FOR THE TANDY 1000 (T1K)

    The custom BIOS ROM in the WX2 HD controller board for the
TANDY 1000. This ROM now contains support for eight (8) drive
tables. At the (COMPANYS ? ) request parameters for only six (6)
drives were included in the BIOS. The last two (2) tables are
left blank. This is a guide to installing the board in the TANDY
1000 and set the jumpers for the desired drive type.

         TBL       CYL       HDS       RWC       PRECOMP

          0)        512       08        256         256
          1)        306       04        128         128
          2)        306       06        128         128
          3)        612       02        612         612
          4)        614       04        615         615
          5)        971       05        971         971
          6)        ---       --        ---         ---
          7)        ---       --        ---         ---

                         SWITCH  SETTING

              DRIVE 0                       DRIVE 1

             TBL    7    1    2    |     8    3    4

             0)    OFF  ON   ON         OFF  ON   ON
             1)    OFF  ON   OFF        OFF  ON   OFF
             2)    OFF  OFF  ON         OFF  OFF  ON
             3)    OFF  OFF  OFF        OFF  OFF  OFF
             4)    ON   ON   ON         ON   ON   ON
             5)    ON   ON   OFF        ON   ON   OFF
             6)    ON   OFF  ON         ON   OFF  ON
             7)    ON   OFF  OFF        ON   OFF  OFF


   The etch at W7 position 1 to 2 on the solder side of the board
must be cut and a jumper installed on W7 2 to 3. This is to
connect IRQ-2. A jumper must also be installed on SW1 position 5
to enable IRQ-2.

    To hard sector format a drive with this controller gointo
Debug and at the prompt type G=C800:5 and when asked inter the
peramoters for CYL - HDS - RWC - PRECOMP. When finished you
will see FORMAT SUCCESSFUL. Press CTRL, ALT, DEL to preform a

" warm boot ". Run fdisk to partiton your hard disk, then at
the A> type FORMAT C:/S/V this command formats your hard disk
and copies the DOS internal files & COMMAND.COM file onto it.

    When format is complet type copy A:*.* to copy all the other
files from your DOS disk to the hard disk.  GOOD LUCK !!!