DMP 400  (260-1251)               Features            Faxback Doc. # 4565

The DMP-400 is a high-density dot matrix printer which can perform a 
variety of different printing operations. For instance, it can print:

* Proportional spaced characters

* Monospaced characters (normal, condensed, compressed)

* Correspondence Quality characters

* Graphic characters

For maximum efficiency, the DMP-400 operates in three modes:

* Data Processing mode for fastest output of program listings or data.

* Word Processing mode for letter writing or the creation of any text  

* Graphics Mode for drawing pictures, figures, or graphs.

For word processing, you'll find the DMP-400's Proportional spaced characters 
(created on a variable 9 x 15 dot matrix) can produce letter-quality results.

If, however you need a print-out that is produced faster, Monospaced 
characters (created on a 8 x 9 dot matrix) are just the thing for you!

In the Graphics Mode, you can use graphic data to draw just about any type 
of graphic configuration you desire.

You can use two types of paper with the DMP-400.

* Standard (4 to 15" wide) computer fanfold forms with guide holes. The  
  Printer can also print one original and up to two carbon copies.

* Standard single-sheet typewriter paper for use as an ordinary typewriter.

Other software controlled features include:

* Bidirectional minimum-distance access carriage motion.

* Full or half line Forward and Reverse (for printing above to below the  
  "current" line) and 3/4 line feed

* Underline capability

and much more!
