
  1.0 System-Specific Installation Notes
   1.1 PC-3xx PC-7xx
   1.2 PS/ValuePoint 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, and 6494
   1.3 PS/ValuePoint 6387 Wxx and Xxx
   1.4 EduQuest 9615
   1.5 IBM 8640, 9576S, and 9577S
   1.6 Connor Hard Disk Drives
   1.7 Audio Adapters
   1.8 Windows
   1.10 Warp
   1.11 PS/2 Model 80 with REPLY Upgrade Motherboard
   1.12 PS/ValuePoint with Maxtor Hard Disk Drives

  2.0 DOS/Windows Software
   2.1 Installation Notes
   2.2 Diskette Contents
   2.3 Installation Process
   2.4 Software Customization

  3.0 OS/2 Software
   3.1 Installation Notes
   3.2 Diskette Contents
   3.3 Installation Process
   3.4 Installing OS/2 CD Version from Your IDE CD-ROM Drive
   3.5 Software Customization
   3.6 Enabling DMA 

  4.0 DOS Diagnostic (CDFT2.EXE)

  1.0 System-Specific Installation Notes

   1.1 PC-3xx and PC-7xx

      If you have an IBM PC-3xx or PC-7xx system with pre-loaded, dual-boot
      DOS/Windows and OS/2-Warp, you may use the quick-installation

        1.  Go to a DOS command prompt or a DOS Full Screen session

        2.  Insert the option diskette into drive A:

        3.  Type A:CDSETUP2.

      CDSETUP2 will automatically copy the DOS and Warp Device Drivers to
      your hard disk, and update your CONFIG.SYS (both DOS and OS/2) and
      AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

   1.2 PS/ValuePoint 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, and 6494

      These PS/ValuePoint systems provide a dual-port high performance IDE
      controller.  The IDE CD-ROM drive can be connected to either IDE port,
      but should be connected to the secondary port for optimal system per-
      formance. Your hard drive should be connected to the primary IDE port.

      The system configuration code will not recognize IDE CD-ROM drives.
      You must manually select a special mode (not the default) to operate
      the IDE CD-ROM drive in these systems.

      Manual selection may be done through the System Configuration Utility.
      See the instructions that came with your system to enter the System
      Configuration Utility.  After entering the System Configuration Utility,
      scroll down to the section entitled "Mass Storage Devices".  Within
      that section are two options:  "Primary IDE Mode", and "Secondary IDE
      Mode".  The port connected to the IDE CD-ROM drive should be set to
      "Compatible" mode.

      Save any configuration changes and restart your system to complete the
      hardware installation.

   1.3 IBM PS/ValuePoint 6387 Wxx and Xxx

      When Level 2 (L2) cache is added to the PS ValuePoint 6387 Wxx and Xxx
      systems, the IDE port will run faster.  If you have a 2X IDE CD-ROM
      drive in this system, you should add a "/T:1" parameter to the device
      driver statement in CONFIG.SYS as shown below:


      For further information, see section 2.4, "Software Customization".

   1.4 EduQuest 9615

      Due to interrupt conflicts, the secondary IDE port in this system uses
      a non-standard interrupt.  To use the IDE CD-ROM drive on the secondary
      IDE port, you must change the device driver statement in your CONFIG.SYS
      file.  The required changes are underlined in the examples below.

      For DOS, the statement should be:

      DEVICE=IBMIDECD.SYS /D:IBMCD100  /P:170,11

      For OS/2, the statement should be:

      BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD /A:1 /IRQ:11

      See section 2.4 "Software Customization" and section 3.5 "Software
      Customization" for more information.

   1.5 IBM 8640, 9576S, and 9577S

      When the IDE CD-ROM drive is configured as master on the primary IDE
      port, Windows 3.X will report "Not Ready" errors when you try to read
      a disc.  To fix this problem, make sure that the following statement
      is in the Windows SYSTEM.INI file (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI is the default

      VirtualHDirq=off    <--  add this statement or turn it to "off" if it
                               is "on"

      See section 1.7, "Windows", for further information.

   1.6 Connor Hard Disk Drives

      Many Connor hard disk drives manufactured before July 1993 operated in
      a special mode that is not compatible with the IDE CD-ROM drive.

      More recent Connor hard drives provide a jumper to select Standard ATA
      or Connor modes.  This jumper is labeled A/C on the circuit card.  The
      jumper must be ON to enable ATA mode on these hard disk drives.

      IDE hard drives shipped in IBM systems operate in ATA mode to ensure

   1.7 Audio Adapters

      Many audio adapters default to IRQ 7.  IBM recommends using a different
      interrupt, if possible, to avoid problems with some applications.

   1.8 Windows

      If you have the IDE CD-ROM drive installed on the primary IDE port,
      problems may occur when Windows 3.X operates in Enhanced mode. These
      problems may be solved by editing your Windows SYSTEM.INI file (the
      default path is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI).  Look for the following


       VirtualHDirq=off    <-- If "on", change to "off".  If this statement
        .                      is not present, add it to SYSTEM.INI.  This
                               is required only if the CD-ROM is master on
                               the primary port.

       32BitDiskAccess=off <-- If "on", change to "off".  If this statement
                               is not present, add it to SYSTEM.INI.


    1.9.1 SMARTDRV.EXE Invoked From CONFIG.SYS

      This note applies only for DOS 5.0 through DOS 6.2.  When SMARTDRV is
      installed in CONFIG.SYS as a device driver, IDE CD-ROM drive performance
      may be reduced.  If you suspect this, remove the "DEVICE=SMARTDRV.EXE"
      statement from your CONFIG.SYS file.

      See section 2.4, "Software Customization" for more information about

    1.9.2 SMARTDRV 4.0

      If your IDE CD-ROM drive is configured as slave, SMARTDRV 4.0 may cause
      intermittent hangs when you read from your CD-ROM.  The DOS installation
      utility has an option which will automatically disable hard disk write
      caching to fix the problem.  See section 2.3, "Installation Process" for
      more information.  The installation program assumes that SMARTDRV is in
      the WINDOWS directory of your hard disk.  If it is not, you must update
      your AUTOEXEC.BAT file manually.  Using a text editor, add the drive
      letters of your hard disk partitions after the SMARTDRV statement in the
      AUTOEXEC.BAT file.  Example: SMARTDRV C D.

    1.9.3 SMARTDRV 5.0

      If you have SMARTDRV 5.0 with MS-DOS 6.2 or PC-DOS 6.3, you may have
      problems reading multi-session discs such as Kodak Photo CD.  The DOS
      installation utility has an option which will automatically disable
      SMARTDRV CD-ROM caching to fix the problem.  See section 2.3, "Instal-
      lation Process" for more information.  The installation program assumes
      that SMARTDRV is in the DOS directory of your hard disk.  If it is not,
      you must update your AUTOEXEC.BAT file manually.  Using a text editor,
      add a "/U" after the SMARTDRV statement.  Example: SMARTDRV /U.

   1.10 Warp

      If you have the IDE CD-ROM drive installed as master on the secondary
      IDE port, you may experience a TRAP 3 error when you install Warp from
      diskettes.  If this occurs, turn off the system and disconnect the IDE
      CD-ROM drive.  Then install Warp normally.  When the installation is
      complete, copy the IBM1S506.ADD file from the IDE CD-ROM Drive Option/
      Device Driver Diskette to the root directory of your hard disk.  Then
      turn off your system and reconnect the IDE CD-ROM drive.  Follow the
      instructions in section 3.3, "Installation Process" to complete your
      CD-ROM drive installation.

      For further information, see section 3.0, "OS/2 Software".

   1.11 PS/2 Model 80 with REPLY Upgrade Motherboard

      If you have an IBM PS/2 Model 80 with the REPLY upgrade motherboard
      and wish to use OS/2 or WARP, edit CONFIG.SYS to ensure that the


      comes before the statement


      See also sections 3.3 and 3.4.

   1.12 PS/ValuePoint with Maxtor Hard Disk Drives

      If you have an IBM PS/Valupoint system, a Maxtor 245 MB or 345 MB
      hard disk drive, and your IDE CD-ROM is configured as Slave, your     
      device drivers may not recognize your IDE CD-ROM.  If this is the case, 
      cut pin 1 on the IDE cable.  This will affect your system.  Pin one will be
      a different color than the other wires - for example, red.

  2.0 DOS/Windows Software

   2.1 Basic Installation Notes

      To operate your IDE CD-ROM drive with the DOS or Windows operating
      systems, you will need:

      o An IBM personal computer or compatible with an 80386 processor (or
        later version)

      o 640 KB RAM (2 MB recommended)

      o 3.5" 1.44 MB or 2.88 MB diskette drive

      o DOS 3.3 or later

      o Windows 3.1 or later (if you wish to use Windows)

   2.2 Diskette Contents

      The installation diskette contains all of the software needed to install
      and operate the IBM IDE CD-ROM drive in the DOS and Windows environments.
      These files include:

      o CDSETUP2.EXE    Quick device driver installation program for IBM
                        PC-3xx and PC-7xx systems with pre-loaded dual-boot
                        DOS/Windows and OS/2-WARP operating systems.

      o UINSTALL.EXE    CD-ROM installation program.

      o IDECDROM.IDP    Instructions for UINSTALL to add the CD-ROM
                        support software to your system.

      o SD.IDP          Instructions for UINSTALL to disable SMARTDRV 4.0
                        write caching.

      o DOS62.IDP       Instructions for UINSTALL to disable SMARTDRV 5.0
                        CD-ROM caching.  This is required for Kodak Photo CD

      o WIN.IDP         Instructions for UINSTALL to update the SYSTEM.INI
                        file so that Windows will allow your IDE CD-ROM drive
                        to share the primary IDE port with the hard disk.

      o SD.EXE          Used by the installation process.

      o DOS62.EXE       Used by the installation process.

      o MSCDEX.EXE      Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions software, which enables
                        your system to access the CD-ROM drive.

      o IBMIDECD.SYS    CD-ROM device driver for DOS and Windows.

      o IBMCDPLY.EXE    Audio CD Player utility.

      o CDFT2.EXE        Diagnostics that can be run from the DOS command

      o READ.ME         This file.

      The OS/2 support files are described in section 3.

   2.3 Installation Process

      The following process refers to your diskette drive as drive A:.
      If your 3.5-inch drive is configured as drive B:, simply use "B:"
      wherever "A:" is referenced in the process.

      To install the IBM IDE CD-ROM drive software for DOS/Windows:

        1. Go to a DOS command prompt.

        2. Insert the IBM IDE CD-ROM Drive Option/Device Driver Diskette into
           your diskette drive.

        3. At the DOS command prompt (C:>) type "A:UINSTALL" and follow the
           instructions on the screen.

        4. UINSTALL will prompt you for the source and destination drives.

        5. UINSTALL will present a menu of installation options.  Each of
           these installation options is equipped with help menus to aid in
           understanding their function.  Install one or more of the
           following options as appropriate for your system.

           o Install IDE CD-ROM DOS/Windows Support Software

             This option must be selected to install the basic software that
             supports the IBM IDE CD-ROM drive on DOS systems.

           o Update for SMARTDRV 4.0

             This option must be used if you are using SMARTDRV.EXE version
             4.0.  Go to the directory which contains SMARTDRV.EXE and type
             "SMARTDRV ?" to display the version number.  See section 1.9 for
             more information about SMARTDRV.

           o DOS 6.2+ - Update for SMARTDRV/PhotoCD

             This option must be used if you have MS-DOS 6.2 or PC-DOS 6.3
             and you want to use Kodak PhotoCD or other multi-session discs on
             your system.  See section 1.9 for more information about

           o Win 3.0+ - 32 Bit Disk Driver/Primary IDE Port

             This option must be used if you installed the IBM IDE CD-ROM on
             the primary IDE port (or the only IDE port of single-port systems)
             and you use Windows.

        7.  Once you have installed the appropriate options, exit the program
            and re-start your system (Ctrl+Alt+Del) to activate the changes.

   2.4 Software Customization

      As with any complex system, user requirements vary, and you may need
      to customize the setup which UINSTALL has placed on your system.  The
      information in this section describes the parameters that may be used
      to do this.

      1. Device Driver (IBMIDECD.SYS)

      Most systems will function adequately with the default settings for
      this file.  However, there are some parameters that can be changed if
      necessary.  This section explains the function of each parameter.  Use
      a text editor to modify the appropriate line in your CONFIG.SYS file.

      For the IBMIDECD.SYS device driver, the line in CONFIG.SYS is in the
      following format:

                DEVICE=[drive:][path]IBMIDECD.SYS /D:device name [/P:xxx,yy]
                [/A:n] [/U:n] [/L:xx] [/T:n] [/I:n]

      Note:  The actual device driver entry is not truncated and should be
      placed on one line in the CONFIG.SYS file.

                Specifies the location (drive and directory) and name of the
                device driver file.

        /D:device name
                Specifies the device name of the CD-ROM drive.  This must be
                identical to the device name specified in the MSCDEX.EXE
                parameters.  For example:

                DEVICE=C:\IBMIDECD.SYS /D:IBMCD100

                Specifies the address and interrupt level of the port to
                which the IDE CD-ROM drive is connected.

                The device driver automatically checks the industry standard
                primary IDE port (address 1F0, interrupt 14) and secondary IDE
                port (address 170, interrupt 15).  The "/P" parameter is not
                needed if your CD-ROM drive is on either of these ports.  How-
                ever, if your system (or IDE adapter card) uses different IDE
                port addresses or interrupts, you must use this option.  Refer
                to the instructions that came with your system or IDE adapter
                card to understand how your system or adapter is configured.

                'xxx' should be the base address of the IDE port:
                      xxx = 1F0 : Primary (Port 1)
                            170 : Secondary (Port 2)
                            1E8 : Port 3
                            168 : Port 4

                'yy' should be the interrupt (IRQ) level:
                      yy =  14       : Primary (Port 1)
                            15 or 10 : Secondary (Port 2)
                            12 or 11 : Port 3
                            10 or 9  : Port 4

                As an example, when eight drives have been connected, the
                syntax in the CONFIG.SYS file would be:

                DEVICE=C:IBMIDECD.SYS /D:IBMCD100 /P:1F0,14 /P:170,15
                /P:1E8,12 /P:168,10

                Note:  The actual device driver entry is not truncated and
                should be placed on one line in the CONFIG.SYS file.

        [/A:n]  Specifies the audio play mode.  For a stereo CD, /A:0 or /A:1
                is acceptable. For a monaural CD (left or right channel only),
                /A:1 will play the monaural audio signal from both the right
                and left channels.  The default is n=0.

        [/U:n]  Initialize with the tray locked or unlocked.  /U:0 is 'unlock'.
                /U:1 is 'lock'.  The default is n=0.  This command may be used
                if you wish to secure your disc in the drive.

        [/L:xx] Specifies the message language.  The supported languages are:

                'xx' = US : English (default)
                       GR : German
                       FR : French
                       SP : Spanish
                       IT : Italian
                       JP : Japanese

                English is the default and does not need to be specified.

        [/T:n]  n=0 through 99
                Initialize with time delays built into the IDE read loop. This
                should only be used in systems that do not support the IOCHRDY
                signal on the IDE bus, and that read from the IDE port faster
                than the CD-ROM can provide data.  This is a very uncommon
                situation and should not be required in most systems.

                "n" is a relative timing parameter that depends on processor
                speed.  The larger the value of "n", the slower the driver will
                transfer data.  Valid values are 0 through 99.  The default for
                "n" is 0, and the /T parameter is not required.

        [/I:n]  Enables interrupt sharing.  If n=1, interrupt sharing is
                enabled.  If n=0, interrupt sharing is disabled.  The default
                value is "0".  This parameter should be enabled when the IDE
                interrupt must be shared with another device.  For example,
                a PS/2 9577 system with IDE could share interrupt 14 with the
                IBM SCSI Adapter /A.

      2. MSCDEX (Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions) Parameters

      Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) is an executable program that
      works in conjunction with the device driver (IBMIDECD.SYS) to allow your
      computer to access CD-ROM discs as if they were DOS-formatted disks.
      MSCDEX is specifically designed to work with DOS and Windows.

      UINSTALL automatically adds an MSCDEX statement to your AUTOEXEC.BAT
      file.  You can modify the default MSCDEX parameters to customize your
      installation.  This section explains the function of each parameter.
      A text editor can be used to modify the MSCDEX statement in your
      AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

      The syntax of the MSCDEX.EXE entry in AUTOEXEC.BAT is:

                [drive:][path]MSCDEX.EXE /D:device name [/M:n][/E][/V]
                [/L:drive letter][/K][/S]

      Note: The actual MSCDEX.EXE command line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is not
      truncated and should be placed on one line.

                Specifies the location (drive and directory) of the MSCDEX.EXE

        /D:device name
                Specifies the name of the CD-ROM drive (8 characters maximum).
                This must be identical to the device name specified in the
                device driver in the CONFIG.SYS file.  For example:

                C:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:IBMCD100

                You may support multiple CD-ROM drives (of different types) by
                installing each of their drivers (naming them different names)
                and placing a /D:device name in the MSCDEX line for each
                different drive.  For example, if you wanted to support an IBM
                IDE CD-ROM drive and an IBM SCSI CD-ROM drive, your CONFIG.SYS
                file could have these statements:

                DEVICE=C:\IBMIDECD.SYS /D:IDE_CD

                and your AUTOEXEC.BAT file would have this statement:

                C:\MSCDEX /D:IDE_CD /D:SCSI_CD

        [/M:nn] Specifies the number of sector buffers for temporary storage of
                the most recent disc data.  For example, to specify twelve
                sector buffers you would use:

                C:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:IBMCD100 /M:12

                UINSTALL will set this value to 10.  The default value for
                MSCDEX with no /M parameter is 4.

                Note:  The greater this value, the better the CD-ROM drive will
                perform.  However, each buffer uses about 2KB of memory, and
                specifying too many buffers may slow down your system or
                interfere with other programs which have large memory usage
                requirements.  Using expanded memory (see the /E option in this
                section) or loading MSCDEX.EXE into high memory (refer to your
                MS-DOS User Manual or Memory Manager User Manual) may allow you
                to specify a larger number of buffers to enhance CD-ROM perfor-
                mance without adversely affecting programs that have large
                memory usage requirements.

        [/E]    Instructs the computer to use expanded memory, if available.
                For example:

                C:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:IBMCD100 /E

                Note that you must first load an expanded memory driver before
                using this option.  If no expanded memory driver is loaded, the
                following error message appears:

                Expanded Memory not present or not usable

        [/V]    Instructs the computer to display a summary of RAM allocation
                and expanded memory usage at boot time.

        [/L:drive letter]
                Specifies the drive letter to be assigned to the first CD-ROM
                drive. Do not assign a letter already used by an existing drive
                or your system will be unable to access the CD-ROM drive.  For
                example, you might use:

                C:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:IBMCD100 /L:F

                Normally, the CD-ROM drive is assigned to the next available
                drive letter after the floppy drives, hard disk drives, RAM
                drives, etc. Therefore, you only need to use this option if you
                wish to assign a drive letter beyond the last letter previously
                allocated by DOS.

        [/K]    Tells MSCDEX.EXE to use Kanji (Japanese) file structures, if
                present, rather than the default alphanumeric file structures.

        [/S]    Instructs MSCDEX.EXE to allow sharing of CD-ROM drives on
                networked systems.

      3. Conserving DOS Conventional Memory

      If the CD-ROM support software is loaded in DOS conventional memory
      (below 640KB), there may be insufficient memory to run some DOS
      applications.  The UINSTALL program attempts to load the IDE CD-ROM
      device driver and MSCDEX into upper memory, when possible, to avoid
      this problem.

      See the following topics in your DOS User's Guide for more information
      on techniques to conserve conventional memory:

        o DOS=UMB, DOS=HIGH,UMB (CONFIG.SYS entry)
          This loads DOS high and enables the use of upper memory.  This is
          essential to effectively load MSCDEX and the IDE CD-ROM device
          driver in upper memory.

        o HIMEM.SYS (CONFIG.SYS entry)
          This is a device driver that manages Extended memory (memory above
          1MB).  Windows automatically loads this driver.

        o EMM386.EXE (CONFIG.SYS entry)
          This is a device driver that allows the Extended memory made avail-
          able by HIMEM.SYS to be used as expanded memory.  The MSCDEX /E
          parameter may be used in conjunction with this driver to move the
          cache allocated by MSCDEX into this memory, thus freeing some
          conventional memory.

        o MEM /DEBUG (DOS command line)
          This is a useful DOS utility that will display your system's
          current memory allocation to help you understand where device
          drivers and programs are located.

      4. Enhancing Performance

      Following are two ways to enhance CD-ROM performance on your system:

        1. Allocate more MSCDEX cache (see /M parameter for MSCDEX).

        2. Allow SMARTDRV to cache CD-ROM accesses.  This function is
           disabled by the "DOS 6.2+ - Update for SMARTDRV/PhotoCD"
           installation option.  This is done because multi-session discs
           are not compatible with the SMARTDRV caching method.  If you do
           not plan to use PhotoCD or multiple-sesson discs, you may re-
           enable caching by removing the /U parameter from the SMARTDRV
           line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file.  This may improve
           the performance of some CD-ROM applications.  You must have
           SMARTDRV 5.0 or higher to cache CD-ROM data.

      5. Networking

      If you are using the IDE CD-ROM drive in a DOS Network server you must
      make the following changes:

        1. Add the /S parameter to the MSCDEX line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

        2. Ensure that the MSCDEX line is located after the line that loads
           the network services (NET START for IBM PC LAN program).

        3. Do one of the following, depending on your operating system:

           o A system operating with DOS 3.3 must have the PC Local Area
             Network (LAN) Program Corrective Service Diskette level IP00755
             or later installed.

           o A system operating with DOS 4.0 must have the DOS Corrective
             Service Diskette level UR 29015 or higher installed.
             Note: The system cannot be configured as an Extended Services
             Domain Controller for the IBM PC LAN Program.

           o Contact your IBM Authorized Dealer for more information about
             the PC LAN Program Corrective Service Diskette or the DOS
             Corrective Service Diskette.

  3.0 OS/2 Software

   3.1 Basic Installation Notes

      Your IDE CD-ROM drive may be used only with OS/2 2.1 or later versions.
      Refer to your OS/2 instructions for minimal system configurations to
      run the IDE CD-ROM drive with OS/2.

   3.2 Diskette Contents

      The installation diskette contains all of the software needed to install
      and operate the IDE CD-ROM drive with OS/2 2.1 or later.  These files

      o CDSETUP2.EXE    Quick device driver installation program for IBM
                        PC-3xx and PC-7xx systems with pre-loaded dual-boot
                        DOS/Windows and OS/2-WARP operating systems.

      o IDECDROM.DDP   Instructions for OS/2 DDINSTAL to install the IDE
                       CD-ROM drive support software on your Industry Standard
                       Architecture (ISA) Personal Computer when you are using
                       OS/2 2.1.

      o WARP.DDP       Instructions for OS/2 DDINSTAL to install the IDE
                       CD-ROM drive support software on your ISA Personal
                       Computer when you are using OS/2 3.0 WARP.

      o IBM2IDE.DDP    Instructions for OS/2 DDINSTAL to install the IDE
                       CD-ROM drive support software on your Micro Channel
                       Personal Computer when you are using OS/2 2.1.

      o IBM2WARP.DDP   Instructions for OS/2 DDINSTAL to install the IDE
                       CD-ROM drive support software on your Micro Channel
                       Personal Computer when you are using OS/2 3.0 WARP.

      o PLAYCD.EXE     OS/2 Compact Disc player.

      o PLAYCD.HLP     OS/2 Compact Disc player Help file.

      o OS2CDROM.DMD   Device Manager Driver for CD-ROM drives.  This version
                       updates the device driver in your current installation.

      o IBMIDECD.FLT   Adapter Device Driver Filter for OS/2 2.1 and higher
                       that operates your IBM IDE CD-ROM drive.

      o IBM1S506.ADD   Adapter Device Driver for IDE hard disk drives.  This
                       updates the device driver in your current installation.

      o IBM2IDE.ADD    Micro Channel Adapter Device Driver for IDE hard disk
                       drives.  This replaces the IBM2ADSK.ADD driver in
                       your current installation.

      o READ.ME        This file.

   3.3 Installation Process

      Note: For simplification, OS/2 2.1, OS/2 2.11, and OS/2 for Windows 2.1
      are referred to here as "OS/2 2.1".

      To install the IDE CD-ROM drive software for OS/2 2.1 or OS/2 Warp 3.0,
      follow these instructions.  You will need the diskettes that came with
      your OS/2 operating system.

        1. From the OS2 Desktop, select "OS/2 SYSTEM".

        2. Select "SYSTEM SETUP".

        3. Select "SELECTIVE INSTALL".

        4. Select "CD-ROM DEVICE SUPPORT"; then select "OK".

        5. If you are using OS/2 2.1, select "OK".

        6. Select "OTHER" from the options; then select "OK".

        7. At the System Configuration menu select "OK".

        8. At the OS/2 Setup and Configuration menu, select "INSTALL".

        9. The Source Directory screen is displayed.  If your system was
           not preloaded with OS/2, you may need to insert your installation
           diskettes into the specified drive at this time.  Select "INSTALL"
           and follow the instructions on the screen.

        10. From the OS/2 Setup and Installation screen, select "OK".  DO NOT
            shut down and restart your system at this time.

        11. Place your IBM IDE CD-ROM Drive Option/Device Driver Diskette
            into your diskette drive.

        12. From the System Setup screen, select "DEVICE DRIVER INSTALL".

        13. At the OS/2 Device Driver Installation screen, verify source and
            destination and click "INSTALL".

        14. At the Select Device Drivers screen you will be given four

            o  OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support for ISA machines
            o  OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support For Micro Channel machines
            o  OS/2 WARP 3.0 IDE CD-ROM Support for ISA machines
            o  OS/2 WARP 3.0 IDE CD-ROM Support For Micro Channel machines

            Select the appropriate option for your system and click "OK".

        15. At the OS/2 Device Driver Installation screen, click "EXIT" and
            follow the instructions on the screen.  DO NOT shut down the
            system at this time.

        16. If you have an ISA system, the new version of IBM1S506.ADD was
            copied to the root directory.  The old version still exists in
            the OS2 directory (OS/2 2.1) or the OS2\BOOT directory (WARP).
            We recommend that you rename this file to IBM1S506.OLD.

            If you have a Micro Channel computer, a replacement for
            IBM2ADSK.ADD was copied to the root directory.  The old version
            still exists in the OS2 directory (OS/2 2.1) or the OS2\BOOT
            directory (WARP).  We recommend that you rename this file to

        18. Shut down your system and reboot your machine via Ctrl+Alt+Del
            to allow the changes to take effect.

   3.4 Installing OS/2 CD Version from Your IDE CD-ROM Drive

      To install the CD versions of OS/2, you will need to copy and edit
      various files.  Go to an an OS/2 command prompt by starting the OS/2
      installation process and pressing the F3 key when prompted.  You can
      then use the COPY and DISKCOPY commands as needed.  OS/2 Warp also
      provides the TEDIT text editor.  For further information, consult the
      instructions which came with OS/2.  If your system already has DOS
      installed, you can also use the DOS editor and file copy functions.  If
      you need help, contact your IBM representative.


    Note:  The following instructions apply to OS/2 2.1, OS/2 2.11, and OS/2
    for Windows CD versions.

        1.  Using a 1.44 MB diskette, make a back-up copy of OS/2 Diskette
            for CD-ROM 1, hereafter referred to as "Diskette 1".

        2.  Copy the following files from the IBM IDE CD-ROM Drive Option
            Device Driver Diskette to the OS/2 Diskette 1.


            If there is not enough room on the diskettes for these files, you
            can delete:


        3.  Edit the CONFIG.SYS file on the OS/2 Diskette 1 and add the
            following statement:


            Delete or REM out statements as shown below:

            rem BASEDEV=IBM2ADSK.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=ISACDOS2.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=MITFX001.ADD

        4.  Insert the OS/2 Installation Diskette and restart the system
            either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del, or by turning the computer off
            and then on.  When prompted to insert OS/2 Diskette 1, use the
            modified backup diskette you just created.

        5.  When the system message "The hard disk preparation is complete"
            is displayed, DO NOT remove the diskette from the diskette drive
            or press the ENTER key to start OS/2 system configuration.
            Instead, insert the OS/2 Installation Diskette and press

        6.  Insert OS/2 Diskette 1 when prompted.

        7.  At the "Welcome to OS/2" screen, press ESC to get a command

        8.  Copy OS2CDROM.DMD from Diskette 1 to the OS2 directory on your
            hard disk.  If you have an ISA system, copy IBM1S506.ADD from
            Diskette 1 to the root directory on your hard disk.

            You may receive an OS/2 "Access is denied" message during the the
            sequence shown above because the files may be designated as READ
            ONLY.  If this happens, enter the following commands:

            RENAME IBM1S506.ADD IBM1S506.OLD

            and repeat step 8.

        9.  Remove the diskette and press Ctrl+Alt+Del.

        10. The system will go through the OS/2 configuration process
            normally.  At the System Configuration screen, select "Install
            CD-ROM Support" and "OK".  At the Select CD-ROM Device(s) screen,
            select "OTHER" and "OK".  At the System Configuration screen,
            select "OK".  At the OS/2 Setup and Installation screen, select
            your desired options and "Install".

        11. At the Advanced Options screen, select "Install Device Support
            Diskette", as well as any other desired options.

        12. At the OS/2 2.1 Device Driver Installation screen, insert the IBM
            IDE CD-ROM Drive Option/Device Driver Diskette into drive A.
            Verify the source and target directories and select "Install".

        13. At the Select Device Drivers screen you will be given four

            o OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support for ISA machines
            o OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support For Micro Channel machines
            o OS/2 WARP 3.0 IDE CD-ROM Support for ISA machines
            o OS/2 WARP 3.0 IDE CD-ROM Support For Micro Channel machines

            Select "OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support for ISA machines" and click

        14. When the system has copied the files, select "Exit" and follow
            the prompts until installation is complete.

        15. When OS/2 restarts, click on "OS/2 System".

        16. Click on "Command Prompts".

        17. Click on "OS/2 Full Screen" or "OS/2 Window".

        18. Insert Diskette 1.  Copy CDFS.IFS from Diskette 1 to the OS2
            directory on your hard disk.

        19. Use a text editor to add the following line to CONFIG.SYS:


            Note: "d:" indicates the OS/2 installation drive.  Use the
            correct drive letter for your system.

        20. Shut down OS/2 and reboot to activate the IDE CD-ROM drive.


    Note:  If you have WARP CONNECT, refer to the documentation which came
    with your operating system.  Otherwise, please follow these instructions.

        1.  Using a 1.44 MB diskette, make a back-up copy of OS/2 Diskette
            for CD-ROM 1, hereafter referred to as "Diskette 1".

        2.  Copy the following files from the IBM IDE CD-ROM Drive Option
            Device Driver Diskette to the OS/2 Diskette 1.


            If there is not enough room on the diskettes for these files, you
            can delete:


        3.  Edit the CONFIG.SYS file on the OS/2 Diskette 1 and add the
            following statement:

            SET CopyFromFloppy=1

            Delete or REM out statements as shown below:

            rem BASEDEV=IBM2ADSK.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=ISACDOS2.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=MITFX001.ADD

        4.  Insert the OS/2 Installation Diskette and restart the system
            either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del, or by turning the computer off
            and then on.  When prompted to insert OS/2 Diskette 1, use the
            modified backup diskette you just created.

        5.  When the installation process has completed, copy the following
            files from the backup copy of Diskette 1 to the OS2\BOOT


            You may receive an OS/2 "Access is denied" message during the the
            sequence shown above because the files may be designated as READ
            ONLY.  If this happens, enter the following commands:

            RENAME IBM1S506.ADD IBM1S506.OLD
            COPY A:IBM1S506.ADD


    Note:  The following instructions apply to OS/2 2.1, OS/2 2.11, and OS/2
    for Windows CD versions.

        1.  Using 1.44MB diskettes, make back-up copies of the Installation
            Diskette and Diskette 1.

        2.  Erase ABIOS.SYS and the *.BIO files from the backup copy of the
            Installation Diskette.

        3.  Copy the following files from the IBM IDE CD ROM Option/Driver
            Diskette to the backup copy of Diskette 1:


        4.  Copy the following files from your system reference diskette to
            the backup copy of the installation diskette:


        5.  Edit the config.sys file on the backup copy of diskette 1 to add:


        6.  Delete or REM out the following statements:

            rem BASEDEV=IBM2ADSK.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=ISACDOS2.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=MITFX001.ADD

        7.  Insert the backup of the OS/2 installation diskette and restart
            the system by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL, or by turning the computer
            off and back on.  When prompted to insert the OS/2 diskette 1,
            use the modified backup disk you created.

        8.  When the message, "The hard disk preparation is complete" is
            displayed, DO NOT remove the diskette from the drive and press
            the ENTER key to start OS/2 system configuration.  Instead,
            insert the backup of the installation diskette and press

        9.  Insert the backup copy of diskette 1 when prompted.

        10. At the "Welcome" to OS/2 screen, press ESC to get to a command

        11. Copy OS2CDROM.DMD from the backup copy of Diskette 1 to the OS2
            directory on your hard disk.

        12. Copy ABIOS.SYS and the *.BIO files from the backup copy of the
            Installation Diskette to the OS2 directory of your hard disk.

        13. Remove the diskette and press CTRL+ALT+DEL.

        14. The system will go through the OS/2 configuration process
            normally.  At the System Configuration Screen, select "Install
            CD-ROM Support" and "OK".  At the Select CD-ROM device(s) screen,
            select "OTHER" and "OK".  At the System Configuration screen,
            select "OK".  At the OS/2 Setup and Installation screen, select
            your desired options and press "Install".

        15. At the Advanced Options screen, select "Install Device Support
            Diskette", as well as any other desired options.

        16. At the OS/2 2.11 Device Driver Installation screen, insert the
            IBM IDE CD ROM Option/Driver Diskette into drive A.  Verify the
            source and target directories and select "Install".

        17. At the Select Device Drivers screen you will be given four

            o  OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support for ISA machines
            o  OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support For Micro Channel machines
            o  OS/2 WARP 3.0 IDE CD-ROM Support for ISA machines
            o  OS/2 WARP 3.0 IDE CD-ROM Support For Micro Channel machines

            Select OS/2 2.1 IDE CD-ROM Support for MicroChannel machines

        18. Continue normal procedures for loading OS/2 from CD-ROM.

        19. When OS/2 re-boots, please check your CONFIG.SYS to ensure
            that it contains the statement


            Note: "d:" indicates the OS/2 installation drive.  Use the
            correct drive letter for your system.

            If CONFIG.SYS does not contain this statement, use
            your favorite text editor to add it.

        20. Please ensure that the file CDFS.IFS has been copied to the
            OS2 directory on your hard disk.  If it has not, copy this
            file from the backup copy of Diskette 1 to this directory.

        21. Shut down OS/2 and press CTRL+ALT+DEL to activate the IDE CDROM.


        1.  Using 1.44MB diskettes, make back-up copies of the Installation
            Diskette and Diskette 1.

        2.  Erase ABIOS.SYS and the *.BIO files from the backup copy of the
            Installation Diskette.  Erase MITFX001.ADD from the backup copy
            of Diskette 1.

        3.  Copy the following files from the IBM IDE CD ROM Option/Driver
            Diskette to the backup copy of Diskette 1:


        4.  Copy the following files from your system reference diskette to
            the backup copy of the installation diskette:


        5.  Edit the CONFIG.SYS file on the backup copy of Diskette 1 to
            add the following statements:

            SET CopyFromFloppy=1

            and delete or REM out these statements:

            rem BASEDEV=IBM2ADSK.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=ISACDOS2.ADD
            rem BASEDEV=MITFX001.ADD

        6.  Insert the backup of the OS/2 installation diskette and restart
            the system by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL, or by turning the computer
            off and back on.  When prompted to insert the OS/2 diskette 1,
            use the modified backup disk you created.  After the hard disk
            preparation is complete and the system is rebooted, you will see
            the OS/2 desktop, and an error message that the source drive
            cannot be accessed and installation is halted.

        7.  Open an OS/2 window.  Copy IBMIDECD.FLT, OS2CDROM.DMD, and
            IBM2IDE.ADD from the backup copy of Diskette 1 to the OS2\BOOT

        8.  Copy ABIOS.SYS and the *.BIO files from your system reference
            diskette to the OS2\BOOT directory.

        9.  Using the OS/2 Editor, edit your CONFIG.SYS file.
            Delete or REM out the following statement:

            rem BASEDEV=IBM2ADSK.ADD.

            Note:  You may find this statement listed twice.  Be sure that
            you remove it in all places.

        10. Shut down OS/2 normally.  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and proceed with the
            installation process.

   3.5 Software Customization

      As with any complex system, user requirements vary and you may need to
      customize the setup which DDINSTAL has placed on your system.  The in-
      formation is this section describes the parameters that may be used to
      do this.

        1.  Device Manager Driver OS2CDROM.DMD

            DEVICE=OS2CDROM.DMD [Options]

            OS/2 uses this driver to control all CD-ROM devices.  The
            following options are available:

            [/V]  Instructs the system to display the installation details
                  (verbose mode).

            [/Q]  Suppresses messages during initialization (quiet mode).

        2.  Device Driver IBMIDECD.FLT

            BASEDEV=IBMIDECD.FLT [Options]

            This is the device driver filter for ATAPI (IDE) CD-ROM drives.
            The following option is available:

            [/V]  Instructs the system to display installation details.

        3. Installable File System driver CDFS.IFS

            This is the file system for OS/2.  The following options are

            [/C:n]  Indicates how many 64K segments will be used for the
                    sector cache.  The default is two 64K segments.

            [/M:n]  Indicates the maximum number of file sectors to be
                    read at a time.  The default is 8 sectors.

            [/K]    Use Kanji supplementary volume descriptor.

            [/Q]    Suppresses messages during initialization.

      4. IDE Adapter Device Driver IBM1S506.ADD/IBM2IDE.ADD

            BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD (ISA)
            BASEDEV=IBM2IDE.ADD  (Micro Channel)

            This device driver controls IDE hard disk drives and IDE CD-ROM
            drives.  From the OS/2 command prompt, type

            HELP IBM1S506

            to see the optional parameters which are available.  Use this
            command for Micro Channel systems also.

            Special parameters are required if your system has an IDE
            controller that does not use a standard interrupt.  Check the /A
            and /IRQ parameters in the OS/2 help utility.

   3.6 Enabling DMA
    Intel's PIIXIDE.ADD / PIIXIDE.FLT drivers support DMA transfers.  The use 
    of DMA can significantly improve your CD-ROM drive's performance.  If your
    system has BOTH PIIXIDE.ADD and PIIXIDE.FLT, you can enable DMA by
    changing the PIIXIDE.ADD statement in your CONFIG.SYS statement as shown

            BASEDEV=PIIXIDE.ADD /A:x /U:y /BM
            [/A:x] indicates the port to which the CD-ROM is attached.  
            0 = Primary IDE Port
            1 = Secondary IDE Port
            2 = Tertiary IDE Port
            3 = Quadranary IDE Port

            [/U:x] indicates whether the CD-ROM is configured as Master or Slave
            0 = Master
            1 = Slave

            [/BM] enables DMA transfers.

    For example, if your CD-ROM is configured as Master on the Secondary IDE
    port, the statement in CONFIG.SYS would be: 

            BASEDEV=PIIXIDE.ADD /A:1 /U:0 /BM

  4.0 DOS Diagnostic (CDFT2.EXE)

      CDFT2 is a diagnostic program for testing the IBM IDE CD-ROM drive.
      CDFT2.EXE may only be run from the DOS prompt, not virtual DOS on OS/2,
      or DOS emulation under Windows or Windows-NT.

      To thoroughly test your IBM IDE CD-ROM drive, you will need a CD-ROM
      data-only disc and an audio CD.  Discs which contain both data and
      audio should not be used with CDFT2.


      (c) IBM Corporation 1995.

      IBM, OS/2, Warp, and Micro Channel are trademarks of International
      Business Machines Corp.

      Microsoft, MS-DOS, and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

      Kodak is a registered trademark of the Eastman Kodak Company.

      Connor is a registered trademark of Connor Peripherals.

      Soundblaster is a trademark of Creative Labs Corporation.

      MediaVision is a registered trademark of MediaVision Corporation.

      ProAudio Spectrum is a trademark of MediaVision Corporation.

      Reply is a trademark of Reply Corporation

      Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation

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