======================================== Amstrad NotePad Word Processor Format to Rich Text Format Conversion Utility Version 0.3 by Maksim Lin ======================================== Zip Package Contents: README.txt : this file Np-rtf3.exe : DOS executable Np-rtf3.c : C source code Test.npd : test Notepad WP file Test.rtf : rtf converted version of test file This utility pretty much does as the name says, just run it and give it the appropraite file names. It is still very much a "work in progress" and so should be considered an alpha version. At the moment, I have only test compiled it under DOS (Turbo C, ver 1) and checked the rtf output with QuickView, Wordpad and MSWorks 4 in Win95. As such I would very much like to get any comments, criticisms, bug reports etc. If you do find a bug (which is quite likely at this stage) if possible, please include a copy of the document that you were converting. (my email address is at the bottom of this file) However, at the moment my net access is restricted to weekends so it might take me a few days to reply. The program is not very pretty at the moment, and I intend to add things like better filename input (ie, command line arguements) amd batch conversions in the very near future, and if I get time, a reverse capability, ie RTF to Notepad WP. Any suggestions for new features would be welcome. Also I am releasing this program under GPL, and if anyone is interested in making a BBC Basic version to run on the Notepad itself, please feel free (since I don't know Basic very well), but just let me know that you are doing it and if you need any info on my code. Maksim Lin 9337849@bud.swin.edu.au