NOTE: This program redisplays screenshots taken with Control-Shift-S For those interested, the file format seems to be a stream of binary, taken a line at a time from top to bottom, with 1=lit and 0=unlit. At the end of each line, there seems to be 4 bytes of 0s. The screenshot on the main page was displayed using a translation of this program into QBasic on a PC by a friend and then retouched with LViewPro32. 1 REM *** Written by Mark Ray - released under GPL *** 2 ON ERROR IF ERR=17 THEN CHAIN "AUTO" ELSE REPORT:PRINT " at ";ERL:END 5 CLS 7 INPUT "Screenshot file";SS$ 10 F=OPENIN(SS$) 20 FOR Y=63 TO 0 STEP -1 25 FOR X=0 TO 479 30 IF (X MOD 8)=0 THEN LET P=BGET#F 35 IF P=0 THEN LET X=X+7 40 IF (P AND (2^(7-(X MOD 8))))>0 THEN PLOT 69,X,Y 60 NEXT X 65 FOR I=1 TO 4:P=BGET#F:NEXT I 70 NEXT Y 80 CLOSE#F 90 REPEAT:UNTIL 0