had heard of the boon which he had promised Grasinda they were
well pleased, because having found him whom they sought they were
desirous to return to Great Britain. So when they were well healed of
their wounds, and the fleet was ready and victualled for a whole year,
they and the Green Sword Knight and the fair Grasinda on a Sunday
morning in the month of May went on board, and sailed with a fair wind
toward Great Britain.


[234:A] This is an oversight; it is said before that Bruneo had sent
his Squire for a Hermit to confess him.


The Embassadors of the Emperor Patin having arrived in Lombardy took
ship and passed over to Great Britain, and landed at Fenusa, where King
Lisuarte honourably welcomed them, and gave order that they should be
well lodged and served with all things fitting. There were many good
men with the King at this season, and he waited for others with whom to
take counsel upon this matter of his daughter's marriage; and he told
the Embassadors that they should be answered in a month's time, giving
them good hope that the reply would be such as they wished; he resolved
also, that Queen Sardamira should go to Miraflores, that she might
relate to Oriana the greatness of Rome, and the great state whereto
this marriage would exalt her: and this he did knowing how averse his
daughter was to the proposal, and in the hope that Queen Sardamira, who
was a discreet woman, might bring her to consent; for Oriana at this
time was in exceeding distress, thinking that her father would give her
up to El Patin, and thus destroy both her and Amadis. Queen Sardamira
therefore set forth for Miraflores, and Don Grumedan went with her by
the King's command, and many Knights of Rome and Sardinia, whereof she
was Queen, for her guard.

Now it so happened that, arriving in a green and flowery meadow by the
river side, they resolved to wait there till the heat of the noon was
past, and therefore pitched their tents; and the Knights of Sardamira,
who were five in number, placed their shields without; whereon Don
Grumedan said to them, Sirs, ye should place your shields within the
tents, unless ye wish to maintain the custom of the country, which
is, that every Knight who places shield or lance without side of the
tent or house or hut wherein he himself is, must joust with whatsoever
Knight requires the combat. We know the custom they replied, and for
that very reason have so placed our shields; God send that some Knight
may claim it before we depart! In God's name, quoth Grumedan, many
Knights pass this way, and we may perhaps see your prowess. Long they
had not tarried before the good Knight Don Florestan came by, full
of heaviness, for he had been traversing many lands in quest of his
brother Amadis, and now having heard that these Knights of Rome were
at the Court of Lisuarte was going thither to see if they knew aught
concerning him. He, when he saw the tents, went towards them, and
coming up to that where the Queen was, he beheld her sitting on the
estrado, and that she was one of the fair women of the world; the wings
of the tent were open, and he rode nearer, even within the cords, that
he might look at her. Presently there came a Damsel to him and said,
you are not over courteous Sir Knight, to sit on horseback and look
at so good a Queen and ladies of so high birth as are there; it would
become you better to look at those shields that are inviting you, and
their owners. Certes my good Lady, replied Florestan, you say truth;
but my eyes, desirous to regard so fair a Queen, led me into this
fault. I beseech pardon of her and those other Ladies, and will make
the atonement ye require. The Damsel answered, you say well, but the
atonement must come before the pardon. That, quoth Florestan, will I,
if I can, perform, but on this condition: that I shall not be required
to desist from doing what I ought against those shields, or that they
be placed within the tents. Sir Knight, said she, before those shields
be removed, the shields of all who pass this way will be won, their
owner's names written on the rim, that they may be carried to Rome and
there preserved in proof that the Roman Knights exceed all others. If
you wish not to fall into shame turn back, or else your own shield and
name will be carried away also. Damsel, quoth he, I do not trust your
love enough to follow your counsel; but for those shields, I design
to carry them to the Firm Island. Then he addressed Sardamira—God
preserve you Lady, and give you as much happiness as beauty! and with
that he went toward the shields.

Don Grumedan hearing this was well pleased, and because the Knight
spake of the Firm Island he weened that he was of the good lineage
of Amadis, and able to perform what he had said; and though he did
not know that he was Florestan he saw that he was well armed, and sat
well upon his horse, and he wished him good success. Florestan, who
knew Grumedan, and that no Knight was a better judge of chivalry,
took the more courage, and with the blunt end of his lance struck the
five shields one after the other, that the Knights might meet him in
succession: then he withdrew about a bow-shot off, hung his shield
round his neck, took a strong lance, and sate in readiness. Now it
was his custom always to take with him two or three Squires that he
might be the better served, and have store of lances and battle-axes,
which he knew well how to wield. Presently the Roman Knights armed
themselves, and mounted and went towards him. How now Knights? cried
Florestan, would ye come all at once and break the custom of the
country? Gradamor, whom the others obeyed, then asked Don Grumedan what
they ought to do, as he knew best; and he answered, the Knights must go
one by one in order as their shields were struck, and I advise them not
to go too rashly, for methinks that Knight is not one who will chuse
shame for himself. Don Grumedan, answered Gradamor, the Romans are not
of your condition! ye praise yourselves before the thing be done, and
we, when it is done, suffer it to be forgotten, and for this reason
there are none equal to us. Would to God our battle were upon this
quarrel, though my comrades were not to lend hand! Try your fortune
with him now, replied Grumedan, and if he remain whole and unhurt after
the joust, I will engage that he shall combat you upon that quarrel,
and if by reason of any harm that cannot be, I will undertake it
myself in God's name! go to your joust now. Gradamor laughed at him
in disdain—I would this battle were so near at hand as the encounter
with yonder fool who dares resist us! then he said to the Knight, whose
shield had first been touched, go on, and let us get rid of the little
fame we can get from such a victory! The Knight replied, make yourself
easy! I will bring him to be at your disposal; his shield and name
shall be done with as the Emperor commanded: his horse is a good one,
and that I will keep myself.

With that he crossed the brook; Florestan was ready and they ran
their encounter; both failed in their attaint, but they met shields
and bodies, and the Roman, who was the worse horseman, fell and broke
his right arm, and lay like a dead man. Florestan bade one of his
Squires alight and hang the shield to a tree and take the horse of the
conquered Knight; then he, with a sign of anger that he had missed
his blow, took his place again, and sate lance in hand, the blunt end
resting upon the ground, ready for the second foe. The second came on,
in that encounter Florestan did not miss, but drove the lance so well
that the Knight was driven to the ground and the saddle with him, and
Florestan passed on. But presently turning he said, Sir Roman, the
saddle which you have carried with you shall be yours, and the horse
mine; and if you chuse to relate your prowess in Rome I freely permit
you: this he said so loud that the Queen and her company could hear
it. Now I tell you Don Grumedan was right glad to see how the Knight
of Great Britain spake and acted against the Roman, and he said to
Gradamor, if you Sir and your comrades do not speed better, there will
be no need to throw down the walls of Rome for your triumphal return.
Gradamor answered, you think much of this! but if my comrades finish
the joust, I shall settle what you appointed differently from what you
suppose! We shall see! quoth old Grumedan, that Knight of the Firm
Island takes good care of his armour, and I trust he will set aside my
battle. At that Gradamor began to laugh without being pleased. When
it comes to my turn, said he, I shall allow all you say. But Queen
Sardamira was grieved to see the haughtiness of Gradamor and the Roman

Florestan had now made his Squire take the shield from this second
Knight who lay like one dead, for the spear had gone through him, but
when it was drawn out he spake with a dolorous voice, and demanded
confession. The third Knight now took his place, and rode full force
against Florestan, but their lances slanted and crossed each other, and
Florestan struck his helmet and burst the laces and sent it rolling on
the ground, and made him bow to the horses neck, but he did not fall.
Florestan then took the lance and with an overhand blow made at him;
the Roman lifted his shield, but the blow drove the shield against his
face and stunned him, so that he lost the reins, and then Florestan
let his lance fall, and plucked the shield from his neck and dashed
it twice on his neck, so that he fell, and lay sprawling, while his
shield and horse went to keep the others company. The fourth Knight
then encountered him, but that joust was soon decided, he and his horse
were borne down and the horse's leg was broke. Florestan took another
lance and made ready to meet Gradamor. Gradamor was in new and goodly
arms, and mounted on a bright bay horse large and strong; he shook his
lance threateningly, and cried, Don Grumedan arm yourself, for before
you take horse this Knight will stand in need of your help! I shall not
take that trouble yet, quoth old Grumedan. By this Gradamor had crossed
the brook, and Florestan came at him angrily, for he had heard his
boasts. They met in full career, Gradamor pierced his shield, the lance
went through about a palm and then broke, Florestan's spear drove
through the shield, and broke the armour on the left side, and sent him
out of the saddle into a hollow which was full of water and mire. He
then passed on and bade his Squire take the fifth shield and horse.

Lady, quoth Don Grumedan to the Queen, I think I may rest till Gradamor
has cleaned his arms, and procured another horse for our combat! Cursed
be his arrogance, replied Sardamira, and the folly of those who have
made all the world hate them! Now had Gradamor, after rolling about
in the puddle, got out, and taken off his helm, and having cleaned
the dirt from his eyes and face as well as he could, he laced on his
helmet again. Florestan seeing this came up to him.—Sir Threatener,
unless you can help yourself better with the sword than the lance, you
will neither take my shield nor my name to Rome. Gradamor answered, I
only wear my sword to avenge myself, and that shall I do presently if
you dare maintain the custom of this country. And what is that? quoth
Florestan, who knew it better than he.—That you give me my horse or
alight from your own, that the fight may be equal, and he who plays
worst to receive neither courtesy nor mercy. Florestan answered, I
believe you would not have maintained this custom had you been the
conqueror! however I will alight, for it would not become so fair a
Roman Knight as you are to mount a horse which another had won. With
that he alighted and they began a most perilous battle, but it did
not last long, for Florestan seeing himself in the presence of Queen
Sardamira and her Ladies, and of Don Grumedan, who was a better judge
of such feats, put forth all his strength, so that Gradamor could not
endure it, but gave ground, and made back toward the tent, thinking
that for courtesy Florestan would not follow him there. But Florestan
got between him and the tent and made him turn, and prest him till the
sword dropt from his hand, and he fell down having no strength left.
Then Florestan took his shield and gave it to his Squires, and caught
him by the helmet, which he plucked off so forcibly that he dragged
him some way along the ground, and threw the helmet into that standing
pool, and took the Knight by the leg and was about to cast him in
also; but Gradamor began to cry mercy for God's sake, and the Queen
exclaimed, a bad bargain did that unhappy one make when he proposed
that the conquered should show neither courtesy nor mercy. At this
Florestan said, a covenant which so honourable a Knight as you have
made must not be broken, and you shall have it fully accomplished
as you shall see. Ah wretch I am dead, quoth the Roman.—You are,
unless you do two things at my bidding.—Tell me what, and I will do
them.—The one is that with your own hand you write your name in your
own blood upon the rim of your shield, and the names of your comrades
in their blood, each upon his shield; that done I will tell you what
the other thing is: and as he said this he held his sword over him who
lay quaking for great fear; but Gradamor, because he could not write
himself, nor lift up his hand, called for his secretary and bid him
empty out the ink from his inkstand, and fill it with his blood, and
write his name and the names of his companions. This was forthwith
done. Don Florestan then wiped his sword and placed it in the scabbard,
and mounted his horse as lightly as if he had done nothing, and gave
his shield to his Squire, but his helmet he took not off that Grumedan
might not know him. His horse was strong and well limbed and of a
strange colour, and the horseman of an answerable make and stature,
so that few were like him in their appearance. Then taking a lance,
whereto there hung a rich pennon, he stopt by Gradamor who had now
risen, and said to him shaking the lance, your life is no more, unless
Don Grumedan will beg it! but he cried out aloud to Grumedan to save
him for God's sake. The old Knight came up, certes Gradamor, quoth he,
it would be but right that you should find neither courtesy nor mercy,
as in your pride you covenanted with this Knight; however I beg him to
spare you, for which I will greatly thank and serve him. That will I
do with a good will for you, replied Florestan, as I would aught else
to your honour and pleasure. You Sir Roman may relate in Rome when you
return there how you threatened the Knights of Great Britain, and how
you maintained your threats, and the great honour which you won from
them in the short space of one day, so tell this to your great Emperor
and his Potentates, because it will please them. And I will make it
known in the Firm Island that the Roman Knights are so frank and
liberal that they readily give their shields and horses to those they
do not know! but for these gifts which you have made me I do not thank
you, but thank God who gave it me against your will. These words were
worse to Gradamor than his wounds. Sir Knight, quoth Florestan, you
shall carry back to Rome all the arrogance you brought from it, because
they esteem it there, and we in this land like it not, but like instead
of it what you abhor, courtesy and gentleness; and if my Lord, you are
as good in love as in arms, you should go prove yourself in the Firm
Island by the Arch of True Lovers, that you might take home that praise
also, and then belike our Mistresses may forsake us for you.

Now I tell you Don Grumedan heard all this with great glee, and laughed
to see the pride of the Romans so broken; but it was not so with
Gradamor, for his heart was almost breaking to hear these things, and
he said to Grumedan, good Sir for God's sake let me be carried to the
tents for I have been sorely handled. So it seems, replied the old man,
by your appearance, and it is all your own fault! and then he made his
Squires remove him. Sir, said he then to Florestan, if it please you,
tell us your name, for so good a man as you ought not to conceal it. My
good Sir, he replied, Don Grumedan, I pray you be not displeased that
I do not tell it you, for I would not that this fair Queen should in
any ways know it, because of the discourtesy which I have committed;
for though her beauty was the occasion I feel myself greatly to blame.
I beseech you procure my pardon that she may take from me what amends
she will, and send me the tidings to the round Chapel hard by, where
I shall rest to day. I will send my Squires with her answer, replied
Grumedan, and if it be after my will it will be such as so good a man
as you deserve. The Knight of the Firm Island then said, I beseech you
Don Grumedan if you know any news of Amadis tell me! at that question
the tears came into the old man's eyes,—So help me God, as I should
rejoice to know any news of him, and communicate it to you and all his
friends! That I believe, replied Florestan, for such is your nature,
and if all were like you discourtesy and falsehood would not find
harbour where they are harboured now. God be with you! I shall expect
your bidding at the hermitage.

Florestan then bade his Squires take the five horses of the Knights and
give the bay one, which was the best, to Don Grumedan, and the others
to the Damsel with whom he had spoken, and to say that Don Florestan
sent them. Right glad was Don Grumedan to have that horse because it
had been won from the Romans, and still more to know that that Knight
was Don Florestan whom he loved so well. The Squires led the other
horses to the Damsel and said, Lady, the Knight whom you disparaged to
praise your Romans sends you these to dispose of as you please, and
as a sign that his words were true. Much do I thank him, quoth that
Damsel, and of a truth he hath bravely won them, yet had I rather he
had left his own horse than that he should give me these four. You
must procure better Knights than these, replied the Squire, if you
would gain that. But, said the Damsel, marvel not if I wish well to my
friends rather than to a stranger; howbeit, because of the goodly gift
which he has sent me, I repent that I said ought to offend so good a
man, and will amend it as he may require. With this answer the Squire
returned to Don Florestan, who went then to the Round Chapel to wait
there for Grumedan's answer, for this chapel was in the way to the Firm
Island, and he being resolved not to enter Lisuarte's court, was going
thither to hang the Roman shields there, and to hear if Gandales knew
any thing of his brother.

Now when Don Grumedan had delivered his bidding to the Queen she
listened willingly and said, this Don Florestan,—is he son of King
Perion and the Countess of Selandia?—The same, and one of the best
Knights in the world.—I tell you then Don Grumedan that the sons
of the Marquis of Ancona speak wonders of his deeds in arms, and of
his prudence and courtesy, and they may well be believed for they
were his companions in the wars which he had at Rome, where he abode
three years, when he was a young Knight, but they dare not speak
his praise before the Emperor, who loves him not. Do you know, said
Grumedan, why the Emperor does not love him?—Because of his brother
Amadis, replied Sardamira, of whom the Emperor complains, because he
won the Firm Island by arriving there before him, and so deprived
him of the honour which he should else have won. Certes Lady, quoth
Grumedan, he complains without reason, for in that Amadis saved him
from great shame; trust me it is for another adventure that the Emperor
hates him.—By the faith you owe to God, Don Grumedan, tell me the
reason.—Do not you be displeased then Lady! and then he told her how
Amadis and he had met in the forest, and of their battle. Thereat was
Queen Sardamira well pleased, and she made him relate it three times;
truly, said she, the Emperor hath reason enough to dislike him.


Well pleased was Queen Sardamira to hear how the Emperor had been
vanquished by Amadis, because that journey which El Patin made to
Great Britain, was for her love, as he at that time loved her much,
and she laughed to think how he had concealed this adventure. Lady,
said Grumedan, tell me what message you will send to Don Florestan.
She, after pondering awhile replied, you see in what plight my Knights
are left, they can neither protect me nor themselves, and must stay
here to recover. I would wish Don Florestan therefore to guard me
with you. Grumedan answered, I tell you Lady that so courteous is he
that whatever Dame or Damsel should ask of him that would he do; how
much more for one like you, to whom he hath to make atonement for
a fault?—Give me then a guard to guide my Damsel. He gave her four
Squires, and she giving a letter of credence to her Damsel, told her
secretly what she should say. The Damsel mounted her palfrey, and rode
more than apace till she reached the Round Chapel, where she found
Florestan talking with the Hermit. Her face was uncovered, so that the
Knight knew her, and welcomed her courteously. She gave him the letter
and said, the Queen hath bade me say that you have left her Knights in
such plight that they are unable to guard her, and therefore as this
hindrance comes from you she requests you to guard her to Miraflores,
whither she goes to see Oriana. I thank your Lady, replied Florestan,
for thus commanding me; we will go from hence so as to reach her tent
by day-break. Well was the Damsel pleased with the gentle demeanour
of Florestan, for he was comely and debonair, and in all things such
as beseemed one of such high degree. So there they took their supper
together, and the Damsel was lodged that night in the hermitage, and
Florestan slept under the trees with his Squires, and soundly did
he rest after the fatigue of the day. When it was time his Squires
awakened him, and they and the Damsel accompanied him to the tent where
they arrived full early. She went straight to the Queen, and Florestan
to Grumedan's tent, who was preparing to hear mass, and he seeing
Florestan embraced him joyfully. The Queen, said he, desires you for
her guard, and methinks she has made no bad bargain in losing her own
Knights and gaining you in their stead. In truth, replied Florestan,
I am right glad to serve her, and the more so since it will be in
your company, whom I had not seen so long. God knows, replied the old
Knight, how I rejoice to see you. What have you done with the shields
which you won?—I have sent them to the Firm Island, that your friend
Don Gandales may hang them where they may be seen by all comers, and
where the Romans may seek them, if they are disposed to recover them.
In that case, said Grumedan, the Island will soon be well stored with
their shields and arms.

They now came to the Queen's tent. Florestan would have kissed her
hand, but she laid it on the sleeve of his mail, to show how gladly
she welcomed him. Don Grumedan then sent the wounded Knights to the
nearest town that they might be healed of their wounds; this done Queen
Sardamira mounted her palfrey, which was as white as snow, the saddle
and trappings were all wrought with gold, she herself was most richly
habited, and about her neck were pearls and jewels of great value,
which were the more set off by her own exceeding beauty. Florestan
took her bridle, and then she and her company went their way toward
Miraflores. Now I say unto you that Oriana greatly grieved at her
coming, knowing for what purpose she was coming; yet did she rejoice
that Florestan was coming also, that she might enquire of Amadis from
him, and complain to him of the King her father; but disturbed as she
was she ordered the house to be made ready, and rich estrados prepared
for the guests, and she apparelled herself in her best attire, and so
also did Mabilia and her other Damsels. When the Queen entered she came
in between Florestan and Don Grumedan, and Oriana liked her well, and
thought that she should have been full glad to welcome her had she come
thither on other errand. Sardamira would have kissed her hand, nay said
Oriana, you are a Queen and I but a poor Damsel, who am suffering for
my sins! Mabilia and the Damsels then saluted her with great pleasure
as being a Queen, but that did not Oriana, who could show no sign of
pleasure since the Romans had arrived, but she did welcome Florestan
and Grumedan from her heart. They then all seated themselves upon one
estrado, and Oriana having placed the two Knights before her, after
she had spoken awhile with the Queen turned to Florestan and said, good
friend, long is it since I have seen you, and that grieved me for I
loved you much, as do all who know you. Great is the loss which we in
Great Britain feel by the absence of you and Amadis and your friends,
who used to redress all wrongs! and cursed be they who were the cause
of driving you from my father! if ye were here now as formerly, a
poor wretch who expects to be disherited and brought to the point of
death, might have some hope of help, for ye would defend her as ye
have done, for ye never forsook the helpless in their need; but such
is her fortune that all have failed her except death! and then she
wept bitterly, having two thoughts in her mind: the one, that if her
father gave her up to the Romans she would cast herself into the sea;
the other was the want of Amadis, which she remembered more livelily
because of the likeness which Florestan bore to him. Florestan well
understood that she spake of herself. My good Lady, said he, God in
his mercy will relieve great sorrows, and do you trust in him; as for
my brother Amadis, if his aid be wanted here, there are others who
experience it elsewhere, for trust me he is well and at his own free
call, and is going about redressing wrongs, as the one whom God hath
gifted above all others in the world. Queen Sardamira hearing this
exclaimed, God keep Amadis from falling into the hands of the Emperor
who hates him mortally! there is no other Knight in the world whom he
regards with such deadly hatred except it be one, who abode sometime at
the Court of King Tafinor of Bohemia, and slew in battle Don Garadan,
the best Knight except Salustanquidio of all his lineage. She then
related how that battle had past, and in what manner the kingdom of
Bohemia was by him delivered from El Patin's claim. Florestan said,
know you the name of the Knight who atchieved all this so greatly to
his honour?—They called him the Knight of the Green Sword, or of the
Dwarf, not that these were believed to be his true names, but because
of the green scabbard and belt of his sword, and of a Dwarf, who,
though he had another Squire in his company, never leaves him. When
Florestan heard this he mused awhile, resolving to go seek him, so
soon as this business was over, for he doubted not that this Knight
was his brother Amadis. Oriana knew this also, and was dying to speak
with Mabilia; she said therefore to Sardamira, you come from far Lady,
and must need rest, and then she led her to her apartments, which were
full pleasant with trees and fountains. So having left her there she
retired with Mabilia and the Damsel of Denmark, and told them she
verily believed that the Knight, of whom Queen Sardamira had spoken,
was Amadis. They answered, that they believed so also, and now said
Mabilia, the dream is out which I dreamt this night, for methought we
were all fastened in a chamber, and there arose a great uproar without
which put us in fear, and your Knight burst the doors, and called aloud
for you, and I showed him where you were lying upon an estrado, and
he took us by the hand and carried us away, and placed us in a tower
marvellously strong, and said, remain here and fear nothing! with that
I awoke, and this hath encouraged my heart, and he will succour you. At
this Oriana was rejoiced, and she threw her arms round her friend, the
tears running down her fair cheeks—Ah Mabilia my good Lady and true
friend, how do you comfort me! God grant that your dream may come to
pass! or if this be not his will, that Amadis may come and we may die
together, neither surviving the other. Think not thus, replied Mabilia,
for God, who hath so prospered him in the affairs of others, will not
forsake him in his own; but do you speak with Florestan, and beg him
and his friends to endeavour that you may not be carried away from this
country, and let him request this of Don Galaor in his own name and in

But I must tell you that Don Galaor, though no one had so counselled
him, was resolved so to advise the King, and you shall hear how it fell
out. Lisuarte had been hunting, and when their sport was done, as he
was leading the King's palfrey along a valley he let the rest pass and
called to Galaor, and said to him, my good friend and loyal servant, I
never yet asked your council that good did not come of it. You know the
great power of the Emperor of Rome, who has sent to ask my daughter for
his Empress, wherein I see two things greatly to my advantage; the one,
that I shall wed my daughter so honourably, and have that Emperor to
assist me whenever need shall be; the other, that my daughter Leonoreta
will remain heiress of Great Britain, and upon this matter I wish to
consult with my good men whom I have called together for that end.
Meantime now we are thus alone do you deliver to me your opinion, for
I well know you will advise me to my good. Galaor remained thoughtful
for a while, and then replied, Sir, I am not so used to these things
that I should advise you. I pray you hold me excused.—Nay, tell me
your opinion Galaor or you will offend me, and I shall be greatly
grieved thereat, never having received aught from you but pleasure and
good service.—Since you will put my weakness to the proof, I must say,
that, if you think by this marriage to place your daughter honourably,
and in greater power, it will be quite otherwise than you think; for
she being the heiress of this land you cannot do her greater wrong than
to deprive her of that inheritance, and deliver her to the subjection
of a stranger; for she will have no rule in that strange land; and
allowing that she could attain that which is the utmost in such cases,
that she should have sons, and see them married, then will her state be
worse than before, seeing another made Empress. But as to what you say,
that he will help you in your need,—considering your high rank and
power, it would be shame to think, that you could ever need his help.
More likely is it, by what all say of his arrogance, you should for his
sake, incur great danger, and waste of treasure without profit; but
the worst is, that doing service to him, you must become subject, and
as such, be recorded for ever, in his books, and chronicles; and this,
Sir, I hold to be the worst dishonour that could befall you. That you
would make your daughter Leonoreta heiress of Great Britain is a still
worse error, and so it is that many errors proceed from one; that you
would dispossess such a daughter, to endow another, who has no right
to her inheritance! God forbid that I should counsel such a thing, not
only when your daughter is concerned, but were it the poorest woman
in the world. I say this for the faith I owe to God, to you, to my
own soul, and to your daughter; for being your vassal, I hold her as
my liege Lady. To-morrow I must set out for Gaul; because the King my
father has sent for me. I know not for what cause; if it please, I will
give this, my opinion, in my own hand-writing, that you may shew all
your good men what I have said; and if there is any Knight who gainsays
me, I will do battle with him upon that point, and make him confess it
to be true.

The King was little pleased at this. Don Galaor, said he, since you
must go, leave me this writing. This he asked with no design to produce
it, unless there should be great need. So the next day Galaor left
this writing with the King, and took his leave, and departed for Gaul.
Now it was his wish to prevent the marriage, because it was not for
the King's honour, and because he suspected the love of Amadis and
Oriana; and when he found the King was determined upon it, he wished
to be absent. But Oriana knew nothing of this and therefore besought
Florestan to request Don Galaor's aid. Thus as you have heard, that
day passed at Miraflores. Greatly was Queen Sardamira pleased with
Oriana, and much did she marvel at her exceeding beauty; albeit it was
impaired by long sorrow, and the dread of this marriage: nor would the
Queen speak at first concerning the Emperor, but rather of such news as
pleased her. But when on another day, she did speak on that subject,
she received such answers from Oriana, that she never dared renew it.

When Oriana knew Florestan was about to depart, she led him under some
trees, where there was an estrado placed, and making him sit before
her, she covertly explained to him her will. Her father, she said,
wished to disinherit her, and send her into a strange land, and she
besought him to pity her, for she expected nothing but death; she
therefore besought not only him whom she loved so well, and in whom she
had confidence, but she complained to all the Nobles of the realm and
to all Errant Knights, and she called upon them to pity her, and change
her father's purpose; and do you my good friend Don Florestan, said
she, counsel him thus; and make him sensible of the great cruelty, and
wrong which he would do me. Florestan answered, Good Lady, believe you,
that I will serve you with the same earnest desire, as I would serve
the King my father. But I cannot say this to King Lisuarte, because I
am not his vassal, nor would he have me in his council, knowing that
I hate him for the wrong which he hath done to me, and to my lineage.
What services I and my father have since done him, was for the love
we bore to Amadis, and because if this land had then been lost, the
loss would have been yours, whom my father esteems as one of the best
Princesses in the world, and if he knew your wrongs, believe me Lady
that he and all his friends would make ready to redress them, which
he would do for the poorest woman living; do you therefore good Lady,
take good hope, for yet if it please God I trust to bring you help. I
will not rest, till I arrive at the Firm Island, there I shall find
Agrayes, who greatly desires to serve you, because you were brought up
by his parents, and we will consider together what may be done. Are you
certain that Agrayes is there? cried Oriana.—Don Grumedan told me so,
to whom he had sent a Squire.—God be praised! salute him dearly from
me, and tell him I have in him that true hope which reasonably I ought
to have, and if meantime he know any tidings of your brother Amadis,
let him send me the news, that I may tell them to his cousin Mabilia
who is dying for want of him; and God direct you, and grant that you
and Agrayes may come to some good result for my succour. Florestan then
kissed her hand, and departed.


The Knight of the Green sword, and Don Bruneo of Bonamar, and Angriote
went sailing on with Grasinda, sometimes with fair wind, sometimes with
foul, as it pleased God to send it, till they came into the ocean-sea
which is by the coast of Spain; and when he of the Green Sword saw
himself so near Great Britain, he gave thanks to God, that, after
escaping so many perils, he was at last, in sight of the land wherein
his Lady dwelt. Then called he the vassals, and desired that no one
would call him by any other name, than the Greek Knight, and bade them
strive to reach Great Britain. He then bade Gandalin bring him the six
swords, which Queen Menoresa had given him in Constantinople. Two of
them he gave to Bruneo and Angriote, who marvelled at the richness of
their accoutrements, and one he took himself, bidding Gandalin place
his own Green Sword where none might see it, lest he should be known in
King Lisuarte's Court.

This was between nones and vespers, and Grasinda being aweary of the
sea, was led on deck, that she might be refreshed by the sight of
land, and so sate talking with the three Knights, when it was about
sun-set, they saw a ship, and the Greek Knight bade the sailors steer
towards her, and when they were within hearing, Angriote hailed them
courteously, and asked whence the ship was going, and who were in
her? answer was made, the vessel belongs to the Firm Island, and two
Knights of the Island are on board, who will tell you what you please
to ask. When the Greek Knight and his comrades heard this, their hearts
rejoiced, that they should now hear, what they so much wished to hear.
Friend, said Angriote, I pray you for courtesy, request your Knights
to come up, that we may ask news of them, and if it please you, tell
us their names. That, they answered, we will not do, but we will say
what you desire. Presently the two Knights came on deck, and Angriote
asked them, if by chance they knew where King Lisuarte then was. We
know all concerning him, they replied, but first we would enquire a
thing for which we have undergone great toil, and will yet go thro'
more. Know you any tidings of a Knight called Amadis of Gaul? in quest
of whom his friends are perishing, and wandering all over the world.
When the Greek Knight heard this, the tears ran down his cheek for
pure joy, to think how true his friends and kinsmen were to him; but
he continued silent. Tell me who you are, said Angriote, and I will
then relate to you, what we know concerning him. The one answered,
know that my name is Dragonis, and this my companion is Enil; and we
are going over the Mediterranean Sea, to seek him in all its ports
of either shore. God give you good tidings, cried Angriote; in these
vessels we have mariners from sundry parts, and I will enquire among
them if any one have heard of him. This said he by the Greek Knight's
bidding. Now tell me where King Lisuarte is at present, and what you
know of Queen Brisena, and of his court. Dragonis answered, he is in
the town of Tagades, which is a sea port opposite to Normandy; and
there he holds a court, to consult with the chief men of the land, if
he shall give his daughter Oriana to the Emperor of Rome, who hath
demanded her in marriage; many Romans are come to escort her, among
whom are Salustanquidio, Prince of Calabria, and with them Queen
Sardamira is arrived to accompany Oriana, whom El Patin already calls
Empress. The heart of the Greek Knight failed him, and he stood like a
man dismayed; but when Dragonis came to relate the bitter lamentations
which Oriana made, and how she had appealed to all the high-born men
of Great Britain; then was his heart comforted, and he took courage,
thinking that as the thing displeased her, the Romans could neither be
so many, nor so mighty, but that he would rescue her from them, by sea
or land. This would he do for the poorest Damsel in the world, how much
more for her, of whom if he had lost all hope, he could not endure to
live! and then he gave God thanks for directing him, at such a point
of time, to the place where he might serve his mistress, and somewhat
requite her for the love she bore him, and win her, and have her his
own, even as his heart desired, without fault. These thoughts made
him full joyful, and he bade Angriote ask Dragonis, how he had learnt
this news. It is four days, replied the Knight, since Don Quadragante
arrived at the Firm Island, which we have so lately left, and with him,
his nephew Landin, and Gavarte of the Perilous Valley, and Mandacil
of the silver bridge, and Helian the haughty. These five came to
consult with Florestan and Agrayes, how they should proceed in search
of Amadis, whom we are seeking. Don Quadragante would have sent to the
Court of King Lisuarte, to know if any among the strangers there, knew
aught of that excellent Knight, but Don Florestan told him, that they
knew no tidings of Amadis there, for he had been at Miraflores with the
Princess Oriana, as the guard of Queen Sardamira, all whose Knights he
had overthrown; and then he related the manner of his combat.

Glad was the Greek Knight, and his companions, to hear of Florestan's
good fortune; but when he heard Miraflores mentioned, his heart leaped,
and immediately he took Gandalin apart, and said to him, my true
friend, you hear how it is; that if Oriana be thus given to another,
both she and I must pass through death. Now I beseech you, very
carefully perform what I shall bid thee. Do you and Ardian the Dwarf,
take leave of me, and of Grasinda, saying you will go in that vessel,
in quest of Amadis; and there tell my cousin Dragonis, and Enil, all
the news of me, and bid them return to the Firm Island, and when you
arrive there beseech Quadragante and Agrayes not to leave the Island,
for, in fifteen days I will be with them: and tell them to collect all
the Knights, and bid Florestan, and your father Gandales, prepare all
the shipping they can find, and store them with food, and arms, for I
must go with them to a place appointed, which they shall know when I
come. Be careful in all this, for you know how it concerns me. Then
he called the Dwarf, and said, Ardian go you with Gandalin, and do
as he shall direct you. They obeyed their bidding, and took leave of
Grasinda, and Angriote said to the Knights in the other vessel, Sirs,
here are a Squire and Dwarf, who would go in your company in quest of
Amadis. But when Dragonis and Enil saw Gandalin and Ardian, they were
full joyful, and the more, when they heard the truth from them. So they
made sail for the Firm Island, and Grasinda with her company sailed on
towards Tagades.

King Lisuarte was at this time in his city of Tagades, taking council
with the good men of his land concerning the marriage of his daughter,
but they all advised him against the resolution he had taken, saying
he would sin against God, if he dispossessed his daughter of her
lawful inheritance, and gave her to a stranger, a man of so evil a
disposition, and so fickle, that in as much as he desired her so much
would he soon dislike her, as is the manner of such men. But the King
remained firm in his intentions, God permitting that his greatness
and honour should be abased by that very Amadis, who had so greatly
exalted it, and so often secured his kingdom and his life. This King
not to change his purpose, but that his obstinacy and rigour might be
more manifest to all, thought proper to summon to that council his
Uncle Count Argamon, who was very old and gouty. Yet he knowing the
design of the King, did not wish to leave his house, and advise him in
vain. But when the summons came for him, he obeyed. Lisuarte met him
at the palace door, and led him to his seat saying, Good Uncle, I have
convoked you, and these Good Men, to counsel me upon my daughter's
marriage with the Emperor. Tell me now your opinion. Sir, replied Count
Argamon, it is a grievous thing to answer you, in whatever manner I
shall do it; to contradict you will be to displease you, as all Kings
are offended when their inclinations are opposed; and to agree with
you would make us guilty of falsehood and disloyalty in the sight of
God and of the world. The same right which you had to this kingdom
on your brother's death, the same and even stronger right hath your
daughter Oriana after you. But you think by making Oriana Empress, and
inheriting Leonoreta in Great-Britain, to increase the rank of both. If
you will look well to this, you will perceive that the contrary must
happen; for you cannot set aside the right order of succession to these
kingdoms, and the Emperor having your daughter Oriana to wife, her
right will become his; and with his power after you are gone he will
easily win the land; and thus will both your daughters be disherited,
and this land which is so honoured and famous in the world will become
subject to the Emperors of Rome, and Oriana will have no other power
therein than it shall please her husband to permit; so that instead of
Sovereign she will herself be a subject. Uncle, replied Lisuarte, I
well understand what you say, but I had rather you had approved of the
promise which I have made to the Romans, for I cannot recall it. The
Count answered, it is on the terms and confirmation that that depends,
and then you may preserve your honour and your word, and confirm or set
aside as shall be best. You say well, replied the King, and with that
he broke up the assembly.

Grasinda and her company sailed on so long that the sailors one
morning saw the mountain of Tagades, from whence the city at its foot
took its name. They immediately went to Grasinda, who was talking
with the Knights, and said, Sirs, give us our _albricias_,[278:A] for
if the wind hold but one hour longer, you will be in your port. Full
joyful was Grasinda, and they all went on deck to see the land which
they had so desired to see, and Grasinda gave thanks to God who had
safely guided her, and with great humility besought him to prosper her
enterprize and give her the honour which she desired. But I tell you
that when the Greek Knight beheld that land wherein his Lady dwelt,
and which he had so long longed to behold, he could not suppress his
tears; he turned his face away that Grasinda might not see him weep,
and having recovered, said to her with a cheerful countenance, take
good hope, my Lady, that you shall depart from this land with the
honour which you desire, for seeing your beauty sure I am that our
cause is right, and since God is the judge, that the honour will be
ours also. But she, who, seeing herself so near the trial, was somewhat
fearful, replied, I have more confidence in your prowess, than in my
own beauty; do you remember that, and do as heretofore you have done,
and you will make me the most joyful woman alive. Then they called
Grinfesa one of her Damsels, who understood a little French, which King
Lisuarte understood also, and they gave her a writing in Latin to give
to Lisuarte and Queen Brisena, and then return on board with their
answer. The Damsel forthwith arrayed herself in rich attire, and her
father, who was Grasinda's steward, prepared horses and palfreys, which
were lowered into a boat; and the Damsel with her two brothers, who
were good Knights, and their Squires, left the vessel, and put to land.

The Greek Knight then bade Lasindo go ashore in another boat, and to
the city by another road, and ask if there was any news of his master
Don Bruneo, feigning that he had been left behind sick when that Knight
went in quest of Amadis; under this pretext he bade him learn what
answer the Damsel received, and return on the morrow. Now I tell you
that when the Damsel entered the town, all were delighted to see her,
how richly she was arrayed, and how well accompanied by those Knights.
It so befell that Esplandian and Ambor de Gandel, Angriote's son, were
going hawking, and met the Damsel, who was enquiring the way to the
palace. Hearing this, Esplandian gave his merlin to Sargil, and went
up to her, saying in French, my good Lady, I will guide you, and shew
you the King, if you do not know him. The Damsel marvelled at his
beauty and gentle demeanor, thinking that she had never beheld man nor
woman so fair. Fair Child, said she, whom God make as happy as he hath
made handsome, I thank God for such a guide. Her brother then gave
Esplandian her bridle and he led her to the palace.

The King was at this time out in the court under a porch, talking with
the Roman Knights, and had just given them his final promise to deliver
to them his daughter, and they had bound themselves to receive her as
their Lady. The Damsel alighted, and was led towards him by Esplandian.
She knelt down and would have kissed his hand, but that the King never
permitted, save only when he conferred a favour upon a Damsel. She gave
him then the letter, and said, Sir, the Queen and all her Damsels must
hear my bidding, that if peradventure the Damsels should be displeased
thereat, they may procure a Knight to defend their cause. King Arban
of North Wales then went to Brisena, and brought her and her Ladies,
so fair a company, that hardly could the like be found, and she seated
herself by Lisuarte, and the Damsels ranged themselves around her.
The Damsel Embassadress kissed Brisena's hand and said, Lady, if my
errand shall appear strange, do not you marvel at us, for your court is
remarkable above all others for such things, because of your worth and
the King's. Hear this letter, and grant what is requested therein. The
King then ordered the letter to be read, which was thus.

To the most high and honourable Lisuarte, King of Great Britain, I,
Grasinda, the Lady of beauty above all the Dames of Romania, kiss your
hand, and make known to you that I am come into your dominions with the
Greek Knight, and the reason of my coming is this. Having been judged
the fairest Dame of all the Dames in Romania, so would I in pursuit of
that glory which hath made my heart glad, be judged fair above all the
Damsels in your court, that having won this victory also, I may rest in
the happiness which I so much desire. If there is any Knight who will
undertake the quarrel for any of your Damsels, he must prepare himself
for two things, to do battle with the Greek Knight, and to place in the
field a rich crown, such as I bring, that the conqueror may present
both in token of victory to her for whom he hath conquered. If this
demand please you, most noble King, do you give me security for myself
and my whole company, and for the Greek Knight, save only from him with
whom he shall combat; and if the Knight who fights for the Damsels
shall be conquered, let a second, and then a third come on, for he in
his worth shall keep the lists against all.

As God shall help me, quoth Lisuarte, the Lady must be a full fair one,
and the Knight must think not a little of himself! a great fancy have
they taken up, which they might safely have avoided! howbeit, Damsel
tell you your Mistress that she may come safely, and if there be none
to gainsay her, her will will be satisfied. Sir, replied the Damsel,
you answer even as we expect, for from your court none can depart
with just complaint, but because the Greek Knight brings with him two
companions, who require to joust, they must have the same safe conduct.
So be it, answered Lisuarte. In God's name then, quoth she, to-morrow
you shall see them in your court; and do you my Lady, said she to the
Queen, command your Damsels to be present, that they may see how their
honour is increased or lessened by their champion. Then took she leave
and went her way to the ship, where her tidings were joyfully heard;
forthwith the arms and horses were landed, and one large tent, and
two lesser ones were pitched on shore, howbeit, only the steward and
certain men as a guard left the ship to sleep in them that night.

Now you must know that so soon as the Damsel had departed,
Salustanquidio, the cousin of the Emperor of Rome, rose up, and with
him a hundred Roman Knights, and he spake aloud that all might hear
him. Sir, I and these good Romans ask of you a boon, which will be to
your profit, and our honour. Lisuarte replied, I shall willingly grant
whatever boon ye ask. Let us then, said Salustanquidio, answer this
defiance for the Damsels, we shall render them a better account than
the Knights of their own country can, for we and the Greeks know one
another, and the Greeks will fear the name of the Romans more than the
deeds of those of this land. Don Grumedan hearing this immediately rose
and said, Sir, although it be a great honour to Princes, that strangers
come to seek adventures at their court, it soon becomes a shame and
a reproach, if they be not discreetly received and restrained. This
I say because of the Greek Knight's challenge, if his pride should
be satisfied, and he should conquer those who are to oppose him, the
danger would be theirs indeed, but the shame and loss of honour yours;
therefore methinks Sir, you should wait till Don Galaor and your son
Norandel arrive, who will be here within five days, and by that time
Don Guilan the Pensive will be recovered enough to bear arms, and these
three will undertake the quarrel, and thus maintain your honour and
their own. Lisuarte replied, this cannot be, I have granted the boon to
the Romans, and they are such that they could bring greater adventure
to a good end. That may be, quoth Grumedan, but I will prevent the
Damsels from granting it, and to them this matter appertains. No more,
cried the King; what I do, I have done.

Salustanquidio then kissed the King's hand, and said to Grumedan, I
shall end this battle to my own honour and to the Damsel's; and since
you Don Grumedan think so much of these Knights and of yourself that
you say they would perform the battle better than we shall; if after
the combat I am able to bear arms, I and two companions will do combat
with them and with you, or if I am unable I will bring another in my
stead, who shall well supply my place. In God's name, replied old
Grumedan, I accept the challenge for myself and for those who will
bear a part with me! and taking a ring from his finger he held it
toward the King, saying Sir, here is my gage for myself and those whom
I shall produce with me, nor can the battle be refused since they
demanded it, unless they confess themselves vanquished. Salustanquidio
replied, sooner shall the seas be dry, than a single word of Rome be
unsaid, unless it be to her honour! if old age hath bereft thee of thy
senses thy body shall pay for it, if thou darest risk it in the battle.
Certes, answered Don Grumedan, I am not such a boy but that I have
years enough; but this which ye think against me, is to my help, for
I have seen many things, and one of them is that pride never comes to
a good end; so will it happen to you, who are the captain and head of
all pride. King Arban of North Wales then rose to answer the Romans,
and with him full thirty Knights to take up the quarrel, and an hundred
others rose also, but the King held a wand and bade them be silent, and
Don Grumedan also. And Count Argamon then said, order them to their
dwellings Sir, all of both sides, for such disputes are not to your

The King accordingly dismissed them, but the Count then said, what
think you Sir, of the arrogance of this people? and yet you will give
your daughter to them! how is it that one so wise as you will thus
venture to tempt God? remember how you made Amadis of Gaul and all
his lineage forsake you, for your pride, and now you would commit yet
another worse error! Therefore Sir, I discharge myself of my fealty
and homage due to you, and will go to my own lands, that I may not
witness the tears and wretchedness of your daughter Oriana, when she is
delivered up, for I am told that you have sent to Miraflores for her.
Uncle, replied the King, say no more upon this subject, for what is
done cannot be undone, and I pray you tarry yet three days longer to
see the issue of these combats, of which you shall be judge, with such
other Knights as you shall appoint, because you understand the Greek
tongue better than any other man of my realm, by reason of your long
abode in Greece. Argamon answered I will do this to please you, but
longer I will not tarry, for I cannot endure these things.

Lasindo the Squire of Don Bruneo, as the Greek Knight had enjoined him,
learnt all that passed after the departure of the Damsel, and returned
to the ship to acquaint him, and he told him also how the King had sent
for Oriana from Miraflores, to deliver her to the Romans, so soon as
this combat was over. When the Greek Knight heard that the Romans were
to fight for the Damsels, he was full joyful: for what he most feared
was, that his brother Galaor might be in the court, and take up their
cause against him, in the which case either he must have died or have
slain his brother, for Galaor was the Knight who had put him in greater
danger than any with whom he had done battle, even though a Giant:
therefore was his heart now at rest, and the more so knowing that he
was not to fight against any of his friends. Lady, said he to Grasinda,
let us hear mass betimes to-morrow in the tent, and do you prepare
yourself, for by God's help we shall bring this adventure to such issue
as you desire.


[278:A] The reward of good tidings.


On the morrow Grasinda with four Damsels heard mass in the tent, the
three Knights being armed mounted, and Grasinda mounted her palfrey,
she and her palfrey being arrayed in cloth of silk and gold, with
pearls and jewels, that the greatest Empress in the world could not
have been more richly adorned. This day had she long looked for,
and therefore had prepared the ornaments, the costliest that could
be procured, for having great possessions, and neither husband
nor children, nor people, she thought of expending her wealth no
other way than this. Her Damsels also were in rich array, and she
herself appeared so well, that all who beheld her thought her beauty
marvellous. Great confidence did her champion feel in beholding her
appearance that day; she wore nothing upon her head, except the crown
which she had won as the fairest among all the Dames in Romania. The
Greek Knight led her bridle: the armour which he wore Grasinda had
provided for him; the breast plate was white as snow, the surcoat
was of her colours and laced with threads of gold, and his helmet
and shield were of the same colour as the surcoat. Don Bruneo wore
green armour, and he bore a Damsel in his shield, and before her a
Knight whose arms were waved with gold and murrey, as if he had been
supplicating her. Angriote of Estravaus rode a mettlesome horse, his
arms were or and argent, he led the Damsel Embassadress, and Bruneo
took her sister's bridle; the three Knights had their helmets closed,
the steward and his sons went with them, and in this array they reached
the place where combats were performed. In the middle of this place
was a marble pillar of the height of a man, whereon they who came to
demand battle were to place shield, or helmet, or garland of flowers,
or glove, as their gage. When the Greek Knight and his company arrived,
they saw the King at one end of the field, and the Roman Knights at the
other, and among them Salustanquidio in black arms, bearing serpents or
and argent; so huge of stature was he, that he seemed like a giant;
and the horse he rode was of growth marvellously great. The Queen was
at her window, and the Princesses near her, and among them was the fair
Olinda wearing a rich crown. But when the Greek Knight beheld the Queen
and her Damsels, and saw not Oriana whom he was wont to see among them,
his heart trembled with the want he felt of her; howbeit beholding
Salustanquidio how stern and strong he seemed, he turned to Grasinda
whom he perceived to be dismayed, and said to her, be not affrighted
Lady to behold a man of such disproportionate body, for God will be for
you, and I will make you win that, which will gladden your heart. May
it so please him in his mercy, she replied.

Then he took the rich crown from her head, and riding gently to the
marble pillar, placed it thereon, and returning to his Squires who held
three lances, each with a pendant of a different colour, he took the
strongest, and threw his shield round his neck, and rode to the King,
to whom he said in Greek, having forgotten himself, O King, God be with
you! I am a foreign Knight who come hither from Greece to prove your
Knights, who are so good, not at my own will, but at the will of her
who has power in this instance to command me; but, my good fortune
it should seem so ordering it, the trial will be between me and the
Romans; bid them therefore place the crown of the Damsels upon the
pillar, as was covenanted. He then brandished his lance and rode to one
end of the lists. The King did not understand what he said, because he
had spoken in the Greek tongue, but he said to Argamon, it seems Uncle
that Knight will not chuse dishonour for himself. Certes, Sir, replied
the Count, although you would partake some because these Romans are
in your court, I should be right glad to see their pride humbled. I
know not how that will be, said Lisuarte, but methinks we shall see a
fair encounter. Now the Knights, and all they of the King's household,
seeing how the Greek Knight rode and appeared in arms, marvelled at
him, and said they had never seen so promising a Knight, except it
were Amadis. But Salustanquidio who heard these praises and saw how
all eyes were fixed upon the Greek Knight, exclaimed angrily—What
is this ye men of Great Britain? why do ye marvel to behold a Greek
Knight, who can do nothing but manage his horse in the field? this is
a sign that you can never have performed any worthy feats of arms when
this surprizes you. You shall see him who is so fair on horseback,
heartless and dishonoured upon the ground!

The Roman then went where the Queen was, and said to Olinda, Lady give
me your crown, for you are she whom I prize above all others; do not
fear to give it me, for I will return it presently with the other, and
you shall enter into Rome with it; for the King and Queen will consent
that I shall take you hence with Oriana, and make you the Lady of me
and my land. Olinda hearing this, despised his presumption, but her
heart and limbs trembled, and a lively colour flushed over her cheeks,
and she did not give him the crown. Salustanquidio repeated, do not
fear, the honour shall be yours, and that foolish woman shall go hence
without her crown which she hath trusted to yonder cowardly Greek. Yet
would not Olinda give it, till the Queen herself took it from her head
and gave it him, and he placed it by the other on the marble pillar,
and hastily demanded his arms. Three Roman Knights brought them to him;
he hung on his shield and helmed himself, and took a strong lance with
a long and sharp iron head; then seated himself on his horse; he now
seeing that all were looking with admiration at his great size, grew
more confident, and said to the King, I will let your Knights see
what difference there is between them and the Romans. I shall conquer
that Greek, and as he said that if he conquered me, he would combat
other two, I will combat the two best whom he can bring, and if their
courage fail, let a third come on! Don Grumedan, who was swelling with
anger to see the arrogance of the Roman and the patience of the King,
exclaimed, Salustanquidio, have you forgot the battle which you are to
wage with me if you escape from this, that you demand another? This is
an easy business, replied Salustanquidio. With that, the Greek Knight
cried aloud, Mishapen Beast, what are you talking about, and letting
the day run on? remember what you have to do! The Roman at this, turned
and ran at him. They ran at each other full speed, their lances laid
in rest, and being covered with their shields; the horses were both
fleet, the Knights both strong and mutually enraged. They met in the
middle of the lists, and neither failed in his blow. The Greek Knight
struck him on the edge of his shield and pierced it, and struck the
strong plates of iron beneath, with so rude a blow that though it did
not pierce them, it bore him from his saddle. The Greek Knight passed
on, carrying the lance of Salustanquidio hanging in his shield and in
the sleeve of his mail, so that all thought he was wounded, but it was
not so. He drew out the lance, and raised it with an overhand grasp and
turned to Salustanquidio and saw that he did not move, but lay as if he
were dead; this was no wonder for he was a large man and bulky, and had
fallen from a high horse, and his armour was heavy and the ground was
hard, and moreover the left arm upon which he had fallen, was broken
near the wrist, and the greater part of his ribs put out. The Greek
Knight who thought him stronger than indeed he was, stopt his horse,
and held the lance point at his face, for his helmet had fallen off
with the shock, and said to him, Knight you will not be so discourteous
as not to award the crown to that fair Dame, because she merits it! but
the Roman made no reply.

The Greek Knight left him and went up to the King. Sir, quoth he,
though yonder Knight is free from pride now, he will not award the
crowns to the Dame who is waiting for them, nor defend them, nor yet
answer me; do you therefore decree that they are hers, as by right they
are, otherwise I will strike off his head, and so decide it; this he
said in Greek, and then rode back to Salustanquidio. The King asked
Argamon what he had said, who having interpreted it, added, it will
be your fault if you suffer the Knight to be slain before you, for you
may lawfully award the crowns to the Conqueror. Sir, quoth Grumedan,
let the Greek Knight do what he will, for these Romans have more tricks
than a fox, and if this one lives he will say that he was able to
maintain the battle, if you had not hastily given judgement against
him. All laughed at this except the Romans, whose hearts were bursting.
But the King seeing that the Greek Knight had alighted and was going
to cut off Salustanquidio's head, said to Count Argamon, haste uncle,
and bid him spare him, for I judge the crowns to be his. Count Argamon
cried out aloud to him to hold his hand and hear the King's request:
he drew back and resting his sword upon his shoulder waited to hear
the Count's bidding, which having heard he replied, I am content, and
know Sir, that if I had fought with any of the King's vassals I would
not have slain him, if by any other means the combat could have been
decided; but for the Romans I would kill them or dishonour them as
wretches that they are, following the bad example of their arrogant
Emperor, to be boasters first, and cowards when put to the proof. He
then mounted again and took the two crowns from the pillar, and placed
the crown of the Damsels upon Grasinda's head, giving the other to one
of her Damsels to keep, and he said, Lady, your wish is accomplished,
and I by the grace of God am discharged of my promise! go now if it
please you and rest in your tent; I will remain to see if any of
the Romans will take the field to revenge this shame that they have
received. Sir, she replied, I will not leave you yet, for I can receive
no greater pleasure than in beholding your rare chivalry.

He then examined his horse, and found him fresh, for he had had little
labour that day, so he threw the shield round his neck, and took
another lance with a fair pendant, and said to the Damsel Embassadress,
go my friend to the King, and tell him that as I promised if I was able
after this first battle, to combat with two Knights at once, I must now
make good that vaunt, but say that I beseech him not to send any of his
Knights against me, for they are of such renown that they would gain
no honour in conquering me; leave that to the Romans, and let them see
if I fear them because I am a Greek. The Damsel delivered her bidding
in French, and Lisuarte answered, it would not please me that any of
my household should go against him; he has done enough to day for his
honour, and if it might please him to remain with me I would recompense
him well. I forbid all my subjects to challenge him, for I have other
things to attend to; the Romans may do as they like. This he said, for
he had much to arrange about his daughter's departure, and likewise
because at that time none of his good Knights were present, they having
all departed that they might not see the cruelty and injustice which he
was about to commit against Oriana, only Guilan the Pensive remained
being sick, and Cendil of Ganota who had been shot through the leg with
an arrow by the Roman Brondajel of the Rock, when hunting with the
King. The Damsel answered, many thanks Sir for your gracious offer, but
the Greek Knight's choice is to go about the world redressing wrongs;
if he would have remained with the Emperor of Constantinople he might
have been rewarded with whatever he would have asked. I pray you, quoth
the King, tell me by whom is he commanded?—Certes Sir, I know not; but
if by any one, it must be by one whom he greatly loves. I must bear him
back your answer, whoever will seek, may find him in the lists till

When the Greek Knight heard this reply he gave his lance to one of
the Steward's sons, and his shield to the other, and bade him place
the shield upon the pillar to see if any of the Romans would challenge
him; his helmet he did not take off lest he should be known, and thus
he stood talking with Grasinda, and holding her bridle. There was
among the Romans a Knight called Maganil, who was the best next to
Salustanquidio, and his countrymen surely thought that no two Knights
in Great Britain could stand against him, and he had two brethren both
of great worth in arms; to him the Romans all looked for vengeance, but
he seeing this, said to them, I cannot take up this challenge, for I
promised Salustanquidio that if he was not able I and my brothers would
do battle for him against Don Grumedan; if he and his companions should
refuse it, then may I undertake this. While they were thus speaking two
brethren well armed and mounted rode up, by name Gradamor and Lasanor,
they were nephews of Brondajel of the Rock, the sons of his sister,
who was a fierce and haughty woman, by the Emperor's High Steward.
They without speaking or making obeisance to the King, went into the
lists, and the one taking the Greek Knight's shield dashed it against
the pillar so violently that he brake it to pieces, and exclaimed
foul befall him who would permit the shield of a Greek to be placed
there against the Romans! At this the Greek Knight was so enraged that
his heart burnt for anger; he left Grasinda and caught his lance, and
heedless of a shield though Angriote called to him to take his, he rode
full against the two Romans, and they at him; the one who had broken
his shield he smote so rudely that he bore him from his seat, and his
helmet came off in the fall: he himself lost his spear; he drew his
sword and turned upon Lasanor who was assailing him fiercely; him he
smote upon the shoulder and cut him to the bone, and made him drop
his lance, and with another blow upon the head, he made him lose his
stirrups, and bow down upon the horse's neck. Then lightly passing the
sword to his left hand he caught Lasanor's shield and tore it from his
neck, and with the force brought him to the ground. The Roman presently
rose, being in fear of death, and went up to his brother who had now
recovered himself. The Greek Knight fearing lest they should kill his
horse, alighted, grasping the shield he had won, and went towards them
sword in hand. But then all were amazed to see his great prowess, and
how little he cared for these enemies! he had so prest them that
Lasanor cried out for mercy, and while he was crying, the Greek Knight
lifted up his foot and kicking him in the breast, felled him; then he
turned to the other who had broken his shield, but he could not endure
his might and ran towards the King that he might save him. The Greek
Knight turned him, and drove him towards the pillar, and then he ran
round the pillar, avoiding the blows which his enemy aimed at him in
exceeding wrath, and which fell sometimes on the stones and struck
fire there, till at last being sorely wearied, the Greek Knight caught
him in his arms, and squeezed him till all his strength was gone, then
let him fall, and took his shield and dashed it upon his helmet so
that he broke the helmet, and he made him mount upon the pillar, and
then thrust him down, and placed the fragments of the shield upon his
breast; next he took Lasanor by the leg and dragged him beside his
brother, and all who were present thought he meant to behead them.
And Don Grumedan cried out, methinks the Greek hath well revenged his

But Esplandian seeing this was moved to pity for the Knights, and
calling out to Ambor, clapt spurs to his palfrey, the Greek Knight
seeing them approach, and that he was the fairest child that ever
he had seen, waited to know what he would say, and Esplandian said,
Sir, I beseech you grant me their lives, for they are conquered, and
the honour is already yours. The Knight made semblance as though he
understood him not. Count Argamon then came up and interpreted; and
he replied, I should have had a pleasure in killing them, but I spare
them for his sake. Who is this fair child Sir, and whose son? No one
in this land, replied the Count, can tell, and with that he related
the manner how the child was found. I have heard mention of him in
Romania, cried the Knight, is he not called Esplandian, and hath he
not certain letters on his breast? Would you see them? said Count
Argamon. Willingly, and should thank you and him to show them to me,
for it is a marvellous thing to hear, and more to see. Esplandian then
drew nearer. He had on a coat of mail, and a French hood, wrought with
lions of gold, and was girt with a golden girdle; the hood and coat
were fastened together with gold broaches, a few of them he opened,
and showed the letters. Much was that Knight amazed, for it was the
strangest thing that ever he had seen. The white letters made the word
Esplandian, but the coloured letters could he not read, though they
were sharp and well made. God prosper you fair child! said he, and
taking leave of the Count, he mounted and rode to Grasinda.

Lady, quoth he, you must have been displeased at witnessing my follies,
but impute you the fault to the pride of these Romans who provoked
them. Nay Sir, she replied, it rejoiced me to see your good fortune:
then went they to their ships, both full joyful, she for the crown
which she had won, and he that he had shown himself to the Romans. They
took their tents aboard, and went towards the Firm Island. But Angriote
and Don Bruneo remained on board one of the galleys, by his desire, to
help Don Grumedan secretly in his combat, the which being past, they
were to hasten to the Firm Island with tidings of Oriana.


You have heard how King Lisuarte sent Queen Sardamira to Miraflores
to talk to his daughter of the greatness of the Roman Emperor, and
the high rank whereto she would be exalted by this marriage. Now you
must know that he sent for her, that she might depart, bidding Giontes
his nephew take an escort for her, and suffer no Knight to speak with
her on the way. Giontes took with him Ganjel of Sadoca and Lasanor
and other guards, and went to Miraflores, and having placed Oriana in
a litter, for she could not go in any other manner by reason of her
exceeding affliction and continual tears, they and Queen Sardamira
and her company took the road to Tagades. On the second day of their
journey what you shall now hear befell them. Under some trees near
the road side there sate an armed Knight upon a grey horse beside a
fountain. He wore a green surcoat over his breast-plate, fastened with
green strings and eye-loops of gold, which appeared marvellously well.
As soon as he saw them he hung the shield round his neck and took a
lance having a green pendant, and brandishing it awhile, said to his
Squire, go and say to the guards of Oriana that I request their leave
to speak with her; it will be neither to their hurt nor to hers; if
they will permit me I shall thank them, if not, sorry as I shall be,
they must try my strength. They laughed at his message, and replied,
tell your Master he shall not see the Princess, and that when he has
done all he can do, he will have done nothing. But Oriana hearing this,
said to them, how does it concern you if this Knight wishes to speak
with me? perchance he may bring tidings which I should rejoice to hear.
Lady, replied Giontes, the King your father has ordered us to suffer
none to speak with you. With this answer the Squire returned, and
Giontes prepared for battle.

He of the Green Arms immediately rode towards him, they met with a
brave encounter, both brake their lances, but the horse of Giontes
dislocated his foot in the shock and fell, and Giontes having one foot
in the stirrup could not rise; the Knight passed fairly by him, and
then turning said, I beseech you let me speak with Oriana! you will
not fail for my guarding her, replied Giontes, but the fault was in my
horse. Ganjel of Sadoca then cried out to him not to touch that Knight,
or he should die for him. I shall have you anon in the same condition,
replied the Knight of the Green arms, and taking another lance, ran at
him, but he missed his blow. Ganjel smote him full on the shield and
brake his own lance without moving him; he turned upon Ganjel who was
now sword in hand, and drove at him with his spear and sent him from
the saddle. Lasanor then came on, the Green Knight dexterously avoided
his lance, and made him lose that advantage; they dashed against each
other, shield to shield, and Lasanor's shield-arm was broken with the
shock; he of the Green Arms had drawn his sword, but seeing how Lasanor
was disabled would not wound him, but he cut the bridle of his horse,
and smiting him with the side of his sword, sent him gallopping away
with his rider, at which he could not forbear laughing. Then he took
out a letter, and went up to Oriana's litter. She, seeing how he had
discomfited three such good Knights, thought he was Amadis, and her
heart panted, but he humbly saluting her, said, Lady, Agrayes and Don
Florestan send you this, wherein you will receive news that will give
you great pleasure. God be with you! I must return to them, for certes
they will need me, little worth as I am. Nay, quoth Oriana, you are not
so! that have I now seen. I beseech you tell me who you are, who have
gone through such danger for my sake.—Gavarte of the Perilous Valley,
who grieves to see what your father purposes against you; but I trust
in God he will find it difficult to accomplish, so many of this land
and of other lands shall perish first, that all the world shall hear of
it.—Ah, Don Gavarte my good friend! God grant there may come a time
when I can reward your loyalty!—You are my natural Lady, and it was
alway my desire to serve you, and now is it more so in this injustice.
I will be in your succour with those who serve you.—I beseech you my
friend, think then as you do now! That shall I do as loyally I ought,
replied Gavarte, and with that he took his leave.

Oriana then went up to Mabilia who was with Queen Sardamira. Methinks,
said the Queen, we are equal in our defenders, I know not if it be
their fault or the ill luck of the road, that your Knights should be
defeated where mine were. At this they all laughed, but the Knights
had such shame that they durst not appear before them; then they waited
awhile till the Knights had holpen themselves, and till Lasanor's horse
came back. Meantime Oriana went aside with Mabilia and read the letter,
in which Agrayes and Don Florestan and Don Gandales informed her that
Gandalin and Ardian the Dwarf had arrived in the Firm Island, and that
Amadis would be with them in eight days, and had sent to bid them
prepare a great fleet. This tidings they knew would comfort her, and
give her hope that God would be on her side. At this were they greatly
comforted as with hopes of life, for before they had only looked for
death, and Mabilia comforted Oriana, and besought her to eat, but she
who had not eaten food before for great affliction, could scarcely eat
now for very joy.

As they drew near the town, King Lisuarte with the Romans and many
others went out to meet them, but then Oriana began to wail aloud, and
she alighted from her litter, and all her Damsels alighted also, and
when they saw her make that dolorous lamentation, they also lamented,
and tore their hair, and kissed her hands and her garments, as if
death was come upon them, so that all present were moved to great
compassion. The King beholding this was greatly displeased, and he said
to King Arban of North Wales, go to Oriana and tell her, I feel the
greatest pain in the world to see her thus; and command her from me,
to return into her litter, and bid her Damsels remount their palfreys,
and let her make better cheer and go to her mother, for I will tell
her news that shall rejoice her. King Arban did accordingly as he was
commanded; but Oriana answered, O King of North Wales! my good Cousin,
since such is my ill fortune, that you and they who go through many
perils to assist unhappy Damsels, cannot assist me with your arms,
now help me with your words! and beseech my father not to do me this
wrong, and not to tempt God who hath favoured him so long! persuade him
to come to me my Cousin, and with him Count Argamon and Don Grumedan,
for I will not stir from hence till they come. King Arban hearing her
speak thus, could not reply for weeping: he went back to the King and
repeated what Oriana had said, but King Lisuarte was full loth to
expose himself to public view with his daughter, for the more notorious
her repugnance and grief should be, the greater would be his fault.
Howbeit Count Argamon entreated him to grant her request, and Don
Grumedan coming up, they went together towards her.

When Oriana saw him approaching she went on her knees towards him, and
her Damsels with her but he alighted and took her up and embraced her.
My father and Lord, said she, have pity on your[309:A] own child, and
hear me before these good men. Daughter, said he, say what you please;
I will hear you as I ought, with fatherly love. Then she fell upon the
ground to kiss his feet, but he drew back and raised her again; and she
said, My Lord, it is your pleasure to send me to the Emperor of Rome,
and to separate me from you and from the Queen my mother, and from this
land of which God has made me a native; from this departure I expect
nothing but death, either that it will come to me, or that I shall give
it to myself, so that in neither way can your will be performed, and
you will incur great sin. I shall be disobedient, and that upon your
account, or I shall die and by your fault. But to prevent all this and
to serve God, I will enter into religion and so pass my life, leaving
you to dispose of your Kingdom as it may please you; and the right
which God hath given me, I will renounce to my sister Leonoreta, or to
whomsoever else you may chuse, and better Sir, could you give her to
the Emperor of the Romans than me, for should he obtain me, he will
become your mortal enemy; all that he covets being the possession of
this Kingdom. Daughter, replied the King, I understand what you say,
and will answer you before your mother: go into your litter and proceed
to her.

They then placed her in her litter, and conducted her to the Queen,
who received her with great love, but weeping, for that marriage was
against her will. But neither she, nor the nobles, nor the people of
the realm could make Lisuarte change his resolution; and for this
reason, Fortune, who was weary of favouring him, now shewed herself
contrary to him, more to the advantage of his soul than of his honour.
Count Argamon perceiving that his advice was of no avail, requested
leave to go to his own land, and he departed. The King then after he
had taken food, and the cloths were removed, called for Brondajel of
the Rock, and said to him, you see my friend how much this marriage is
against the will of my daughter and of my vassals, who dearly love
her, but I will not for that depart from my promise: make ready your
vessels, and on the third day I will deliver her into your charge; but
when you have her on board, see that ye do not permit her to quit her
cabin, lest some evil should happen. Brondajel answered, all shall be
done Sir as you command; and though it be now grievous to my Lady the
Empress, to depart from this land, where her friends are, yet when she
beholds the greatness of Rome, and how Knights and Princes will then
humble themselves before her, she will soon be well satisfied, and ere
long Sir, we shall write to you such tidings. The King smiled, and
embraced him, saying, I believe that ye are such as will soon make her
regain her chearfulness. Salustanquidio who was now recovered, besought
him to send Olinda with his daughter, and he being a King promised to
take her to wife when she arrived: at this the King was well pleased,
and praised Olinda, saying, that for her virtues and great beauty, she
well deserved to become a Queen.

The next day they stored their ships, and Magalin and his brethren
presented themselves before the King, and said to Don Grumedan, the day
of your shame is come, for to-morrow is the term which you in your
folly appointed for the combat; hope not to avoid it, for that can only
be done by your confessing yourself conquered; you shall now pay for
your insolence, as one who have more years than wisdom. Don Grumedan
who was almost beside himself at this menace rose up to answer, but the
King who knew his temper, when his honour was concerned, said to him,
I beseech you Don Grumedan, for my sake say nothing in reply, but make
ready for the battle; you know better than any one else, that these
matters are not to be decided by words, but by deeds. Sir, said he, I
will obey you; to-morrow I will be in the field with my companions,
and then shall the worth or the no-worth of each be known. The Romans
then retired, and the King calling Don Grumedan apart, asked of him,
who have you to help you against these Knights? for they appear to me
strong and courageous. Sir, quoth the old man, I have God to help me,
and this body, and this heart, and these hands, which he hath given
me. If Don Galaor should arrive before tierce to-morrow, I shall have
him, for I know he will maintain my cause, and then I care not for a
third; if he does not come, I will fight them all three, one after
another, if that may be allowed. The King replied, do you not see that
the challenge was three against three? and they will not alter it: as
God shall help me, I grieve to see that you have no comrades such as
you need in this great danger. Sir, cried the old Knight, fear not for
me; God will help whom he pleases; I go against pride with courtesy
and fair dealing, and that which is pleasing to God will bear me out.
If Don Galaor should not come, and none other of your Knights should
offer themselves, I will take the two best of my own. Nay, replied
Lisuarte, such assistants could not avail you; I will advise you better
my friend: I will secretly adventure my body with you in the battle,
for you have often thrust yourself into extreme perils for me, and
ungrateful should I be, if I did not risque my life and honour for you
in return; and while he said this he embraced the old Knight and wept.
Don Grumedan kissed his hand and answered, this is indeed the greatest
favour I ever received from you, and more than any services can ever
have deserved; but this must not be, and God forbid that a King like
you should commit such a fault, for you are King, and Lord, and Judge,
and must deal by strangers in this case, even as by your own subjects.
Since it is so then, said Lisuarte, I can only pray to God to help you.

Don Grumedan then went to his lodging and ordered two of his Knights
to prepare to assist him in this battle; but I tell you that courageous
and practised as he was, his heart was bursting, for these men were
not such as were needed in such a combat; yet so good a heart had he,
that rather would he have died, than have done or said any thing that
might shame him; and he shewed no fear. That night he passed in St.
Mary's Chapel, and on the morrow heard mass there with great devotion,
beseeching God that he might perform this battle to his honour, or if
it was his pleasure, that his days should then come to an end, to have
mercy on his soul. Then with a good courage he called for his armour;
he put on his breast-plate which was strong and white, and over it a
coat-armour of his own colours, which were murrey with white swans:
before he had finished arming himself, there came in the fair Damsel
who had been Embassadress to Grasinda and the Greek Knight, and with
her two other Damsels and two Squires. She bore in her hand a goodly
sword, with rich accoutrements, and enquired for Grumedan, to whom she
said, Sir, the Greek Knight, who loves you for what he has heard of
you since he came into this land, and because he knows you have to do
battle with the Romans, has left two right good Knights, those whom
you have seen in his company, and requests you to take no others as
your comrades in this combat, but accept them on his faith without
fear; and he sends you also this good sword, which has been tried as
you beheld, when he struck the stone pillar with it, chasing that
Roman. A joyful man was Don Grumedan at hearing this, knowing his own
danger, and that they who were in the company of the Greek Knight, must
be good men. Damsel, said he, God prosper the Greek Knight, who is thus
courteous to me, whom he knows not; and God grant that I may one day
requite him. She replied, Sir, you would truly esteem him if you knew
him, and so will you these his comrades, when you have tried them. Go
now forth, for you will find them waiting for you at the lists.

Don Grumedan drew the sword which had been sent him; and he saw how
bright it was, and that it bore no mark of the mighty blow it had
given, and he blest it, and girded it on instead of his own. And he
mounted the horse which Florestan had given him when he won it from
the Romans, and rode out, appearing like a comely and brave old man.
He and the two other Knights courteously greeted each other, but he
could not discover who they were, and then they entered the lists
to the great joy of all who loved Don Grumedan, to see him in such
company. The King marvelled much that these Knights having no cause,
and not knowing Don Grumedan, should place themselves in such danger;
and seeing the Damsel Embassadress he sent for her, and said, Damsel
why have these Knights of your company taken up the quarrel of one whom
they know not? Sir, she replied, the good as well as the worthless are
known by their feats: and the Greek Knight having heard of the worth of
Don Grumedan, and how this battle was appointed, and that few of your
good Knights were at this time present, left here his companions to
be his help-mates; such men are they, that before noon be passed, the
arrogance of the Romans shall yet be humbled lower, and the honour of
your Knights well maintained. Glad was the King at this, for he feared
greatly for Don Grumedan, and in his heart he thanked the Greek Knight
more than he in words expressed.

The three Knights entered the lists, and placed themselves at one end,
Don Grumedan being between the other twain: presently King Arban of
North Wales and the Count of Clara came in as judges on their part; and
Salustanquidio and Brondajel of the Rock, on the part of the Romans.
Ere long the Roman Knights appeared on goodly horses, and armed in new
and rich armour; and being of great stature and large limb'd, they had
the semblance of valiant men: they came with bag-pipes and trumpets,
and other loud instruments; all their countrymen accompanied them, and
in this array they went before the King, and said, Sir, we will carry
the heads of those Greek Knights to Rome, and let it not displease you
if we do the same with Don Grumedan, for your displeasure would grieve
us: bid him therefore unsay what he has said, and confess that the
Roman Knights are the best in the world. The King, instead of replying
to this speech, said, go do your battle, and let them who shall win
their enemies' heads, do with them as they please. They then entered
the lists, and the two Roman judges placed them in their places, while
King Arban and the Count of Clara, did the same by Grumedan, and his
companions. The Queen now came with her Dames and Damsels to the
window, to behold this combat; and she sent for Don Guilan the Pensive,
who was still weak with his sickness, and for Cendil of Ganota, whose
wound was not yet healed; and she said to Don Guilan, my good friend,
what think you of this point wherein my father Don Grumedan is
placed? for she called him father, because he had fostered her; those
Devils terrify me, they are so huge and fierce. Lady, replied Guilan,
the event of arms depends upon God and a good cause; were I yonder
with those two Knights, in the stead of Grumedan, I should not fear
the Romans, though a fourth were added to them. Much was the Queen
consoled at that saying, and she prayed to God in her heart to help her

The Knights now moved on to their encounter; they were all practised
in arms and in horsemanship, and neither missed his encounter: their
lances all brake, and then happened what never before had been seen in
a combat of so many before the King, that the three Romans were borne
from their saddles, and Don Grumedan and his comrades kept their seats
unmoved. Presently they turned their horses, and saw that the Romans
had risen, and stood together. Don Bruneo who had received a slight
wound in his left side, said to Grumedan, since we have shewn them
that we know how to joust, it would not be reasonable now they are on
foot, to attack them on horseback; the three then alighted, and went
up to their antagonists. Sir Knights of Rome, said Bruneo, you must
have left your horses to shew how little you regard them; but though
we are not so renowned as ye are, we will not permit you to make this
boast, and therefore have also forsaken ours. The Romans, whose pride
was somewhat quelled by their fall, made no reply, but fell to with
their swords. Then was there a fierce battle, and its marks were seen
in broken shields and helmets and streaming wounds. But Don Grumedan,
whose enmity against the Romans was very great, chafed himself with
great choler, and pressing on before his comrades was sorely hurt: but
at that the other twain who had hitherto kept back their strength while
they bore the heat of their enemies fury, now showed themselves, and
pressed on the Romans with such might that the most they could do was
to defend themselves, and that hardly. Maganil, who was the bravest
of the Romans, being no longer able to endure Angriote's blows, gave
way before him, and drew as near to the Queen's window as he could,
and cried out Mercy, Lady, for God's sake! and I confess all that Don
Grumedan has said. Shame on thee, cried the conqueror, that is already
manifest. And he plucked off his helmet and lifted his arm as if to
behead him, but at that the Queen withdrew; and Don Guilan then cried
out, Sir Knight of Greece, do not carry so proud a head as this to
your country, but let him carry his sweet odours where they will be
liked. So be it then, replied Angriote, for the Queen's sake and for
your's whom I know not. I leave him to you, see you that his wounds
be cured, for I have cured him of his arrogance. Then he turned back
and saw that Don Grumedan had smote his enemy, and was kneeling on
his breast, and pummelling his face with the hilt of his sword, but
the Roman cried out aloud, Ah! Don Grumedan, spare me! I confess what
you have said is truth, and what I said is a lie. Angriote full glad
at this, called the judges, to hear what the Roman said, and shewed
them how the other one had fled out of the lists from Don Bruneo. But
Salustanquidio and Brondajel were so cast down, that they retired to
their lodging, and could not appear before the King.

Don Grumedan then rode before the King, and kissed his hand: and
Bruneo said, God be with you Sir, we must return to our friend the
Greek Knight. God be with you, replied Lisuarte, ye have truly shewn
yourselves to be good men in arms. The Damsel Embassadress then said
to Lisuarte, be pleased Sir to hear me a while in private, before I
depart: the King then bade all present withdraw, and then she said to
him, Sir, hitherto you have been the best of all Christian Kings, and
he to whom all Damsels looked with the most assured hope, to have their
wrongs redressed. How is your noble condition altered, that you use
this cruelty and this sin against God and your own daughter and your
natural subjects! you who as King are bound to observe right to all,
and as father to protect her though she were by all the world forsaken.
Not only to all the world is this an ill example, but her tears and
lamentations rise up to God against you. Look to it, and let the end
of your days be like the beginning. Now God prosper you!—God be with
you. Damsel, replied Lisuarte, of a truth I believe you are good and of
great discretion.

She went to the two Knights, and they embarked on board their galley,
and made such speed that in two days and nights they rejoined their
fleet. Joyfully were they welcomed, and right glad was the Greek
Knight to hear how they had succoured Don Grumedan in his need. Know
you what the King will do with his daughter? said Grasinda.—In four
days she will be delivered to the Romans; but to see Lady, the grief
which she and her Damsels and all the people make! no tongue can tell
it. Tears came into Grasinda's eyes, and she prayed God to send that
poor Princess some help in this so great and undeserved a calamity.
But the Greek Knight was a happy man hearing this, for he had resolved
to rescue her; he neither regarded the power of King Lisuarte nor of
the Emperor of Rome, for he could give them enough to do, and as by
no other way could he hope to gain possession of his beloved, so also
in thus winning her, she would be his without any fault or breach of
duty; these thoughts possessed him, when at the hour of tierce they
reached the port in the Firm Island. The Islanders, who daily expected
him, had seen the fleet afar off and knew his signals; then was there
great joy, for they all loved him well, and they crowded down to the
shore, and with them his kinsmen and friends. When Grasinda beheld
such a multitude awaiting them, she was greatly amazed, and the more
so hearing them shout Welcome! Welcome our Lord, who has so long been
absent from us! Sir, quoth she, how is this that they greet you thus?
He replied, pardon me Lady that I have so long concealed myself, for
otherwise I could not have done without danger. I am master of this
Island, and that Amadis of Gaul of whom you have sometimes heard. These
Knights are all my kinsmen and friends, and that multitude my vassals,
hardly will you find Knights in the world to equal their valour. I did
not know you, replied Grasinda, and I treated you as a poor Errant
Knight! howbeit some consolation is it to think that what honours you
received from me, were paid to your own valour only, not to your rank
or power. Lady, said Amadis, the honours I received from you, are more
than either I, or those who are better than me, can ever repay.

Now had they reached the shore. Don Gandales was ready with twenty
palfreys for the Damsels, but for Grasinda her own palfrey was landed,
whose trappings were worked with gold and silver. She clad herself in
rich attire; planks were laid from the boat for their landing, and
on the shore Agrayes stood to welcome them, and Don Quadragante, and
Don Florestan, and Gavarte of the Perilous Valley, and the good Don
Dragonis, and Orlandin, and Ganjes of Sadoca, and Argamon the brave,
and Sardonan the brother of Angriote, and his nephews Pinores and
Sarquiles and Madansil of the Silver Bridge, and above thirty other
good Knights, and the good Knight Enil was already in the boat talking
with Amadis, and Ardian the Dwarf and Gandalin with the Damsels of
Grasinda. Then Amadis took Grasinda by the arm, and led her on shore,
and Agrayes and Florestan placed her on her palfrey, and she and her
Damsels were conducted to the rich palace whereof you have formerly
heard. Then was there great feastings made by Gandalin, and Ardian the
Dwarf, who was steward of the hall, saw that all was well ordered, and
many things did he say of merriment whereat they all laughed. Amadis
took Master Helisabad by the hand, and told all the Knights that to him
next to God he was indebted for his life, and he placed him at table
between himself and Gavarte of the Perilous Valley. Yet could not all
this festival, nor the joy at seeing again so many and so dear friends,
so cheer Amadis that he was not sorely troubled, fearing lest the
Romans might escape him on the sea, so after the cloths were, removed,
he besought all the Knights to remain and hear him. They were all
silent, and he began.

Sirs, since I left you last I have traversed many strange lands, and
atchieved many adventures whereof it would be long to tell; but what
most occupied me was to redress the injuries of Dames and Damsels, for
as they are born to obey and as their strongest arms are tears and
sighs, so are we bound to protect them against all who would do them
wrong, and fight their battles even as the Greeks and Romans did in old
times, whereby they have obtained such glory as shall last while the
world endures. But now since my return to these countries I have heard
how King Lisuarte will deprive his daughter Oriana of the kingdom which
is her lawful inheritance, and give her in marriage to the Emperor of
Rome, against the consent of all his people, and against her own will,
for she cries aloud to God and to the whole world, complaining of this
great cruelty. If this indeed be true that Lisuarte will commit this
wickedness fearing neither God nor man, in an ill hour were we born if
we do not remedy it! Now tell me each of ye your judgement, for ye know
mine. The Knights looked at Agrayes to speak for them. Your coming my
good Cousin, quoth he, hath doubled our strength and courage, yet when
we had little hope of that, we had determined to prevent this wrong,
and die ourselves or destroy these Romans. This did they all affirm,
and cried out that there should be no delay. Then Amadis left Grasinda
in the care of Ysanjo the Governor, and he would have left Master
Helisabad also, but the Master said, Sir, if ever I can serve you it
must be in adventures like these, wherein you may perchance stand in
need of my skill. Ah, good Master, and my good friend, cried Amadis,
God grant that I may live to give you a fit guerdon. Then bade he all
the roads be guarded, that no tidings might be carried from the Island:
and that night they all embarked and made sail towards that part of the
sea, whereby the Romans must needs pass.


[309:A] Aved piedad desta hija que en fuerte punto de vos fue


The day was now come whereon King Lisuarte had promised to deliver his
daughter to the Romans; he having in vain again attempted to win her
consent, left her in great anger, and went to the Queen whom he bade
go and soothe her daughter's distress. Brisena had often attempted in
vain to change the King's resolution; she now made no reply but obeyed
him, but when Oriana saw her mother and sister approach her, she went
to her sobbing aloud and kissed her hand and said, this parting will
be for ever! for my death is at hand, and with that she swooned away.
The King then had her, senseless as she was, carried on board, and he
made Olinda go with her, though that Princess on her knees besought
him to send her home to her father, he in his rage would not listen,
but had her forced on board, and Mabilia and the Damsel of Denmark
he made embark also. All having thus embarked he mounted and rode to
the port, and then he consoled his child with a father's pity, yet
gave he her no hope that his intention was changed, but he himself
was moved nevertheless, and wept after he had left her, and besought
Salustanquidio and Brondajel and the Arch-bishop of Talancia to protect
her and serve her well, then he returned to his palace leaving in the
ship the greatest grief and lamentation that heart can think.

Salustanquidio thus having the Princesses in his power, put Oriana
and Mabilia into a cabin which had been richly fitted up for her
and fastened them in with strong bars and bolts, and he left Queen
Sardamira and her company, and many of Oriana's Damsels in the ship.
But Olinda of whom he was so passionately enamoured he resolved to
carry to his own ship, though she struggled and besought him not to
separate her from Oriana, and clung to the door of Oriana's cabin,
making such piteous moan that Oriana at hearing it, swooned away in
Mabilia's arms. Thus having disposed of the Damsels they spread their
sails, and departed, being full joyful that they had accomplished their
Master's desire, and they hoisted the great flag of the Emperor, upon
the mast of the vessel wherein Oriana was, and all the other ships
kept round about that to protect it. Thus merrily were they sailing
on, when looking to the right they beheld the fleet of Amadis, coming
on full speed, to cut them off from the land toward which they went.
Agrayes and Don Quadragante, and Dragonis and Listoran of the White
Tower had agreed to attack the Romans and attempt the rescue of Oriana
before Amadis could come up, and for this purpose they and their ship
got between the Romans and the shore. But Florestan and Gavarte of the
Perilous Valley, and Orlandin and Ymosil of Burgundy had the same wish,
and they sailed up between Agrayes and the enemy. And Amadis came on
full sail straight after them, that he might be the first in Oriana's

Now I tell you that when first the Romans beheld this fleet, they
thought they were crossing the sea in peace; but seeing how they
divided into three squadrons, that two cut off their landing, and
that the third made right toward them in pursuit, they cried out, to
arms!—to arms! for strangers are coming against us! presently they ran
to arms: the cross-bowmen were placed in their station, the others with
Brondajel of the Rock, were in the vessel with Oriana, which carried
the Emperor's flag. At this season the fleets encountered. Agrayes and
Don Quadragante hailed the ship of Salustanquidio, who had with him the
fair Olinda, and then began a brave battle; and Florestan and Gavarte
sailing through the middle of the fleet, attacked the ships of the Duke
of Ancona, and of the Arch-bishop of Talancia who had a great force
on board, so that the battle between them was obstinate. But Amadis
steered right for the ship that bore the imperial standard: and he
laid his hand on Angriote's shoulder, and said, Sir Angriote, my good
friend, remember now the loyalty you have ever manifested toward your
friends, and help me manfully in this enterprize. If it please God that
I succeed, well now shall I here fulfil my honour, and my good fortune!
Angriote replied, Sir, I am ready to die for you! your honour shall
be maintained, and God will be with you. The Ships were now near each
other, and such a discharge was there, of arrows and stones and lances,
that they fell as fast as though they were rained down. Amadis aimed
at nothing but to grapple with the other vessel; but they who were
therein, though far more in number, durst not adventure that, seeing
how fiercely they were attacked, and defended themselves with iron
hooks, and sundry other weapons. Now when Tantiles of Sobradisa, who
was the Queen of Sobradisa's high-steward, and was now in the Castle,
saw that Amadis could not bring this to effect, he ordered a great
anchor to be brought, fastened to a long chain; and from the Castle,
they threw it into the Enemy's ship, and then pulling at the chain with
all their might, they brought the ships together, and held them so,
that they could by no means separate, unless the chain should break.

Then Amadis made way through his own people who were somewhat dismayed,
and setting foot on the edge of his own ship, leaped into the other; it
was a great leap, so that he fell upon his knee, and they laid on him
many blows before he could rise. Howbeit maugre their efforts he rose
and laid hand to his good sword. Angriote and Don Bruneo had followed
him, and they all laid on manfully and shouted Gaul, Gaul, for Amadis
is here! Mabilia heard that cry, and exclaimed to Oriana—comfort!
comfort! you are succoured by the blessed Knight, your true servant
and constant friend! but Oriana more dead than alive, recovered only
enough to ask what she said, for she had heard nothing, and her sight
was almost gone. When Amadis beheld the wonders which his two comrades
were performing, and how his men were now fighting beside him, he made
at Brondajel, whom by his rich arms, he knew to be the chief, and with
one blow felled him: then seeing that the rest terrified at that, had
ceased to resist, he tore off Brondajel's helmet, and striking at his
face with the pummel of his sword, demanded where Oriana was; the Roman
pointed to the chamber that was fastened. Amadis called upon Angriote
and Don Bruneo; they joined all their strength, and burst the door,
and saw Oriana and Mabilia within; he fell on his knees before his
Lady to kiss her hand, but she embraced him, and then caught him by
the sleeve of his mail which was all bloody,—Ah Amadis! light of the
oppressed! you have saved me! Mabilia was on her knees before him,
holding by his skirts, for he had not seen her, but then he raised her
and embraced her, and called her his dear cousin. Then would he have
left the cabin, but Oriana took his hand—for God's sake do not leave
me! fear not, he replied; for Angriote, and Don Bruneo, and Gandales
are in the ship, with thirty of our Knights, and I must go elsewhere,
for we are engaged in a great battle.

Then Amadis went out of the cabin, and seeing that Ladadin of Fajarque
had made them in the castle cry for mercy, he commanded them to cease
from farther slaughter. He then got into the galley where Enil and
Gandalin were with forty Knights, and bade them steer towards where
they heard the cry of Agrayes; when they came up, they found that he,
and Quadragante had boarded Salustanquidio's ship; and when Amadis got
on board, the Romans began to leap over, some perishing in the water,
others escaping to the other vessels. He went on, seeking his cousin,
whom he found, with Salustanquidio wounded at his feet, and begging
for mercy. Agrayes knew his love for Olinda, and would shew him none:
do not slay him, said Quadragante, he is a good prize: Sir Quadragante,
said Amadis with a smile, let Agrayes do his will, for else this Roman
will not leave one of us alive; and while they thus spake, the head of
Salustanquidio was smitten off. Now the ship was their own, and the
banner of Agrayes and Don Quadragante hoisted on her castle. Agrayes
forthwith went into the chamber where Olinda was confined; but Amadis,
and Don Quadragante, and Ladadin, and Listoran of the White Tower,
went in Enil's galley, to see how Florestan fared. On the way they met
Ysanes, a kinsman of Florestan by the mother's side, who told them
how he had won all the ships, and taken the Duke of Ancona and the
Arch-bishop; they then looked round, and saw that the Romans were every
where put to the worst, so that not one ship or boat escaped to carry
tidings of their defeat.

With that they went on board the vessel of Oriana, and there disarmed
their heads and hands, and washed off the blood. Amadis asked where
Florestan was, and was told, that Sardamira had cried out to him to
save her, and that she lay fallen at the feet of Oriana, beseeching her
to save her from death or dishonour. Amadis went into the cabin, and
saw that the Queen was embracing Oriana, and that Florestan held her
by the hand, he went before her courteously, and would have kissed her
hand, but she withdrew it: fear nothing, Lady, said he, Don Florestan
is at your service, and we shall all obey him, even though it were
not our will to honour all womankind. Good Sir, said Sardamira to
Florestan, who is this Knight so courteous, and so much your friend?
Lady, said he, it is my Lord and brother Amadis, with whom we are
all come to succour Oriana. She then rose and said, Good Sir Amadis,
blame me not, if I have not received you as I ought, for I knew you
not. God be praised, that in such a calamity, I am placed under your
courtesy, and the protection of Don Florestan. So Amadis seated her
beside Oriana; now all this while, Queen Sardamira knew not the death
of Salustanquidio, whom she greatly loved. Queen, said Oriana, if I
have hitherto heard your words with pain and dislike, now shall I ever
honour and love you as you deserve, for what you did to my injury,
was not your own will, but in whatever was your own will, you were
ever courteous and gentle. While they were thus communing, Agrayes and
Olinda came in, and affectionately did Oriana embrace them, and thank
the other Knights as she knew them. Ah, friend Gavarte, said she, to
him of the Perilous Valley, well have you fulfilled your promise, God
knows how truly I thank you, and how I wish to reward you! Lady, he
replied, I have done my duty, for you are my natural Lady. Whenever
time shall be, remember me as one who will be ever at your service.

At this time were all the chief Knights assembled on board this vessel,
to take counsel how they should proceed. Then Oriana took Amadis aside
and said. Dear friend I beseech and command you now more than ever to
conceal our love! order it so, now that they may resolve to carry me
to the Firm Island, that being safe there, God may dispose of me as
he knows best and as ought to be. Amadis replied, do you then send
Mabilia to propose this, that it may appear to proceed from your will
and not from mine. Accordingly he went among the Knights, and they
were of divers opinions, for some proposed to take Oriana to the Firm
Island, others that she should go to Gaul, others that she should go
to Scotland, the country of Agrayes. But presently Mabilia came to
them with four other Damsels, and said, Sirs, Oriana beseeches ye to
carry her to the Firm Island, till she be reconciled to her parents,
and she implores ye as ye have begun so well, that ye would bring this
enterprize with the same good courage to good end, and do for her what
ye have ever done for other Damsels. Quadragante answered, good Lady,
the good and brave Amadis and we who are with him in her rescue, are
of one will to serve her till death, and we will protect her against
her father and against the Emperor of Rome, if they will not be brought
to reason and justice. That answer all the Knights approved, and
declared that they should not hold themselves acquitted of that promise
till Oriana was restored to her own free will, and made sure of her

With this accord they departed each to his ship, to give order
respecting the prisoners. Don Bruneo, and Ladadin, and the brother
of Angriote and Sarquiles, and Orlandin were left in the vessel with
Oriana and Queen Sardamira, and Enil the good Knight who had received
three wounds, but had concealed them like a brave man, and one who
could endure all difficulty. These Knights were left to guard Oriana
till they should arrive at the Firm Island.

_Here endeth the Third Book of the noble and virtuous Knight Amadis of





  _Here beginneth the third Book of Amadis of Gaul, wherein
  are related the great discords and jealousies which were
  occasioned in the Household and Court of King Lisuarte,
  by the evil counsel which Gandandel gave the King, for
  the sake of injuring Amadis and his kinsmen and friends.
  Wherefore the King sent to Angriote and his Nephew,
  commanding them to leave his court and his kingdom,
  and how he sent to defy them, and they returned the
  defiance_                                                  1


  _How Amadis asked of his fosterer Don Gandales the news
  of the court, and how he and his companions departed
  for Gaul, and of the adventures which befell them in an
  Island where they delivered Don Galaor and King Cildadan
  from the peril of death_                                  25


  _How King Cildadan and Don Galaor going their way toward
  the court of King Lisuarte, met a Dame, who had in her
  company a fair Child accompanied by twelve Knights, and
  how the Dame asked them to ask the King to make him a
  Knight, the which was done, and afterward the King knew
  him to be his son_                                        43


  _In which is recounted the cruel battle between King
  Lisuarte and Don Galvanes and their people. And of the
  liberality and greatness which the King showed after his
  victory giving the land to Don Galvanes and Madasima,
  they remaining his vassals as long as they should dwell
  therein_                                                  60


  _How Amadis and Don Bruneo abode in Gaul where Don Bruneo
  was well content and Amadis sorrowful, and how Don Bruneo
  resolved to leave Amadis and go seek adventures; and how
  Amadis and King Perion and Florestan agreed to succour
  King Lisuarte_                                            76


  _How the Knights of the Serpents embarked for Gaul, and
  fortune led them where they were placed in great peril
  of their lives by treachery, in the power of Arcalaus
  the Enchanter and how being delivered they embarked and
  continued their voyage; and also how Don Galaor and
  Norandel came by chance that way seeking adventures, and
  of what befell them_                                     107


  _Showing how Esplandian was brought up by Nasciano the
  Hermit, and how his father Amadis went to seek adventures
  having changed his name to the Knight of the Green
  Sword, and of the great adventures which he found_       134


  _How King Lisuarte going to the chace with the Queen
  and his daughters came to the mountain where the hermit
  Nasciano dwelt, and by what strange adventure he met a
  fair Child, who was the son of Amadis and Oriana, and how
  he took the child, not knowing him_                      157


  _How the Knight of the Green Sword after he had left King
  Tafinor of Bohemia, to go to the Islands of Romania, met
  a great company with the Lady Grasinda, and how one of
  her Knights called Brandasidel would have made him come
  before her by force_                                     170


  _How the noble Knight of the Green Sword going to
  Constantinople was driven upon the Island of the Devil,
  where he found a fierce monster called Endriago_         182


  _How the Knight of the Green Sword wrote to the Emperor
  of Constantinople to whom the Island belonged, telling
  him that he had slain the monster, and also of what
  things he was in need; the which the Emperor diligently
  procured for him and repaid him with much honour and love
  for the service he had done him in recovering that Island
  which had been so long time lost_                        203


  _How the Knight of the Green Sword departed from
  Constantinople to perform his promise made to the fair
  Grasinda, and how being about to go with her to Great
  Britain to fulfil her will, he chanced to find Don Bruneo
  of Bonamar badly wounded; and also of the adventure
  whereby Angriote of Estravaus found them, and they went
  together to the house of the fair Grasinda_              223


  _How Queen Sardamira arrived in Great Britain with the
  other Embassadors whom the Emperor of Rome had sent to
  bring Oriana, and of what happened to them in a forest
  with a Knight Errant whom they treated with rude
  words, and the payment which he gave them for their
  discourtesy_                                             241


  _How Queen Sardamira sent to Don Florestan requesting
  that, since he had left her Knights in such plight, he
  would be her guard to Miraflores whither she was going to
  speak with Oriana, and of what passed there_             257


  _How the Knight of the Green Sword who was now called
  the Greek Knight, and Don Bruneo of Bonamar and Angriote
  of Estravaus came with the fair Grasinda to the Court
  of King Lisuarte, who had resolved to send his daughter
  Oriana to the Emperor of Rome to be his wife, and of
  what happened when they made their demand_               270


  _How the Greek Knight and his companions led Grasinda and
  her company to the place of battle, where her Knight was
  to fulfill her command_                                  288


  _How King Lisuarte sent for his daughter Oriana to
  deliver her up to the Romans, and of what happened with
  a Knight of the Firm Island, and of the battle which Don
  Grumedan and the companions of the Greek Knight fought
  against the three Roman Challengers, and how after the
  Romans were conquered the companions of the Greek Knight
  went to the Firm Island, and of what they did there_     303


  _How King Lisuarte gave up his daughter greatly against
  her own will, and of the succour which Amadis with all
  the other Knights of the Firm Island brought to the fair
  Oriana_                                                  327

Biggs, Printer, Crane-court, Fleet-street.


The following corrections have been made to the original text:

    Page 1: the niece[original has "neice"] of Brocadan

    Page 6: now speak your[original has "yonr"] embassy

    Page 9: you are bound, in[original has "In"] the service

    Page 14: they saw a great[original has "gaeat"] force

    Page 19: and Madansil[original has "Madancil"] of the Silver

    Page 21: part of the Castle-tower[original has "Caftle-tower"]

    Page 23: found Count Latine and[original has "end"] Galdar

    Page 25: the[original has "teh"] turmoil had been so great

    Page 25: sometimes fair,[comma missing in original] at other
    times foul

    Page 56: Damsel had no command over hers[original has "her's"]

    Page 77: giant-like Devil ran[original has "run"] too fast

    Page 77: Andandona the giantess[original has "giantness"] of
    the dolorous isle

    Page 94: and Florestan[original has "Floreston"] were badly

    Page 96: one was called Brontaxar Danfania[original has

    Page 103: being right joyful[original has "loyful"] for the

    Page 116: she would have kissed[original has "kisssed"] his feet

    Page 132: forthwith[original has "forthwth"] they all went

    Page 134: the hermit[original has "theher mit"] sent his sister

    Page 136: he then gave him to eat what[original has "what
    what"] was proper

    Page 137: that you[original has "yon"] need the service

    Page 137: hath its courage doubled thereby.[period missing in

    Page 150: and how well caparisoned[original has "aparisoned"]

    Page 165: rose into his cheek.[original has a comma]

    Page 167: delight of their hearts was so great[original has

    Page 181: with him Brondajel[original has "Broncadel"] of the

    Page 183: wherefore they were so terrified.[original has a

    Page 185: unhappy daughter determined[original has
    "dedermined"] to bring

    Page 209: On[original has "on"] the morrow the Knight and Master

    Page 211: What can this mean? said Gastiles.[original has a

    Page 227: their talk was at an end.[period missing in original]

    Page 243: quoth Florestan, will I,[original has "will, I"] if I

    Page 248: he shook his lance[original has "ance"] threateningly

    Page 251: bid him empty[original has "empt"] out the ink

    Page 254: discourtesy and falsehood[original has "falshood"]
    would not find

    Page 274: and Madansil[original has "Mandacil"] of the silver

    Page 275: here are a Squire[original has "8quire"] and Dwarf

    Page 279: Ambor de Gandel,[comma missing in original]
    Angriote's son

    Page 292: said to the King,[comma missing in original] I will

    Page 300: And Don Grumedan[original has "Grudeman"] cried out

    Page 305: he humbly saluting her, said,[comma missing in
    original] Lady

    Page 313: I can only pray[original has "pra"] to God

    Page 315: when you have tried them.[period missing in original]

    Page 315: and[original has "aud"] that it bore no mark

    Page 316: Don Grumedan being between[original has "beween"] the
    other twain

There is an Errata page at the end of Vol. IV. listing the following


  Page  Line
    4    19   —_friend_——_friends_.
    9    21   —for a full stop, place a comma.
    9    22   —for a comma, place a semicolon.
   17    23   —to continue by sea——to continue _thus_ by sea
   39     6   —She Lady who wished——She, Lady, who _wishes_.
   79     8   —beseech——beseech _her_.
  148     2   —_could_——_would_.
  194    14   —_branded_——_bounded_.
  287     6   —_Damsel_——_Damsels_
  296     2   —_Damsel_——_Damsels_.

The listed corrections have been made to this text.

End of Project Gutenberg's Amadís of Gaul, Vol. III. of IV., by Vasco Lobeira


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