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Files in /tmp_mnt/home/students/mth_1994/u9428232/www/NC/files
Last updated: Wed Mar 12 17:33:07 GMT 1997 Up a level. The following programs have been written by other authors:- Maksim Lin : Everything in the WordProcessor folder Bruce Murray (100425.3256@compuserve.com) : converter, uudecoder Don McKenzie (donmck@labyrinth.net.au) : Everything in the DonTronics folder Duncan Fumi (fumi@minyos.its.rmit.edu.au) : Blackjack The following are my recent creations. I have some others which I'll upload soon, so keep watching. They are released under the GPL:- Filer, Launcher, Displayer, BoulderGame The following came from a set of programs I used to have on my Notepad, about 2-3 years ago. They are written extremely badly, are by no means perfect, but are mostly useable. In a couple of cases, the serial link garbled part of the progam (notably XORCode) and I still haven't put it right yet. I've uploaded these to give a bigger selection of software here. They are all released into the public domain. Do with them what you will, but please keep me informed. BigClock, BigMessage, Biorhythms, BlockGame, Breakout, FreeMem, Grapher, Pianola, Quiz, Racer, RootFinder, Sorter, TwoColumns, XORCode. (7/12/1996) |