Video Blaster FS200 Common Questions and Answers

This  file  contains some  common problems faced and the solutions to
those problems.  Please read the  sections below when you encounter a
problem, and  call  our Technical  Support  when  you cannot  find an
answer in this file.


Problem : Error in opening MCI Driver.

Causes  : 1. VIDEOBLST_FS200  environment  string   was  not  set  up
          2. The applications were not set up properly.

Solutions :

1.  Check   that  the   AUTOEXEC.BAT   file  contains  the  statement
    SET VIDEOBLST_FS200=C:\VBFS200 A:6D4 I:10 M:14 T:3. If any of the
    entries are missing, you need to run FS200ENV  ( see Chapter 3 of
    User Manual).

2.  Run WINSETUP  (see  Appendix B  of  User Manual, or  refer to the
    README.TXT file).


Problem : No video image.

Causes  : 1. VGA cable is not connected to the video card.
          2. Wrong input source selected.
          3. Video image is not aligned with the VGA monitor.

Solutions :

1.  The connection  may be  wrong,  refer to  Figure 2-7  of the User
    Manual on the correct connection.

2.  Run Video Blaster FS200 Setup (in Windows)  or FS200SET (in DOS).
    Use the  Video Source  drop-down list  to select  the appropriate
    video source (see Chapter 5 or 7 of User Manual).

3.  See below (under "The live image has a magenta border").


Problem : The live image has a magenta border.

Cause   : Video image is not aligned with the VGA monitor.

Solution :

Run  Video Blaster FS200 Setup  (in Windows)  or  FS200SET  (in DOS).
Click for the System Settings dialog box, under Video Alignment, drag
the X Offset slider for horizontal alignment.  Then drag the Y Offset
slider for vertical alignment.


Problem : The video image has no color.

Cause   : 1. The broadcast standard is not selected correctly.
          2. Saturation is set to 0.

Solution :

1.  Run Video Blaster FS200 Setup (in Windows)  or FS200SET (in DOS).
    Click  for the  System Settings  dialog box  to appear.   Use the
    Signal Type  drop-down list  to select the  appropriate broadcast

2.  Run Video Blaster FS200 Setup (in Windows)  or FS200SET (in DOS).
    Click for the  Color Settings  dialog box  to appear.  Adjust the
    Saturation control until color re-appears.


Problem : Cannot load a JPEG file.

Cause   : Some  JPEG  file  formats  are  not   suppported  like  the
          YUV 4:2:0.

Solution :

Use a file conversion utility to convert the file to another format.


Problem : Flickering of VGA screen.

Cause   : 1. Some connections are not secure.

Solution :

1.  Ensure that the feature connector and video  interface cables are
    firmly secured.


Problem : Flickering of live video.

Cause   : 1. Some connections are not secured.
          2. Video source may not be functioning.

Solution :

1.  Ensure that the feature connector and video interface  cables are
    firmly secured.

2.  Ensure that your video source is in  reasonable  condition  e.g.,
    having a clean VCR head.


Problem : VGA blanks out when running Video Blaster FS200 software.

Cause   : Screen resolution may be too high.

Solution :

The  Video Blaster FS200  will work with the  following common screen

a)  Standard VGA resolutions, up to 640x480x16 colors.
b)  640x480x256 colors
c)  640x480x32K colors
d)  800x600x16  colors
e)  800x600x256 colors

f)  640x480x64K colors  }
g)  800x600x32K colors  } --> On certain VGA cards only
h)  800x600x64K colors  }

At higher resolutions than these,  the VGA screen may blank out.  Use
a lower video screen resolution, e.g. 800x600x256 colors.


Problem : VGA screen gets brighter while running  Video Blaster FS200

Solution :

This is not  a problem.  The  Video Blaster FS200 enhances  the video
image when active,  including the VGA screen.  As a result the screen
may get a  little brighter while  the Video Blaster FS200 software is
active.  A very soft click will be heard when the Video Blaster FS200
is activated or deactivated.


Problem : FS200DOS runs out of memory while loading or saving images.

Cause   : There is insufficient conventional memory in your system.

Solution :

FS200DOS requires about  500+ KBytes of system conventional memory to
run.  Release any unneeded TSR's in order to free up more memory.


Problem : The live video is OK, but the image cannot be saved to file
          or clipboard.

Cause   : 1. The framebuffer is mapped to extended memory,  and there
             is 16MB (or more) memory in your system.
          2. The framebuffer is mapped to expanded memory,  and there
             is a conflict with your memory manager.

Solution :

1. If you have 16 MB (or more) of memory in your system,  you need to
   use expanded memory for the Video Blaster FS200 framebuffer.   Run
   FS200ENV  to set up the  Video Blaster FS200  for  expanded memory

2. If you are using expanded memory for the framebuffer,  and you are
   using an expanded memory manager (e.g. EMM386 or QEMM386),  ensure
   that  your  memory manager  does not allocate  the Video Blaster's
   framebuffer area for its own use.  FS200ENV may be  able to detect
   this condition and warn you of it.

   If  this   happens,   either   choose   another  region   for  the
   Video Blaster FS200,  or run  your memory management  utilities to
   mark the region as  "RAM"  to allow the Video Blaster FS200 to use

   For Windows 3.x users,  also  check  that  there  is  a  statement
   "EMMExclude="  in  your  SYSTEM.INI  to  inform  Windows  that the
   Video Blaster FS200 will be using that region for its framebuffer.


Problem : The mouse cursor disappears when moved into the video area.

Cause   : Colorkey is disabled.

Solution :

Re-enable colorkey  by pressing  CTRL-K.  (This will work only within
the Video Blaster FS200 Windows and DOS programs.)


Problem : FS200DOS  says  "This  program  requires  a  VGA card  that
          supports VESA".

Cause   : No VESA driver is installed in the system.

Solution :

FS200DOS will only work on systems  that support the VESA  VGA modes.
Check  that your  VGA card is  supplied with VESA.  Some  VGA vendors
supply  VESA drivers  in their  installation disks.  Load that driver
before loading FS200DRV and running FS200DOS.

======================  End of FS200CQA.TXT  ========================