NOTE: I think this just takes a 7-line WP document as its Racetrack. Use the line-drawing facility to make interesting tracks. The keys are Z X / ' and the aim is to not crash for as long as possible. Oh yes, and the controls don't work in the obvious way :-) 1 REM *** Written by Mark Ray, please read welcome.msg first *** 2 ON ERROR IF ERR=17 THEN CH."AUTO" ELSE REPORT:PRINT " at ";ERL:END 5 CLS:PRINT SPC(32);"LIGHT CYCLE RACER" 6 PRINT''SPC(24);"Read printed sheet before playing.";GET 10 REPEAT:CLS:INPUT LINE "Name of Racetrack";N$:IF LEN(N$) THEN F$=N$ 20 F=OPENIN(F$):REPEAT:INPUT#F,X$:PRINT CHR$(11);X$:UNTIL EOF#F:CLOSE#F 30 T=TIME:MOVE 0,0:X=0:Y=0:DX=1:DY=1:NX=0:NY=0 40 REPEAT:X=NX:Y=NY:DRAW X,Y:K$=INKEY$(10) 50 DX=DX+(K$="Z")-(K$="X"):DY=DY+(K$="/")-(K$="'"):NX=X+DX:NY=Y+DY 60 HIT=POINT(NX,NY):DONE=(X<7)AND(Y>57):UNTIL HIT 70 VDU30:IF DONE PRINT "Time:";(TIME-T)DIV96;"s." 80 K=GET:UNTILK=32