NOTE: When the Y=? prompt comes up, type in the function of X, using normal BASIC functions, operators and constants. 1 REM *** Written by Mark Ray, please read welcome.msg first *** 2 ON ERROR IF ERR=17 THEN CH."AUTO" ELSE REPORT:PRINT " at ";ERL:END 10 CLS:INPUT "x:MIN,MAX";LX,UX:INPUT "y:MIN,MAX";LY,UY:CLS 20 SX=250/(UX-LX):YAX=450-UX*SX:MOVE YAX,0:DRAW YAX,64 30 SY=64/(UY-LY):XAX=64-UY*SY:MOVE 450,XAX:DRAW 200,XAX 40 REPEAT:INPUT "Y="F$:FOR N=0TO250 50 X=LX+(N/SX):Y=EVAL(F$)*SY+XAX:DRAW (N+200),Y:NEXT 60 A=GET:MOVE 200,XAX:UNTIL A=13:RUN