The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Great Round World and What Is Going On
In It, Vol. 1, No. 44, September 9, 1897, by Various

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Title: The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 44, September 9, 1897
       A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls

Author: Various

Editor: Julia Truitt Bishop

Release Date: June 2, 2005 [EBook #15970]

Language: English

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  Vol. 1                SEPTEMBER 9, 1897                No. 44.
[Entered at Post Office, New York City, as second class matter]

[Illustration: A

$2.50 per year
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=Copyright, 1897, by WILLIAM BEVERLEY HARISON.=

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        _To Any Subscriber Securing_

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               =THE GREAT ROUND WORLD=

     _These volumes are neatly bound in cloth, with title stamped
     on side and back, and make a neat library book, handy in
     size and weight, and tasteful in appearance._

    =PART I.= _contains_
       =NOVEMBER 11th, 1896 to FEBRUARY 18th, 1897=

    =PART II.= _contains_
       =FEBRUARY 25th, 1897 to JUNE 3d, 1897=

     ALBERT ROSS PARSONS, _President, American College of
     Musicians,_ writes concerning his son, aged 10: "The bound
     volume of the first fifteen numbers has remained his daily
     mental food and amusement ever since it arrived. I thank you
     for your great service both to our young people and to their

       *       *       *       *       *

                            =THE GREAT ROUND WORLD=
                =3 & 5 WEST 18TH STREET       NEW YORK CITY=

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      =Journal of Education=

           EVERY WEEK

From Sept. 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1898

           FOR ONLY
         =FIFTY CENTS=

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prominent feature. The best talent will be employed to prepare
programmes and exercises for the proper observance of the birthdays of
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                =3 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass.=

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="The Great Round World" PRIZE CONTEST=

THE GREAT ROUND WORLD is now over six months old, and it feels some
anxiety to know just how much interest its readers have taken in the
news and how much information they have gained from its pages. To
ascertain this, it has been decided to offer ten prizes for the best
answers to the following:

     =Name ten of the most important events that have been mentioned in
     "The Great Round World" in the first 30 numbers, that is, up to
     number of June 3d.=

     _In mentioning these events give briefly reasons for considering
     them important._

This competition will be open to subscribers only, and any one desiring
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date of their subscription; a number will then be given them.

All new subscribers will be furnished with a card entitling them to
enter the competition.

In making the selection of important events, remember that wars and
political events are not necessarily the most important. If, for
instance, the air-ship had turned out to be a genuine and successful
thing, it would have been most important as affecting the history of the
world. Or if by chance the telephone or telegraph had been invented in
this period, these inventions would have been _important_ events.

Prizes will be awarded to those who make the best selection and who
mention the events in the best order of their importance. Answers may be
sent in any time before September 1st.

The Great Round World does not want you to hurry over this contest, but
to take plenty of time and do the work carefully. It will be a pleasant
occupation for the summer months.

We would advise you to take the magazines starting at No. 1, look them
over carefully, keep a note-book at your side, and jot down in it the
events that seem to you important; when you have finished them all, No.
1 to 30, look over your notes and select the ten events that seem to you
to be the most important, stating after each event your reason for
thinking it important.

For instance: suppose you decide that the death of Dr. Ruiz was one of
these important events, you might say, "The killing of Dr. Ruiz in the
prison of Guanabacoa--because it brought the cruelties practised on
American citizens to the attention of our Government," etc., etc.

In sending your answers put your number and the date only on them, for
the judges are not to know names and addresses of the contestants, that
there may be no favoritism shown.

It is important to put date on, for if two or more are found of similar
standing, the one first received will be given preference.

GREAT ROUND WORLD, 3 and 5 West 18th Street, New York City.

          _Write answer on one side of the paper only_
     =Prizes will be selections from the premium catalogue=

         No. 1. Premiums as given for 15 Subscriptions
         No. 2.    "      "   "    "  12        "
         No. 3.    "      "   "    "  10        "
         No. 4.    "      "   "    "   9        "
         No. 5.    "      "   "    "   8        "
         No. 6.    "      "   "    "   7        "
         No. 7.    "      "   "    "   5        "
         No. 8.    "      "   "    "   5        "
         No. 9.    "      "   "    "   5        "
         No. 10.   "      "   "    "   2        "

           =TIME EXTENDED UNTIL OCT. 15, 1897.=

       *       *       *       *       *

[Illustration: THE GREAT ROUND

    VOL. 1   SEPTEMBER 9, 1897.   NO. 44

The Armenians in Turkey are becoming restless once more.

They say they have waited long enough for the promised reforms, and as
the Sultan has made none of the proposed changes, they have once again
shown their hatred for him and his rule by resorting to that most
cowardly of weapons, a dynamite bomb.

One day last week all Constantinople was alarmed by the noise of several
loud explosions.

It was soon found that dynamite bombs had been thrown into the windows
of the Government Council House. The entire building was shaken to its
foundations, the roof torn off, and the walls badly damaged.

A meeting of ministers in the Grand Vizier's office had been proposed
for the hour at which the explosion took place, and it was supposed that
the cowardly assassins had intended to murder the Turkish officials
while they were attending to their duties. Happily the meeting had been
postponed, and therefore but little harm was done beyond the damage to
the building.

The people had hardly recovered from their horror over the wrecking of
the Council House when word was brought that an attempt had been made
to blow up the Ottoman Bank.

Just a year ago an attack was made on the Bank, and on that occasion its
officers were so unprepared for an attack that the Armenians gained
possession of the building, and held it against the soldiers for several

The Ottoman Bank of Turkey has charge of the public funds, so it is to
the interest of the Government to see that it is well protected. Since
the Armenian attack, therefore, there has not only been a special guard
on duty to protect the bank, but men stationed at the doors to inspect
every person who entered, and prevent any suspicious-looking characters
from gaining access to the main building.

These precautions probably saved many precious lives, for, on the same
afternoon that the bomb was thrown a man was seen entering the bank who
was so extraordinarily fat that the watchers became suspicious of him.

They refused to let him enter the main building, and taking him into a
little side room set apart for the purpose, they searched him.

They found, as they had suspected, that his great size was due to a huge
dynamite bomb, which he was trying to conceal under his robes. In Turkey
many of the people have not adopted the European dress of coat and
trousers, but still cling to their long loose robes.

As soon as the bomb was discovered it was carefully put into water, the
man was arrested, and the bank closed its doors, an extra guard of
soldiers being sent for to protect it.

The news of the attempt on the bank was followed by the calling out of
the palace guard and the closing of all the entrances to the palace.

A rumor was then spread abroad that another bomb had been found within
the palace grounds, and that yet another had been found that was
intended to blow up the Police Headquarters.

When the news of these various outrages was noised abroad the people
were panic-stricken.

Crowds of Turks rushed from their homes, anxious to defend their city
and their Sultan, and, armed with sticks, they hurried through the
streets, not knowing where to go, or what to do first.

Alarmed lest their good intentions should lead them into acts of
violence, and that Constantinople would be plunged into the horrors of
riot and mob rule, the police and patrols ordered the men back to their
homes, severely clubbing those who were slow to obey.

Soon the streets were given over to the soldiers, and not a soul was to
be seen abroad but those connected with the guards and patrols.

When the streets were cleared, the police made a search of the Armenian
quarter, and many suspicious characters were arrested.

The certainty that these outrages were the work of Armenians has roused
the Mohammedan population to fresh fury, and a repetition of the
massacres of last year is feared.

The better class of Armenians in Constantinople denounce the shameful
deeds, and are enraged at the men who have once more turned the wrath of
the Turks against the unhappy Christians in the Sultan's domains.

There is a feeling of great uneasiness throughout the city, the Turks
fearing that more dynamite bombs will be thrown, and the Armenians that
the mob will take a hideous vengeance for the outrage.

In the midst of all this danger and confusion, the foreign ambassadors
are endeavoring to arrange for the treaty of peace between Greece and

The peace negotiations seem, however, to be at a standstill.

The protests of Greece against Germany's proposal that her treasury be
controlled until the war indemnity should be paid, finally aroused
England to action.

It was further proposed, if you remember, that the Turkish troops were
not to be withdrawn from Thessaly until the last pound had been paid; it
was also suggested that a regiment or two at a time should leave, as the
debt was paid off, but that Thessaly should be held by the Turks as a
guarantee that Greece would pay.

The other Powers, apparently forgetting that they had sent ultimatums to
Turkey on this subject, finally agreed that the Turkish troops should
stay; but England refused point-blank to listen to any such scheme.

Lord Salisbury, the English Prime Minister, said that whether the war
indemnity be paid or not, the Turkish troops must at once leave
Thessaly. He declared firmly that he would permit no other settlement of
the question, and that rather than allow the Turks to remain longer on
Greek soil, England would break up the concert of the Powers, and take
the consequences.

These were very brave words, and highly pleasing to the national pride
and spirit of England, but the other Powers were indignant that England
should take such a stand. They pretended to forget the angry despatches
which they had sent on this very same subject, and the times they had
refused to carry on further negotiations unless the Sultan consented to
withdraw from Thessaly, and appeared to think that it was the duty of
England to agree with them, no matter how often they changed their

England alone seemed clearly to see that the consent of the Powers to
this infamous scheme was only the result of the Sultan's wearisome
delays, which after fourteen weeks of unprofitable haggling and
bargaining have made the ambassadors anxious to get the matter settled
one way or another, and be rid of the Sultan and his diplomacy.

England stated her reasons for refusing to agree with the other Powers.
She said that the war indemnity demanded by Turkey was so large that
Greece could never pay it, and that the Turkish occupation of Thessaly
until the debt was settled really meant that Thessaly was to be ceded to

As we have said, the English were very pleased over the stand Lord
Salisbury had taken. It seemed to have been done just at the right
moment, when the Powers, weary of the delay and anxious to have the
Turkish army disbanded, would be ready to threaten Turkey with war if
she did not immediately obey them.

This Turkish army is felt to be a very serious menace to Europe. The
Sultan has an enormous number of soldiers now under arms, and moreover
this army of his is a victorious army, proud of its strength, and
anxious to have fresh opportunity to show its mettle and courage.

An uneasy feeling therefore prevails while this large force is kept
under arms, as at any moment the Sultan may take it into his head to try
and reconquer the Balkan provinces which he lost in the war with Russia.

Should he attempt such a thing Europe would be bound to go to the aid of
the province, and the much-dreaded European war would result. Until the
Turkish army is disbanded the peace of Europe cannot be assured.

It was felt, therefore, that Lord Salisbury had chosen a happy time for
his protest, and that the Sultan must now be forced into doing what is

Unfortunately, Lord Salisbury, while he is a very clever statesman, has
not the courage of his own opinions. He can think out a clever plan
which would be of the greatest benefit to his country, and though in the
beginning he will try with great firmness to enforce it, he cannot stand
up against strong opposition. He has time and again abandoned some
excellent policy, and veered completely round, when he has met strong

Much anxiety was felt in London on the present occasion lest he should
not be able to maintain the firm stand he had taken on the Greek
question. This anxiety grew keener when it was found that the other
Powers were opposed to him. His party and his friends did their best to
persuade him to remain firm, and for a time it seemed as though nothing
could shake his resolution. At last the unwelcome news was given out
that the British ambassador in Constantinople had received instructions
from Lord Salisbury to accept the peace proposals of the Turks, and
allow them to remain in Thessaly until the debt should be paid off.

Lord Salisbury's reason for yielding is rumored to be that the five
ambassadors, representing France, Germany, Russia, Austria, and Italy,
were ready to sign the first treaty without waiting for the consent of

This is said to have alarmed the British Prime Minister, and made him
fear that the other Powers would combine against England if he persisted
in his determination, and so he weakly deserted Greece; and the Turks
will remain in Thessaly until the war indemnity is paid.

It is, however, stated that the British, French, and Russian ambassadors
have all sent word to their governments that it is quite impossible for
Greece to pay the sum demanded by Turkey.

Steps are therefore being taken to induce the Sultan to accept a smaller
sum, but the chances are that his success in securing Thessaly will make
Abdul Hamid refuse to take a piaster less. He will be sure to think that
if he only holds out long enough he will get everything he asks for.

In Athens the people are not at all willing to accept the proposed

At a mass-meeting the other night a resolution was prepared and sent to
the King, asking him to reject the treaty and resume the war.

The general feeling throughout Greece is, however, against a continuance
of war.

       *       *       *       *       *

The news from India is of a gloomy character.

Fresh revolts have occurred on the frontier of Afghanistan. A tribe, the
Afridis, has joined the rebellion against the British rule.

The disaffection of this tribe, which numbers about twenty thousand
first-class hill-fighters, is most serious to the British cause. It is
not its strength that alarms the English, however, but that the English
army in India has been largely recruited from the Afridis, and so the
rebels are not confined to the enemy that has to be faced, but numbers
of them are found in the very regiments that are being sent to the front
to quell the disturbance.

The Afridis have until now been most loyal to the Government, and were
looked upon as safeguards in case the rebellion assumed a more serious
form. During the Afghan war this tribe held the Khyber Pass for the
British, and did them great service, as this pass is the main mountain
route in the north between Afghanistan and Hindustan.

A revolt of the Afridis was the event most to be feared by the British,
and it now appears to have taken place.

A large force of tribesmen entered into Khyber Pass, attacked the forts
which guarded it, and unfortunately were successful in capturing them.
The force of British soldiers at hand was not strong enough to drive
them back, and they were able to swarm into the Pass in great numbers
and possess themselves of it.

The Pass once taken, they had the temerity to offer to treat with the
British for peace, and promise to go peaceably back to their homes if
the soldiers should be withdrawn from all the forts on the frontier.

The British Government is incensed that the tribesmen should be so
little afraid of the power of the English arms, and has determined to
conquer this rebellious tribe, and give it a lesson in obedience that
will not soon be forgotten.

Now that the outbreak has assumed such a serious form, every one is
trying to discover a reason for the rebellion. Some think that the
Sultan of Turkey is at the root of the matter, and that he has caused
the news of his victory over the Greeks to be spread broadcast
throughout the whole Mohammedan race, thereby creating the impression
that the power of Europe has been shaken, and in this way has given the
natives of Hindustan an idea that it is an excellent opportunity for
them to try to throw off the hated European sovereignty.

Another rumor is that the Ameer of Afghanistan has incited the tribes to
rebel, and that he is secretly giving them his support and assistance.

All the revolting tribes dwell on the borders of Afghanistan, and it is
known for a fact that the Ameer distributed among the native Indian
regiments a book of treasonable character, telling them all about the
Jehad or Holy War. This war, according to the Mohammedan belief, is to
be undertaken by the Moslems against the Christians, and is to result in
the spreading of the Mohammedan faith throughout the world.

The circulation of these books excited the natives very much, and it is
thought had a great deal to do with their present restless and
rebellious spirit.

The Indian Government therefore sent a message to the Ameer protesting
against the further circulation of this book, and accusing him of
exciting the tribes to rebel, and then of allowing his subjects to take
part with them against the English.

The Ameer sent a prompt reply in which he denied that any of his
subjects had been concerned in the recent troubles.

He said that his soldiers should never be used to fight against the
British, and that if any of the tribes under his rule are guilty of
joining in a rebellion against his friend the Queen, it is without his
knowledge or consent. He insisted that none of his people would have
dared to join the rebels openly, for fear of his severe displeasure.

In addition to this letter to the British Government, he has issued an
order to his subjects, forbidding them to join the rebels.

Notwithstanding this, the British officers in India place no reliance on
the Ameer's protestations, and still believe that he is directing the
operations of the troops on the frontier.

       *       *       *       *       *

Spain is still sorrowing for the loss of her Prime Minister, Senor

This great statesman was buried with all the honors which his patriotism
merited. The public buildings were all draped in black, all business was
suspended in Madrid during the ceremonies, and all honor was paid to his
memory, the Queen Regent sending personal messages of sympathy to his
widow, and ordering the court to go into mourning for him for three

Kings and princes cannot give expression to their feelings as private
individuals do; they have their public duties to perform, and therefore
no matter how sincere their grief they are not at liberty to shut
themselves away from the world and mourn their loss.

When a member of a royal family dies, the sovereign orders that a
certain number of days or weeks shall be observed as days of mourning.
During this time the whole court is dressed in black or the color that
is used as mourning in that special country. In France, purple used to
be the color of the court mourning; in China they use white. The
servants as well as the ladies and gentlemen of the sovereign's
household all wear the mourning color, and during the period set apart
for the days of mourning no dinners or festivities of any sort are
given, no persons are received or presented at the court, and the king
and court retire into private life.

As soon as the appointed time is passed, the mourning garments are laid
aside, and the gaieties are resumed as if nothing had happened to
interrupt them.

As a rule, a court only goes into mourning for a relative of the
sovereign or a member of the reigning family. It is most unusual for a
court to be ordered to mourn for a person who is not of the royal blood,
and that the Spanish court has been ordered to pay this mark of respect
to Senor Canovas shows the high esteem in which he was held.

The cowardly assassin who murdered the Prime Minister has suffered the
penalty of his infamous crime. He was tried, found guilty of his
dreadful deed, and put to death.

The Queen Regent has had to choose another Prime Minister in Canovas'
stead, and this has been a hard task for her. In Canovas she lost her
best friend and constant adviser, and his place was not easily filled.

On the death of Senor Canovas, General Azcarraga, by virtue of his
office of Minister of War, assumed the duties of the Prime Minister, and
it is upon him that the Queen's choice has fallen. General Azcarraga is
supposed to be thoroughly in sympathy with Senor Canovas' plans for
Cuba, and to be prepared to carry them out.

He is said to approve of the way Weyler has been conducting the war, and
intends to keep him as Captain-General of Cuba.

It is reported that when the news of Senor Canovas' death reached
Havana, General Weyler at once offered to resign his position, well
knowing that if Senor Sagasta was made Prime Minister in Canovas' place
there would be a new Captain-General in Cuba within the month.

Sagasta has, as you probably remember, many kindly plans for Cuba, and
had he come into power it is thought would have endeavored to give Cuba
home rule.

The Queen has, however, put an end to his hopes by appointing General
Azcarraga, and Sagasta must be content to wait.

In the mean while the Carlists are gathering in force, prepared to
revolt as soon as Don Carlos shall bid them to. It is reported that
sixty thousand well-armed men are ready to answer to his call.

Don Carlos, however, persists in awaiting the result of the Cuban war
before he attempts to seize the throne. He declares that he loves his
country too well to plunge it into a civil war at the moment when it is
harassed by outside enemies.

The situation in Cuba continues to improve for the insurgents. They are
strong, hopeful, and victorious. They have not as yet risked any great
battle, but in their raids and forays against the enemy are constantly

It is reported on the best authority that Gomez has crossed the Matanzas
border, and is now in Havana province. It is also said that the trochas
have been abandoned by the Spaniards, and the insurgents cross them at

The Spanish garrisons are now being withdrawn from the smaller interior
towns and concentrated in the important places, principally on the

The condition of the Spanish soldiers grows daily worse, while the
rebels have become so inured to hardship that they have developed into
fine, sturdy soldiers.

If Spain is not able to send strong reinforcements soon, the end of the
Cuban war cannot be very far off.

General Woodford, the United States minister to Spain, will arrive in
Madrid about September 1st, and it is expected that he will be presented
to the Queen Regent about September 15th.

It is stated that he is to endeavor to persuade Spain to put a speedy
end to the war by granting home rule to Cuba.

Mr. Fishback, who acted as Mr. Calhoun's secretary, has, it is said,
been sent to Cuba on a special mission from the Government. He is to go
the round of the consulates in the island with Consul-General Lee, and
obtain an idea of the true conditions in Cuba, and report the result of
his observations to the President.

       *       *       *       *       *

The new tariff law has now been in effect for some weeks, and every day
there are fresh accounts of the woes of the incoming travellers from

The zeal of the Custom-House officers in performing their duty is only
equalled by the efforts of the passengers in avoiding theirs. Every
ship-load that arrives affords infinite sport for the unconcerned

Last week a French family, consisting of a mother and two sons, arrived.

When asked if they had any dutiable articles, they declared that they
had brought nothing with them that ought to pay duty. As they had twenty
pieces of baggage with them, the officials refused to believe that they
had nothing on which duty should be levied.

The two sons were very elegant and extremely polite French gentlemen.
They courteously handed their keys to the inspectors, and turned around
to converse with some equally elegant young ladies who had come to meet
their party.

Their pleasant conversation was roughly interrupted by the inspectors.

Only six of the twenty pieces of baggage were trunks; the rest proved to
be packing-cases.

"They've got to be opened," said the heated inspectors.

"Certainly. You have our permission to open them," said the polite young

"What!" roared the inspectors, "Open them! We are not carpenters! Open
them yourselves!"

There and then these well-dressed, well-mannered young men had to set
to work to pry open their own packing-cases.

By this time their suavity had so exasperated the officials, who are not
accustomed to politeness and pleasant words from incoming passengers,
that they decided that the young Frenchmen must have a reason for their
good manners, and be in fact dangerous smugglers.

As one of the young men bent over a packing-case it was noticed that his
coat-pockets bulged suspiciously. Before he could offer a protest he and
his mother and brother were hurried away to the offices and searched.

In spite of their best endeavors the inspectors were unable to find
anything dutiable in the belongings of this charming family, and finally
the young Frenchmen were permitted to go on their way with their mother
and their belongings. It would have been a little interesting to have
obtained from them their first impressions of America.

The officials were, however, so angry that these good people had not
turned out to be smugglers, that they gave the next few passengers who
fell into their hands a very unhappy time.

One man who had bought a two-dollar doll for his little girl was obliged
to pay $1.50 as duty on it. Another who had spent $200 on new gowns for
his wife had to pay another $126 before he was able to take them to her.

One father was loud in his protests because he was taxed for the dresses
his daughters were wearing, and which he declared had been used by them
for a year and a half.

Nobody escaped on that unlucky day, and from eighty passengers about
$5,000 was collected. If this keeps up, our treasury will soon be

So annoying has the Dingley Bill made matters for travellers that a
consultation has been held by the customs officials, to see whether it
is not possible to make things a little easier for them.

The bill was aimed at importers, or people who buy and sell goods
manufactured in foreign countries. It was not intended to harass the
lives out of tourists who have merely purchased a few pretty things
while they have been abroad.

It would of course be unjust to allow these said pretty things to be
brought into the country free of duty, lest unscrupulous persons should
take advantage of the Government's kindness to avoid paying duty on
articles they intended to sell.

The inspectors have, however, felt that it is not right to tax wearing
apparel that has evidently been bought for the traveller's own use, and
has been worn.

The result of the conference of the Custom-House officials has been a
petition to the Secretary of the Treasury, asking him to allow the
Collector of the port of New York so to interpret the new law that
innocent travellers may not be taxed as if they were importers trying to
smuggle in goods.

       *       *       *       *       *

The great coal strike still remains unsettled.

It was hoped that it would be brought to a close this week, as both the
miners and the owners had agreed to meet and discuss the matter, to see
if some understanding could not be reached.

The meeting has taken place, but unfortunately the two parties are as
far apart as ever.

The idea of the conference was to arrange that the dispute might he

As soon as the meeting was called to order, the miners offered to return
to work if they were paid at the rate of sixty-nine cents for each ton
of coal mined, with the understanding that they would accept a reduction
if the arbitrators found that such payment was higher than the owners
could afford.

The owners refused this offer, and instead proposed that the miners
should go to work at fifty-four cents per ton, and that the arbitrators
should then decide upon a fair rate of payment. If it proved to be
higher than fifty-four cents, the owners would then make up the
difference to the men.

This offer being refused, the owners said they would pay sixty-one
cents, and make up the difference if the arbitration went against them.

The miners, however, refused to listen to these proposals, and the
conference broke up.

Both miners and owners declare that there is no present prospect of
reaching an understanding, and that there is nothing for it but to fight
the battle to its end.

The owners intend to try to open the mines with non-union men. The
miners are preparing to prevent these men from going into the mines.

       *       *       *       *       *

There has been great excitement during the past few days over the sudden
rise of the wheat market.

Nearly all of the great countries of the world, with the exception of
the United States, have had poor wheat crops this year. Our crop has
been considerably larger than any we have had for several years past.
People cannot do without bread, and in consequence of this failure of
their crops, other countries have had to come to us and buy. They have
of course had to pay whatever price we asked, and as a natural
consequence the price of wheat has gone up enormously.

All the people who were clever enough to foresee this demand from
abroad, and buy up the wheat before the orders came in, have made
fortunes during the past few days. They refused to sell their grain
until its price had gone up to nearly double what they had paid for it,
and are now smiling and happy, and thinking that prosperity has come at

Though a little flurry in the price of wheat cannot of itself make
prosperity, the demands on our carrying trade for the shipment of the
grain to foreign countries has brought a great deal of business to our
shores. It is stated that the piers around New York present a more busy
scene than has been witnessed since the dull times began.

Grain elevators are in constant use loading the ships, and so great is
the demand that the little floating elevators are getting a large share
of the business.

Ships are being loaded for France, the Argentine Republic, South Africa,
Portugal, and many other foreign countries.

Three million bushels of wheat were sent out of the country during the
past week.

       *       *       *       *       *

You will be interested to hear of the capture of Drunami, the king of
Benin, who has been wandering in the African forests since the
destruction of Benin City, by the expedition sent out from England last
February to punish him for the murder of the English travellers. (See
page 344.)

Drunami finally returned to Benin, and surrendered to the British

The soldiers who were guarding the city one day caught sight of a large
body of natives approaching the walls.

Ahead of the main body ran a messenger carrying a white flag, to show
that their mission was one of peace. He was closely followed by Drunami,
ten of his principal chiefs, and eight hundred unarmed warriors.

The English soldiers were called out, and the King was allowed to enter
the city.

He stated that he had come to make submission to the British Queen or
her representative, and begged that in consideration for his rank he
might be allowed to make his submission in private.

When this message was brought to the Resident, as the English governor
is called, he refused to grant the request.

He said that Drunami's rebellion against the Queen had been public, and
therefore his submission must be public also.

The King of Benin thereupon held a council with his chiefs, who after
much arguing decided that it was best to obey the wishes of the
Resident, and make public submission.

Word of his intention was accordingly sent to the Resident, who
thereupon repaired to the Council House, and, taking his position on its
steps, waited the arrival of the penitent King.

Drunami, as he advanced to meet him, presented a very strange
appearance. From head to foot his black skin was covered with coral
ornaments. On his arms and ankles were numberless bangles, those on his
arms being so many and so heavy that he could not raise his arms, but
had to have them supported by his followers.

He had by this time added a band of music to his train, and to the
mournful music which they made on their reed instruments the King and
his chiefs marched in front of the Council House, and in the presence of
the soldiers whom the Resident had ordered to assemble, publicly
tendered his submission to the Queen of England.

This act was accomplished by bowing very low before the Resident, and
then kneeling on the ground and rubbing his forehead three times in the

The ten chiefs repeated the ceremony after their King; and thus having
signified their regret for their evil deeds, and their intention to be
faithful and obedient in future, the King and his followers were allowed
to take their way back to the palace in Benin.

       *       *       *       *       *

England seems to have taken to heart the conduct of the Irish people
during the recent jubilee, and to be endeavoring to make peace with the
denizens of the Emerald Isle.

There have been many complaints that the royal family never visited
Ireland, and that the money and trade that a royal pageant always brings
with it have been purposely withheld from the land of St. Patrick.

There is a good deal of justice in this complaint. The Queen, who goes
so often to Scotland, has not set foot in Ireland since 1861, nor has
the Prince of Wales since 1871. At the same time Ireland has been in
such an unsettled state that it has not seemed a very safe country in
which to trust the precious life of a sovereign.

Now, however, the Queen has sent the Duke and Duchess of York to Dublin
to open the exhibition of Irish industries in that city.

The Duke of York is the Queen's grandson, the eldest living son of the
Prince of Wales. He is the heir to the throne, and will be the King of
Great Britain and Ireland if he survives his grandmother and father.

The Queen has therefore entrusted one of the most precious members of
her family to the keeping of the Irish, and the importance of this act
may go a long way toward making peace with Ireland.

The wife of the Duke of York is the daughter of one of the most popular
of the English princesses, and is said to have inherited all her
mother's amiability and charm of manner.

Entertainments and fetes have been given the young couple, and it is
rumored that the Queen is about to purchase for them the beautiful
"Muckross" estate near Killarney.

If this is done, her Majesty will probably require the young people to
spend a good deal of their time in Ireland.

The Irish themselves have not been very friendly to the young Prince.
They have indeed rather resented this attempt to gain their friendship.

The entertainments that have been given have been by the government
officials, the Irish themselves carefully abstaining from any signs of
satisfaction at the visit.

It has been conveyed to the Prince, however, that the Irish as a nation
are quite willing to be friendly with him after he has proved himself
worthy of their friendship.

       *       *       *       *       *

France is very proud and happy over the visit of her President, Monsieur
Faure, to the Czar of Russia.

Last October the Czar visited Paris, and during his stay it was openly
hinted that an alliance between Russia and France had been formed which
was to be of great benefit to both countries.

The return visit of Monsieur Faure to Russia is supposed to be for the
sake of finally cementing the new alliance.

The Russians are making his trip delightful to him in their own
charmingly hospitable way, and from general appearances it would seem
that M. Faure's visit is purely one of pleasure. Diplomatists, however,
declare that the outcome of M. Faure's visit will be a new arrangement
of the European alliances, which will leave Great Britain out in the
cold, and lessen her influence in European politics.

       *       *       *       *       *

Prof. David Starr Jordan has written a letter from the seal islands
which fully confirms the worst fears about the decrease of the seal

He says that if the sealing is carried on in its present fashion the
seals will disappear in the Bering Sea in a very short while, and that
even with the greatest care the herd will not be up to its full strength
for a good many years.

Not only are there fewer mother seals than formerly, but the killing of
the young pups has made such a difference in the herd that there are
very few young braves growing up. This year there seems to be only old
men and mother seals, and hardly any young families at all.

       *       *       *       *       *

This Bering Sea dispute has been very long in settlement and seems to be
as far from a decision as ever. There is much difference of opinion on
the subject, and of course there is more than one way of looking at it;
and yet it would seem as though some agreement ought to be reached that
would prevent the destruction of the seals.

Doubtless, after much diplomatic delay, dispute, and talk, the matter
will be settled, and we will hope that this may be accomplished before
it is too late to save the seals from dying out.

                                                 G.H. ROSENFELD.

       *       *       *       *       *


(Continued from page 1234.)

And so, next to the dwellings for life, they built dwellings for
death--built them larger and stronger, too, since so many graves are
left in excellent preservation, while no houses at all have survived to
satisfy our curiosity. A universally favorite form of grave is the
so-called "mound" (known in England as "barrow"). These mound-tombs, to
judge from what is found in them, were constructed to hold the remains
of the wealthy and powerful among the people, often of their kings.
They differ greatly in size and richness, but all are alike in this:
that the place for the body or bodies is dug more or less deep in the
ground, then closed tight with stones or slabs and hard-stamped soil,
above which is raised an earthen mound, on which the grass grows--hence
the name.

The "mound-builders" have been busy all over the world. There is no flat
country on any part of the earth where these strange monuments have not
been found, singly or in groups, and it taxes at times a sharp eye to
know them from the natural grass-grown knolls or hillocks on a so-called
rolling plain, for which, indeed, they were taken until some accident
made known what they really were.

Let us look at the interior of one of the most royal among these palaces
of death--or, rather, in the builders' minds, vestibules of a renewed

In the middle--or toward one end--of a large, rather low chamber,
flagged and cased with stone masonry, lies the chieftain's skeleton,
with golden armlets and necklet, possibly a golden band encircling the
skull, and some choice weapons by his side, within reach of the hand.
Not infrequently tatters of some tissue show where the mantle was folded
around the form; but that falls to dust at the lightest touch, and,
indeed, at a longer contact with air, as do sometimes the bones
themselves. A smaller skeleton--a woman's--likewise adorned, shares the
honors of the gloomy abode. It is the wife, or perchance the favorite
wife, polygamy (the custom of having many wives) having long been
universal. In a circle around the two principal figures, but at a
respectful distance, indicating their subordinate station, are disposed
other skeletons, unclothed and unadorned, evidently slaves, probably
favorite attendants. Not infrequently a horse is found in a corner--the
chief's own charger; and even sometimes a dog at the master's feet.
Every skull, of man, woman, or animal, shows the heavy single blow which
severed life. Not without due state and seemly retinue shall the hero
enter on the new life which awaits him; his own best-loved companion
shall minister to him; his own tried servants shall follow him as of
yore; the steed which bore him safely out of many a battle, the hound
which shared with him the joys of many a glorious chase, shall bear him
into the fray with new and unknown foes, shall hunt down with him the
game that roams the forests of the Unknown Land. As the way thither may
be very long, the travellers shall not go unprovided. So around the wall
are ranged dishes, platters, bowls--each containing dried-up food,
various kinds of grains; also jars and tall vessels with handles, which
evidently had held liquids. It is easy to see that the choicest pieces
of fine and artistically ornamented pottery have been selected from the
household stores. In mounds of the later periods some of the dishes and
bowls are of bronze, even of gold and silver, and show considerable
beauty of form and workmanship; but the jars are invariably of
earthenware, as water and wine keep better in such than in metal.

We must not forget that, among the countless mounds which have been
opened, only a very few are like that we just looked into. The general
run are much plainer, and the majority contain only one silent inmate.
It was not every one could afford the luxury of a wholesale slaughter
in his household. The chambers, too, are very different in size and
construction, and the furnishings vary quite as much in richness and

Putting away the dead in mound-graves, besides being a universal custom,
was one which endured through a long series of centuries, since their
contents illustrate for us the Age of Bronze through all its gradations
and a goodly portion of the Age of Iron--_i.e._, the beginnings of the
age in which we live ourselves.

To decide which mound belongs to a later and which to an earlier period
is easy, from the variety and quality of the articles, which bear
witness to the degree of culture of the builders, though it is of course
difficult even to give a guess in figures at just _how_ long ago, at
least, the earlier mounds were built.

These are all times which knew not of writing. Therefore we have no
history of them; for history is made up of two elements: things that
happen, and writers who record them. So when we speak of "historic
times," we mean the times since writing came into general use. All that
went before we class as "prehistoric" times, _i.e._, times of which we
can have no history. It is clear, then, that if, of two countries, one
knows writing and uses it to register what happens to it, while the
other does not, the former will be living in historic, the latter in
prehistoric times.

More than that: there are plenty of peoples now living in--for
them--prehistoric times. Take all the savage tribes still scattered over
land and sea in many parts of the world. Just as there are enough South
Sea Islanders for whom the Age of Stone is not over yet, since they
still use flint, bone, and fishbone for their tools and weapons, and
what metal they have comes to them through barter from Europeans or
Americans. Captain Cook--or some other noted voyager and
discoverer--received as a present from a South Sea chieftain a flint
axe, beautifully shaped and polished like a mirror. The chief told his
white friend it had taken _fifty years_ to produce that polish, his
grandfather, his father, and himself having worked on it at odd moments
of leisure!

And yet, when we speak of "historic" and "prehistoric" times, we never
think of all these races; they do not count among the so-called
"culture-races," because they have produced no civilization of their
own, have done nothing to advance the work of the world, added nothing
to its treasury; in short, they have not helped to make history.

Just one word more about these prehistoric ages and the memorials they
have left of themselves. No matter how various the stages of human
culture which these latter betray, one feature is common to all, back to
the most primitive feasting-places of the cave-dwellers; it is--the
knowledge and use of fire. Yet there most certainly was a time when men
had not yet learned to produce and to handle this marvellous force of
nature, their most helpful friend and most destructive foe. Can we
picture to ourselves _how_ miserable and degraded, _how_ distressingly
like that of other forest animals must have then been the condition of
those who yet were the fathers of the coming human race? Hardly. Our
imagination itself stands still, helpless and puzzled, before a state of
things so remote, so utterly beyond our power to realize and compare.


COAT HANGER.--An inventor in Boston has just perfected an excellent

At the first glance it looks like the ordinary hangers we have been
using for so many years, but this invention obviates the one objection
which attaches to all the other hangers we have come across--it adapts
itself to the size of the place in which it is to be used.

[Illustration: Hanger]

Those who live in small houses or apartments with meagre cupboard-room
know that the old hanger is out of the question for them, two coats or
waists taking up the entire length of the wardrobe.

The new hanger is adjustable. Its arms work on a spring. It can stretch
them out to the fullest extent where space is no object, but when used
in a cupboard where every inch counts, the accommodating arms will fold
together, and taking one sleeve of the coat or waist on each arm, lay
them together in the same position they would be in if folded in a
drawer. It then hangs in precisely the same manner as the usual hanger,
but with this difference, that it occupies but half the space.

       *       *       *       *       *

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End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Great Round World and What Is
Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 44, September 9, 1897, by Various


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