. Files in /tmp_mnt/home/students/mth_1994/u9428232/www/NC/files/DONTRONICS
  1. !back.bat
  2. basic_ml.tut
  3. bat_back.ass
  4. cmp.com
  5. disams.bas
  6. hbin.exe
  7. iomap.nc
  8. memcards.txt
  9. notepad.z80
  10. pcmcia.pin
  11. ppex.drv
  12. ppex.hex
  13. ppex.prn
  14. ppex.z8t
  15. test.bin
  16. test.hex
  17. welcome.html
  18. welcome.msg
  19. z8t.doc
  20. z8t.exe

Last updated: Wed Mar 12 17:33:13 GMT 1997
Up a level.
On Mon, 3 Jun 1996, Mark Ray wrote:
> You say you've got it working with the Notepad.  How about making the 
> code available?

Hi Mark, here is all the files I have on the NC-100. Nice to think they 
could be put to some use again. (Still!)

A covering credit is all I ask. Cheers Don...

Don McKenzie donmck@labyrinth.net.au  
DonTronics Tullamarine, Australia  

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