CONTACT INFORMATION Brad Schick CHICAGO, Ill. --- March 20, 1995 --- Brad Schick announces the debut of Robot Battle 1.2, an exciting new strategic simulation for Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Windows NT. Robot Battle simulates the design and building of intelligent robots that compete in deadly combat. The goal is to devise robots that can defeat others from all over the world. Robot Battle brings players’ custom designed robots to life with stunning sound effects and vivid real-time animation. Only robots with keen tactics, intelligence, and adaptability will survive. Robots are created using an event driven scripting language. Players only need a text editor and their imagination. No previous programming knowledge is required. In fact, Robot Battle is an excellent way to start learning to program. Most modern computer systems are based on event driven techniques very similar to those learned while playing Robot Battle. The robot scripting language actually allows for the creation of robots that learn. As a match progresses, well-designed robots adapt to their surroundings, enhancing performance. Several reviewers have classified Robot Battle as an artificial intelligence simulator rather than a game. Make no mistake, however, Robot Battle is intended for fun. "I was amazed at the concept... Robot Battle makes it possible to write very distinctive robots that are fun to watch in action." writes reviewer Karl Zilles. Robot creation starts by dreaming. Players attempt to fashion robots that can prevail in any situation. The best robots are not the strongest, but rather the most cunning. Robot Battle is bundled with several intriguing robots which speed the learning process. Even before players create their own unique designs, these sample robots are exhilarating to watch. Of course, learning to build intelligent robots is the game’s ultimate challenge. Eventually, players will want to match their wits against other skilled robot designers. Robot Battle provides an avenue for this. Several worldwide competitions are planned to find the greatest robots around. All contestants will receive final results including overall contest information and detailed individual statistics. Innovative new robots can already be found on the Internet. The robot battle has begun. Robot Battle version 1.2 maintains 100% compatibility with all previous Robot Battle versions. Several additions have been made to the Robot Battle Scripting language, many usability enhancements have been added, and a few bugs have been fixed. The Contest entrance fee has also been lowered and additional dates have been added. The following list details the additions to Robot Battle 1.2. Usability Enhancements - Automatic reload button added to robot selection dialog - Debugger style inspector available from robot information dialog - Complete file dump utility available from robot information dialog - Kill robot button on information dialog - Match place displayed in information dialog - Added alt hotkeys to toolbar - Added ctrl hotkeys for common tasks Language Enhancements - Modulus operator (see math operators) - Abs command - Max command - Min command - Event on/off commands only rest their corresponding variables when the event state is changed SPECIFICATIONS - Operating Systems: Windows 3.1 and Window NT - Processor 386sx or better - Equipment Sound card recommended - Disk Space 1.2 MB CONTEST DEADLINES - March 1st, 1995 - November 1st, 1995 AVAILABILITY Robot Battle 1.2 ( has already been released as shareware. It may be found through any of these channels: FTP Sites: - /RobotBattle - /pub/pc/win3/games On-line Services: - America Online Windows Forum / games / other window games - CompuServe Gamers Forum / strategy games library Bulletin Board Systems (BBS): - Exec-PC (414) 789-4360 - Channel 1 (617) 354-3230 - Software Creations (508) 368-7036 - Invention Factory (212) 274-8110 ROBOT BATTLE MAILING LIST -You must send a message to the following address: -In the BODY of your message, type this AND ONLY THIS: subscribe robot-list -The subject of your message is ignored. - Brad Schick